💕Someone Special🎁
💕Someone Special🎁:
Uhm I dunno its just a sweet Idea I got and enjoy the song because Luds voice is very nice and yeah
Fluff I guess lol
You and your friends were walking through the hallways. They were decorated with Christmas decorations and many posters for the dance. You don't usually go to those things, but you feel like maybe you should, it's your last year, maybe once you can go and if you like it, maybe you could go to more.
"So you think you'll go?" One of your friends asks and you look to her and nod your head.
"Why not, its only one dance I guess." You say and she hums as another friend goes over and wraps their arm around you.
"Well, I guess I wouldn't mind walking in with two girls under my arms." He says and you roll your eyes as you nudge him.
"You wish." You say and he chuckles and then he gets pulled away by your other friend before she goes up to you and smiles.
"You should ask Eunwoo to go with you, if it's one dance why not wing it." She says excitedly and you blush as you look at her. Eunwoo was one of your friends, you all used to hang out together, but he had slowly drifted and hung out with a new friend group. It's a bit awkward when making conversation, but eventually, it feels like nothing changed. Not even the crush you had on him.
"Just say it's like a friend thing and then at the end of the night when you're all alone you give him a smooch and he's all like 'I've always loved you Y/N' and then you're like 'No! I've always loved you Eunwoo! Marry me!' and then you get married and live happily ever after!" She says making her voice low for Eunwoo and high for yours. You scoffed a bit, that was too unrealistic, but you pictured every bit as if it could happen.
"Eunwoo doesn't even like us anymore, there is no point in asking him." You say as you shake your head. She goes quiet before you feel her push you and you blink as you stumble and then bumps into someone and no, this can't be who you hope it isn't, you back away not looking up at all.
"Sorry about that, excuse me." You say as you turn to your friend group and glare before you walk around and they walk behind you and only start to laugh when they form a bit of a semicircle.
"You should've looked up, he looked so confused about why you didn't." One of the guys says and you groan a bit as you all continue to walk with a pair of eyes watching from afar before they avert back to what they were initially looking at.
You sigh as you enter the classroom and walk to your desk. When you look you see Eunwoo there sitting in the seat next to yours. The desks are spaced out, but not enough as you go over and sit down. You can feel his eyes on you as you take out your things.
"Are you okay?" He asks and you look at him before you nodded your head.
"Yeah, why?" You ask as you smile a bit. He stares at you before his expression softens a bit and he shakes his head and smiles a bit as well.
"No reason, just checking in." He says and you nod your head again and the both of you just look at each other. You feel a bit tense. Maybe this is the moment, the perfect one. You open your mouth hesitantly.
"Hey, I'm planning to go to the winter dance." You say and he blinks and nods his head, maybe its the light behind him, but his cheeks go a bit pink.
"For once? Wow, you're turning over a new leaf huh." He says as he smiles and chuckles and you nod as you gulp. His eyes are intense but soft, your eyes must show fear as you look away a bit.
"Well, all of the rest of the group have each other... I was wondering if you wanted to come with me... If I went." You say as you glance back at him, almost as if he was fighting a bigger smile he gives a small one and nods his head.
"Of course, I'd love to accompany you, hang out with the others sounds nice, the dances are usually lame, but I bet it'd be fun if it's with you." He says and you smile as you nod your head. It's set in stone now, you'll go, he wants you to go, you're going together.
"Great, I'll make sure to tell the others." You say and he nods as you nod once more and after a moment you both look away from the awkward nodding of heads and look to the front. A few times during class your eyes meet and making the both of you feel even more awkward that towards the end of class, you said you 'see ya later' and left.
"I've got a date," Eunwoo tells his friends with a smile as he leans back in his chair content. The guys begin to cheer for him.
"Nice, I mean of course you'd get one, but I didn't think it'd be that fast." One says as he looks to one of the girls and blinks.
"With who??" She asks. She was disappointed and a bit embarrassed. Sooyeon, the girl in the group who had a crush on Eunwoo, very obvious to the bunch, but Eunwoo himself. She was planning to ask him today during this time, he wouldn't reject her, she always boasted about how Eunwoo would realize his feelings when they decided to go together, he liked her, he just wasn't certain yet. But nowhere he was with another date.
"One of my friends (Y/n), she asked me... It's her first school dance and I'm glad that she asked me to go if she decides to go." He says and she huffs a bit as her brows furrowed.
"If she decides to go?" She says and Eunwoo looks to her and nods his head.
"Well, she's never gone, but she said she might go this time, so it's not certain if she will go, but it makes me happy to know that I was her first choice." He says and Sooyeon scoffs as she crosses her arms.
"No offense Eunwoo, but I think you're too far in the clouds, people go to the dance or they don't go to the dance, there are no ifs and maybes, I'll tell you now, she isn't going." She says and Eunwoo looks at her but shakes his head and before he opens his mouth she covers it.
"I don't need your sappy denial and putting faith in her, I am just gonna agree that if she doesn't show up, I'll be there for you so you don't look like a loser waiting for someone who never goes to the dances as you say, okay? I am your backup." She says as she smiles and he blinks confused. He had lots of faith in you, you wouldn't ask and not show up, it looked a bit hard for you to ask, you wouldn't put so much effort into something that led to nothing. You don't play with people's feelings. He sighs and shakes his head.
"Whatever Sooyeon." He says and she smiles as she hugs onto his arm.
"Then I'll definitely see you at the dance." She says and the group shakes their head slightly in judgment for how desperate she was, but soon they go back to chatting. Unaware of the ears that eavesdrop.
"You guys are ridiculous, I am going for sure, you guys probably heard wrong. We know Eunwoo isn't like that." You say and your friends frown a bit. Both girls had been listening in, it was hard not to, and now they were telling you, but of course, you would never believe he'd do something like that.
"We are serious, Sooyeon was all like she probably won't show up and then said that she would be his date too." She says and you sigh. It could be the case, there was nothing in the story saying that Eunwoo said yes. It could just be one-sided, you hope. You look to them and smile.
"Well, she, unfortunately, won't get a chance. I am going, as Eunwoos only date, he wouldn't leave me for her if I am clearly there." You say and they can't help but smile at you as well and nod their heads. The three of you then go on to talk about other things. You aren't worried too much, because there is no doubt in yourself or Eunwoo.
You stand in front of the mall with your casual clothes, but of course bundled up, as you smile. Feeling excited. You don't usually shop much, but today you aren't alone.
"What are you smiling about?" You look up and smile more at Eunwoo who is also smiling.
"Thinking about all the suits I could make you wear." You say and he chuckles as he shakes his head as you go next to him and the two of you proceed inside.
"What color do you think? I think everyone would wear black, black and white... Maybe we could get you a brown one, brown is also a Christmas color." You say as you hum and he hums with you.
"Well, what color do you want your dress to be?" He asks and you stop walking and he stops as well.
"I don't know, I think I'm just winging it while worrying about your clothes." You say he then chuckles as he wraps an arm around you and continues to pull you as you blush a bit.
"Worry about your own clothes, how about getting a dress first, and then we can find a suit to match." He says and you smile as you wrap an arm around him and nod your head.
"Fine, let's do that then." You say and you both walk together like that. You think this doesn't help your heart too much, after all this was just a friend thing, at least it's what you were telling yourself to not feel so hurt when he is with others like this. As the two of you walk you see others looking over and whispering and your brows furrowed.
"Put your hood on..." You say and he looks at you and blinks confused.
"You're too handsome." You say and he blushes a bit as you pull away from him and reach up and put his hood up while zipping up his jacket.
"Alright now let's go." You say as you grab his hand and the two of you continue. It's all-natural and meaningless, something you would do with all of your friends, but you can't help your face from heating up a bit in this situation. But you get past it as you both shop for his suit. Its painful to watch because he is handsome and the lady at the shop constantly going over there to compliment and tell him how handsome he is, even once mentioning he'd be a perfect match for her daughter. But you held it in and were happy when the both of you left with a generously discounted suit and to the dresses.
"So we've got your suit. Brown looks really nice on you... They all did, but I like the grown." You say and he nods his head as you both walk.
"I think maybe tan... Peach... Maybe white..." You say as you look around the dresses. He hums as he follows behind you. You grabbed a few dresses and then went to change.
"How is this one?" You ask as you step out. Its a peach short sleeve dress. It fit the Christmas vibe with a few jewels on the stomach area and he blushed as he stared at you.
"It looks great." He says and you hum as you look to the bigger mirror outside and observe yourself.
"I'll keep this one in mind... But I dunno." You say as you go in. You continue the process and get embarrassed after a while because he just showers you with compliments and then the last dress. When you put it on your eyes sparkle as you poke your head out.
"I found the one!" You say and he nods and is curious.
"You're not allowed to see it though." You say and he chuckles a bit.
"Why not? Is it bad luck? Its not like we are getting married." He says and you go silent as you blush and after a bit he sheepishly smiles and awkwardly chuckles.
"You know what, okay I'll wait. I'll see it at the dance." He says and you nod your head.
"Definitely!" You say as you go back in and take it off. After leaving and paying you both went to get something to eat and then hung out for a bit longer before parting ways to go home. Eunwoo was sure, you'd be there. You bought a dress and basically promised to show it at the dance.
The day before the dance was nerve-racking. It felt like a bunch of eyes were shooting bullets at you. Why was everyone staring at you so much. But the stares stopped when Eunwoo was next to you.
"Hey, tomorrow the day, do you need a ride? You could ride with me and my friends." He says and you stare at him before you chuckled a bit.
"I prefer to ride with my friends, they're just as excited for me to go, plus my dress has to be a surprise you can only see it at the dance." You say and he chuckles as he nods and walks you to your class and you wave when he leaves and enter the class. You just have to get past these bullets as you walk to your seat.
"Everyone's been talking about you. They said that you are trying to steal Eunwoo from Sooyeon... They aren't using pretty words." Your friend says and you look to her before you sigh a bit.
"Its to be expected... I dont anyone knee we were friends because he is not more popular than with us... But I know whats really going on and so do all the people I care about. She just wants attention." You says and your friends as eyes sparkle as she smiles at you.
"You're so cool (Y/n)!" She says and you roll your eyes before smiling and class starts. Even if you put on a good face, you take in those eyes and on the inside you feel as if you are getting smaller and suddenly nervous.
"You look... So... Amazing..." Your friend says as she and the others stand in front of your door. You were wearing a long white dress, at the ends of the dress it was fuzzy as well as on the end of the long sleeves. It wasn't loose yet it brought out every beautiful curve of yours. (Y/n) you've really done it, Jaz can only imagine what her pretty readers look like uwu💕
But anyways. It was off your shoulders and your mum had gifted you a necklace to go with it, it was silver and small, with a heart locket with your parents in it, it was her most precious and of course since it fit she decided it'd be a perfect early christmas present. Your hair was done as you thought would be nice, the once in a while style that you would never wear unless it was a time you felt. Its what you wore then. With earring that dangled a bit and sparkled when the light hit it just a bit. Your make up there, but not too noticeable because who needs makeup when everything about you is beautiful, we love natural faces here. But only a little bit to step out of the zone of what you usually did.
"Ah, I think I've fallen for you... You sure you wont be my second date?" You scoff as one of your other friends who was his date hits him and glares at him as he sheepishly smiles.
"Alright, now lets go!" One of the guys says as he jingles his keys a bit.
"Wait wait! I want pictures!" Your mom comes to say and you sigh as your friends smile and nod knowing this kinda thing would happen because all of their parents want pictures so they didn't leave immediately.
Eunwoo stood against the wall having a good view of the entrance from where he stood so he could see you when you came. But suddenly a hand was on his crossed arms.
"Eunwoo, you're embarrassing yourself if you stand here. Come and dance with me." Sooyeon says as she pouts and Eunwoo sighs a bit.
"Im waiting for someone, it isn't embarrassing when others are doing the same." He says and Sooyeons other hand clenches.
"You would rather wait here than have fun? Come on Eunwoo, you cant possibly think she'll come." She says. Eunwoo slightly glares to her but she glares back. Hes getting rather tired of this.
"A little birdy told me that they actually saw her..." She says and Eunwoo blinks and she keeps her smirk in.
"She came early, but there was still a lot of people and they were welcoming her and her friends, but she said she wanted to go home. I dunno if it was she forgot the time and came too early or she just didn't want to tell you to your face, but she obviously didn't wait for you." She says as she crosses her arms. And Eunwoo blinked but then his brows furrowed.
"Your little birdy could be a liar." He says and she turns to the side a bit.
"That little birdy is one of your friends! Our friends! And you know we are much more close than any of the others. Remember, I was the one who introduced you and it was always me who invited you and made sure you were comfortable." She says as she looks to him straight once more and puts her hands on his arms.
"I've always been here for you Eunwoo, and as your most trusted friend, believe in me... She came... But she left and wont come." She says and to listen to all her words. The words of someone he trusted, he cant help but invision your smile and the days until now with you.
"I trust you... But I just want to wait and see." He says and she sighs before she smiles softly.
"Okay, but just once. Lets dance." She says and he stares at her before he smiles and nods his head. She smiles widely as she pulls him along to the dance floor. Where she shoots a look to the DJ who had been watching. All apart of the plan as the music changed to a slow dance and she smiled to Eunwoo. He arms wrapping around him as he wrapped his arms around her waist and they began to sway. Their other friends watching in disbelief of her ways to do that displeasing them. Also finding it weird how Eunwoo falls for it all the time.
What was more displeasing was seeing you. Everyone was looking your way. They had never seen or expected you to show up the way you looked. You usually look way tired and a tad lazy cause who really wants to get up and try? But right now you were trying as you held onto one if your friends.
"Now where is he..." She says as she scans and then her eyes widened a bit. When you see that you try to look, but she covers your eyes.
"Maybe we should leave. I wanna take pictures outside." She says trying to pull you back but you stop her and look at her.
"We already took a crap load of pictures. Maybe its the outfit and actually being here, but I really want him to see me and for me to see him, for us to see each other and have one of your stupid fairy tale moments." You say as you blush and turn towards the crowd and he wasn't hard to spot as you smiled but then you watch as he us pulled down and as if a wave of wind powerful enough to break something went right through you as your eyes widened. As if slow motion he and Sooyeon kiss and everyone is there to witness it as she closes her eyes and their lips are together. You turn around and look down.
"I... I don't like it, let's go home." You say and they look to you before glancing over.
"Wait look." One says and you hesitate, but turn. Eunwoo looks upset as he moves away from her and she looks as if she is pleading with him as she pulls him trying to get closer as she blushes. But then suddenly he makes her fall down as he pulls his arm away and he looks down to her on the floor she looks furious as Eunwoo walks out of the gymnasium and through the door leading outside.
"It didn't look like be enjoyed it... Why not go talk to him." One of them say and you look down a bit before you sigh and nod your head. As you walk you catch more eyes and then catch hers.
"You! You bit-" Suddenly the words she says are being muffled by one of Eunwoos other friends.
"You've done enough, just shut up already." He says as he sighs and then looks to you with a smile using his other hand to wave you off and you continue. When you open the door you see Eunwoo turning the corner and you quickly go out and follow. He doesn't seem to notice you, he's almost spaced out a bit. When he stops moving he brings his phone out and he stares at it for a bit before he begins to go through some things and types something.
Before you knew it, you heard the jingle of your phone. He flinches and turns around as you grab out your phone and ses its him and you blush before looking to him.
His eyes are wide.
"S-Surprise..." You say and he just stares observing you and all your beauty.
"When... When did you get here?" He asks as he walks closer to you and you look down a bit.
"If you're wondering if I saw the kiss then yeah, I did... But I also saw her fall to the ground, so it wasn't too bad to watch." You say as you chuckle and he just frowns a bit feeling bad and you go closer to him.
"It was obvious you didn't like it so don't make that face. I would've ran away crying if it really hurt me. I don't do well in those kinda situations emotionally, but Im here and I trust you. Cause Im not that much of a crybaby." You say and he chuckles a bit he stares into your eyes. Its silent for a few minutes. But its comfortable. The small cracks in the both of your heads healing themselves. Especially for Eunwoo who looks more relaxed as if a weight had been taken off of him after talking to you. He puts his hand out to you and smiles softly.
"I wanted you to be my first dance... I gave in for a... Bad friend, but this isn't the dance floor, so be my first dance here." He says and you smile as you stare up to him and then look to his hand before taking it. He pulls you closer and wraps an arm around you gently while your hand goes to his shoulder.
"You're so handsome." You say mindlessly now closer to him. He lets out a soft chuckle as he begins to lead.
"And you're beautiful." He says as you both sway with the faint sound of the music from the inside and the wind. Its cold, but also warm where you both touch. The warmth like waves going throughout both of your bodies as you stare at each other.
"I really like you." He speaks up first after some minutes of swaying together and you blush.
"And Im sorry, for not always being around. We've been friends for a while, I didn't want it to change, but I also didn't want it to stay the same. It wasn't a matter of making you jealous or hurting you while I wasn't around as often... I enjoyed time with my other friends, but it also distracted me when it came to you. But now I don't want to be distracted and taken advantage of, I just want to be like this." He says in a soft voice. The sound of your heartbeat so overwhelming you could hear it in your ear as if laying your head on your own chest, his words running around your mind as he stares at you with such loving eyes. You open your mouth to speak, but a small white things as if petals follow the way of the wind and you look away as does he.
Its beautiful.
"Im glad it finally snowed today... That means we'll be together for a long time right." You say as you look back to him. His eyes widened a bit as he looks back to you and smiles.
"Of course we will, I wouldn't dream of letting you go." He says and you giggle a bit as you hug him. He hugs back and you both stand there as the white petals fall from their grey tree.
"Let me take you home now. I don't want you to catch a cold." He says and you hum as you both remain there. When he pulls away he holds your hand and begins to walk.
"Eunwoo..." You say and he looks back to you. You smile as you pull for him and he goes with it and he knows. In this connection there is no hesitation, no one wanting to stop it, just the warmth. The comforting warmth in the cold in the night of white petals.
Hello lovelysss
If I could Id be on my hands and knees in front of all of you and apologizing.
You know Ive seen people put this in their complete reading list and Im like wAIt tHIS iS StiLL oN gOIng ufiejr
It doesnt seem like it and Im sorry but know this story has almost 5000 words which is equal to about 10 pages single spaced and 20 double spaced(i did look this up)
But how are you all?? I know I don't post much but Im always around which makes not posting worse lmao
But its like writers block. I have all of this stuff but I just never feel up to writing it all sometimes including drafts therr are 53 total things written for this book but only like 30 something things are published. I just get bored?
Like I've been writing this since December and its now February. Its the first one I have finished in a while as you know plus its long asf just because I wanted to make something worth while for my not being around.
So Im sorry again, I'll do my best to continue and get whatever ones I have a quarter done 100% done so I can post it.
So I will be rejecting requests now even though it hurts my heart to say no to anyone who asks. And trying to balance myself better.
But anyways I think this is a good day to post this because it actually snowed! And is snowing! It may be a snow storm, but its so pretty and I miss when it snowed a lot so enjoy!
Stay warm and be as happy as you can be :>
Hope you all are having or have had a good day!
Love youuuu byeeeee
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