57: I'm Blackmailing
57 Leo
"She's sedated," Jeff drops the syringe onto the ground, his hands shaking so quickly they begin to blur. "With a dose powerful enough to knock out Fry."
Somehow, I don't think it was enough.
"You good Lee?" Jeff places a hand on my shoulder, bringing me back to reality.
She looks pale, but at least she didn't have a seizure. Some sort of wild and rapid nervous breakdown, stemming from something in her head. Something I can't seem to stop. "What was she talking about?"
"The hallucinations are back, as it would seem," Clint sighs, wiping the sweat that is beginning to pool on his forehead. It is no hotter than normally in the room, although it feels like we are baking in an oven. At least it isn't just me who feels unbearably warm.
"She was having a conversation." Jeff notices, clinging on to me with all his strength.
Clint picks up the empty syringe, moving it back into the cupboard. He places it next to the yellow bottle of sedative, before closing the doors. "Yeah, with a hallucination."
"Should we update Alby?" Jeff asks slowly.
"No," Clint speaks with a certainty I've never heard him use before. "Nobody tells Alby what is happening. Not until I'm done running the tests."
"But if she is going to have another seizure-"
"Then we cross that bridge when we get there." Clint cuts me off, nodding towards me.
On a technical level he is my Keeper, so I know I should listen to him. He has more experience than I do, and he is more likely to find the best course of action and follow it. Despite this, I can't help but feel like I am disobeying Alby, and thereby the rules of the Glade. Wasn't I supposed to be in charge of the girls anyway? Or at least represent them?
"Leo, that's final." Clint doesn't often come out on top of Jeff and I. Normally the two of them work as a unit, and I've been trying to figure out the way I fit between the pair. Now, however, it is clear that Clint is running the show. He decides who talks to who and what treatment we do and when we do it. "Until then, she's going to be in the Changing room. No one in or out except me. Got that Jeff?"
Jeff nods quietly, letting go of me and moving over to help Clint. This dynamic shift between them feels not only odd, but uncomfortable. Clint has a way of commanding people that doesn't sit well with me. Only a few weeks ago were they sitting around and doing inventory, yelling up and down the Homestead at each other. The two bicker like an old married couple. For the longest time, I thought of them as a unit.
Clint funny and charming, but quick to action. Jeff chatty and amused, always teasing anything insight. When it comes down to it though, Jeff is quiet and obedient while Clint is decisive and orderly.
When it comes down to it, I don't know what I am. For a long time, I thought I was useless and stressed. Looking at Ella's unconscious body only solidifies this fact. This is who I am.
"I should tell Alby," I begin, looking up at Clint. "Why are you giving her medical treatment behind his back?"
Jeff looks up at me, biting his lip. "Honestly Leo, just do what he says. He knows more about medicine than everyone in the Glade combined. If Clint says to do it, you do it."
"No," I step closer, moving towards the bed. "You're not moving her until I know what is happening."
"Leo," Clint is stern, but he pauses for a second. "We're going to keep her under observation. I'm not going to be exposing her to any drugs or treatment. I'll just be monitoring her in smaller doses. We put her under stress today. She had a fine reaction time, but it seemed like she couldn't' even make out Jeff. I don't know what's up with her, and only I can see her until I figure it out. Everything else seems to set her off."
"Why can't we just tell Alby that?" I cross my arms over my chest.
Clint scrunches his nose up, cracking his shoulders. "It's complicated Leo. Alby can't be trusted with everything."
"Remember when he rushed to have Michelle banished?" Jeff adds in quickly. "That's not the first time he's made rash calls you know. If he thinks Ella has memories for a second he might banish her."
Clint glares at Jeff, and I realise exactly what Clint has been thinking. Ella remembers. At least, that's his guess. That's why he doesn't want me to see her, or anyone else. She remembers me, from before all of this.
How much does she remember?
If Alby finds out, what will happen? He could have her banished, or maybe all of us girls. Perhaps they'll subject her to harsh experiments or question her like you would a war criminal. Which means I am going to say nothing until Clint knows. I'll stay out of his way and let him figure Ella out for himself.
"I can help you bring her," I say it quietly and I don't look Clint in the eye. Jeff was right, I should've just listened to him. Normally I don't really distrust others. I add trusting to the list of things I am. It's short so far, but hopefully within the coming weeks it'll get longer.
"We're fine," Clint remarks quickly. "Go see if you can check on Dawn. I want to see how she is healing up."
I nod, listening to him I guess. My feet leave the room, leave Ella, and I stand in the foyer of the Homestead. Dawn isn't going to want to talk to me. In fact, she hasn't talked to me in days. Why did she have to shut me out? Why won't she tell me exactly what is going on?
Newt pops in the room. He was in love with Alby. I found that out not quite the last time we talked, but quite recently. He understands how I must feel. Why didn't it work out between the two of them?
Probably for the same reason nothing works out here anyway.
"We've got a bit of a problem." He remarks, his hands twitching at his sides. "By a little bit, I mean a bit of a big problem. I don't, shuck Leo..."
"Like, a medical problem?" I ask. It's never easy to tell with Newt. Perhaps Minho and Dawn were caught, or perhaps Michelle got in another fight.
"Yes?" Klunk. That's not a question he should be asking. Things like that should be absolute. "We're a bit tangled up in the Deadheads if you'll follow me."
He gestures for me to exit the Homestead. I move next to him, and when I try to ask him a question he shakes his head.
"Not here, in the open." He moves towards the wall, walking along it. He takes us closer to the Deadheads, slyly moving past the West door. It's obvious he is trying to hide us.
"What am I walking into?" I ask in a hushed tone.
He glances around for Gladers before answering me. "Minho came back an hour before the doors closed today."
The doors aren't supposed to close for another half an hour. Alby's been cracking down on timing since Stephen died. Instead of having to be back half an hour before the doors close, boys are supposed to be back 45 minutes prior. It's not weird for Minho to not respect Alby's new time slot; he's been coming back the usual half an hour early since Stephen's death although he has insisted everyone else adheres to Alby's deadline. However, Minho being early is practically unheard of, even if it's only by fifteen minutes.
"Was he hurt?" I ask, as Newt places a finger against his lips.
He shrugs carefully as we walk into the Deadheads. "Not in the Maze."
"Why isn't he in the Homestead?" I ask it quietly. "Aren't there Baggers in here?"
There is no use to an element of secrecy if those shucking Baggers are here to listen in.
"Most of the Baggers have other jobs. Step in as Baggers when their job is required. Billy is the only one who does it full time, since he's the Keeper. I think he called it in a couple of hours ago, as he usual does." Newt talks with a little more volume, but not with anything substantial. "We're probably safe in here."
He rounds a corner, and I spot Minho. He sits on the ground leaning against a tree, his shirt soaked through, with what I can't tell is water or sweat. He's been running all day though, so I wouldn't be surprised. This is not a sight I expected to see. Neither is Michelle who stands next to him. I can't tell if the blood which stains her clothing is new or old, but regardless the sight is not a pretty one. It matches her hair, but appears in dots splattered across her.
"What the shuck did you do Minho?" I move closer to Michelle, dragging him away from Minho. She pulls her hands out of my reach as I attempt check her skin for bruises. "What is this?"
"It's not what you think," Newt steps up to me, blocking me from Minho. "Shuck, I don't know what to do."
"Isn't it?" I attempt to lurch past Newt, but he holds me firmly. Leaning over his shoulder, I stare Minho down. "So what, you think Michelle beat up Dawn so now you're just going around bashing up innocent Gladers? Are you a shucking idiot?"
"He didn't hit me slinthead." Michelle's voice is firm, and I still in my struggle against Newt. He holds on to me for a second, before letting go and moving to my side.
"Wasn't him," she tells me.
"Who did this then?" I ask. Michelle ignores me in most situations, and this one proves no different. I stand, staring, waiting for a response from her. She only turns her head.
"Look, I should get going."
"You aren't going anywhere until we sort this out." It is in this second that I understand why Newt is second-in-command. He may not have a good time when discovering bodies, nor when overhearing Gladers breaking the rules, but under pressure he doesn't crack. He knows exactly how to make decisions and doesn't second guess himself for even a second.
I need to add that to the listen of things I need to be. Gone are the days of panic. Now I must be calm and still.
"What happened?" I ask.
"It was Ben," Minho finally looks up from his lap. His eyes are bloodshot when they meet mine. I doubt he slept last night. "That injured Runner." He doesn't need to clarify that to me. I know who Ben is.
"So what, He attacked Michelle?" I ask, although it doesn't fit. What are the odds Minho was walking around the Deadheads minding his own klunk, and he stumbled upon Ben hurting Michelle.
I'm not surprised Ben attacked her though. He's the one who lurched for her on our first night here after all.
"And Dawn." His voice cracks at the thought. Michelle only tightens the fist she is balling at her side, her face a glowing red nearly as bright as her hair. "I followed him in here when I saw the circle on his nose. Looked like a bite mark anyway, so I thought-"
"I had it under control." Michelle growls through her teeth.
"That's hardly the point," Newt cuts in quickly. "We have a problem. Ben is beaten up, and Alby's cracking down after the Baggers tried to get Michelle banished. No tolerance for violence, and we just had a three-way fight."
No one bothers to say why he did it. Which I don' think is fair. This was self-defence. Would Alby still banish Michelle? "He can't banish them."
"He might," Newt offers. "It's not like he'll believe Michelle didn't start this."
"It's not just the violence," Minho adds. "He has more over me than I have on him. It's not just me I'm worried about."
Ben knows. He knows about Minho and Dawn. This is bad, really bad. Bad enough that the panic itching at the back of my mind. Ben is going to snitch, and they are going to be banished. The self-defence isn't the problem. That would be fine, for everyone but Michelle.
Dawn and Minho are going to get caught now, and that will result in banishment, no doubt.
I knew this would happen. This must've been why I hated Minho. Not because of some weird jealousy, possessive thing. He's going to get Dawn killed.
They rat on Ben, and he rats back.
"Is he going to snitch?" I ask.
Newt doesn't answer me. In fact, he avoids my eyes all together. Minho, again, shrugs. This can't be happening.
"Why?" I ask, although the answer is pretty clear. "If he snitches, you'll snitch back and he'll be banished."
"Ben's reckless," Minho shakes his head. "I've been running with him long enough to know. He doesn't care if he goes down with us."
"Shuck, I don't care if they all get a day in the Slammer, but this isn't a day in the Slammer. This is banishment." Newt turns his head towards me.
So that's it then?
"Alby won't cut me any breaks anyway," Michelle turns to face me finally. "Minho maybe, since he was helping me and he's a shucking Keeper. But Ben'll say I instigated the fight, and I'll go down too."
She doesn't know about Minho and Dawn yet. This is a shucking mess. Ben attacked multiple girls, so he's going down no matter what. Michelle hit him back, and even if she didn't Alby isn't going to cut her any breaks. Dawn and Minho, on the other hand, are going to go down in the fight since they've been doing whatever it is they are doing. Are they just seeing each other, or are they shacking it up?
I've got enough on my plate without worrying about baby Gladers.
"So, the three of us will be banished." When Minho emphasizes three Michelle stiffens. As if she is catching his drift. As if when he says three he means four.
"There's no stopping it?" I demand. Why do I have to be privy to Dawn's up and coming demise? Maybe they want me to tell her. I couldn't ever. No part of me wants to watch her break; to tell her she is going to die. "I don't have a vote on the council you know. I can't help you."
"Minho had a crazy shuck idea," Newt sighs. "I don't like it.
"We can't report, so we need you to please Ben." Minho cuts off Newt, staring me down.
I don't like the way this is going. After my conversation with Clint, I find myself having to agree we can't report. It's not just their paranoia. Alby's on edge and everyone knows it. We've got to make sure Ben doesn't rat.
Don't know that I like the word please though.
"How?" I almost throw up. "Wait, do you mean physically? You want me to shack him?"
"That's the dumbest shuck thing you've ever said," Minho is angry both at the suggestion and at Ben's existence. His skin goes red at the idea of forcing me to shack the guy. "Ben wants to go back to being a Runner. He doesn't look too banged up. Only a bruised jaw and I bet a concussion."
"Unfortunately," Michelle interjects.
"Where do I fit in?"
"You're a Med-jack," Minho begins. "You can clear him to go back in the Maze. He's supposed to go in soon. Not tomorrow but the next day."
"Obviously his head is a little jacked," Michelle begins, "since Minho couldn't bloody help himself to smashing the shanks head off the ground."
"You would've done the same thing," Minho cuts her off.
"No," she corrects him, words firing out her mouth, "if I'd've done it, he'd not be getting back up any shucking time soon."
"Point is," Newt's voice manages to calm the group, "you can let him be a Runner again. And maybe we can pretend this didn't happen. As long as those two shanks can bloody handle their shuck selves, we're good."
"That'll please him enough not to get you banished?" I ask, staring at them all. "Seriously?"
"Ben hates those shucking Builders," Minho finally stands up, though his knees shake. He manages to smile for a minute. "Can't blame him though. Every time I interact with those shanks trouble follows.
Michelle scoffs, "good that."
"I don't want to reward him, but I don't see how else we can get out of this shucking mess. I'll tell him tomorrow that he's good to start running in two days, instead of the projected three weeks to heal, he might listen," Minho begins. "Give him anything he wants for the next little bit. Drinking privileges, special meals, all that stuff. He might listen."
Michelle will talk Gally into letting Ben drink, and Dawn can do the meals. All that's left is getting him back in the Maze.
"I don't do the treatments," I quickly correct. "Clint is going to have to clear him, and he'll see the concussion from a mile away."
"I'm sure you can shucking convince him." Michelle looks down at her nails, her nose crinkled as if being around us is somehow disgusting.
What the shuck does she mean, I can convince him?
If she means convince him sexually, she's got Clint pegged all wrong. I know exactly how to convince Clint. It's not exactly convince so much as it is blackmail, and the thought makes the food I last ate, early hours in the morning, turn sour in my stomach. Especially since if he disagrees, Ella could find herself in hot water.
Although, if he doesn't, four people get banished for certain.
I sigh, blowing a strand of hair out of my face. "Shuck."
Woof. This is exciting. I'm excited. It's plot city central. How do you think this will play out?
I'll see you soon in Dawn and Fear
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