💌Shoot Me A Text😔
Shoot Me A Text: Based off of, something that goes on in my head(?) I dunno lmao just an idea🙃
Type: Uhm,, fluff(?) I dunno(?)
You didnt remember the last time you've heard your phone make that special ring sound to let you know that special someone had texted you.
But you lived with it. It was kinda hard to. But what did you expect, really? A welcoming how are you? Without you having to be the one to awkwardly text something?
(My reality with everyone I text cause I cant form a proper conversation🤪🤘🏼,, anyone else? Hdksbdks)
Being friends with someone you couldn't text what you felt. It was hard. Unsure thoughts always coming to you when you think of something to say and you just. Dont.
You slump down on your couch staring at your phone before you sat up.
"Hey Eunwoo how was your day?" You say with a smile. "Well (Y/n)! My day was fantastic and just got better!" You say again in a different type of voice trying to mimic Eunwoos. "That is so great! You're too kind!" You say as you put your hands on your cheeks with a sheepish smile on your face. You then catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and then stop.
"This is so dumb. I hate myself." You say as you groaned and go to your bedroom. You frowned slightly as you threw yourself on your bed. You then felt your phone vibrate as you groaned more and rolled holding your phone up.
(I feel like I made it text more like I do irl.. Except mines would he "Lets get it,, let me go ask my parents though.." lmao)
You smiled as you got up and began to dress to impress. But still messy as usual. Because honestly, anything more would make it obvious. Then you head out with a smile.
When you got there, you saw everyone already there. And you breathed before going over.
"Hey guys." You say as you smiled happily. They all looked at you and greeted you. The only one who didnt say anything was Eunwoo who only smiled and waved. So freaking cute.
"Finally. You're so slow at getting at ready, and you still look like your usual mess." You friend says as she nudges you. You rolled your eyes as you smiled and shrugged.
"What can I say. Once a mess always a mess." You say. The group laughs a bit and then it goes to the socializing. Eunwoo would only contribute here and there. You couldn't help notice how sad he looked.
"Okay we have been socializing a lot and no ice cream." Binnie says. Then he nudges Eunwoo who seems startled by it as he looked slightly wide eyed at Moonbin making everyone chuckle except for you.
"Can you go ge—."
"Ill do it." You say as you stood up with a smile. You didnt know what was wrong. But maybe Eunwoo need time to just be his silent self. He looked at you and sighed softly before standing up with a slight smile.
"Ill help, there are a lot of people here." He says sweetly before he began to walk. You were devastated. You stood there taking in that smile before you began to walk with him in comfortable silence. The line was long, but you think he probably need some time away from the table. But your curiosity got the best of you.
"Whats wrong?" You ask. He then looks at you before he shook his head and opened his mouth, but you covered it.
"Dont you, "nothing" me with a pretty smile. I can see it." You say. You blushed at your small compliment that made him smile and chuckle with a soft pink tint on his cheeks.
"How can you tell somethings wrong?" He says as he raised an eyebrow. You shrugged a bit.
"Well.. For one, you seem so deep into thought and just scream "somethings wrong!" When I look at you. Usually you wouldn't have such a distant look in your eyes. Maybe no one else can tell, but my gut tells me somethings wrong. So tell me Cha Eunwoo." You say as you crossed your arms and gave him a sharp look.
"Whats wrong?" You say. He blinked before he smiled and looked away as he began to laugh a bit. That made you weak as you uncrossed your arms and looked away. What the hell were you doing?!
Welp, you gotta finish what you started right?
You looked back at him sternly. You weren't taking no for any answers here. He then finished and looked at you.
"You always manage to make me laugh or smile you know." He says. What a way to shoot stern and serious you down.
"Even your little awkward joking texts." He says. He seems to have acknowledged how awkward they were as well. But honestly.. Who wouldnt??
"Theyre nice and cheer me up you know. I can feel your effort." He says jokingly. You then blushed as you put your arms to your side and look away from him.
"You should text me often." He says. You then look bluntly at him.
"I do text you often! You should text me often." You say. He then blinks before he shrugged with a small smirk.
"Ill think about it." He says. You then blinked before you pouted a bit and looked away. He then looked at you and smiled softly.
"Then Ill think about texting YOU often." You say with a scoff. He then ruffles your hair a bit making your pout go away and a blush surface as you look his way.
(*notices how long this line at an ice cream shop must be and that none of their friends are concerned*)
"Im just kidding. I'll text you sometime." He says. You then nodded and opened your mouth to say something.
"Yah! You two! This line is too long and I called you both! Lets go somewhere else." Your friend says as she went up to you two. Eunwoo removed his hand from your head and looked at the time.
"I actually have to go now. I didnt think this line would take so long." He says as he looked at you and smiled. You then nodded and looked down shyly before you and him got out of the line. Apparently there was a school of Elementary schoolers. Such indecisive kids. So the line went slowly. As the group went out, you saw Eunwoo go the opposite way so you stopped and looked at him.
"Do you really have to go?" You say. He then stopped and turned and looked at you before he smiled and nodded. You frowned a bit and he went over to you and patted your head a bit.
"But dont worry. Ill shoot you a text later." He say with a small wink before he began to walked the opposite way again. (And in that moment you were preg- NOPE) You smiled as your whole face was red before you did a small celebratory dance and then went to catch up with everyone else.
That night when you got out of the shower you got a text.
Afterwards the both of you texted for a while that night. You felt happy. Its been a while. Sometimes, a simple text is all it took to make someone happy, cause its the thought thag counted. At least thats what you thought.
I said the weekend..
But Im bad at focusing if its school work. So here is this crappily written story.
Be grateful cause now I am gonna go back to my project
Unless you know..
A few people just happen to comment here and disrupt that..
Please. Disrupt me and my work.
I hate it.
Okay byeee
Hes so freaking pretty
Okay bye fr💕💕💕
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