✊🏼Talking To You🥰
✊🏼Talking To You🥰: Okay soo I was mad and upset while I posted talking to who which wasn't supposed to be sad or anything.. So I just screamed in that whatever the heck was in my head and I apologize.. So lets get it!
Type: Because this is like Part 2,, happy... As best as I can lmao
Being born again.. The concept of coming back after living your life and going through death, just to wake up again.. As someone new.. A new you..
You wouldn't usually remember what happened back them.. But you remember him.
"Hello." He says as he was on the balcony next to your balcony. You blinked as you quickly wiped your tears away.
For some reason I loved you like that.
"I heard what you were saying.. Even if life is going bad.. And no one loves you and you're alone.. Dont give up.. Somewhere out there you'll have someone waiting for you.. As of now.." He walked over to you and reached his fist over as he smiled.
"Lonely peoples club." He says gesturing to the fist bump. You felt less sad as you went over and managed a weak smile as you put your fist against his. The two of you stared at each other before you pulled your hand back.
"Thank you.." You say. He then nodded as he pulled his arm back and now the two of you stood there.
"Do you want to just talk now?" He says. You then nodded a bit as the awkwardness slowly lifted and the two of you talked about anything. It made you both feel less alone.. More at home. It was late so in the moment of silence the two of you had fallen asleep on the balcony.
When you woke up you were in your bed. You had a sense of dejavú as you looked out to the sliding glass door to the balcony. You were going to stand up, but on the ground.
"S-Sanha!" You say as you went over him and was now on the floor next to him as you lightly shook him.
"I-Its not good to sleep on the floor." You say. He groans as he turns his head away and you furrow your eyes at him before scoffing.
"Fine! Get sick." You say as you stood up. Before you could go he grabbed your ankle. You turned and looked down as he slowly turned.
"Stay." He says. "Im so cold." He adds. You blinked becoming worried as you grabbed the blanket and put it on him. Then you grabbed a pillow and put it under his head. He then smuggly smiled.
"Thank you." He says. You then blinked as he got comfortable and turned away from you. You then got up and kicked him.
"Get out of my apartment! You have your own bed!" You say. He then groans in pain as he gets up with a pout. You then watched as he walked to the balcony and then climbed over.
"E-Excuse you!" You say as you went to the balcony. He turns back and looks at you.
"A door exists!" You say. He then smiled and shrugged as he opened his balcony door.
"Its more fun when you act as of we aren't allowed to associate, like a big secret." He says before waving and leaving. You blinked confused before going back inside.
That night when you got home you saw a figure in your window.
"Yah, Sanha go home." You yelled. He then opened the door and went in with a pout as he crossed his arms.
"What if I said I didn't want to leave you?" He says as he plopped on your bed. You then blinked as you stood in thought of the familiar feeling and your mind came up with an instant answer.
"You say it.. But you'll leave.. I know it.. So I'll save myself the troubles.. Now leave." You say. He then blinks before he got up and sighed as he went over to you and stood there.
"Lets talk!" He says not bothered by what you had said and completely ignoring you. You then glared at him as you crossed your arms and scrunched your face up.
"Come on we are lonely peoples club.. We are the only members for me so.. Talk to me.. Please." He says as he seemed to go sad. You then sighed as you nodded and then the two of you sat in the small living room as the two of you endlessly talked about whatever as a filmed played in the background. The two of you were beyond tired now. It was 4am as the both of you struggled to stay up.
"Sanha.. I think you should go now.." You say as you yawn. He shook his head as he got closer to you as he yawned as well and closed his eyes.
"I wanna know more.. Tell me about you more.. So I wont miss you when you leave for work.. It sucks being alone without anyone.. So tell me.. What do you like to eat?.. Do you read?.. Anything.. Even if its basic.." He says as his voice slowly died down. You listened to him barely as gave a faint smile to him.
"Ill tell you about me.. If you tell me about you.. Why would you miss me?.. Why do I feel so important when it comes to you..? Why'd you go back then..." Your voice slowly faded into sleep. But the last question made him open his eyes. It was silent as that question seemed to make him wake up as he stood up and then pick you up as he set you on your bed and put the blanket over you. He then sat down and looked at you.
"She remembers.." He says softly before thinking a bit and then lying next to you closely as he fell asleep slowly while looking at you.
Because I didn't want you to die.. My love
The next morning you woke up. Sanha was gone. You felt a pain in your heart as you slowly got up exhausted. You slowly walked through your apartment and then to the bathroom as you washed up.
"Ms. (Y/n)!" You heard Sanhas loud voice call out from the balcony. You sighed as you tiredly trudged out and over to him. Today was very tiresome.. But being in front of him made you feel more at ease, like today wasn't going to be bad at all.
"Good.. Afternoon." You simply say before turning around. He then blinked before he pouted.
"We are like bestfriends now! Cant I get something more enthusiastic and a hug?!" He says. You then turned back looking at him with a glare. He jumped as your gaze was set on him and he figured it wasn't coming off and something else was coming as you got closer and closer until. You wrap your arms around his torso and dig your head into his chest as you lean against him for support in standing. He blinked before he slowly hugged back and the two of you stood there like that for a while. You closed your eyes taking it in. Then you felt him rest his chin on your head as he hugged tightly. This is the most you've ever felt safe.. But you didn't understand why.
"I miss you when you go to work because I only have you.. No one is here for me either.. No one wants me.. I want you to always feel important around me because you are.. You are so important and in anytime.. I want you to know that.." He says softly. You opened your eyes slowly as the were on the verge of tears as you stayed silent remembering your questions.
"And your last question.. Back then.. Taking you with me.. Would be risking losing you.. I always took you with me and then you'd slowly stop breathing and I had to take you back to your home.. While I was in the process of going back home so once you were in bed.. I had to leave before Id die.." He says. You tensed a bit and he hugged tighter.
"Do you remember..(WHEN WE FELL IN LOVE! DO YOU REMEMBER THE TIME WEEEE FIRST MET GIRL)." He says softly going closer to your ear. You then closed your eyes digging deep and deep and then finally you were gripping onto his shirt.
"You jerk.. You made me give up but showed up everywhere.... I couldn't think of speaking to you.. But at night.. I'd feel you there, but never dare to look... Were you really there.." You say as you started to tremble a bit as the flood of memories. He then nodded softly.
"I was always there.. But I didn't want you to ask me to come with me again.. So I watched you from afar when I came and saw you'd see me and ignore me.. But I heard everything you would say.. So even if you wouldn't look at me.. Id come to you and make sure you knew I love you.. Even if it was just a moment you belived me..." He says. You then looked up at him and frowned. Why was it so cruel? To look at him now as he stood there for you. Your heartached more and more as you slowly let go of him and backed away sitting on your bed before looking down.
"Im sorry.." You say. He then went over and sat down next to you as he calmly breathed out and nudged you.
"Hey.. I understand really.. I am also sorry.. That I never told you before we both had died back then.." He says. You were cofused, you didn't know what to think or how to think. Everything was just rushing. Your past life being the same as now.. You were lonely back then and here you are.. Lonely again.. But no.. Hes always been there and then left..
"Are you going to leave me again.." You say. He then blinked as you looked at him. He then softened his gaze as he shook his head.
"Not anymore.." He says. You then nodded. But he saw the fear in your eyes. He then hugged you and you hugged back.
"Sanha.. This is all confusing.. My head hurts.." You say. He then nodded as he went down on the bed so the two of you were lying on the bed together.
"Talk to me about it.. And then Ill help you figure it out.. You aren't alone anymore.. Lonely peoples club." He says. You then nodded slowlt before the two of you began to talk about so much. More of it was about the past and then towards the end..
"We should live together." Sanha says with a smile. You blushed as you looked at him and he laughed softly.
Our future
Alrighty guys I think this is better and sweeter and happy
Again sorry for my outburst of RAGE in the last one lmao
Welp thats that..
Time to discuss something!!
Now listen,, if you want me to write a s m u t then you have to like give me a lot of detail in that story cause I c a n n o t think of any ideas for smut INCLUDING the smut scene cause I dunno man the last one was cRAp so Im not good at that tbh,,
Soooo yeah..
You wanna see a smut in my book then uhm tell me everything you want to see specifically in it IN GOOD DETAIL ALONG WITH A PLOT,,
Okay bye bye lmao
I love you🤘🏼❤️
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