Chapter 11
~ I don't know, I don't know what's going on
Something surely must be wrong, you're living secret lives. ~
For the first time in years, Felicity's mood was just as bright as the sun shining out her window. It was a rare moment when she could honestly say that she felt good to be alive. The reason behind her mood elevation was nothing too particular rather than the fact that after the whole incident with Lily, James Potter had refrained from teasing her.
In fact his bright as day mood had vanished since the past few days and it seemed as if Lily's unwanted presence that time at the Astronomy tower was having a deep effect on him. James listened to whatever she said in the lessons without raising awful questions, he let her do whatever she pleased, he didn't annoy her to death.
And even though she had a doubt that he would hardly be paying attention to anything she taught still she appreciated less trouble and less questions on James's part.
Ravenclaw and Gryffindor were paired together in History of Magic and this once, Felicity was sure James would prefer not to sit with her. Of course he couldn't wriggle out of it during Astronomy as Professor Sinistra made sure of that, but in the remaining classes since the past few days he managed to keep as far away as possible. Which was quite an oddity since it was him who had loved to annoy the hell out of her earlier by sitting with her in classes other than Astronomy as well.
She placed her books and quills conveniently on the desk and looked ahead waiting for the class to begin. It wasn't long after that she was roused out of her convenience by a slight nervous voice. "Uh, is this seat taken?"
She looked up to see the tall boy who always sat with James and his friends. Remus Lupin. Glancing over at the rest of his gang, she saw they were all seated with different partners than usual, seemingly a consequence of coming in late.
She only moved her books away from that side making room for him to place his stuff. Soon after, Professor Binns emerged from the blackboard as usual and began his lecture. Felicity knew since the topic was Giant Wars, she better forget about the lecture stopping before an hour and a half.
Professor Binns had a wheezy, droning voice which, when employed to deliver lectures as dull as the one they were suffering, was sure to make the students doze off. She glanced at Remus who was taking notes and it was a bit surprising for her since she had not expected any friend of James to be actually interested in studies.
Knowing full well that she should be taking notes too instead of being judgmental on Remus's habits, she focused on jotting down the important points from the lecture.
An hour later it seemed even Remus had succumbed to the soporific quality of Professor Binns' voice as he was slumped on the desk, head placed conveniently on his arms possibly sleeping.
When the lecture finally finished and Professor Binns assigned them a detailed essay before gliding out through the blackboard, Felicity considered whether or not to wake him up. Deciding at last, she poked Rem's shoulder with the tip of her pencil, "hey, class is over."
He immediately sat up, flustered a bit at being caught sleeping in class, a habit which he couldn't get over with but was quite ashamed of. "I... Sorry. Can you tell me what assignment he gave us today?"
"A detailed essay on Giant Wars, presumably about a foot long," she replied.
He nodded gathering his books and parchment, "thanks."
He was about to leave when Felicity asked the question that was bugging her, "wait a second, Lupin. Would you be kind enough to let me know what trickery is up in Potter's sleeve today?"
"Trickery? What trickery?" however she had observed how his face went pale after that.
"I mean there should be a reason for why you didn't sit with your friends today, right? You all have reserved seats, being the popular group of the school, and I can't see why your reserved arrangement wasn't functional today."
His face went blank, "I have no idea what you're talking about. We have no reserved sitting system. Filch caught us in the halls that's how we were late to class and everywhere was full except... You must have gotten the point by now."
She gave a low nod, "how is Potter coping with the Lily caught him confessing his undying love situation?"
A small smile spread on his face, even though internally he was relieved greatly for the change in topic, "honestly speaking, he's been utterly devastated."
She smiled as well however hers was that of mischief, "poor him."
"Don't you feel sorry for his state, Latvia?" he asked, "I know you're thinking James sent me here to somehow convince you into telling Evans the truth but still... Why don't you clear it up?"
She shrugged carelessly, "why should I? It's not my problem. And frankly it has been doing me more good lately than anything so why should I go change it?"
"He's not paying any attention to whatever you are tutoring him."
"I know, but it's still not my problem."
"If he fails, then it could be your problem," he made one more attempt knowing that he owed James this much.
She shook her head still smiling, "nope. I would be promoted to next year so I won't have to deal with him at all. It's still a win win for me."
"And what about Professor Sinistra? She has put her faith in you."
This once though she interrupted him, "now I'm really starting to think you four had made some sort of plan to convince me to tell Lily the truth. No, let me finish. You all get late on purpose, you find a seat beside me even though you could have rushed and sit off anywhere else if you waned, then you start lecturing me about James Potter's pitiable condition. Isn't that even remotely suspicious in the least?"
He shook his head wearily, "you're making a big deal out of it. And forgetting that it was you who brought up James's pitiable condition in the first place."
"Holy shit!" she stood up fuming, "next time I won't let you sit next to me, Lupin. Thanks for being absolutely no help at all, shamelessly sleeping in class and making me feel guilty for your friend's oh so pitiful condition."
He simply watched her storm out of the classroom. He knew now why James was sometimes so terrified of her. If she hadn't had jet black hair, Remus himself would have mistaken her for an angry Veela who could turn into a harpy any moment.
He knew he had screwed up Sirius's brilliant plan really bad. And he also knew that Sirius Orion Black would be equally as furious as the short Ravenclaw that had just went out of the classroom.
Therefore, it was safe to say that poor Remus was not having a good day at all.
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