Chapter 13
~ I'm always chasing rainbows, watching clouds drifting by
My schemes are just like all my dreams, ending in the sky. ~
Felicity had a mischievous smile on her face when she woke up in the morning. It was Hogsmeade weekend at last and truth be told, for the first time she had actually been waiting for it impatiently.
When she had told Alicia that Remus Lupin had asked her out to Hogsmeade and that was why she couldn't spend the weekend with her usual group of friends, the girl had squealed in excitement. She was proud that Felicity was finally going on a date.
However all her hopes had been dampened when Felicity confirmed that they were just going as friends and also shared the fact that she had a better idea of tricking the Marauders up her sleeve and that idea was the sole reason she accepted Rem's offer.
Unknown to the four boys, she and Lily had cleared up the misunderstanding, caused that night at the Tower, ages ago. And Lily was completely aware that James was not dating Fel. However she had been asked especially by Felicity not to let others know about that so obviously, the Marauders believed that Lily was still under the impression of James dating someone else.
As Felicity got ready for breakfast, her smile only widened thinking of the surprise and disappointment that would cross Remus's face when he came to know of all the effort and time he had wasted in order to set something right which was not even wrong in the first place.
Poor dear Remus.
After a very lively breakfast, the students were lined up in the castle grounds from where they were to go to Hogsmeade. The weather was breezy and Felicity savored the feel of cold air brushing her skin. She couldn't recall the last time she had been in such a pleasant mood.
However, one thing she knew for certain was that a lot of things won't ever be the same as before, all thanks to the addition of an arrogant moron like James Potter in her life.
Remus met up with her at the gates of the castle. She observed he was slightly fidgety, something which happened when he received a lecture or a talking down from someone in authority. But her guess was that the lecture might have been given from one of his friends, not any of the Professors.
She wondered what kind of lecture it could have been. Making a good impression? Perhaps. Charming her eventually? Most likely.
Though she was also well aware that none of the lectures would have actually had a long lasting effect on Remus. He was the kind of person who would listen to all but still do what he thought best. And that was one aspect of him she had come to know of by once witnessing his argument with their former DADA Professor Harker on the topic of werewolves.
The walk to Hogsmeade was pleasant even if it was a bit silent on Remus's part. He was accustomed to trips with his friends which were an absolute ruckus as one of them or the other would be constantly tripping, falling or lurking behind. Or in some cases using prank stuff on the poor passersby.
"So which place do you reckon which you should go to first?" he asked when they had reached the High Street and the lack of conversation was getting him slightly alarmed.
She smiled, "anywhere except Madam Puddifoot's. Or the Shrieking Shack for that instance."
"Honeydukes then," he suggested.
"Yeah that would be nice."
Felicity had a clear idea that Remus must be feeling rather awkward around her. She knew her good mood he had seen before in the library wasn't so evident in here and he must probably be wondering why on earth he asked her out to the trip.
However on entering the sweet shop, she noticed his behavior changed a little. He took her straight to the chocolate counter and she smiled seeing the sparkle in his eyes. It reminded her of how she used to act when taken to a book store.
"So, you like chocolates?"
He nodded in reply, "a lot. Have you tried these Chocolate Eggs? I believe it's the best sweet they have ever had."
He paid for two eggs, the size of an average human palm covered in golden foil like wrapping, and handed one to her.
She couldn't remember the last time she had actually eaten any sweet other than chocolate frogs. When she was little she had heard that too much chocolates ruin teeth and can also cause diabetes, since then she had restricted her dose of sweets.
Tentatively she took a bite. The egg was filled with caramel and another sweet substance that tasted like feathery sugar.
"How is it?" he asked shaking her out of her thoughts.
"It's... It's good," she replied, "but too sweet."
He laughed a little at her response, "too sweet? It's chocolate, Felicity, and chocolates are supposed to be sweet. Or else what would be the point of eating them?"
"Too much sweet causes diabetes," she added but took another bite, this time larger than before savoring the sweet taste in her mouth.
"Do you know, chocolates help in fighting off sadness or painful thoughts because it has mood enhancing properties," he spoke, "and you shouldn't worry about diabetes, you're not having excessive quantity of chocolate."
She shrugged, "perhaps you're right. I have an idea that my boggart would take the form of a prescription reading I'm diagnosed with diabetes, God forbid, if I ever encountered it."
After Honeydukes, they went to Tomes and Scrolls on her suggestion. She needed to buy a few books and Remus needed scrolls.
Their purchase was quick however Remus was taking a little too long at the book shelf, as if memorizing the contents of a particular book. As Felicity was already quite short than him, she ducked a little and saw the title: Luca Books Collection.
But seeing her looking at him, he placed the book back, "are you done?"
"Yup, just waiting for you," she answered.
"Then let's go," he left the book there and she felt as if he really had to buy it but couldn't due to some reason.
"You sure you don't need anything else?" she called as he already stepped out.
He shook his head in a no. When she saw he had his attention occupied elsewhere, she quickly took that book out which he had been examining, paid for it and placed it carefully among her own books.
"What took you so long?" he asked her when she came out of the shop.
"Nothing. I just forgot to buy scrolls," she gave him the most innocent look she could manage so that he would not suspect her that she was lying.
They walked towards the Three Broomsticks which was definitely going to be the last place they would visit because it was not long before they would have to go back to the school.
The inn was as crowded as ever and it took them a while to find a suitable spot. They ordered Butterbeers and as they sat waiting, Felicity started the conversation, "are you sure your friends aren't spying on us?"
His eyes widened at the abrupt question but shook his head nevertheless, "I don't think so. But do inform me if you see a rat lurking around near our table."
She raised an eyebrow questioningly to which he replied, "it's a device fitted with a recorder. My friends sometimes use it to eavesdrop. But it looks extra realistic so you could easily confuse it with a real rat."
At his remark she did take a good look around but thankfully there weren't any rats nearby. "So I'm guessing there's no other way they could hear us until or unless they dropped by for a chat themselves?"
"Yeah," he nodded, "but why are you asking that?"
She bit her lip contemplating whether or not to tell him. Finally making up her mind, she spoke, "because, Remus, I am about to tell you something very important."
He was not expecting that however he straightened ready to listen, "okay. Go on."
"I know you're doing all this because James wants to make Lily believe I'm not dating him," she spoke in a fast sentence but he heard her.
It came out as a slight shock because he didn't say anything at first like she had expected, but then slowly nodded after making sure none of his friends were actually there, "yes, you're right."
"So would you kindly let me know what scheme you and your friends are up to?" she asked waiting for his response a little impatiently.
He paused but then spoke up, "no."
"No, Felicity, I'm not telling you anything else."
Internally Remus was a bit apprehensive that if she found out that by this time the remaining three of his friends were broadcasting all over Hogwarts that he and Felicity were officially dating, she would probably smash her glass of Butterbeer right at his head.
She frowned, "when is your birthday?"
He looked completely taken aback, "what?"
"Your birthday, the day you were born," she elaborated, "the day you get presents. You must have gotten the point by now."
"10th of March, but seriously why are you asking?"
"Ah... That's far away. How about I give you your present now, and you tell me what your friends are up to?" she was looking at him closely with that straight look which unnerved him.
"You're bribing me?" he spoke, "oh wait, so you bought that book on Luca collection and you think you can bribe me with that in order to know what my friends are up to."
She shook her head vigorously, giving him another of those very innocent looks, "absolutely not. What are you talking about?"
"Felicity, I may not know you well enough, but right now I am 100% sure that you're lying."
"I don't lie," she replied immediately, "never".
He nodded, "that's another lie."
"No it's not," she stated slightly furious this once, "and why are you reprimanding me for lying to you, when both of us know clearly that you too aren't as honest as you're implying?"
There was a while of silence and it seemed as if both of them were staring daggers at the other.
"Yes you are right," he broke the staring contest, training his eyes on his Butterbeer instead, "you are right about everything. I asked you out to Hogsmeade because my friends had come up with a plan to convince Evans that James is still available for her. But if you bribe me or threaten me or do anything else to hear more of what we are up to, then I'm sorry I'll have to leave."
The frown lines on her forehead deepened, "no, just... Sit back down, Remus."
He had stood up by then but at her commanding voice, took his seat again, "I don't think there's much left to say."
"Trust me, there is," she mumbled, "a lot actually."
She took a deep breath, "all this you have been doing for so many days is completely useless and I know you have no idea about that. Remus, the point is that me and Lily don't even have any misunderstanding between us at all."
His eyes widened, "what do you mean?"
"I mean that I cleared up things with Lily about me and your friend ages ago. She knows I'm not dating Potter. And it's pretty much obvious, I haven't lost my brain cells to date a dunderhead like him. She knows it and you have been wasting your time on dealing with me for absolutely no reason at all. And for that I really feel sorry for you."
He kept silent for a while and at last spoke up, "so you mean to say that all this trouble I took was for nothing?"
She nodded, "nothing. I had only asked Lily not to let Potter know because ever since that incident he had stopped teasing me, and I prefer that improvement instead of having him annoy the hell out of me all the time."
It took some time for the situation to sink in Remus's head as he was clearly not prepared for this, but then a soft smile broke up on his face, "good, that means I'm finally free from having to follow such a stupid plan."
"I still would have loved to know what exactly was the plan you all came up with," there was a playful gleam in her eyes and she was no doubt relieved that Rem was not a lot bothered by the current unfolding of events.
She had to admit that out of those four, he was the considerate one. The only one she could tolerate without punching him in the face. And she hadn't wished to cause him any more trouble than what he was already stuck in.
"I would tell you only if you promise not to use any lethal spell on me," he caved in at last.
Felicity nodded, "I promise. Now go on, what was the stupid plan?"
Remus looked nervous as he scratched the back of his neck then finally disclosed, "they are going to make Lily believe that you are dating me not James."
His words had come out in a rush but she heard then anyway and the playful smile on her face disappeared immediately. But soon afterwards, a calming wave spread over her as she gave him a sympathetic look, "oh. Even stupid than what I initially imagined. Sucks to be you."
Remus had no idea how to react to that. There he was expecting she would throw the first thing that came in her reach at him, yet she did nothing at all. "So... No hard feelings?"
She nodded, "no hard feelings. But I enjoyed this trip, you know. For instance, it's the first time I tasted chocolate in years, the first time I actually liked being at Hogsmeade all thanks to you and the first time I made a friend other than a Ravenclaw."
He let out a sigh of relief, "for a second I thought you really were going to hex me to oblivion."
At his remark, she laughed, "oh no, why would I do that? I told you that Potter must have set a very aggressive impression of me in your eyes. I'm not like that at all. I'm actually quite different if you get to know me."
"I enjoyed this trip too," he gave her a slight smile as if returning the gesture, "and I would appreciate if we still remain friends despite all the hazard my friends have stirred up."
"Yeah sure," she agreed much to his relief, "you're tolerable as compared to others. And don't worry, this was my attempt at complimenting you."
"Ah thank you, I appreciate the compliment."
He accompanied her back to the castle and this once their walk wasn't silent instead full of chatter from both sides. They were discussing ways to wriggle out of the mess they would be stuck in the next morning since nearly everyone would want to know why and how were they a couple, thanks to the Marauders' communication skills.
"Is it just me or are people actually staring at us?" Felicity whispered when they were nearing the castle.
"It's not just you because people are staring. I'm guessing half the school knows already. Sirius can convey news faster than you can say wildfire," Remus told her.
She nodded, "ah I see. Pray to God that I manage to sleep tonight without nightmares."
"Amen," he mumbled in reply all the while thinking about what he would say to his friends about the progress in plan.
They had reached the gates when Felicity spoke, "oh and if your friends ask anything about what happened today, don't tell them that me and Lily cleared it all up. Wait until you get your end of the bargain. Because you have gone through a lot in trying to accomplish their plan. I'm guessing they have promised to get you something in return, right?"
He nodded, "yes, they have."
She nodded, "good. Keep doing whatever they say and as we are friends now, I'll actually make your job easier by not being a banshee to you."
"Thank you so much. I'll be forever grateful for this kindness," he attempted to do a respectful bow and she started laughing at that.
"Remus, I hadn't known you would be funny."
He raised an eyebrow playfully, "believe it or not, I'm a Marauder too. I'm bound to be funny."
"Good thing you aren't as irritating as they are then," she added rather quickly.
It was almost time for them to go their own ways to their respective common rooms, "you only detest them because you don't know them as well as I do."
She shrugged, "maybe but I don't intend on knowing anything about them either."
"That depends on you entirely. Anyways, I had a great time with you and thanks for not cracking open my head and still remaining a friend even after all you will be dragged into because of this plan."
She shook her head dismissing his worries, "that's okay. The day Professor Sinistra asked me to tutor James Potter, I knew I would have to suffer a lot. I might as well say I have gotten used to it by now."
"Best of luck for the tutoring."
"Thanks. It was great being with you too. We should hang out some other time as well."
"Sure," he nodded.
She waved at him before turning in the opposite direction towards the flight of stairs that led to the Ravenclaw tower. He too walked off to the Gryffindor common room.
Climbing the stairs to the common room, Felicity knew she was about to be showered by questions from everyone asking about her first date and she was formulating what to say to them all.
But there was one thing for certain; she felt glad at finding a friend in Remus Lupin. Her hand tightened round the bag which held that Luca books collection which she had bought solely for him. She had seen the desire in his eyes and she knew that he would have bought it but there must be some reason he didn't or couldn't.
Of course she wouldn't have to wait for the 10th of March to give him that present. She knew it was exactly what she would be sending him for Christmas that year.
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