Epilogue with photos!!
That is Veronica ☝☝
That's Samuel
Harrison ☝☝☝
After that incident Patrick went to college and Claire took over her family business and Anthony teaches her some subjects in school.
Tory finally got Henry as a boyfriend and let me tell you, the relationship is still going on even when they now 18. Lisa and Peter took a vacation to Hawaii leaving Tory with her boyfriend Henry because they trust him so much.
Mario became a friend to the family and works under Peter and his paycheck was huge.
Veronica and Samuel got married which was not long after the incident of Daniel. They got married 2 weeks after and they are expecting a child anytime soon.
8 years later.
"There he is. Patrick!!!" Lisa shouted waving her hands in the air like everyone else
Patrick turned to the direction and saw his family "Mom!!Dad!" Patrick shouted running towards his family. He reached them and hugged his mother and father "I've missed you guys" Patrick said
"We too son" Lisa said and Patrick pulled from them
" where is everyone? I can't wait to see them" Patrick said looking around and his eyes landed on a young woman with long black hair and eyes. She wore black skirt and a red top with black sandals. "Huh who's this mom?" Patrick asked looking at the woman
"I can't believe you've forgotten me big brother" the woman said pouting and Patrick eyes widen
"Tory!!" Patrick said and hug Tory making her giggle in happiness
"Hey big brother" Tory said and Patrick pulled from her
"Wow. You sure have grown!! You look even more beautiful" Patrick complimented
"Thanks. I know" Tory said grinning and Patrick just laughed and look around
"Where's the other people?" Patrick asked turning to his mother and father with his arms wrapped around Claire shoulder
"At home. Their waiting for you" Lisa said "so let's go" Lisa continued and walked away
"Okay" Patrick said and rolled his Luggage along.
"Did you people have to tie my eyes?" Patrick asked
"Yep!!" Tory chirped as they unlocked the door and stepped in. They closed the door and left Patrick alone.
"Guys?" Patrick called out but no one answered him. "Guys?) " he said again but no answer. So he untied his blindfold and as soon as he did, the light was turned on.
"CONGRATULATIONS ON GRADUATING!!!" Everyone shouted and Patrick just stared at them with widen eyes
"You guys" Patrick whispered
"You sure have gotten bigger Patrick" Gerald said wrapping his arms around Patrick
"And you've gotten older" Patrick teased and Gerald glared
"What'd you say shit face?"Gerald said bumping heads with Patrick
"You know what i said old one" Patrick said and they both kept bumping heads until... they both bust out in laughter
"You never change Gerald" Patrick laughed at his big brother
"You too" Gerald said
"Uncle! Uncle" two little kids cane running to Patrick and Patrick picked them up
"Jack. Bill. I've missed you guys" Patrick said
"We missed you too. But I miss you more" Bill said
"No I do" Jack said
"No I do" Bill said
"Nah ah" Jack said
"Yah ah"
"Nah ah"
'Yah ah"
"Nah ah"
"Yah. "
"Okay enough. Go meet your father" Gerald said to the two kids as he carry's them down
"Okay papa" Jack and Bill said as they run off
"I Missed those guys" Patrick said
"Yeah I know" Gerald said and Patrick looked around and saw everyone happy and smiling until his eyes landed on someone!!
"O My God is that Henry!!!" Patrick literally shouted making Gerald to Close his ears.
"Damn kid" Gerald said as he saw his brother walking up to Henry
"Henry?" Patrick called out and the boy turned to look at Patrick
"Hey Patrick. Congratulations on becoming a graduate" Henry said and Patrick eyes widen
"So it is you. You look hot. If I was gay and not in love with the prettiest woman in the world then I would definitely date you" Patrick said and Henry just looked confused
"Thanks?" He said and just walked away from Patrick who just stare at Henry as he leaves. "Oh yeah. Speaking of the Prettiest woman in the world, she's Waiting for you in your room with your best friends" Henry said and left Patrick
"Thanks' Patrick saidand ran upstairs. When he got to the door of this room, he breath out and in before he opened the door and came face to face with
"What the fuck?!!" Patrick shouted and the two people who was on the bed playing with each other stopped what they were doing and looked at the intruder.
"Patrick" the man said smiling
"The fuck guys? Why on hell are you fingering Bella only bed?" Patrick asked as Bella wore her pant
"Oh that. We just got caught in the mood" Issac answered
"Yeah and when I was just about to cum" Bella said
"Whatever. Ask my mom for a spare room and she'll show you and you can fuck there and not in my goddamn room" Patrick shouted and his best friends just look at him with sparkling eyes
"Really!! Okay. Come on babe. We're fucking tonight" Issac said dragging Bella out of the room and Bella close the door on there way out
"Why did God give me this kinda friends?" Patrick asked himself with a sigh while rubbing his eyes and when he heard his bathroom door closed he removed his fingers from his closed eyes and opened them to see Claire looking at him with widen eyes. Patrick eyes also widen as he took Claire appearance she wore a that but her hair Claire hair passed her buttt👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
and it brought out her every curve
'Jesus Christ' Patrick thought holding his nose as blood tries to flow
"Patrick" Claire said and running towards Patrick but she tripped when she was just closed to Patrick and fell on him, making both of them to fall with Patrick back on the floor but Claire didn't mind, she hugged him tightly
"I've missed you" Claire said and Patrick hugged back
"Me too" Patrick said and they bother stayed like that until
"Claire I have to ask you something" Patrick said and Claire got up from him and stood up from his body
"Okay?*Claire said as she looks at Patrick who sat and put his hand on his pocket and got on one knee and Claire gasp 'Don't tell me' Claire thoughts
"Claire, would you do me the honor of becoming this man wife?" Patrick asked opening the case to show a red ruby ring. Claire stared at the ring and look at Patrick with tears in her eyes
"Yes. O my God Yes!!!" Claire shouted and Patrick pulled the ring from his case and put it on her fingers. Claire looked at it and then at Patrick who was looking at her with a big smile on his face.
"I love you" Claire said and kissed him and Patrick kissed back. After some seconds they pulled back and Claire hugged Patrick
"I love you too" Patrick said hugging back.
You could pretty much guess what happens next. Little Patrick and Claire running around naked and laughing as their parents try to catch them.
You could say that Patrick and Claire lived happily ever after. 🔔 🔔 🔔
With kids.
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