Chapter 34
Peter sat down at the prison cell, looking at people passing by. He didn't feel anything of shame or embarrassment. He didn't feel guilty because why? He didn't kill no one. And that's final. He was brought out of his thoughts when his cell was opened. He looked up and saw Claire, the same guy that came to his house last time with Claire and another man.
"Claire" Peter said
"You don't seem to be paranoid or shaken up by the fact that you're arrested for murder. Or has your heart become stone after killing my family" Claire said glaring at Peter.
"Claire, where did you get hear such nonsense from?" Peter asked
"From the man you hired to do your stupid job" Claire said and pointed to Mario. Peter followed her pointed finger and saw Mario
"Who are you?" Peter asked
"You aren't going to fool anyone here. You are nothing but a pretender who pretended to be my fathers best friend and when you saw the time to strick, you sent this man to kill him and his family. If not for luck being on my side, I would have been to" Claire stated.
"I would not stand and watch as I am being lie at. You" Peter said pointing to Mario "When have you ever seen me? Do you know who I am? Because I have never seen you once in my life" Peter stated angrily.
"Please sir, now that you've been caught, please release my kids. I beg you" Mario pleaded.
"What the fuck are you talking about, you damn bastard?" Peter shouted and kicked Mario in his stomach making Mario to clutch his stomach and something like a chip fell from his hair and as Peter advanced forward to Mario he stepped on it and crushed it completely. Mario looked at Claire and smiled.
"What you smiling about you bastard!!" Peter shouted and was about to match the mans stomach when Claire hugged him from behind
"Mr Simon stop it" Claire said and Peter became shocked
"What are you doing Claire?" Peter asked completely confused at what was going on. Claire let him go and looked down at her feet
"I'm sorry" Claire apologized and Peter looked at her with a confused face.
"Huh what?" Peter said and Claire looked up to him
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to call you a pretender. It was just an act" Claire stated
"Yeah and it went completely to plan. But I wasn't expecting his kick to be that hard" Mario said standing up while clutching his stomach.
"Okay. Okay. Can someone please explain to me what's going here?" Peter asked frustrated.
"Okay. Why don't we sit down and explain everything from the top" Claire suggested and they did.
"Okay, so"
Flash back.
"I'm sorry, please forgive me" Mario begged Claire while holding Claire hands in his and as he did, he slipped a big piece of paper in her hand and Claire looked at him with confused face and the man mouthed a 'Don't throw the paper away' and Claire just nodded and hugged the man and kept the piece of paper in her chest. After she had went out of the room, she sat on one of the benches and brought the paper out and began reading it:
The true story
My dear everything I have told you its true but it wasn't your friends father that hired me, it was the other one closed to your fathers and your friend father. Daniel Richard. The reason why I didn't say the truth is because, they placed a camera chip on my hair and if they found out I said the truth to you, they'll kill my kids. So please I'll write everything to you from now and you the same.
Flash back end.
"And that's it" Claire ended
"But what about the true story" Peter asked and Samuel decided to tell him what the man had said but placing Daniels name, instead of Peter.
"That son of a bitch" Peter said clenching his fist in anger.
"I know. I feel the same way too" Mario said. Peter sighed and raised his eyebrow.
"How did you guys come up with a plan, if you can't speak to each other?" Peter asked
"We wrote it" Claire stated
"How? When there's a chip in his hair and is it not still there?" Peter asked looking at Mario suspiciously
"No. When you kicked him, the force made it to flew from his hair" Claire said and Peter nodded
"And as of how we wrote to one another. Well let's just say he had to cover his hair when he wants to bathe, so as to not get the chip wet" Samuel said and Peter looked at him confused at first until, he got it.
"Oh that's brilliant" Peter said "But won't they suspect that he isn't in the bathroom because they don't hear water running?" Peter asked
"We know, that's why we write to each other in the bathroom with the shower on. With me clothes on" Mario added when he saw the look Peter was giving him.
Peter nodded in understanding. "So what do I have to do?" Peter asked and Claire just smiled at him and told him
"Nothing. Just like you're falsely accuse and leave the rest for and your sons with this two guys"
"Wait my sons? They know about this too?" Peter asked
"Of course they do. I'm sure they would have received the package we've sent for them" Claire said smiling and Patrick and Gerald did receive the package
"From Claire: Good luck to both of you" Patrick read out loud. "I wonder what Claire got us" Patrick said while Gerald opened the box. When it was opened, they brought out a palm top and head phones with a recorder.
"What are we supposed to do with this?" Patrick asked
"There's a letter inside" Gerald said and brought out the letter and opened it "It says" Gerald began reading
"Patrick and Gerald, the palm top and the recorder are of great use. The purpose for sending those things to you is for you to help us with this problem. I know by now you would have read the letter and you know the truth now. About everything. And I have a plan to getting the real killer of my parents and big brother. You see, the palm top is connected to a camera chip which we put on Mario's earring. At anytime now, the person who killed my parents will call him because the chip which they planted on Mario's head would have been crushed if the plan goes well. Any way, i want you to always keep the palm top on like right now" The boys did as they were told and switched on the Palm top and it blinked before it showed Claire talking to Peter.
"Guess dad is in this too" Patrick said and Gerald nodded and continued reading.
"So after you've done that, I need you to mark every street, Mario would turn to when he drives to meet the man. And every sign board because I need you to do a rescue mission when the we start judging the case in court"
"Rescue mission. Who's we rescuing?" Patrick asked and Gerald read the later
"You're rescuing Mario's two kids. And when you do go on that mission please do come back alive. I beg you. And when you see that Mario and Daniel wants to talk, you start, recording, okay?
Yours truly
Claire Winters
PS: I love you so much Patrick. You better come back to me alive baby"
"Baby~" Gerald teased
"Shut up" Patrick yelled blushing.
*IPhone ringing tone* "He's calling" Mario said and Claire nodded as Mario stood up.
"Hello ma" Mario said and Patrick and hit the record button
"Who you calling ma?" the other speaker said.
"That's sounds like Daniel Richard" Patrick whispered to his brother. And Gerald nodded
"I'm sorry boss" Mario whispered as he took the call outside the cell winking at Claire
"Yeah whatever. What the fuck happened to the chip?" Daniel said
"Ohh never took him for the bad mouth type" Patrick whispered and Gerald shushed him
"It fell out of my hair when Mr Peter kicked me and he crushed it with his feet" Mario said
"Shit!" Daniel cursed "You know what, why don't you come over and we get you a new chip, eh?" Daniel said
"But what about if they asked me where i'm going?" Mario asked
"Just come up with a Fucking idea and hurry up here at our usual place or your kids will be lying in the pool of their own blood when you get here" Daniel said and hang up and at the same time. Patrick hit the stop recording button.
"Guess that's evidence number one" Gerald said and Patrick nodded "You know, your girlfriend is pretty smart" Gerald said and Patrick looked at him with a raised eyebrow
"What makes you say that? I mean I know she's smart but what do you mean" Patrick added when he saw his brother giving him and 'o' face. Gerald chuckled and said
"She knows what was going to happen before it happened" patrick gave a proud smile.
"Hey look, he's getting into the cab" Gerald said and Patrick looked at the the screen
"Get a pen and a note book" Gerald ordered and Patrick nodded and went to Gerald drawer, because they were in his room, and opened one of the drawer and brought out a book and a pen.
"Here it is" Patrick said and gave it to his brother who opened the book quickly and starts writing down the name of streets and sign boards he saw on the screen at every turn. He wrote down all the names until they saw "Saint Antonio mental house"
"Wait is that not the runner down asylum house miles from here?* Patrick asked and Gerald nodded as they both looked at the screen and saw that the man came down from the cab and pay the man
Mario brought out his phone and dialed Daniels number and when he picked, Patrick hit record
"Sir I'm here" Mario said
"Great, I'll be down shortly" Daniel said and hanged up and Patrick hit stop. Mario waited for Daniel to come out side and when he did, Patrick and Gerald eyes widen
"So it is him" Patrick said gritting his teeth
"Bastard" Gerald cursed
"Mario baby" Daniel said and Patrick hit record.
"Hello sir" Mario said
"Come come. We must talk about all you've been doing so far" Daniel said and him and Mario walked into the asylum building. They walked until they came to a stop and Daniel opened the door and Mario eyes widen, there in front of him was his 18 year old daughter and 16 year old son.
"Papa" The girl and the boy shouted as tears fell from their eyes.
"Michael. Treasure" Mario said and rushed over to his kids and gave them a big hug.
"Awe what a touching family reunion" Daniel said with his heart in his chest "Not. Take the kids away" Daniel ordered
"No please. Let me stay with them for just a sec" Mario begged as his kids was dragged from him
"Papa" Michael and Treasure shouted as they were both dragged out of the room. Mario cried into his hands
"Oh don't cry, you'll see them soon enough when Peter Simon is in prison and you've killed that blond girl and every single one of the Simon family" Daniel said making Mario, Gerald and Patrick eyes to widen in shock.
"WHAT?!" Patrick, Gerald and Mario shouted.
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