Chapter 27
~ This could be the best day of my life
Been dreamin' day and night about the fun we've had. ~
For the first time in his life, James Potter actually felt like his sixth year passed much faster than the others. With all the Quidditch practices plus matches, the daily classes as well as the extra lessons in the library, he couldn't find any time to stop and think of where all the time was going.
But then he had his eye on a major prize waiting at the end; the promised date with Lily Evans. To him, he was taking part in a race and just had to covet the trophy waiting at the finish line. And of course while one is running in a race, he hardly has any time to slow down and think of what else is happening around him.
Felicity had managed to get Lily on her side and persuaded her to agree in going on a date with Potter if and only if he achieved good grades in the class tests. Lily too agreed because just like Sirius, she too hardly doubted that James would be able to score that well.
But it seemed as if Felicity had had an upper hand this once because she was absolutely correct in judging that given the right target, James could easily reprogram himself and prove himself to be up to the expectations.
At last, the test results came and much to the utter surprise of all teachers and the disappointment of Sirius Black, James Potter did manage to ace all the subjects with remarkable grades.
Minerva McGonagall was quite proud of him and so were the other teachers, Horace Slughorn even invited him in the next Slug club party, and James couldn't stop grinning like he was a cat who had just got the cream.
And well in a sense, that too was correct.
On the other hand, Lily Evans was mourning her luck because now she would have to go on date with that one person she supposedly couldn't tolerate.
"Ah come on Lily, he's not that bad," Felicity spoke, she and Lily were both sitting under a tree in the castle grounds, "he's just a little too talkative but I'm sure he won't say a word that bothers you as long as you do him the favor and accompany him to Hogsmeade."
"I liked you better when you hated him," Lily replied looking up from her book for a second, "but then I promised you so I'll have to do it. Still this is one big favor, Fel, you are forever in debt to me."
Felicity laughed, "I get it. So if the date goes horrible, which I hardly doubt, you can ask me to repay the debt in any way you want. And if it goes well then I won't be debted to you. Deal?"
She considered for a while then nodded, "deal."
"You know these four had once tried to set me up on a date with Remus," Felicity resumed thinking about that first Hogsmeade weekend she had truly enjoyed, "it didn't go horrible at all but me and Remus... We're just better off as friends."
"Uh hm," Lily straightened closing the book, "and why is that so? He's a quite decent guy and I'm sure the two of you would get along pretty nicely."
She shrugged, "you ever had that feeling that you're just not attracted to somebody in that kind of way? Like if you were asked to go on a date with Snape, it would be awkward right?"
"Ah I see," Lily nodded with an understanding look in her eyes, "so you have platonic feelings towards him."
"Yeah. And not just towards Remus. It's just with every guy I have ever befriended. I'm just... How should I put it... Not interested in boys."
She looked at the black haired girl sitting across from her in surprise, "oh. I hadn't known that."
"Because I never told anyone before," Felicity smiled a little, "maybe that's why I just don't get the hang of the whole concept of falling in love and living happily ever after. Maybe because it doesn't fit my perspectives."
"And you've never felt attracted to anyone before?"
She shrugged, "um no? I'm quite confused, to be honest. At times I feel like I am this boring aromantic person who is better off being on her own."
Lily had no idea where the conversation was heading. However, she gave her hand a gentle squeeze, "whatever you do, don't grow up into one of those scary old cat ladies who live alone in a big house and refuse to give the ball back to children who play outside on her street."
Despite herself, Felicity laughed, "that's so close to how I imagine myself in a thirty years or so."
"For God's sake, Felicity, don't you dare do that. We used to have an old Mrs Wickerby in Spinner's End and she was completely frightening. In third year, my boggart took her form."
She shook her head still laughing, "alright alright. Hadn't known your boggart would be an old lady waving her cane at you threatening to stay away from her premises."
"Hey, what form had your boggart taken?" Lily asked all of a sudden.
Felicity stopped laughing immediately and a shadow crossed her eyes. Thinking of what form her boggart had taken still chilled her to this day. It wasn't something she could tell Lily at the moment.
However, she shook her head, "oh, it was just a spider. And Lily, aren't you going to get ready for your date? I bet James is going to turn up in one of his best suits so you should better look the part as well."
To say that James was just nervous would be a downright understatement. A havoc had unfurled in the Marauder's dorm as he was fussing about trying to look perfectly acceptable for his first date. Besides he had taken the advice of the only person he knew who had good fashion sense; Sirius Black.
Sirius was beyond himself with rage at having lost the bet to his cousin but hid the fact as he tried to flatten down James's unruly hair. The more he tried to straighten them down, the more strands poked up like some rocket explosion had taken place on his head.
"I'm telling you, Prongs, this is the last time I'm touching this hedgehog of yours. If your hair don't cooperate even in this attempt, I would leave them to their own devices," Sirius remarked.
"That's alright, I guess. But tell me, should I wear the blue shirt or the grey one. The grey one is formal wear and makes me look like a gentleman, the blue one is comfortable and casual," James was eyeing both the shirts indecisively.
Sirius facepalmed, "wear the blue one because your hair don't look formal in any way and if you wore the grey shirt, they would look even horrible."
"You sure I won't look bad in it?" he asked for what seemed like the fiftieth time.
"Of course not," Remus remarked, gently patting him on the back.
Peter spoke up as well knowing James needed a boost of self confidence at the moment, "everything will go perfectly. After all, you're James Potter; the star of Hogwarts. You don't have to worry about anything."
After a lot of morale boost from his friends, finally James was ready for his date. When he had gone to meet up with Lily and the remaining three Marauders were left in the dorms, Sirius spoke up, "so how about what I told you last night?"
Remus shook his head, "no, I am not going to cooperate in anything which will ruin James's golden day."
"Who says anything about ruining, Moons?" a playful smirk was dancing on his well chiseled features, "me and Pete are only going to look out for our best friend, disguised as your pets."
"I don't have any pets," Remus clearly refused.
"Now that's one big lie, Rem, you do own a black dog and a pet rat."
"Well, that's you both in your animagi forms and everyone knows how incapable you are of behaving like a normal pet. I can not take the risk of you both spying on James and Lily because I know you will end up ruining it for them."
Peter made a face, "ah come on, Moony, stop treating us like we are little devils."
"That's exactly what you are," Remus stated, "little devils is an understatement."
Sirius rolled his eyes mockingly, "yeah whatever but you do remember that Hogsmeade weekends are for everyone and we are going to Hogsmeade all the same. So no matter if you are not going to cooperate. Me and Pete will handle everything on our own."
"For Merlin's sake Padfoot..."
But before Remus could rebuke them or try to make them change their minds, both of them had scurried out of the dormitory. Knowing there was nothing else he could do except try to look out for his two troublemaker friends, he placed his books back in the trunk and came out the dorm himself following the procession of students which was headed to the school grounds to be let out to Hogsmeade.
All he could hope was that whatever his friends were up to would not affect James's first date in any way.
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