Chapter 6
~ When the green woods laugh with the voice of joy, and the dimpling stream runs laughing by;
When the air does laugh with our merry wit, and the green hill laughs with the noise of it. ~
James had been promoted to the rank of Gryffindor Quidditch Captain the following year and his ecstasy was beyond explanation. He was standing on the pitch with a determined face and had called up people for the try outs. The team needed one beater and two chasers as those members had graduated.
"Baron, you're next!" he called as a gangly boy with sandy hair that fell into his eyes stepped forward, "what post you're trying for?"
Baron who was probably a third year looked up, "beater, I guess?"
He looked at the person standing in front of him as if weighing out the pros and cons, "alright. And don't worry, Madam Pomfrey will be here if anything happens." James patted his back sending him towards the tryout field where he was given a club and the bludgers were to be released.
"You sure he's gonna survive?" Sirius whispered in his ear.
He shrugged, "doubtful. But maybe he will, maybe he won't. You did tell Madam Pomfrey that we're holding tryouts today, right?"
Sirius nodded," sure did, mate. She said she had a few beds already prepared just in case someone gets injured."
It was not like James and Sirius were planning to injure every single player that came for the tryout, but the Gryffindor Quidditch tryouts were known for being hard. Gryffindor house had won the cup last year and by no chance did they want to lose it this once. So obviously, the Captain made sure that every member on the team was fitting for his/her position.
After the stressing tryouts that lasted for more than one and a half hour, James had picked the right candidates for the team and was quite pleased with his selection. Sirius was still unable to digest that the lanky boy, Baron, made it and not only did he survive but also got chosen as the beater for their team.
And after such an exhausting training session, everyone was obviously looking forward to food and a little rest. Soon as James entered the Hall, his eyes got caught by the clock which had struck nine. At first he stared at it trying to remember for which appointment he had got late for. And then it hit him. He had to attend his first tutoring lessons at eight and he missed them.
Not only was he late but he was a full hour late. And if that Ravenclaw had been waiting for him to turn up at the library for that long, then he knew he would better be prepared to face another attack at his self esteem.
"What happened to your face, James? It looks much paler than usual," Sirius remarked.
"I... I have a situation to deal with. You go to the common room and I'll see you there. After the said situation has been tackled," he replied and soon after rushed up the flights of stairs that led to the library. When he got there he was much out of breath and after a five minute search he concluded that Latvia had possibly just left after waiting there for ages.
But he was also aware that he had to do something about the lesson he missed. Something like rescheduling the time and promising not to be late again. Or else his mother would be disappointed at his lack of interest and Professor Sinistra too would let Euphemia know about his careless attitude. So he set out on his search for a short fiery Ravenclaw who would probably explode at him whenever given the chance.
He found her by the fourth corridor talking to a fellow house mate. "Latvia," he approached her, "I got caught up in the Quidditch tryouts today and couldn't come. How about we set another day for the lesson?"
She clenched her teeth as if suppressing the wave of fury that had coursed through her, "another day? So that you can get caught up in tryouts again and then get late as usual."
"Oh come one, this was only the first time. I will make sure to be punctual from now onwards," he paused then added as an afterthought, "at least I'll try."
She shrugged, "no can do for now. I only had this free period and I'm not going to sacrifice any class on you."
"But Latvia..."
She looked at him then at her friend, "sorry, I gotta go." And with that she walked off down the other end of the corridor quickening her pace immediately to get away from him.
"Hey, Latvia, I told you I'm sorry. I won't be late next time," James rushed after her effortlessly through the corridors.
People turned watching the fiasco as the short Ravenclaw dashed through pursued closely by the notorious Gryffindor.
She kept ignoring him sprinting away from him as fast as she could until she collided with someone and fell, "holy crap!"
James grabbed her hand pulling her up to her feet. The person she had collided with was none other than Snape carrying a giant pile of books which were obviously all scattered on the floor by now.
"How dare you touch me, you moron!"
Snape who was busy picking up his books and muttering curses under his breath looked up in surprise since he surely hadn't expected anyone other than him to address James as such.
"I had more of expected a thank you...?" James spoke in his careless drawl.
"I'd rather die than ever have to thank people like you."
"Oooooh, burn," Sirius spoke up from within the crowd that had gathered to witness the scenario.
James mentally took a note of dealing with Sirius later for the catcalling. "Latvia, would you stop being so savage to me?"
"Not at all. You can try whatever you want. It's not as if I was dying to tutor you. If it hadn't been for Professor Sinistra, I would not have had to face you at this moment. And trust me that would have been a great relief," she huffed and started to walk off in the opposite direction but he effortlessly stepped in front of her such that she bumped into him. "Potter, I swear to God I'll kill you if you don't step aside."
"What have I done that has made you hate me so much?"
"I don't hate you in fact..."
"Of course, that's what I thought, no one can possibly hate me."
"I absolutely despise your pathetic existence," she completed the sentence.
He was rendered speechless for a whole minute there and considering he was James Fleamont Potter who had an answer for everything, that was definitely saying something.
"But Latvia, what is my fault?"
"The basic fact that you're an entire walking disaster. Do you even know how to dress properly? Do you even know how to button up a shirt? Have you ever knotted your tie once in this whole life of yours?"
Lily was standing in a corner fighting back an immediate urge to laugh then and there. She was no doubt amused to see James Famous Potter standing flustered due to Miss Shortie.
"No wait, I'll do you a favor. This is how you knot a tie," she spoke standing up on her tiptoes grabbing his tie then knotting it furiously as if attempting to choke him.
James stood there speechless, he could only stare at the furious face and the striking blue eyes that were boring right into his, burning with anger.
"And I'm not expecting any sort of gratitude from you," she huffed leaving his tie with a jerk then heading off to class.
Nearly the whole population in the corridor was laughing their heads off by then.
James spoke up loudly, "alright now, shut up all of you. Enough of your laughter at my expense."
The crowd began to disperse at that. But one thing was for sure; all of them had had enough amusement from the scene. Because, really, no one gets to see James Potter stuck in a situation like this everyday. And the effect was no doubt hilarious.
Sirius came up to him, "come on, mate. You've been roasted enough for today by this situation you had to deal with."
"Not just for today. I believe he's been roasted enough to last him a lifetime," Remus remarked playfully.
"Serves you right," Lily remarked as she passed them noticeably laughing.
James's mood dropped at that, "now look, Lily too thinks it's funny. She thinks me, her future husband, being humiliated is funny. It's so bloody embarrassing."
"And considering the fact that it's just the beginning... I do sympathize with you," Peter spoke, "wonder what will become of you when you actually do start your tutoring lessons with her."
James looked at him as if horrified.
Remus patted him on the shoulder, "don't worry, she won't possibly be that horrible."
"I sincerely hope so," James muttered loud enough for Sirius to hear.
"Nice one, James," he added laughing, "we'll make sure you get a proper funeral."
That earned him a hard smack on the chest which sent him spiraling backwards. James knew that no matter what, Sirius wasn't going to let it at rest. And he was in for years of laughter at his expense.
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