Chapter 35
"This Bastard!!" Patrick said through gritted teeth
"You can't be serious? And that wasn't the deal in the first place" Mario argued and Daniel just shrug
"You either do it or your kids get it" Daniel said smiling wickedly
Mario bit his lip I'm frustration. He sighed "What happened to you Daniel Richard? This isn't you! You used to be a good man" Mario said and Patrick and Gerald couldn't help but nod their heads in agreement.
"I used to be but I changed when that Peter stole the love of my life from me" Daniel said
"He's talking about mom isn't he?" Patrick asked and Gerald nodded
"He stole my precious Lisa from and you know what just kill the kids, leave Lisa. When Lisa see that she has no one to turn to, she'll come running to me. Me, Daniel Richard, the richest man in the world" Daniel said and laughed. Daniel stopped laughing and looked at Mario and saw that he was looking at him as if he had lost it "What's with that look?" Daniel asked but Mario didn't answer him and Daniel just sighed "You can leave now" Daniel said
"Huh? Oh okay" Mario said and stood from his knees
"Men escort him out" Daniel said and his men in black nodded and pushed Mario
"Move" one the men said
"And Mario" Daniel called out and Mario turned to look at him. "Don't mess this up like last time or you're precious little daughter gets fucked by a lot of different people and get killed" Daniel said and Mario's fold his palm with anger "Yes sir" Mario said and left the room. And at that time Patrick pressed the stop button.
"What are we going to do? . Tomorrow is the day he sends Mario to come and kill us" Patrick said
"But he won't meet us or kill neither of us" Gerald said and smiled. Patrick looked at his brother like he was crazy but then he got it
"Ooooooo" Patrick exclaimed and Gerald just chuckled and nodded
"But where are we gonna find a replacement for mom, Tory and both of us?" Patrick asked and Gerald just shrug
"I'm sure we'll find some people who has black hair like us and look like us" Gerald said
"Oh really. You know that we are not Chinese people or Japanese people that you cannot differentiate from each other" Patrick stated looking at his brother like his brother was stupid(AN:To all Japanese and Chinese here reading this, I'm sorry if this feels like an insult. Gomen ne"
"I know but there's nothing a little make up there and here won't do" Gerald said and Patrick just shrug
"Hopefully" Patrick said and the door opened making both boys or boy and man to face the door and saw Tory
"Hey little sis, what's going on?" Patrick asked walking up to Tory and held her face in his palm
"Mom's awake" Tory said holding her brothers hand which was still cupped on her face
"Okay. Gerald let's go see mom" Patrick said and Gerald nodded and stood up and followed his little sister and brother out the door.
"Mom" Patrick called out as the trio entered the room but Lisa didn't answer them, she just stayed facing the other way while she's lying down on the bed.
"Mom" Patrick said again and sat close to Lisa who still didn't flinch at Patrick calling her name. Patrick looked at his siblings and they just shrug
Patrick sighed not knowing how to get his mom to talk to them. Tory wandered until she got an idea. Then she cleared her throat making Patrick and Gerald to raise their perfectly sculptured eyebrow at her.
"MOM, DAD'S BACK" Tory shouted and Lisa sat up immediately
"Where is he?" Lisa asked looking around but when she didn't see him, she started crying.
"Mom stop crying" Patrick said and placed his hand on her shoulder.
"How can you guys just stand there and watch as they say your father kill Maxwell and his wife and son, when you guys know exactly what your father can do and who your he is?" Lisa said looking at Patrick and Gerald as tears fall from her eyes.
"We're sorry mom" Gerald said walking towards his mom and hugged her. Lisa hugged her son back and cried into his shoulder "But that was necessary for the plan" Gerald added and Lisa pulled from him and looked at him
"What plan?" Lisa asked sniffing as she cleaned her eyes and nostrils.
"Well.." Patrick said and began explaining from the when he saw the letter to where they were now.
"Thank God" Lisa exclaimed happily and her children smiled. "But you guys have to very careful when rescuing those children, alright?" Lisa said cleaning her eyes and Gerald and Patrick nodded.
"Hey mom, do you know any people that can act like the four us, so that when those people who wants to kill us come, they won't see them instead they'll see those four"Gerald asked and Lisa thought about it before she spoke
"Won't that be dangerous for those four people? I mean, we would be putting those other people life in danger when we couldn't sacrifice ourselves" Lisa said
"Hmmm I suppose but we already thought this through" Gerald said
"Oh!! Do tell" Lisa said
"Well two of our men will disguise themselves as me and Patrick, so when they want to kill us, they shoot them at their legs and hands" Gerald said nodding proudly but Lisa just chuckled
"Okay, that's a good plan but did you think about what if Daniel calls them and ask if the mission was successful" Lisa asked
"He won't call them, he would call Mario. But that seem like a pretty possible logic" Gerald added when he thought about it and Lisa just laughed
"See that's why they always say 'behind a successful man there's always a woman'" Lisa said
"Yeah yeah" Gerald said rolling his eyes and he pouted. Patrick and Tory couldn't help but laugh a little at their big brother behavior.
"So mom, what do you have in mind?" Tory asked and Lisa looked at Tory and pinched her nose making Tory to giggle
"Well how about you guys kidnap the people following Mario on this job?" Lisa said and both boys looked at their mother dumbfounded and Lisa just rolled her eyes and continued the explanation "Okay look, you're gonna call Claire to tell her to ask Mario how many people will be accompanying him to kill us and when she says the number, then you'll carry the same number of men, to where Mario will drive his car to, after he has informed you of where he at, and kidnapped those men. But before you guys would do that, Mario will make one of the man to say, 'the mission was a success' and 'yes sir'" Lisa ended smiling and the kids couldn't help but looked at their mom in surprise.
"Wow mom thats... Brilliant" Tory spoke up and clapped and Lisa just chuckled and looked at her two son
"So what do you think?" Lisa asked
"I guess it's okay" Gerald said sounding like they would think about it first and Patrick just laughed and slapped his brother arm making Gerald lose his composure
"Just admit it Gerald. That was an excellent plan" Patrick said and Gerald Tched
"Yeah. Yeah" Gerald admitted and his family laughed and he pouted. After a while Gerald joined them
"But where are we gonna get Claire number?" Patrick asked and everyone stopped laughing
"Hmm I saw something like a number in Claire's letter" Gerald said bringing the paper out and when he open it, he saw a number at the other side of the letter. It said
Mario's Number:(222-345-986)
"Why'd she give us this one?" Patrick asked
"She doesn't have a phone but Mario has" Tory said and Patrick nodded
"I guess its time to start the plan" Gerald said and Lisa and Patrick nodded.
And so they began. Patrick called Mario and told Mario to put the phone on loudspeaker and when he did, Lisa explained the plan to them and they understood perfectly. And they asked Claire when's the Court trial taking place and Claire said on Wednesday day which is two days away from here and then that means Daniel would send his men on Tuesday night. When everything had been talked out and explained, Mario hung up.
*sighs* "Let's get going Mario" Claire said and stood up along. Claire stood up and stood in front of Peter and bowed
"I'm very sorry about you staying in this awful place" Claire said and Peter just stared at her with wide eyes. He closed his eyes and chuckled
"Don't worry about it Claire. Anything for my best friend and my son future bride" Peter said and Claire blushes at this and stood up straight, looking away from Peter.
"You better be going Claire" Peter said and Claire nodded. She and Mario walked out of the cell and Claire looked back "Good bye" Claire said and walked away.
When the duo walked out of the police station, they stood at the gate
"Where are we gonna stay?" Mario asked and Claire looked at him and shook her head.
"About we stay with Samuel?" Mario suggested and Claire looked at him and smiled
"That's a brilliant idea" Claire said "But we don't have his number"Claire sighed. And Mario just chuckled
"I have his number" Mario said
"When? How?" Cairo asked
"He gave it to me, saying that anytime we need something, we should call" Mario said as he dialed Samuel number and called it. It rang for like 30 second before Samuel decided to pick
"H.. Hello" Samuel said
"Hey Samuel. It's me Mario"
"Oh Mario how can I help you? Is Claire there with You?" Samuel asked
"Yeah, she is. Well the reason why I called is because we need a place to stay and we thought you could help us"
"Oh of course, you can stay here. I'll text you the address" Samuel said
"Okay. Thanks" Mario said
"No problem" Samuel said and hanged up.
"What'd he say?" Claire asked
"He said okay and that he'll send me his address" Mario said and just like that his phone vibrated and he looked at it "Oh here it is. It says
1709 Baron street, court, orange CA" Mario said and he looked at Claire "Do you know where that is?" Mario asked and Claire shook her head
"No. But maybe if we stop a cab and ask, they may know it" Claire said and shrug. Mario just nodded and looked at the his left side and saw a cab coming their way.
"Taxi" Mario called out waving his hand and the taxi stopped at their front and dropped down his windscreen
"Where you headed?" The taxi man asked and Mario read out from the phone
"1709 Baron street, court, orange, CA" and looked at the man
"I know where that is. Hop in" The taxi man said and Mario and Claire smiled. Mario opened the door and Claire stepped in and Mario did also
"Thank you" Mario said as he shut the door and the taxi man drove away. Both of them turned and looked at the house in front of them. It was a very beautiful house. Just for two. They walked at the path way cleared of well cut grass and flower and stopped at the door. And they rang the bell *Ding Dong*
"Coming" they heard a man said from inside. An when the door opened, Samuel stood there "Oh you guys. Come in" Samuel said smiling as he gave way for them to step I'm. They pulled their shoes and walked in.
"Wow. I must say you're house is very beautiful" Claire complimented sitting down on the couch and as Samuel was about to say something, a woman's voice cut in
"Samuel honey, who's that?" The woman said walking into view to show Veronica. She stopped walking down when she noticed two people. A girl and a man "Samuel who are these people?" Veronica asked walking down and stopped at the bottom of the stairs, looking at Claire and Mario
"They are guest Vera. Don't worry about them" Samuel said
"Oh you should have told me. I could have prepared something for them" Veronica said smiling
"I don't think they are hungry" Samuel said chuckling
"Nonsense. Are you guys hungry?" Veronica asked and Claire and Mario nodded furiously
"See they hungry" Veronica said looking at Samuel "Let me go and prepare the food. I'll call you to the dinning room when I'm done" Veronica said and hummed as she moved to the kitchen.
Samuel sighed and tuned to look at Claire and Mario who was glaring at Samuel "What's with the look?" Samuel asked sweating nervously as he noticed the dark aura around both of them
"We're not hungry right?" Claire said cracking her hands
"Let's see how hungry we're not when were done with you" Mario said and both of them attacked Samuel leading to him shouting.
"Samuel" Veronica said and giggled.
After they had beaten Samuel and Same regain consciousness, he took Claire and Mario for bathes and they took their bathes and changed their clothes. Claire was now wearing, a black top with blue jean trousers. While Mario wore, White shirt and black shorts. And after, Samuel took them for their Dinner which they ate in delight.
When they were done with Dinner, Samuel took the both of them, to one room and told them to share. And when Mario and Claire said they couldn't sleep in the same bed, Mario ended taking the floor and Claire the bed. Claire turned and turned thinking about how Patrick is doing and what he's doing. She sighed and closed her eyes "Good night Patrick" Claire said sleeping at 8:3pm.
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