Chapter 50
~ We will build bridges up to the sky,
Heavenly lights surrounding you and I. ~
It was the big day at last, the day they had all been looking forward to, the day that brightened their otherwise dull lives. All the invites had been sent for the wedding of James Potter and Lily Evans. The venue had been decorated and though it was kept simple and the wedding was to be held in a very natural setting; a forest near the Order's headquarters.
Still everyone had made sure to make the most out of it. All the friends had given their best and the garden looked like a place straight out of a fairy tale with the garlands and wreaths of beautiful flowers and lace ribbons hanging from the trees in the entire place. A path had been set out like an aisle, strewn with white petals and with fairly lights weaving in and out on the sides.
It was near evening so they had all returned to their homes to get dressed for the wedding. James had been really excited such that Sirius had to practically drag him back to his place where all the Marauders were going to get ready.
Lily had been accompanied by Mary and Dorcas who were tasked to prepare the bride for the wedding. While Felicity and Marlene went back to Magnolia Crescent in the end after making sure that all the preparations were done at the venue.
There had been no dress code for the wedding and even the bridesmaids were free to wear whatever they pleased. The event was going to have the least restrictions for it was a temporary escape for all of them, a slight time to enjoy and forget about the worries hanging over their lives akin to a dark stormy cloud.
Felicity had chosen an off shoulder periwinkle blue dress that had a delicate chain of beaded flowers at the waist and the neckline. It was simple but suited her and as she looked in the mirror, she felt as if she was staring at someone else entirely.
Marlene had offered to do her hair and shortly after she stepped into her room, all equipped with her brushes and pins. She was wearing a sparkly silver dress with a short leather vest fitted over it that had rhinestones on the shoulders and back which caught up the light and sparkled. The look fitted her personality well and reflected her daring persona remarkably well.
"You look gorgeous," Marlene remarked, smiling as she took her hand and twirled her around, "oh and I know exactly what hairstyle would suit you."
Marlene had done her own hair in waves that were pulled to one side with a rhinestone clip, showing the trail of tattoos that started from right under her right ear and went down her neck as well, contrasting strikingly against her skin.
She made her sit down in front of the mirror as she busied herself in brushing through Felicity's jet black hair. Taking out her wand, she gave her hair a slight curl then pulled the strands up in a loose updo which she held in place by several pins. Her fingers worked deftly on setting each curl and she took a few strands out to frame Fel's face well.
"Do you like it?" Marlene bent down, her face beside Felicity as the two looked ahead in the mirror, her hands resting gently on her shoulders.
"It's lovely," Felicity replied with a smile, "I couldn't do that by myself, I was thinking of simply letting them down."
"That's exactly why I had offered to do your hair, I knew you would go with the simple look and even though you would have looked pretty all the same, now you look stunning."
"You look really beautiful, Marls," Felicity spoke up at last, her hands clasped tight together for she was uncertain how the girl would respond.
Olive green eyes sparkled and Marlene laughed as she noticed the slight red tainting her friend's cheeks, "aw thank you." But then as if she had suddenly realized something, she unclasped the pearl bracelet on her wrist and straightened, adjusting it in her hair akin to a wreath, "now for a final touch. Looks perfect."
Felicity stood up turning to face her and took her hands in her own, "thanks a lot."
The beautiful smile on her face widened and she squeezed her hands gently, "anything for you, Fel."
The Potter Wedding was a high affair and nearly all of their batch mates from Hogwarts had turned up, all the Order members had been invited as well and along with them were the family friends of both the Potter and Evans families. Lily's sister Petunia and her husband Vernon Dursley had refused to turn up but other than the two, nearly all of their guests had arrived.
All in all, about half of the Wizarding community in Britain had showed up. Madam Rosmerta had set up the bar, serving the finest drinks from Three Broomsticks including the signature Butterbeer and Firewhiskey. A lot of people from Hogsmeade village were there too and it was a rare time of merriment for the witches and wizards.
When Lily walked down the aisle, all eyes were on her for she looked breathtakingly stunning in her wedding dress. Her natural beauty stood out and the joy on her face lit up her eyes. James most probably had tears in his eyes to see her thus as he stood by his Best Man, Sirius, trying his extreme best not to get overly emotional at that time.
The vows were said out and at the words Now you may kiss the bride, James and Lily Potter shared their first kiss as husband and wife.
Everyone raised their glasses to toast the moment, hats and flowers were thrown up in the air and when the lovely couple pulled apart, their eyes were shining with happiness making them look quite in love.
Surprisingly, none of the Marauders had caused any distracting hazard at the wedding and as the music began to play, people came out to dance along with James and Lily in the center of the venue.
The fairy lights were lit up giving a rather ethereal effect to the happy gathering in the woods as the night was drawing to a close amid cheerful drinking and pleasant dancing. Felicity stood in a corner, watching James and Lily with a content expression on her face. At last James had gotten his Lily flower and the happiness on his face was proof that he felt incredibly enthralled to be with her.
A light laugh shook her from her thoughts and she turned to see Marlene standing beside her with a glass of gigglewater.
"Let's toast this our way," she handed it to her and Fel smiled, downing the drink then laughed shortly afterwards.
"To James and Lily Potter."
"To a lovely happy ever after," Marlene took a gulp from the glass as well, her delighted laugh sounding once again.
Maybe it was the charm of the moment or the thought of having Marlene at her side, that Felicity turned towards her gently cupping her face in between her palms, "Marls..."
But it seemed as if she couldn't find words to say to her. Her green eyes were mesmerizing and the smile on her face was inviting as if encouraging her to resume. When she didn't say anything for a while, Marlene pulled her closer, her hands placed on her waist, "don't hesitate, Fel. Go on."
She took in a deep breath for a weird feeling was settling at the pit of her stomach and a faint red was creeping up to her face at being so close to her. It seemed as if the stunning blonde girl held her under a spell for she leaned forward, capturing her lips with her own in a sweet lingering kiss.
Soon as their lips connected Felicity seemed to have realized what she had done and she felt a terrible fear grip her, for she thought she had crossed the line and risked everything she had with Marlene. So she pulled apart but was surprised to see that even though Marlene was just as shocked by the kiss, she didn't seem offended in fact a smile played upon her lips.
"Tell me, Fel, you don't regret this," she spoke in a soft tone, taking her hands and interlacing their fingers together, "tell me you had really meant it because I have been dying to kiss you like that for so long."
"I meant it," she breathed, the crimson on her cheeks deepening.
Hearing that from her mouth, her smile widened and Marlene leaned closer to kiss her, relieving all the fear and tension Fel had of the risk she had taken. Instead, Marlene made her retreat further into the shadows, deepening the kiss. She tasted sweet as Butterbeer with a faint trace of Firewhiskey and Fel's hands entangled in her soft blonde tresses.
Marlene pulled apart slightly for they were both rather out of breath but left a trail of kisses down her neck, lingering at her shoulder that sent a shiver down Fel's spine.
She had never felt that way with anyone and James's words came bouncing back to her, maybe it was just because she hadn't found the right person in her life. But with Marlene, she felt all those fluttery little feelings that people describe as the aftereffects of love.
And as Marlene pulled apart at last, her hands gently cupping her face and her green eyes looking lovingly in her blue ones, she realized that she had found the right person at last.
Felicity rested her forehead against hers, a beautiful smile dancing on her face because a burden had lifted off her at last. She knew she wasn't risking her friendship with Marlene because she too felt the same for her.
However, they had to pull apart immediately as a rather familiar voice drifted towards them and they turned to see Sirius standing with a small smile playing upon his lips, "well well, guess this night is going to go down in history for two events instead of one. Congratulations Marlene, you stole Fel's first kiss."
"Shut up," Felicity shoved him off as he pulled her close in a one armed hug, his smile turning into a wide grin.
"Awww, getting all flustered already?"
"Hey, don't tease her," Marlene remarked though she was smiling as well, "plus has no one ever taught you to respect other's privacy?"
Sirius shook his head, "has no one told you that this is a wedding and so many people are around? And of course I wasn't the only one who witnessed this. Rem took a picture which we are going to slip in the wedding photo album and none of you can make us decide otherwise."
Felicity's blue eyes widened and the scarlet hue in her face showed that she was actually getting a little flustered. But Marlene took matters in her hands effortlessly, "no worries, Black, at least everyone will know then that this beauty is taken by none other than yours truly."
Sirius laughed, "that's for sure. And Fel, you look so pretty all blushing like a beetroot. Can't believe my little cousin is so grown up, I have tears in my eyes."
He brushed off the fake tears from one hand which earned him another shove from Felicity at which his chuckle only grew louder.
Marlene had linked her arm round Fel's waist in a gentle reassuring grip and looked straight in her blue eyes as she added, "we have no regrets, right Fel?"
"No regrets," she agreed, her features relaxed as she softened into her embrace.
Though Sirius was right, that night was going to be memorable not just for James and Lily but for Felicity and Marlene as well.
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