Chapter 33
The Simons house.^^^^^.
"Good morning" Tory said as she entered into the kitchen
"Morning dear" Peter said and took a sip from his coffee.
"Where's Gerald and Patrick?"
"Gerald is still sleeping and Patrick took Claire back and he should be back. Right, about now"
"I'm home" They heard Patrick shout and Tory looked at her father and clapped her hands
"Wow dad, I never knew you were Psychic" Tory said applauding and Peter gave a proud smile, and Tory giggled. The door open and both turned their face towards it and saw Patrick and Gerald walking in
"Good morning" Gerald and Patrick said at the same time as Patrick went to sit down and Gerald walked to the counter and poured himself coffee.
"You seemed stressed" Peter said taking in his son appearance and Gerald just nodded as he sat down
"I've been busy with work" Gerald said. Tory and Patrick scoffed at this and said
"You're always busy with work" simultaneously. Gerald looked at them and just rolled his eyes
"I know that but this time, its worse. I hardly have time for lunch" Gerald said and he put his cup in his mouth and drink it
"With you like this, I wonder how your boyfriend is taking it?" Patrick said and Gerald spit out his coffee and coughed like crazy.
"Boyfriend?" Lisa said making everyone to turn and look at her and saw that she held two plates of food on her hands "What boyfriend?" Lisa asked as she set the food down on the table. The maids, who assisted her with the other plates, also did the same and left the dinning room.
"Gerald's" Tory said
"The hell?! I do not have a boyfriend" Gerald said and Patrick looked at him with a smug look
"Oh, then who was the guy that I saw pecked you when you were at work the other day" Patrick said and Gerald blushed at this
"T.. t. that w.. was...a.. mistake" Gerald stuttered awfully
"That's not what I saw" Patrick said
"Gerald dear, are you gay?" Lisa asked as she sat on her sit. Gerald blushed at the question and looked down to his lap and muttered a 'yes'
"What was that son?" Peter asked and Gerald gulped afraid that he's father would be disappointed in him.
"I said yes" Gerald stuttered looking at his lap
"Darn" He's father cursed and Gerald looked up and saw that his father was looking at his mother with a smug look on his face. And when Gerald looked at his mother, he saw that she was pouting.
"Told you" Peter said and laughed
"Yeah yeah. Enjoy it while you can" Lisa said rolling her eyes.
"Huh what's going on?" Gerald asked. Peter and Lisa looked at him and smiled
"Mom and dad made a bet that your gay. With dad saying you are and mom saying you're not. And it looked like dad won" Patrick said
"Yeah and now I have to give him 15 dollar" Lisa said with a depressing aura around her
"So you're not angry with me?" Gerald said looking at his mother and father. Especially his father.
"No, son. Why would we be?" Peter asked smiling at his son
"I just thought.. " Gerald said and sighed
"Look son, no matter your sexuality or you're looks, we'll always love you and support whatever you decide to do" Lisa said and gave Gerald a big smile
"Thanks mom" Gerald said with a smile "Thanks dad" Gerald said looking at his father
"I should be thanking you. I got 15 dollar out of you" Peter said grinning
"Don't push it" Lisa said punching Peter arms slightly. Gerald chuckled and looked at Patrick and Tory and saw that they were eating quietly and he wondered why they haven't said anything yet
"If you're wondering why we haven't said anything yet, then the answer is that we knew you was gay" Tory said and Patrick nodded
"Yep. But it took along time for me to figure it out. Heck, Tory figured it out before I did. I knew when I saw you blush when that waiter served us at McDonalds. When he smiled to you, you blush and tried to hide it but it was noticeable" Patrick said
"And when Patrick told me what had happened, I told him I knew you were gay the moment I saw you and because of a certain incident, I confirmed that you were" Tory said. Lisa giggled and Peter Chuckled at their daughter words
"What incident? You don't mean.. Darn" Gerald cursed remembering the incident and the rest of the family just looked at the two of them with a raised eyebrow and said simultaneously
"What incident?" Tory looked at them and told them what happened
"Gerald came into my room when I was naked because at that time, I just finished bathing and I was creaming my body. When he entered into the room and saw me, he didn't blush of embarrassment or scream a sorry and went out of the room. Instead he just stood there and looked at me, up and down and when our eyes met, I saw no lust or wanting. Just plain eye" Tory ended.
"Wow!! You're really good at noticing things" Patrick, Gerald and Peter said at the same time making Claire nod with a proud smile. When they all looked at Gerald, they saw him sulking and they sweat dropped and everyone bust out laughing. And Patrick ended up Coughing and hitting his chest because food was stuck in his throat and this made everyone to laugh at Patrick because the expression on his face was priceless.
After they had calm down, they ate peacefully until Gerald looked at Tory and smirked "So Tory, how's Henry doing?" Gerald asked making Claire to spit her water out, Lisa and Peter to smile and Patrick to wonder who's Henry.
"He's.. fi.. Fine" Tory stuttered and Patrick eyes widen
"Claire did you just stuttered?" Patrick asked and Tory blush
"She only stutter when Henry's name is mentioned or if the boy is around her"
"I.. d. do. n. Not" Tory stuttered and she blushes as she did what she just denied making Gerald and their parents to laugh
"Say, who's this Henry?" Patrick asked with Interest.
"He's my.. "
"He's Tory crush" Gerald said and Patrick made an o with his mouth and smirked
"So you like him" Patrick said
"I do not" Tory said
"Do too" Patrick said
"Do not"
"Do too"
"That's not what you told me last time" Gerald said in a singing voice making Tory to blush and as she was about to say something Lisa cut in
"It's okay children and Tory don't lie, you said you like him" And Tory blushed and Patrick laughed.
"You've been..." Patrick said but was cut off when the guard barged in, shocking the smiling family.
"Sir, madam, I'm sorry. I tried to stop them but they"
"Move out of the way" a police man said pushing the guard aside
"What's going on here?" Peter said standing up and the rest of the family did the same.
"Are you Peter Simons?" The police man asked as five other police stood at the door
"Yes?" Peter said and the police man brought out the shackles(AN: Is this what they call those things police use to hold criminals hands together?)
"Peter Simon, you are under arrest for killing Maxwell Winters. Anything you say will be used against you I'm the court" the policeman said
"What? What are you saying? My husband didn't kill anybody" Lisa said hugging Tory
"That's not for you to decide" the policeman said bringing Peters hand behind his back and shacked it.
"Leave my father alone" Patrick shouted and he punched the mans face. The other police men saw this and attacked Patrick and Gerald seeing this, he also got into the fight to help his brother. Patrick punched a policeman in his face making him fall and he look at Patrick and Gerald and saw that their backs was facing him, so he brought out his taser and use it to shock both Patrick and Gerald.
"Kids" Lisa said and rushed over, with Tory, to Patrick and Gerald who was on the floor twitching. The last thing Patrick and Gerald heard and saw was their father was taken away and Lisa, with was Tory crying.
. When Patrick and Gerald woke up, they saw their mother and little sister crying. They both sat with their heads down
"Guess we was right" Patrick and everyone looked at him
"Right about what?" Lisa asked getting angry
"Right about father killing Maxwell" Gerald said and Lisa just looked at her two sons in disbelief
"How can you guys say that about your father? Don't you know who he is? Your father would never do such a thing. And not especially to his own best friend" Lisa stated angrily
"That's what they always say" a new voice said and they looked towards the voice and saw Claire, Samuel and Mario. Patrick eyes widen at the sight of Mario
"Claire what is he doing here?" Patrick asked Standing up and walked over to Claire and dragged her to his chest
"Let go of me" Claire said pushing Patrick away and Patrick just looked at her with surprised expression like 'what the fuck?'
"Claire what do you mean?" Patrick asked
"I want nothing to so with a son of a murderer" Claire stated looking at Patrick with disgust. And Patrick felt his heart shatter, that he couldn't even speak
"Claire dear, what do you mean by that? You don't actually believe that Peter killed your family" Lisa said and Claire just looked at her with an expressionless face
"I believe he did because the person he hired to kill them is standing at my right" Claire said and everyone, except Samuel and Claire looked Mario.
"You can't be serious Claire. You can't actually believe the words of this man. He could actually be lieing to you about everything" Patrick said holding Claire arms and Claire drew her arms away
"Well I do, cause this man has no right to lie to me and why would he, when his family was kidnapped by your father" Claire said
"What do you mean by that?" Gerald was the one to speak up this time
"Well why don't I allow him to tell you the full story?" Claire said and Mario began speaking
"10 years ago.." The man started and told them about everything that happened and by the time he was done, Gerald, Patrick and Lisa with Tory looked like they were about to faint.
"That's a lie. My husband would never. He would never.." Lisa said and burst into tears, as she sat on the couch. Gerald looked at his mother and sat down beside her and hugged her to his chest
"Gerald dear, tell them! Your father would never do such a thing, right? He would never kidnap and kill someone, right?" Lisa asked crying dragging her son shirt. Gerald just sighed "Why aren't you saying anything? Tell them. Tell them" Lisa shouted
"I don't know mom. I don't know" Gerald shouted standing up and Lisa just looked up at her son with eyes of feeling betrayed and shook her head
"Why can't you say anything to them? You guys..." Lisa looked at her two sons and ran out of the parlour
"Mom" Tory shouted and chased after Lisa. Leaving five people in the parlour
"You? How can you do this to your family?" Patrick asked looking down
"What Family? You guys were my family but now that I found out your father killed my very own flesh and blood, I don't consider you my own any more" Claire said
"Shut up!" Patrick shouted holding Claire shoulders and looking into her eyes. "Shut the hell up!! Claire this isn't you! You would never say such a thing. I know you very well. Even if dad did kill your family, you would never, ever take it upon us" Patrick stated and Claire looked at him with widen eyes "Tell me, is this man" Patrick said looking at Mario "forcing you to say these words? Did he say that he would kill me if you didn't say anything he told you to say? Huh?" Patrick asked and Claire didn't answer, instead she just looked down "Answer me" Patrick shouted
"NO" Claire shouted back looking at Patrick with tears in her eyes and Patrick just stared at her shocked "He didn't. I'm saying and doing this on my own" Claire said and slapped Patrick hands from her shoulder and wiped her tears. She turned around "I'll be going now. I'll see you in court" Claire said and was about to move when Patrick held her shoulders
"Claire" Patrick said and Claire turned toward him and got on her toes and kissed him on the lips holding his shirt. Patrick couldn't respond to Lisa because he was shocked. Claire let him go and Patrick stared at her and saw that she was blushing while looking at him. "That would be last kiss you would receive from me. Good bye Patrick" Claire said and turned away and walked away, followed by Mario and Samuel. Patrick and Gerald just stare at their backs until they were out of the parlour
"Patrick" Gerald called out to his brother. Patrick turned to his brother
"Let's go meet mom" Patrick said and walked passed Gerald. Gerald just sighed and followed suit. He turned and was about to walk when he noticed a piece of paper on the floor. He walked up and picked it.
"What's this?" Gerald said making Patrick to turn and look at him and saw that he was holding a piece of paper in hid hand
"What's that?" Patrick asked and walked up to his brother and looked at the paper which his brother was opening. They both read the top
They looked at each other confused and began reading.
"Did you leave the piece of paper?" Samuel asked whispering to Claire as Mario faced the other side
"Yeah. I dropped it on the Floor. Hopefully they'll see it, because their house is clean" Claire said and Samuel just nodded.
While at the house of the Simon, Patrick and Gerald just finished reading the paper and they stared at it and tears start falling from their eyes.
"Thank God" Patrick said happily while crying and Gerald could only nod his head at his brother "Come on, let's go show mum" Patrick said and Gerald nodded and both ran out of the parlor and ran up the stairs.
So the novel is about to be done. Two to three chapters remaining. Thanks for reading.
LucyCherry 🍒 ✌
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