Chapter 24
After Patrick told Claire what his parents told him, she blushed due to the fact that She and Patrick was promised to each other. And also she understood why he didn't come to visit her when he heard that she was in a mental institution.
She was hungry and she told Patrick, so Patrick went out and bought Chinese food for them as breakfast. When they were done eating, Patrick told Claire that he wanted to go home and change his clothes and Claire nodded her head and told him to be fast as she tied her eyes and Patrick pecked her on the cheek and she blushed and Patrick chuckled and patted her head and went his way.
When Patrick got home, he was welcomed by Albert who questioned about Peters health and Patrick told him that he was fine and Albert sighed in relief and thanked whatever God was up there. Albert then asked Patrick what he wanted and Patrick simply waved him off telling him he just wanted to take his bathe.
When Patrick was done and was about to live the house, he asked if his family came by and a maid answered him and told him yes, that they indeed came to the house for food and clothing. And he nodded and went out of the house and drove out of the compound. He stopped at the hospital and went inside and walked straight to his father room
"Hey" Patrick said as he entered the room "Hey son" Peter said 'How are you feeling dad" Patrick asked walking towards his dad "Great. The doctor said I can go home tomorrow but I still need to take it easy" Peter said smiling "That's great" Patrick exclaimed "So Patrick how's Claire?" Lisa asked looking at her son who blushed at the mention of Claire's name "She's great" Patrick said smiling "Did you tell her what we told you?" Gerald asked "Yeah, I did. She took it well and when I told her am that Patrick she was very happy" Patrick said feeling happy "Do you have feelings for her?" Tory asked and everyone turned to look at her and she blushed from getting too much attention "What?" Patrick asked and everyone turned to look at him "I asked if you have feelings for her. Whenever you talk about her, you smile, grin like an idiot" "Hey!!" Patrick defended"Sorry but it's truth. And even when you didn't know that she was your suppose best friend from the past, you still love to hang out with her. Sometimes I get jealous whenever you come to the asylum and go straight to Claire but then I learned from Gerald here that when you love someone you'd like to spend more time with the person and love to be around the person. And care for the person, like you do Claire" Tory ended with a face that says 'I know these stuff' and everyone just stare at the fifteen year old girl and then turned to stare at Patrick "What?" Patrick asked "Don't act like you didn't hear her. Do you love Claire?" Lisa asked her son "I don't know. I care about her and like her very much but not love" Patrick said "I gotta go. Claire's waiting for me" Patrick said and turned around "Make you sure you tell your lover we said hi" Tory said emphasising the word 'Lover' making Patrick to turn and look at her "Tory!!" Patrick shouted "Oops" Tory said giggling and Patrick chased Tory across the room in a circle with Tory shouting "Catch me if you can lover boy" and the rest of the family just closed their eyes and shook their heads at Patrick and Tory's behavior.
Patrick sighed as he walked to the Infirmary where Claire was. He wondered if what Tory had said was truth. Sure he care about Claire. Wanting to make her laugh, always wanting to see her smile and wanting to see her looking healthy like before
But he was not in love with her. Right? He asked himself mentally as he opened the door and saw Claire at the window looking at him smiling. His heart beat faster than normal and then he grinned "Definitely not in love with her" he thought as he back the door.
"Hey Claire" Patrick said putting his bag down on the bed "What?" Claire asked sitting next to Patrick "Mom, dad, Gerald and Tory said I should say hi to you" Patrick told her and she nodded "Guess your family ain't angry" Claire said smiling. "Yeah" Patrick nodded and they just sat there in a comfortable silence. They were enjoying each others company in this silent moment.
Claire looked up to Patrick and noticed the way his hair framed his face, his nose, firm lips and strong cheek bone and pale skin. "Beautiful" she said a little too loud for her comfort and blushed when Patrick turned to look at her with a raised eyebrow "What's beautiful Claire?" He asked "Nothing" she stuttered "Then why'd you say it" "Because i wanted to" Claire replies still blushing "Okay then why is your face all red? Are you okay?" He asked touching Claire fore head "I'm fine" Claire said removing his palm from her forehead "Hey!! I remember this" "Remember what?" Claire asked and look at Patrick to see a mischievous grin on his face "What?" Claire stuttered "You're blushing because of me aren't you?" Patrick asked wiggling his eyebrow and Claire turned beat red "What.. Why would I do that?" Claire stuttered furiously as she touched her cheeks "Then why are you stuttering?" Patrick said grinning and this time Claire couldn't answer and just stare at her lap and blush and Patrick bust out laughing "Claire" Patrick said in between laughter "Stop laughing" Claire whine and Patrick just laughed the more "Hey stop it" Claire said as she use her hand to hit Patrick arm and he calmed down and looked at Claire "Sorry. It's just that your face is priceless when you lie" Patrick said "I wasn't lying" Claire said "If not,then why were you blushing" Patrick asked again and Claire couldn't talk and Patrick just grinned and Patted Claire head "Its' alright. As long as I know the truth" Patrick said and Claire pouted cutely "You're so cute" Patrick said pinching Claire cheek "Hey stop that" Claire shouted slapping his hand away "Yeah yeah. Whatever" Patrick said pinching the bridge of his nose and Claire looked at him and pecked his cheek making Patrick to touch his cheek and looked at Claire who was fidgeting with her fingers shyly "That was just a thank you for em, not leaving me and making me smile when I couldn't " Claire said trying to look up to Patrick but she couldn't "I won't ever leave you" Patrick said lifting Claire form her position and placed her on his laps "We would always be best friends that's the promise we made when we were little, right?" Patrick asked and Claire nodded against his chest "Then this is my promise to you now. I will never leave you. We would always be together. We will always be close even if we are far from each other and we will be best of friends forever and ever. I promise" Patrick stated and kissed the top of Claire hair "I promise you as well" Claire said and hugged him tightly. Wishing that what he said would be possible for that last time someone said that he ended up dead and she hoped Patrick wouldn't die like her big brother because she truly loved the boy she was sitting on his lap. She loved him dearly. From the day that she kissed him and told him that she loved him and to the day he saw that the boy was always worried about her. Always wanting to talked to her and always wanting to comfort her.
The promise he made not to take her back to asylum. But the thing she lived most about him was the way he smiled, grinned and laugh. Claire would kill to see him smile, laugh and grin. She loved him dearly, that was why when she saw that the man killed him she was angry about that. She would give up her own life to be sure that he was save and secure and happy. "But does he feel the same way about me?" she thought looking at the sleeping boy lying close to her on the bed "I love you Patrick" Claire said and pecked Patrick on his lip and blush on how soft his lips was. She looked at him and then snuggled in his chest and fall asleep close to the one she loves most. Patrick.
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