Chapter 20
"Father" Patrick said as he entered into his father's study room. He saw his father dropped the book of his on his desk close to him and looked up to him "You called for me" Patrick said walking towards his father "Yes" Peter said standing up and walking towards the window "I wanted to talk to you about that girl you brought home on Sunday" Peter continued "Yes, what about her?" Patrick asked knowing where this conversation was heading "You need to take her back" Peter said turning towards his son "I can't dad" Patrick replied "And why is that?" Peter looked at his son with a raised eyebrow "Because I promised her not to and you dad, know that I don't go by without fulfilling my promises" Patrick stated and Peter sighed as his son code of honor "Yes I know that. But do you know that the police are searching everywhere for her?" Peter asked and saw Patrick eyes widen "H. how did you know that?" Patrick stuttered "Yesterday, while I was watching the news, the news caster announced that a teenage girl was missing from an asylum and this girl had blond hair, was wearing a white gown reaching to her toes. Now tell me" Peter turned towards the window "Does that not fit the description of the young woman you brought here that day?" Peter continued and waited for Patrick to answer "Even so, I still won't take her back" Patrick sternly said and Peter just looked at his son and shook his head "Son, if that girl was to hurt one of us it would be your fault" Peter said and Patrick looked confused at what his father just said "What do you mean?" Patrick asked "You tie the girl eyes anytime you bring her downstairs. Anytime someone step into your room" Peter said. Patrick was wondering were his father was going with this. Could it be that he had figure out the reason for Claire eyes needed to be tied? No it was possible, his father may be smart but not that smart. Right? "Now," his father said bringing him from his thoughts "It would be to my understanding that the reason for that, is because she sees the person for the cause of her mental breakdown in people who are not. Am I correct?" Damn his father for being so smart. The possibility of what he just said was high enough. What if one day he forgot to lock the door and someone barged in on Claire reading? What if that someone was his mother and little sister? Patrick heart beat against his cheat like a drum. But he wouldn't let that happen. He would have to make sure that before he left he would lock the door. Looking up to his father, he said "Don't worry dad, I got this" and grinned. His father sighed and walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder "Don't tell me I didn't warn you" Pater said and walked out of his study room, leaving Patrick to think all about what they had just spoken about.
Patrick sighed at the thought of what he and his father had talked about that Tuesday night. Ever since then he had always made sure he locked his door before stepping out of the house and they had being no problem since then, so his father had nothing to worry about.
Little did he know of what had taken place at his house.
"Peter" Lisa cried as her husband lay on her lap with blood gushing out from his stomach "Daddy" Tory said as tears flowed from her eyes while Gerald just stood there with widen eyes looking at Claire who was being held to the ground by Albert. He was full of anger right now. This girl wanted to separate his family. The one he cherished most and if his father were to die Patrick would pay dearly for father told him to take this girl away. "Madam, the ambulance are here" a maid said as a two male came into the kitchen with a stretcher. They hurriedly put Peter on it and carried him away with Tory following after him along with Lisa. Gerald held his mother hand making her to stop "What do we do with the girl?" He asked and Lisa just turned to see Claire asleep in Albert hands "Call the police, they'll know what to do" Lisa answered and Gerald nodded and let her go and she ran outside. Gerald brought out his cell phone and called the police "Hello" the other line said "Yeah, I've got a situation to report" Gerald said.
(Few minutes before that happened)
Claire was humming a tone as she swung her legs back and forth while she sat on desk. Now, people would be wondering what a mentally ill person would be humming about. She was happy. It turned out that she has not been having nightmare for the past one week she stayed with Patrick. And when she was bathing, she realized that her body wasn't so skinny like before. In fact, she looked slim like a model and when Patrick saw her he nodded his head and said "You're looking more healthy" and she smiled at him.
She blushed at the thought of Patrick. Ever since that day Patrick hugged her to his chest when she had a nightmare, she realized that wherever he touched her or look at her she would blush and when he would hug her before going to school, her heart would beat furiously like she was scared but she wasn't. She wondered what this feeling was. Could it be love? She pondered on that thought before she said "It couldn't be possible. I've known him for a week and I'm in love with him? Nope. It's probably because am just thankful for what he's doing" Claire smiled at what she just said and got up from the desk to her feet and then she heard the door opened.
It was as if timed stop when the person revealed himself. Claire eyes widen when she came face to face with HIM. And she started shaking "Patrick" she thought as the man made his way to her "Excuse me miss, would you like a cup of tea" Albert said to her but in her eyes and ear the man said "Let's have fun,okay little girl?" And she screamed and ran passed Albert outside "Miss" Albert called out as he ran following her. Claire was so afraid. Her heart was beating fast against her chest and she was confused. She needed Patrick but he had gone to school. Patrick could have protected her from him. She started crying while she ran. She got downstairs and ran to her left where the kitchen was headed. She opened it and closed it and turned around to see HIM again with a knife in his hand. And her eyes widen when she saw her Parents on the floor and also her big brother. She looked the side opposite HIM and saw Patrick Lying on the floor. Dead. Her eyes widen "Had he come back from school so early?"she thought and she rushed to him and wrapped her arms around his neck crying "No!! Not you too. Please don't leave me" she said and all this while Peter (The man in Claire eyes) was looking at her with eyes of horror and sadness"Poor girl" he voiced his thoughts making Claire eyes to snap to him and her eyes widen in fear and anger "You killed him" Claire said looking at Peter who just stared at her "You killed him" Claire shouted and got up and ran up to him and pushed him on the floor making the knife to fall from his hands with a *Clank*. Claire looked at the bloody knife (Clean knife) on the floor and she picked it up and looked at the man. She ran up to him and stood on top of him while the man look at her with eyes of pleading and Claire was confused 'Why is he looking at me like that?' But she quickly regain herself as a voice in her head told her that he was just playing with her so that she could pity him and when she had left her guard down, he would have his way with her.
Claire bend her neck against her shoulder as the voice spoke and tears fell from her eyes and she looked at the man and screamed "DIE" and stabbed him the stomach. And it was that very moment Tory, Gerald and Lisa entered the kitchen to see Claire stabbing their husband and father.
Patrick hummed happily as he saw his house in the cab he was. His eyes averted from the building to the ambulance that just left his compound. "What's happened?" He asked his eyes containing fear "Could it be?" Patrick thought with widen eyes as the cab stopped and he payed the man and rushed into the gate of his house "But I locked the door. There's no way" he said running and touching his pocket only to find out that the key was not in his pocket. Meaning he didn't lock the door.
He stopped at the door of his house "Claire" he thought and opened the door, only to come face to face with his brother whose face changed to anger when he saw Patrick "Gerald what..." Patrick was caught off by a fist to his face and he fell to the ground holding his bleeding nose "Gerald what the hell" he hissed and looked up to his brother only to find out he was crying "You're so stupid. Take her back, you didn't heed a word. Now look at what had happened" Gerald said as he kicked his brother in the stomach ad he said every single word "Stupid little brother. Do you have any idea what that your stupid asylum friend did" Gerald dragged Patrick collar and looked at him in his face "What did she do?" Patrick asked coughing blood "I'll tell you what she did" Gerald said and hit Patrick face with his fist and let his collar go, making Patrick to fall on his back "She stabbed dad" Gerald said looking at his brother who turned and looked at him with widen eyes "She did what?" Patrick asked not believing his ears "It's all your fault. And if anything happens to dad. I won't forgive you" Gerald said coldly and walked into the house. Patrick couldn't believe his ears. "Claire stabbed dad?" he thought and tears fell from his eyes "God no. Please let dad be alright" he thought and passed out from the beating he received.
And at that time Claire woke up. Her eyes opened and she looked at her surrounding and saw that she wasn't in Patrick room but somewhere dark and then she heard laughing. She turned towards the noise and walked towards it. She stopped when she felt something like an iron door in front of her. She touched it with her palm and she remembered this feeling and her eyes widen "Am I back?" She thought and touched her eyes only to feel a tiny piece of clothe on them. And then everything came back to her. How she was humming happily and then the man came to her room. She ran yo the kitchen and came face to face with the man again but this time his palm held a bloody knife and she looked at the floor to see her parents, brother and when she turned to her left, she saw "Patrick" she whispered in shock "He's dead?" She asked herself as tears form in her eyes "No, it can't be" she said as she close her eyes and remembered the moment where she knelt before Patrick dead formed and touched his bloody body "His blood felt real. He can't be dead. No!! No!!!!" She shouted and woke everyone in that place and the place became noisy.
"I see you're back little girl" she heard that voice and she stopped crying
"No" she whispered in horror.
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