Chapter 21
~ Brush those tears from your eyes and try to
Realize that the ache in my heart is for you. ~
An address was given in the letter and that was where Esther and Felicity were going. The ride through the bus was silent and now they were standing in a peaceful neighborhood looking for house number seven.
A while later they spotted their destination; a townhouse located at the far end of the street with a well kept garden and a nice friendly outlook.
Esther rang the doorbell and stepped back, her hands trembling slightly from anticipation. She was about to meet the man she had first fallen in love with, her former husband and her child's father. The man she hadn't laid eyes on since a decade.
The door opened and Felicity was surprised to see Sirius Black standing in an apron and holding a cookbook in his hand.
Sirius too wasn't expecting to see her there. "Latvia, what a not-so-pleasant surprise."
A smile spread on her face, "same to you. Who would have thought that the infamous Sirius Black lived off by working as a house elf in the summer break?"
The smirk vanished from his face immediately and noticing that she wasn't alone, he spoke, "I'll be back in a minute."
Soon enough he returned minus the cookbook and the apron. He bowed to Esther and kissed her hand in a very gentlemanly manner, "enthralled to be of service to you, Ma'am. May I be honored to know your name?"
Felicity rolled her eyes in utter disgust, "you know she's my Mum, don't you? And you can stop flirting, for the sake of God."
Sirius opened the door wider for them flashing Fel a bright smile, "I know and I'm not flirting. I was just being polite, which is something you lack completely. And you should be thankful to your mother, Latvia, or else I had absolutely no intentions of letting you in."
"You don't own this place so it hardly makes a difference," she retorted.
Esther who had been silently observing their conversation spoke, "so you both know each other?"
He nodded placing a hand on Felicity's shoulder and pulling her in a one armed hug just to annoy her even more, "of course, we are best friends."
She made a disgusted face and smacked his arm off her shoulder, "ridiculous. He's just a moron who loves to annoy me. We are not friends, heaven forbid."
"Yeah then what are you doing here?" Sirius remarked but then turning over to Esther he added, "no offense to you, Ma'am. But I don't think I can tolerate your daughter any longer."
"The feeling's mutual, Mr I'm-a-polite-gentleman."
Esther cleared her throat mildly to gain the attention of the two teens squabbling like toddlers, "this is Alphard Black's abode, right? We came to meet him."
"Yes it is. I'll go tell Uncle Alphard and be right back."
After he was gone, Felicity turned to face her mother, "so you mean that Sirius's uncle... Alphard Black... is my father?"
She nodded, "yes, honey."
"Then me and Sirius... We're first cousins?" her voice was slightly unsure as if she was thinking it was all a horrible nightmare and she would wake up in a moment.
Esther was surprised at her behavior, "of course dear, but what's wrong with that?"
"Everything," she stated apprehensively, "I have such a dreadful cousin that even the sight of him makes me wanna go vomit."
"Well that's a first," Sirius was back and both of them were a bit startled at his sudden return, "my handsome looks were quite known for making people swoon over me but I hadn't known they held such an allure that could make even you want to go vomit. You should go see a doctor, Felicity, or else it may affect your health."
"I'm perfectly healthy, thank you," her reply was stiff, "and you better keep in mind that we are not on first name basis."
"In that case, I shall better take you to meet Uncle. The sooner I get rid of you, the better. However your mother can stay for as long as she likes," then addressing Esther he resumed, "Ma'am, I would be honored if you stay for dinner. I have cooked something special and would love it if you dine with us."
Esther laughed a little at that statement; she was being quite entertained by Sirius's flirtatious attitude.
"Well I'm impressed that the kitchen is still intact," Felicity gave a sour retort which earned her a scowling look from Sirius.
He took them to a room and knocked gently before pushing open the door. A man in his late thirties was sitting on the bed with the help of pillows and covered in a few blankets.
He must have been reading a book as it lay open beside him and a pair of reading glasses dangled from his neck. He was extremely weak but seeing the visitors, an unfathomable radiance spread on his drawn features, "Sirius, have you not asked our guests for a drink? Go on and bring something, make yourself useful."
Sirius nodded and disappeared out of the room.
Esther who was standing by the door, shocked by his worsened condition, willed herself to take the first step and walked inside taking a seat on one of the chairs beside his bed. Felicity did the same.
"Can you sit beside me, Felicity? Here?" he asked yet there was uncertainty reflected in his eyes. He had no idea how she would react, whether she knew the truth or not, he was not sure what she thought of him.
However, she obeyed and and sat down beside him on the bed; her eyes taking in every feature of his face. The same blue eyes she had, the identical jet black hair and the angular facial structure characteristic of the Black family.
"You have grown such a lot since I last saw you," he spoke, "you were barely three at that time."
It took her a while to speak as if she was still waiting for the truth to settle in her brain, "so... You're my father?"
He nodded, "yes, I am. Even though the consequences have never been in my favor."
"Why did you leave us?" she asked but realized soon that it was too abrupt, "I mean..."
"No, you must have your answers and I'll give them to you," he resumed taking in a deep breath, "my family was against my relationship with your mother. They found out that we had eloped and tracked us down. They threatened to kill you and Esther if I didn't leave you both and return to the way they wanted me to live. And I knew in order to keep you safe, I will have to abandon you... I hadn't wanted to leave you, child. Esther... Esther was my life, the reason for my existence, she is my life even now. Not a single day passes that I do not think of you.This loneliness and sorrow from staying away from what once used to be my own family has reduced me to this... This caricature of a man."
The guilt, grief and sincerity of his words was visible from his eyes. Felicity looked at her mother and saw her wiping away her tears. Both Alphard and Esther had been through too much. The only reason why Esther wasn't bedridden like him was the fact that she had Felicity to look after and care for while all Alphard had was memories.
"Apologies for interrupting the much awaited family reunion, but the drinks are ready and right here," Sirius entered carrying a tray and placed it on the bedside table. "Do you want me to stay or head out?" he asked facing his uncle.
"You can stay," Alphard replied.
He leaned against the wall simply observing the three of them before speaking again, "so how do you feel being related to me, Felicity?"
Felicity scowled and immediately replied, "thoroughly repulsed. And how many times do I have to clarify that we are not on first name basis?"
"But we're cousins after all..."
"Yeah, most unfortunately," she remarked quick as lightning.
"Is this what you think about my uncle too?" A playful smirk was dancing on Sirius's face as he put forward the question.
She shook her head, "no, not at all. Because he's nice and you're not."
Alphard was smiling at their entirely pointless argument, "touche."
At his remark Sirius turned to face him and dramatically feigned distress, "that's not fair! You've only met her for a few minutes and you're already siding against me? Me, who's your beloved nephew, who has known you for way longer than this newly found cousin and yet... I'm thoroughly disappointed, Uncle!"
"You should better get used to it," Felicity replied giving him the sweetest smile she could manage though he knew it was one of her gestures of declaring victory.
"And you should better get used to me addressing you by your first name because as it turns out, both of us unfortunately share the surname Black."
She considered then spoke, "fine, whatever."
"Do you both fight this regularly at school too?" Esther asked.
"Not at all," Sirius replied.
"He's a million times worse at school," she remarked, "and Mum if ever saw him in that appalling jacket he has, you would definitely kick him out of the house."
"No she won't," Sirius spoke up confidently, "because just like you said earlier, she's a very nice person and you're not." Before Felicity could fire back another retort, he smoothly resumed, "though it bugs me how two such nice and courteous people could have such an annoying daughter."
A while later Alphard asked him to show Felicity around the gardens, so that he and Esther could have some privacy. And when the visit ended and Esther had bid her farewell to Alphard, Felicity took her aside and spoke, "Mum, can I stay here?"
"What? I don't think..."
She shook her head, "but you told me he's dying. And I don't... I don't want to leave him too soon. Can you just let me stay with him till school starts? It's only a week and what if he gets better? I mean, he's so terribly ill due to staying away from us and there's possibly a chance that if I... If I stay then he would come back to full health? Please, Mum."
Esther pondered over her words for a while. Of course she didn't want Alphard to die. She wanted him to live and there was a chance in what Felicity had suggested. "But I hadn't been prepared for this and what will I say to Stefan if he comes back from his trip earlier?"
"Just tell him that I went off to stay at a friend's house, tell him that we're doing this for combined study and that I'll go to King's Cross on my own."
Esther still wasn't too sure about that, "but you don't have your school stuff or clothes here and..."
However Sirius, who had been patiently listening, interrupted her, "I will come with her tomorrow at whatever time you please and then we could pick up all her stuff conveniently."
Esther knew she couldn't refuse at that since both of them had sorted out everything for her, so she agreed. "Fine, if you say so. Just come after nine. And Fel, do take care of yourself and your father as well."
She hugged Felicity goodbye and when she saw Sirius standing in a corner looking slightly forlorn, she gave him a motherly hug too. It was awkward at first but soon Sirius returned the gesture.
He shut the door after she had left. Then turning to face her, he spoke, "your mother truly is a gorgeous lady. No wonder Uncle Alphard is so smitten with her."
Felicity raised an eyebrow in surprise, "he is?"
"Completely," he replied with a small smile on his face.
"Even after all these years?" i seemed as if Felicity wasn't able to wrap her mind around the fact that someone could be so invested in the woman he loved. For her, the whole concept of love was an unfathomable mystery.
"It was hard for me to believe too," he replied as his smile turned into the notorious full blown smirk, "how can a man be content to live with just one woman for the whole of his life? I find it depressing, y'know. And in Uncle's case it's even weirder because they aren't even together anymore."
However she changed the direction of their conversation, "how can you be so sure that your uncle is still in love with my Mum?"
"My uncle is related to you too, Felicity."
She shook her head seeing the teasing spark in her eyes, "yeah, I know. But it will take some time getting used to."
"Ah, fair enough. And to answer your question, he keeps photographs of you both with him every time. In his books, in his valet, in albums, hidden under his clothes in cabinets. I recall asking him once when I saw an absolutely stunning picture of your mother."
"And then?" she asked curious to find out what could have been her father's reply.
"He told me that the photograph is of the woman he loves dearly but can't be with."
She pondered over his words for a while before voicing out the one question that had been nagging her, "are the rest of the Blacks very cruel?"
He understood what she meant instantly, "they are highly prejudiced. As long as you maintain all the family traditions and follow in their footsteps, they will treat you as family but soon as you stop or put one foot over the line, they can be worse than the Dracula himself."
She grew silent letting her thoughts occupy her. Sirius merely observed as the frown lines on her forehead deepened and her eyes darkened indicating that she was deep in thought, "so you might have had first hand experience on that."
He was slightly taken aback at the softness of her tone; a softness with which she had never spoken to him before, "well, yes. Can't deny that."
The look in her eyes was sympathetic for a second but got immediately replaced by the same severity he was used to, "if I hadn't heard that from my parents, I would have said that you deserved their cruelty."
He let put a rumbling bark like laugh as if clearly amused by her statement, "honestly I had been waiting for you to point out what an absolute disgrace I am to my family."
"So are you happy now?"
"Much better, now let's go give Uncle a surprise. Shall we?"
She gave a low nod, "alright then. Let's go."
Alphard was feeling sadder at having to leave them again too soon. But shortly afterwards, the door opened and in came Felicity and Sirius, "surprise!"
She was smiling widely such that her blue eyes shone with happiness. At that moment Alphard felt he was the luckiest father to have such a beautiful and precious daughter. "Felicity, you are not gone yet?" he asked.
"I'm not going anywhere," she answered, "I'm staying."
For an instant, he thought that he had somehow misheard her, "I'm sorry, but I thought you said you were staying?"
"Yup, she's staying till the end of the Summer Break," Sirius replied in confirmation, "she asked mother who was okay with that so now I will have to tolerate her 24/7 for much longer than I had initially expected. That is, for one whole tortuous week."
Gradually, a genuine smile took over Alphard's face; after such a long time he felt genuinely and extremely happy. His daughter was with him at last. His dear Felicity was with him after nearly thirteen years of estrangement. And he knew he couldn't wish for anything better than that.
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