Chapter 30.
That's me^^^^.
This is me and my little sister in church ^^^^^
Now, on with the story. 👇👇👇
"Welcome home honey" Lisa said smiling at her son who she stood in front of. Patrick didn't answer her, instead, he just brushed passed her
"Hey that's no way to treat your mother" Peter said holding Patrick wrist but Patrick just pulled his hand from his father. Patrick looked at the mirror and saw Claire face
'I don't need your help. This is my fight and mine alone' he recalled what Claire had said and punched the mirror
"Why? Why?" Patrick asked punching the mirror with his two fist over and over again until mirror broke completely. The whole family plus Albert and the whole maid just watched as Patrick punched the mirror and when he was done, his fist was clothed with blood and blood was pouring out from his fist.
"Albert get the first aid kit" Lisa ordered rushing to her son
"Yes ma'am" Albert said and turned around "Shoo get back to work" Albert shooed the maids away as he go and gets the first aid kit
"Patrick" Lisa called out as Tory, Peter, Gerald and Lisa walked closer to him. Patrick turned to face them and they saw he was crying.
"Mom" Patrick cries out and Lisa rushed over to Patrick and hugged him "Mom" Patrick sobs into his mother shoulders
"It's alright dear. It's alright" Lisa said rubbing Patrick back.
The Winter family just sat they and watched as Lisa bandaged Patrick fists. He was so quiet. He didn't even flinch when they had added the 'Spirit' to his wounds. And when Lisa finished, Patrick didn't move, it was as if he was under a spell. The rest of the Simons just looked at Patrick and was wondering what was wrong with Patrick.
"I'm going to my room" Patrick said and they all looked at him as he moved upstairs to his room like a zombie.
"I wonder what's wrong with Patrick " Tory said and they all nodded.
Patrick stepped into his room and locked the door. He walked to his bed and fall on it with an 'oof' and then he began crying at what Claire had said
"She doesn't need me. How can she say that?" Patrick said crying
"He hates me. He hates me" Claire cries saying those words.
It'd been one week since Claire and Patrick saw each other. Patrick called Samuel to tell him that he won't be coming to work until he'll recover and when Samuel asked him what's wrong, he didn't answer, he just hang up. But Samuel knew what was wrong. That quarrel he had with Claire was still affecting him. I mean,if someone You love told you that she doesn't need your help, how would you feel? And he wasn't the only one who was affected, Claire doesn't even eat that much again (Talk about love. If my boyfriend tells me that he doesn't need my help, I would feel bad but not to the extent of not eating. But hey, I made her that way).
And ever since then Patrick hasn't come to work. Samuel sighed at the two teen behavior. "Can't they see that they didn't want the other to be hurt" Samuel said as he carried Claire supper to her. He opened the door and stepped in and saw that Claire was crying
"Claire stop crying. Your gonna cry your self to death" Samuel said placing the food on the counter
"I don't care. I just want to see Patrick. And apologize"
"Apologize? For what?"
"For saying that I don't need him"
"Listen Claire, you didn't say anything wrong. Patrick was just over reacting. Maybe what that man said to him, was still in his mind when you were talking to him" Samuel said touching Claire hands.
"But.. but... I told him to back the hell up" Claire said between sobs
"Okay, maybe that was taking it too far" Samuel said and he saw that Claire looked up to him and tears came out of her eyes the more "But its okay, you just said that because you was angry that he didn't listen to you and you didn't want him to get hurt" Samuel said and Claire nodded
"But I want to see him" Claire said "I want to see Patrick" Claire said crying even more and Samuel couldn't bear to see her crying, so he sis the only thing or said the only thing that came to his mind "Do you know where he stays?" Samuel asked but quickly regretted it but before he could say anything Claire nodded
"Yeah why?" Claire asked cleaning her eyes.
Samuel sighed and said "Because I'm taking you to see him"
"What?" Claire asked cleaning her eyes and nostrils
"Yeah. Just" Samuel sighed and stood up from his sit and walked towards the door "Eat your food" he said and left the room.
"Are you sure this alright? You know I'm not use to being out" Claire said stopping on her track as they were about to leave the infirmary hall.
"Claire calm down, you'll do fine. All you have to do is think about Patrick" Samuel said grinning
"What makes you said that?" Claire asked blushing and Samuel just rolled his eyes and held Claire shoulder looking into her eyes.
"Your in love with him right?" Samuel asked and Claire nodded "Then all you have to do is think about him. His always with you in your heart. Someone you love stays in your heart" Samuel stated and Claire smiled and nodded making Samuel grin "Let's go?" Samuel questioned
"Yeah" Claire said nodding.
When they step out of the infirmary,they walked straight to the door and opened the door. Samuel poked his head out to see if the boss car was still there but God being on his side, it wasn't there. Sighing in relief, he opened the door fully and smiled at Claire "Let's go" Samuel said and Claire nodded.
*Ding Dong*
"Tory get the door!!!" Lisa said to Tory, her eyes on the movie
*groans* "Why me? Why can't Gerald do it?" Tory said watching the movie
"Because your the one closer to it" Peter answered and truth be told, she was. So with shame, she stood up and was about to move to the door when she paused
"What about the maids and Mr Albert?" Tory questioned and they all looked at her and said
"It's 9" and turn to the movie. Tory groan and went to open the. When she did she saw a man and a blond haired girl looking at her with the guard along side with them.
"Miss Tory" The guard called and Tory turned to look at the guard "These two people said that they wanted to master Patrick and they were persistent about it"
"Huh okay" Tory said and turned towards the man and the blond girl. Tory took the blond girl appearance and her eyes widen
"Claire?" She called out to Claire but Claire didn't move her face from Samuel shirt.
"Please can we just see Patrick?" Samuel asked
"Claire who's there?" Gerald asked as Peter, himself and Lisa walked to the door and saw what Tory saw.
"Good evening madam. Sir" the guard said and the two people just nod their heads in acknowledgement and turn their attention towards Samuel and Claire
"Good evening sir. Madam" Samuel said
"Evening. Who and what are you looking for at my house at this time of the day?" Peter questioned
"Well you see we're looking for Patrick" Samuel said
"And why may I ask" Peter said
"Because of her" Samuel said looking at Claire and everyone eyes followed to the direction and they saw a girl with blond hair hiding her face in Samuel shirt and their eyes widen except Tory (AN:Smart Family)
"Claire" they chorused. Well except Tory who knew that was her. They quickly ushered Samuel and Claire inside and told the guard to go back to duty.
"Tory go get Patrick" Lisa said and Tory hurried and went to get him. When she got to his room, she noticed that the room of the door was still locked. As ever.
"Patrick" she yelled banging the door and inside the room Patrick stirred up and his eyes shut up. He sat up, like a Zombie getting up from the grave, and looked towards the door
"Patrick" he heard Tory's voice and he sighed 'The hell does she want? I told them I don't want to eat or go anywhere' Patrick mentally complained as he opened the door
"The hell you want?" Patrick questioned looking down at his little sister. Tory just shrug and dragged him
"Hey wait" Patrick said as Tory kept dragging him "Where are you taking me?" Patrick questioned trying to free himself from Tory's gripped 'Wow for a 15 year old, she sure is strong. Or it could be because am weak and hungry' Patrick thought
"Can't tell you" Tory said as they run down the stairs, until they got to the Parlour. When they got there, Patrick glared at Tory and Tory just shook out her tongue at him. Patrick turned to his family and looked around and saw someone he recognized
"Samuel" At the sound of Patrick voice, Claire heart beats faster.
"What are you doing here and who's.." Patrick stopped talking when he realized that the person with Samuel was no other than Claire
"Claire" Patrick stuttered as his heart beat faster. Claire raised her head from Samuel shirt, closing her eyes.
"Patrick" Claire said
"Don't call my name" Patrick shouted making everyone to flinch except Gerald and his father.
"Patrick I'm."
"I don't want to hear it. I'm going to my room" Patrick said and Claire eyes opened at the statement and she saw that Patrick was already leaving the Parlour, so she got up and ran up to him and wrapped her arms around him, making his eyes widen as his heart beat faster and then he heard sobbing
"Patrick I'm sorry. I didn't mean for say those words"
"What word" Lisa questioned Samuel but he just shrug and they all turned their attention towards the two best friends.
"I'm sorry" Claire said crying "I don't want you to leave me. I want you to stay by my side and help me over come everything. I only said that because I don't want you to get hurt" Claire stated and Patrick eyes widen
"I don't want to see another person I care about die. Especially you, Patrick. I can't bear to lose you. I can't bear to be apart from you because I LOVE YOU" Claire said shouting the 'I Love you' making everyone eyes to widen. Patrick turned to look at Claire and held her shoulders
"What did you just say?" Patrick questioned and Claire blushed and looked at the floor
"I said I love you" Claire said and Patrick eyes widen and then it soften as he began to cry. Claire heard sobbing and she looked up and saw that Patrick was crying. She was very confused until Patrick hugged her and said the same word she just said to him
"I love you too" making Claire eyes widen in shock and her eyes soften in happiness as tears of joy flow from her eyes. She pulled from the hug and looked at Patrick
"Does this mean you forgive me?" Claire asked and Patrick nodded making Claire to smile and looked into your eyes and Patrick the same. They got lost in each other glance that their face were coming closer and closer and closer together and they kissed. It took 30 seconds before they knew what they were doing. So they pulled apart and blushed and looked away from each other. But they looked at one another and gave a small smile, well grin in Patrick place, to one another.
"Sorry to spoil the moment but we gotta go Claire" Samuel said making the newly confessed couple to look at him
"Can't she stay?" Patrick asked and Samuel nodded a 'no' "Please, I promise to bring her back tomorrow. First thing in the morning" Patrick said
"I'm sorry but I can't" Samuel said
"Please Samuel. Please please" Patrick pleaded with his hands like this 🙏, Samuel just sighed in defeat
"Fine" Samuel said and Patrick said a thank you..
"Yeah but you better bring her by 6. Exactly 6,cause it opens 8. Alright?" Samuel stated
"Aye sir" Patrick said saluting making Samuel and the rest of the family to laugh. Samuel just waved him off as he walked to the door but he was stooped by Lisa who told him that it was too late for him to go home in a cab, that why don't the driver take him. Samuel was rejecting but due to Lisa being Persistent and all, he agreed and that's how he went home, leaving Claire with the Simons
"Claire" Patrick said making Claire to look at him and saw that he was grinning
"What?" Claire stuttered
"And you said you didn't love me?" Patrick said and Claire blushed at the comment
"I.. That.. You.." Claire stuttered trying to cover up her lies but Patrick just shook his head and pecked her on the lips making her face red and she fidgeted with her fingers. And Patrick couldn't bear it, Claire was so cute.
"Your so cute" Patrick said pinching her cheeks making Claire to slap his hand away and she pouted , which made Patrick to squeal in a mannish way and hug Claire, rubbing his face on hers. And Claire couldn't help but smile as he did this. As Patrick did that, he opened his eyes and saw his family looking at the two of them like they were some movie. And so he blushed and stop.
"I want to sit. I'm tired" Patrick said moving away from Claire to the couch where his family was but he was stooped when Claire gripped his shirt. He looked back at Claire and saw that she was shaking. He did an 'o' with his mouth and walked up to Claire and whispered something in her ears making her eyes to widen as she blush. She nodded and Patrick took her hands and they went to sit down on the couch. Tory was the first one to walk up to Claire. Everyone was afraid of what Claire would do to Tory if she looks at her face but they were surprised when Claire raised up her head and looked at Tory
At first Claire was seeing the man but she remembered what the Patrick said to her " Don't be afraid. The boy you love will be with you always and forever". She sighed with a closed eye and then she opened them again, only to come face to face with a pretty girl. She had bluish black hair and black eyes with a pretty face. She smiled at the girl
"Hi" Claire said shocking Tory and the rest of the Winter Family except Patrick who knew his girlfriend could do it (AN:Show off)
So hey guys, we're coming to the end of this wonderful novel or story. We have like four or five chapters or less to go and we'll be done in no time.
Until next time. Cherry 🍒 out ✌
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