Chapter 52
~ Someday soon, your whole life's gonna change,
You'll miss the magic of these good old days. ~
The sound of the camera flash and the excited voice that followed shortly after were enough to let Sirius know that he was done for, "payback's a bitch, Siri!"
Amber eyes locked with his grey ones in alarm and reluctantly the boy backed off, hands retreating from either side of him at the counter as Sirius let go of the collar of his shirt, disentangling his fingers from the tie that was hanging loose. He hadn't wanted their moment to be interrupted as such but seemed like fate was never in his favor.
Sirius finally got off the counter to face the blonde who was holding the picture in front of him daringly, "Marlene, give it back this second."
But Marlene stepped back, pocketing the picture and sticking out her tongue at him mockingly. Though as he was deciding whether or not to chase her and snatch away the picture, his eyes fell on his cousin who was standing by the door looking at both of them with shock written clearly across her face.
"Oh morning, Fel, what a pleasant surprise. We were making breakfast for you two," he smiled at her, running his hand through his messy black hair casually. As if the two hadn't caught him snogging his best friend in the kitchen.
On the other hand, Remus John Lupin was standing by the counter thoroughly flustered; sandy brown hair disheveled, his face redder than the Gryffindor house colors and his amber eyes flickering in nervousness as his fingers fumbled with his shirt quickly buttoning up the first few buttons that Sirius had tugged open.
Felicity took in his state, smiling for it seemed she had recovered from the sudden revelation, "guess the Potters wedding will go down in history for one more union. By the way, congratulations."
"Some breakfast you two were making," Marlene remarked playfully at which Rem's face went even scarlet. Then turning to face Sirius, she added, "oh and what were you saying last night, Siri? Now I am going to slip this picture in the wedding photo album too and none of you can make me decide otherwise."
"I dare you, McKinnon," his grey eyes sparked in mischief.
"So do I, Black."
The next moment Sirius was chasing after her through the whole house, yelling at her to hand back the photo which was followed by Marlene telling him to hand the one he had taken first.
Felicity looked over at Remus who was still quite flustered and shook her head, her smile widening, "these two are such drama queens."
"Hi," Remus spoke up at last, his nervousness wearing off gradually, "sorry for all that, y'know... I just needed some place to crash and Padfoot offered and..."
"You don't have to explain, Rem, I am happy for you two," she replied, busying herself in the kitchen because obviously Remus and Sirius had not made breakfast unlike how Siri had so proclaimed.
Remus offered to help and put the tea on the stove while Felicity laid out the plates on the table and took out the bread to fix quick sandwiches.
Much to his relief, she didn't ask him anything about the situation they had caught the two in, instead kept a light conversation going related to James and Lily's wedding.
Sirius and Marlene returned at last, rather out of breath. They had refused to hand over the pictures to each other so it was quite absolute that the snaps were going to end up in James and Lily's album.
"This is how you prepare breakfast," Felicity remarked, playfully nudging Siri's elbow, "now sit and eat."
"Thanks," he sat down but before putting the sandwich in his mouth he asked as if suddenly recalling something, "you sure you haven't messed up the spices today just like you used to do so earlier, Fel?"
She shook her head, "of course not, ask Remus if you don't trust me."
Remus took a bite from his sandwich in order to convince him that it was fine, he too had recalled that time when he had visited the cousins back when Alphard had been alive. "See, it tastes good."
"Not as good as you," out of habit Sirius flirted openly making Rem turn scarlet again while both Fel and Marlene smacked him on the head. "Ow, easy there, or else you'll ruin my beautiful hair."
"Your hair stink," Fel's reply was rather immediate, reminding him of the days when the two had stayed at the very house with Alphard still alive and with them.
"Though I have to say you two kept everything under cover for way longer than I expected," Marlene added because she had known all along about Siri's feelings towards Rem, "or have you two just gotten together like me and Fel?"
"To be honest, we were kinda on and off for the past few months," Sirius truthfully admitted, "our bros know, they figured out way earlier than we had wanted them to."
Marlene shook her head laughing, "of course they did. In case you don't know, Black, you are a walking disaster of emotion. You can't go by one day without flirting with the love of your life. It wouldn't be difficult to figure out at all."
Both Remus and Fel were simply watching the interaction knowing full well that it would be useless to interfere. When Sirius and Marlene started a conversation or argument, they could go on for hours without a pause.
"But I was discreet, right Fel? Tell us you didn't even suspect. That's how subtle I've been."
Felicity smiled, "yeah I didn't notice anything. To be honest, this was a sudden shock to me at first. But you two are cute together."
"Awww, see Moony, she thinks we look cute together. Finally someone agrees with what I've been trying to make you see since years now," Sirius chuckled, taking a huge sip of tea which he spat out right after, "what the hell, Felicity?!?!"
Felicity laughed, "I couldn't help it, I kept up my tradition and messed up your tea instead of the sandwich."
Marlene and Remus gave her high fives in unison at which Siri's jaw dropped open. "That's so bloody unfair. You always take her side, Moons, even though you're my boyfriend."
"Oh so it's boyfriend now," Marlene remarked playfully teasing him, "last time I checked, you had always referred to him as your best friend."
Sirius pretended to frown as if offended though a smile was tugging up on his face, "well newsflash, people change and so does their relationship status."
"Oh Merlin, Black, I hadn't known that," Marlene dissolved into laughter, "how could this be possible? You have brought to light such an otherworldly fact."
Felicity was shaking her head and seeing the look on her face, Remus spoke up, "you're thinking how and why you got stuck with us idiots, right? I have known this look too well from your fifth year."
She nodded laughing a bit herself, "but I'm glad I got stuck with you idiots. You all are the best thing that has ever happened to me."
And she was quite honest in saying that. Before meeting James and the rest of his friends due to an unwilling task of tutoring, Felicity's life had been much different from how it was currently.
But by then, she had gone through a lot of changes in her life, mostly positive. And she didn't want to exchange the friendships she had at the moment with the life she was leading earlier.
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