Chapter 3
"Why am I doing this again?" a raven haired boy asked himself as he stood at the gate of 'ST PARISH MENTAL INSTITUTE'. " Oh yeah, I lost a bet" he sighed as he opened the gate and walked inside. " Sometimes I wonder why I even make a bet with Issac when I know I always lose" he thought as he opened the door of the Asylum house and step inside and walk straight ahead to the attendant post because he knew if he stood looking around, a certain weirdo might walk up to him and start pointing at him and laughing and doing whatever Asylum freaks do.
" Hello, how may I help you?" The attendant asked snapping the raven haired kid from his thought "Oh sorry. Got lost in thoughts" he said laughing nervously "No problem. So what can I do you for?" " Oh right. My name is Patrick Simon" " Okay. Let me see" the attendant said as he checked his book "Aha here we go. You're the kid who applied for the job of feeding the people here, right?" "Yes sir" Patrick answered " Okay come along" the attendant said as he lead Patrick along the hall "And by the way my name's Samuel" the attendant said smiling to Patrick "Okay" Patrick nodded. "Some of the people here are already healing they are located at where we are headed. While some are in between healing and not, they are located at the second floor. The once who haven't even dreamt of recovering are located at the last floor" Samuel said looking sad which didn't go unnoticed by Patrick but the sad look was quickly replaced as they approached a certain door "Ah here we are" Samuel said as he opened the door and Patrick stepped in "I'm guessing these are the people that are 99% recovered" "Yes" Samuel nodded as he walked up to a white haired woman with purple eyes. Patrick noticed that as Samuel talked to the woman, she will blush now and then "Hmmm interesting" Patrick said with a raised eyebrow.
"Patrick come here" Samuel called out to Patrick and Patrick walked up to Samuel "Guys this is Patrick. He will be working with us all. Please treat him nice" Samuel said to everyone in the room and they all nod their heads in understanding " Hi, I'm Veronica but you can just call me Vera" the white haired woman said bringing her hand out for Patrick to shake " Patrick" Patrick said as he shook Veronica hand smiling "That's Chase" Veronica said pointing to a boy with red hair and green eyes staring at Patrick. Patrick gave him a small smile and Chase waved smiling. "That's Tory" Veronica said pointing to a girl dancing. She had shoulder length black hair and when she stopped dancing and looked at Patrick. Patrick could see she had dark blue eyes. She ran up to Patrick and said " Your pretty. Are you a girl? Let's be friends" Chuckles was heard from Veronica and Samuel "No, I ain't no girl. I'm a boy" "Huh? But you're so cute" Tory said leaning close to Patrick face "Okay that's enough, Tory. Your scaring the poor boy" Samuel said as he dragged Tory from Patrick face which made Patrick to breath in relief.
Veronica introduced everyone of the stable asylum patient to Patrick and Patrick befriend them all quickly especially Tory who he found out, was pretty fun to hangout with and so he decided to be her friend. "Come along Patrick we got feeding to do" Samuel said as he rolled a trays of food into the elevator "Coming. See you later Tory" Patrick said as he ruffled Tory hair and ran towards the elevator and got in "Yeah" Tory nodded grinning at him cutely. "Where we headed to Captain?" Patrick said grinning at Samuel who chuckled and said " The not so stable people segment" "Oh okay" Patrick said as he thought about what type of people would be there " People laughing like crazy. People cutting their vain out. People.. " "We're here" Samuel said snapping Patrick out of his thoughts. Patrick was expecting every cell to be filled with Noise and chaos but to his surprise everywhere was so quiet that if you dropped a pin, you could be able to heat it fall. " I know what you thinking. Your thinking why is everywhere so quiet. Right?" " Mmm" Patrick nodded " Well that's the way they behave. Sometimes they act all crazy and the other they stay quiet. Here slip it in there" Samuel said giving Patrick a plate of food and points to the opening for him to push the food in and he did it. They shared the food round until that came to the last cell which was further away from the other "Em.. Why is this cell further away form the rest?" Patrick asked as he looked at the cell in front of him and looked back at the other cells and looked at Samuel face to see hurt in his facial expression " Huh?" Patrick thought with a raised eyebrow "Lets just say this person here is a worst than all the others here. She has been here since she was 12" "What? For real?" Patrick eyes widen in disbelief as he saw Samuel shook his his head "Indeed. Her neighbors found her carrying her brother dead body from the house and when one of her neighbors want to comfort her, she ran into the house and locked the door and the neighbors said they heard her screaming 'stay away'"
"When the police investigated the matter they found out that a man killed her whole family and it was done right in front if her eyes as they saw her looked at everyone with scared eyes. She even stabbed a police man thinking it was the man that killed her family. So they brought her here, saying she was mentally ill" Samuel narrated as he looked at Patrick face. "That girl already experienced so much at a young age. To watch as your family is ripped from you one by one is tragic" Patrick thought "Never mind that, let's feed her" Samuel said as he turned around and was about to open the gate but was stopped by Patrick holding his hand to stop "Let me give her food to her" Patrick said looking at Samuel into his eyes.
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