Chapters 11
"Where's Patrick?" Patrick mother asked as she, her husband, Gerald and Tory sat down eating breakfast "Young master said i should inform you that he left already" Albert answered standing by the door of the dinning room " When did he leave" Peter" Patrick father asked "About 7:00 on the dot" Albert answered "So early. Did he inform you about wanting to go anywhere before leaving for school?" Patrick mom asked "No madam" Albert said "Strange" Peter said chewing his food.
On the bus, Patrick sat by his best friend who sat close to Issac, their new best friend "How many hours have we been on this bus?" Issac complained loudly "We just left the school" Bella answered "What?!" Issac shouted and stood up and looked out the window to see that they really just left the school "You've got to be kidding me" Issac said sitting back down "Mr Parker, if you don't sit down you'll be forced to leave the bus this instant" their teacher, Mrs Vane said harshly "Yes ma'am" Issac said as he sulk in his sit grumbling and Patrick couldn't help but chuckle "This gonna be one hell of a bus ride" Patrick said.
The bus reached it's destination at about 8:00 in the night. When they entered into the small town they were amazed. The town looked amazing and snow was falling "Huh Mrs Vane?" a student said raising his hands "Yes?" Mrs Vane answered "Why is snow falling at this time of the year when it's suppose to be summer" before Mrs Vane could answer the bus driver started talking "It was said that the reason why snow fell here during summer is because of a witches curse" "A witch curse?" Bella asked "Indeed. A long tine ago at this town during summer, a certain lady entered the town and booked a hotel room and she stayed there. When she had stayed at the town for a couple of weeks, a house suddenly caught fire and she ran close to the house while other people ran further away from it, when she got close to it, she stretched out her hands and people looked at her like she was crazy and before you know it, water came out from her hands and she off the fire and when she turned round she saw people looking at her with terrified eyes and this baffled her. The people tied her hands tightly together and bound her to a tree wanting to burn her along with it "Such ungrateful people, I stopped the fire before it could burn your full town down and you bound me to a tree!!" she shouted and the people shouted back at her that they didn't want help from the devils minions and they light the fire and before she burnt to death, the people heard her chant a spell and when she died snow fell from the sky and when people slept on their beds in their house, they said they heard the witches scream of pain and even up till this day, they still hear it and people who comes to their hotel, they would complain of voices disturbing them and they would leave to the next town" When the bus driver narrated the story, everyone was scared even the class teacher " Or it cold be that its just a the climate conditions in this town" the driver said laughing at their scared faces as he stopped the bus. Mrs Vane sighed in relief and knock the driver on his head "What do you think that was for" "Was that really necessary" the driver said nursing the big bump on his head "Yes it was. You scared my student to death" Mrs Vane said looking at the kids going out of the bus one by one "Or I scared you to death" the driver said grinning wickedly as he put on a very scary face "Cut that out, Micheal" Mrs Vane said knocking the drivers head with blush on her cheeks from embarrassment and with a "hmmf" she stepped out of he bus followed by Michael with a big bump on his head "So class" Mrs Van clapped her hands making the student to gather in front of her "We'll explore tomorrow and rest in that hotel" she pointed at the hotel in front of her making the student look at the hotel and back at her "For the night. Two people will be Sharing two rooms seeing as I already made a reservation for the number of student in my class. So two to one room, okay?" "Yes Mrs Vane" "I pray I get a room with you bro' Isaac said putting his arms around Patrick shoulders "Yeah" Patrick nodded "Then what about me?" Bella asked looking at the two of them with a raised eyebrow "You too, Bella" Isaac said "Whatever" Bella rolled her eyes and walked towards the hotel "Oh come on don't be angry Bella" Patrick said as he and Isaac walked and caught up with Bella " I'm not" Bella said smiling "Okay" Issac said nodding as he out his arms around Bella shoulder.
"So I guess we both had to share one room after all" Issac said looking at Bella "Yeah" Bella nodded and sat on her bed "That bus drive got my back aching" Bella said stretching "My back hurts" Bella whined "Lay on your back" Isaac said "Why?" "I just want to help you with your back" Issac said standing in font of Bella "Okay?" Bella said as she lay with her back facing up "Just relax" Issac said as he put his hands and start massaging her back and Bella sigh in relief and moan in content "Right there" she said making Issac chuckle and continue his manifestation on her back.
While in Patrick room, we see him in his bathroom showering and sighing in contentment as the hot water hit his body. After about 15 minutes, Patrick came out of the bathroom and walk to his small luggage and brought out a boxer and a black men singlet and put it on after drying his body.
He lay in his bed and pressed his phone and wanting to check on his friends he sent a Issac massage
Patrick to Issac: hey what you guys doing?
Isaac:Nothing but Bella is fast asleep. What's up anyways?"
Patrick: Nothing. Just wanted to check up on you guys.
Issac: Oh okay then good night. Feeling sleepy 😪
Patrick: 🌚 night.
Patrick sent that message and switched his phone off and when he thought about his mom, he switched it on and text his mom.
Patrick: Hey mom
After 20 seconds he got a reply
Mom: Patrick!!! How are you son? Why didn't you tell me that you were leaving directly?
Patrick: Sorry mom. I just had to leave to tell my boss at work that I'll be absent for work. "And also tell Claire I'll be leaving" he mentally added
Mom: Oh okay but tell me first even if i am sleeping. Okay?
Patrick: Yes mom. So how's Tory? And how did dad take it when he saw her. Don't tell me Tory left!!
Mom: Calm down son. Tory is fine and when your dad saw Tory he said "Cute" and patted her head and walked past her
Patrick: Really? Then I guess that Tory is good, better than I expected. I hope you guys are treating her well
Mom: Yes dear. I love her like the daughter I never had and before you come back she'll be so spoilt
Patrick" That's nice of you mom. Thanks.
Mom: Welcome. And before you ask, Tory is asleep and your brother is in his room watching TV and your father's not coming today but tomorrow after I told him that we would have fun tonight.
Patrick; Ewww mom!! Don't tell about your sex life!! 'I feel sick' Patrick thought
Mom; 😹 hahaha sorry dear
Patrick: Whatever mom. Good night.
Mom: Already?
Patrick: Yes. We have a lot of exploring to do tomorrow and I don't want to feel tired while exploring and since this is for my last exam before I graduate, I would like to pay attention. Okay?
Mom: Okay son. Take good care of yourself and when you're done tomorrow, text me okay?
Patrick: Okay mom. Good night?
Mom: Night sweetie
As soon as Patrick received that message he switched off his phone, dropped it on the counter, switched of the light and turned facing away from the lamp and closed his eyes. "So peaceful" he heard Claire voice and he opened his eyes. Sighing he sat up "Why did that have to come to my mind when I want to sleep?" He said as he cross his legs and fold his hands "I hope she's okay" he said closing his eyes "God am so worried. Please let her be okay" he said as he lay back on the bed forcefully spreading his hands on the bed and looked up at the ceiling and the image of Claire face with her eyes tied, came to view "And now, am seeing her face on the ceiling. Great" he said as he turned to his side and closed his eyes "Claire please be alright" he said and fell asleep.
"Claire please be alright" Claire heard Patrick voice and she woke up "What?" She said as she sat up on the bed. When she heard nothing she wondered where that voice came from "Why did I hear that boy voice? And it sounded like he was worried about me" she said softly "It's probably nothing" she said as she lay on her bed and slept off with the voice still in her mind "Claire please be alright"
The next day, Patrick was woken up by the sound of someone banging his door. Groaning he stood up and walked towards the door and opened it and saw Bella and Issac standing there fully dressed "What you guys doing at my house at this time. Its 9:00 in the morning?" He said scratching his bum "Dude this ain't your house. We're at a school trip, remember?" Issac said as he and Bella step inside Patrick room "School trip?" Patrick said looking confused "Wait for it 3 2 1" as soon as Bella finish counting Patrick screamed "School trip. Why didn't you guys wake me soon" Patrick screamed as he rushed and pick up his towel and brush and entered into the bathroom "Better hurry Patrick, Mrs Vane said we've got 20 minutes to go down" Isaac said in between laughter. The reason he was laughing was because as soon as Bella finished counting Patrick screamed and his face was priceless.
After 30 minutes Patrick and his best friends step out of his room rushing down to the main hall of the hotel.
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