Chapter 18
"Good morning man" Isaac said to Patrick "Morning dude" Patrick sigh "Whats got you all down?" Isaac asked and Patrick looked at him and pointed to his back. Following his best friend finger, he spotted a group of she devils standing far from him with sign boards on their palms "See you in class?' Issac asked as Patrick handed him his bag and Patrick nodded. Issac moved aside for Patrick and Patrick turned around to the she devils and winked at them and ran for he's life. The she devils squealed and pursue their so called 'Future lover'. Issac looked at the back of the she devils as they pursue his best friend, he couldn't help but laugh a little at Patrick good looks giving him advantage and disadvantage.
Patrick hid from his Fan club in the boy bathroom. Why? Because they are girls and its not right for a girl to enter in there. So the girls stood in front of the door banging it "Patrick come out" Patrick heard one of his fan girl say. The two parties stayed like that until they heard the bell and all the girls groan in annoyance and went to their different classes not before saying that they would get him later. Peeping his head through the door, Patrick saw the coast clear and he sighed and step out of the bathroom and walked to his class
Patrick stepped into the class and all eyes turned to him "Sorry I'm late to class. Just had a little problem to take of" Patrick said to his teacher who was looking at him "Sure. You can take your sit" Mr Andrew said to Patrick and Patrick nodded and went to sit between his two friends "How was the chase?" Bella giggled as she asked him "Those girls are getting more serious every day!" Patrick said as Issac handed him his bag "Well at least by next month, you won't have to see their faces again" Issac said "Yeah" Patrick nodded "If Issac, Bella and Patrick would please keep quiet while I teach, it would be good okay?" The teacher said as he looked over his shoulder "Sorry Mr Andrew" the trio apologized and giggled. Well Bella did while Issac and Patrick chuckled.
The teaching for that day went by and good. The teacher paid them good attention because they would be writing exams and failure is not an option. So they had to put extra hours of teaching this week meaning that they would be closing by 4,instead of 2,that is for his class though. As if that wasn't enough his crazy fan girls waited for him to finish his class. They had surprises him when they jumped on him and started pulling his hair, kissing his face and some even had guts to opened his shirt and kiss his chest. Some even push their butt on his dick and started humping on hi. It had to take all the teachers to drive them away and his best friends stopping him from killing them on the spot. "Stupid girls. Stupid girls. Crazy fan girls" he chanted as he step into his house "Welcome young master" Albert greeted but Patrick just passed him and Albert looked at him and his eyes widen when he saw that his masters shirt was torn at the back and red colored lip gloss stained his back and neck.
"Crazy fan girls" Patrick said as he unlocked his room door and saw Claire with her eyes tied sitting on the bed looking at his direction. He sighed 'Its just me Claire" Patrick said as he put his bag on the desk. Claire removed the fold and she saw that it was Patrick. And he was looking weird. His shirt was torn at the stomach and lip gloss stained his face all over and the exposed part of his stomach also showed lip gloss "What happened? " she asked standing up "Fan girls" Patrick said "Fan girls? Who's that?" Claire asked with a raised eyebrow and Patrick looked at her and sighed as he walked to his bed and sat down and Claire sat down also
and Patrick began telling Claire about what Fan girls are and what they do. And what they did to him today! By the time he was done, Claire looked at him widen eyes and with mouth opened "That's awful" Claire commented and Patrick nodded "I know" he sighed and stood up "I have to take a shower to wipe all these gloss from my body" he said irritated and walked towards his bathroom, opened it and stepped in.
After he was done, he walked out and went to his ward robe and picked out just a blue boxer and put it on "Don't you wanna wear a shirt?" Claire asked as her followed Patrick as he walks towards her and sat on the bed close to her "Nope" he replied and she just nod her head "So what did you do while I was gone?" Patrick asked wanting to hear all about Claire day in his room "Well I watched a movie" Claire said pointing to the TV "Only that" Patrick asked and Claire shook her head "Man,boring" Patrick said falling on his bed with his back to it. He stayed like that until he got an idea "How about we play a game?" He said sitting up and looking at Claire who just stare at him "What game?" Claire asked "On my PS" Patrick said walking to his drawer and knelt down and opened the last drawer and brought out his PS "PS? Aren't you a little bit too mature to be playing kids game" Claire asked and Patrick blushed with embarrassment as he connected the PS to the TV "I know that but which boy doesn't like game? Even if you're gay, you would still love to play" Patrick said and motioned for Claire to sit on the floor by hitting the floor and Claire did so "So what game do you want to play?' Patrick asked "What game do you have?" "Mortal combat, Need for speed and GTA" "Need for speed" she said excitedly and Patrick smiled, selected need for speed and gave the other controller to Claire. Patrick pressed the start button and the game began.
Patrick was surprised how good Claire was at the game. It was like she was born after the game of need for speed. Every single one of their races, she would win and he would have rematch with her but he'll end up losing and Claire telling him to give up. To forfeit. He would say no and Claire would end up winning. Again. And again and again until Patrick gave up "Fine I give" Patrick said in frustration and Claire laughed. Claire just laughed. 'I just laughed' Claire thought with widen eyes "Its been long since I've felt this happy" Claire thought smiling. Patrick heard Claire laughed and did she just smile "You look beautiful when you smile" he voiced his thoughts out loud and he and Claire blushed when they realized what he just said "He.he he he" Patrick laughed nervously scratching his head sheepishly and Claire looked at him and leaned forward making herself and Patrick only inches from each other and Patrick looked down at her lips and her eyes and he blushed as he gulped "What.. a. are.. y. you. d. doing" Patrick stuttered and Claire looked at his eyes and moved her head to his cheeks and she kissed him on his cheek. She smiled at him, stood up and walked to the bed. She lay down and close her eyes "Thank you" she said loud enough for Patrick to hear and turn his head towards her lying form. He smiled "Your welcome Claire" Claire heard this and she smiled and close her eyes allowing sleep to take her.
Patrick joined Claire not long after Claire had fallen asleep. He adjusted himself in the bed and allow sleep to take him as well.
"so this is the boy that took you away from me" the man said looking at Claire and the man punched the so called boy who was tied to a chair in the stomach "Stop" Claire cried out as tears pour from her eyes "You care so much about him. Don't you remember what happen with the people you cared about? Your mom" the man said and Claire eyes widen as the picture of her mom being stabbed came to her view and she closed her eyes and shook her head "your dad" the man continued "No!! Stop" Claire shouted crying "Your big brother. Your lovely big brother who promised you to be with you forever but looked at what happened" the man grabbed Claire hair making her look up and the man turned her head to the right where she saw the same man stabbing her brother, over and over and over again. "No!!No!!Stop Please" she shouted and the man laughed wickedly making her tears increase "Did you remember what I did to you little girl?" The man said and Claire stopped crying as she heard a little girl voice screaming for something to stop. Claire turned her head to the direction of the cry and she saw her self of ten years being turn apart by the man as she cried for him to stop "Stop!!Stop!No!!" She shouted as she tried to untie herself from the chair she was tied to. The man laughed and she turned to look at the man and saw that the man held a knife to the boy neck "Please don't" she begged the man with tears in her eyes but the man just laughed and stabbed the boy in his throat making blood to pour out like a stream of water. Claire eyes widen at the sight and finally she cracked and shouted "PATRICK!!"
Claire jolted up from her sleep with sweat all over her body and fear and sadness evident in her eyes. She held her head with her palms as she her breath came out rasping. And then she began to cry "Claire are you okay?" She heard someone said and turned to the voice only to see HIM grinning at her. Her eyes widen, "Why is she looking at me like that?" Patrick asked himself, and Claire pushed him away making Patrick land on his back with a thud "STAY AWAY!" Claire screamed and shifted deep into the bed folding her legs to her chest and wrapping her arms around it, protecting herself "Don't come closer. Stay away from me" she whispered rocking back and forth, looking left and right. "Stay away! Don't come closer!" She screamed and her head was pressed against a chest "Claire it was all a nightmare" Patrick said "That voice" Claire thought as she focused on the voice and realized it was Patrick "Pat... Patrick?" She stuttered his name as she look up to him and saw black orbs "Yeah its me" Patrick said to her staring into her blue eyes.
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