🌙All Night💜
🌙All Night💜: Well I dunno
Type: 🤷🏽♀️🤷🏽♀️
It was a warm and slightly breezy August night. It wasn't the time to be sick. But you were incredibly sick. Your head was hot, your nose red, your throat aching. Your condition prevented you from being able to sleep properly. So it was about 4 am. Walking through the streets lit by the street lights and the house lights of small lamps in the living room or from the kid's room playing video games and staying up late despite school starting soon.
You walked until you got to a coffee shop that was a 24/7 open shop.
You went in and immediately the scent of milk, coffee beans and sweets filled your nose making your eyes droop a bit before you looked to the counter to see a guy standing there smiling at you.
"Good morning, what can I get you?" He asks from afar. You then blinked before walking over and taking a seat on the stool.
"Anything..." You squinted at his nametag. "Sanha.." You say. He then blinks before he looks down and chuckled.
"Ah, my name isn't Sanha I spilt milk on my uniform(Yall thought🤧)... I'm Moonbin." He says and you nodded in understanding as you watched him prepare a drink for you. The scent slightly making your eyes close. Coffee... Cream... Sugar... Cinnamon... Milk... And then whipped cream. When he set it in front of you, you opened your eyes. You put your hands around the warm mug and then take a drink.
"What is it?" You asked after drinking it. It didn't taste like coffee. He then smiled as he picked up his mug.
"Its hot chocolate." He says setting his mug down showing that his mug was where the coffee smell was coming from not yours. You looked at him.
"There is a booth over there... You can go nap if you feel tired. No one goes to the corner." He says as he smiled. You then blinked before you scoffed.
"I'm not going to sleep there... I feel too awful to even sleep in my bed.." You say when you take another drink not caring anymore. He hums a bit as he sets his coffee somewhere else and grabs a rag as he wipes down the area. You watch as you hold the cup in your lap.
"You ever feel sick to the point you'll stop breathing in your sleep?" You say without thinking. He looked to you and then nodded his head. You look down as you sniff staring into the mug.
"I told someone about my concerns... They said I was being dumb... What a friend I've got right. Not like I was sobbing cause I couldn't breath when I closed my eyes and tried to relax." You say as you shrug and let out a dry chuckle. You put the hot chocolate on the counter and cross your arms and put them down before resting your head in them looking to the mug.
"Maybe I am crying for no reason... But I can't help it..." You say as you dig your head in your arms and sniff. He was silent the whole time as he watched you. You realize you probably are being too much. But then you feel a gentle hand on your head. You go stiff before you look up to him. He looks at you with soft and gentle eyes as when you looked up his hand had gone to the side of your head since he didn't want it in your face. He gently moves your hair back and away from your face from which you had bunched it all at.
"It isn't for no reason... You're scared and alone. People aren't supposed to just toss you away when you need them most..." He says and you sniff as you feel like you've found someone really on your side as you tear up more. You were tired and emotional.
"In about an hour I'm off if you want let's go adventuring in the city or something." He says as he smiles. You nod as they fall down and he moves his hand down and gently rubs your cheeks ridding them of tears.
"Go sit in the corner and just wait for me alright?" He says and you nod. Listening to a stranger? Isn't the craziest thing you've done while exhausted. So you grab your mug and then walk to the corner table, its the cleanest and newest looking table why does no one come here? You think to yourself as you set the mug down and then sat down as you looked outside the window. Your head leaning towards it as your eyes were coming to a close, the sound of him working with the coffee machines filling your head as it went completely dark.
You smell strong coffee, hear the chattering of the people, feel something warm and fuzzy on your nose as your eyes slowly open. You're in the cafe. You feel hot as you sit up slowly and you see you have a scarf wrapped around your neck, it very fuzzy. Then you also have a brown coat on. You take it off and then unzip your jacket as you take the scarf off. You sit there spaced out before theres a cup set down. You look up and is greeted by a smiling guy.
"Good morning... Well afternoon." He says. You blink as you look to his name.
"Afternoon... Sanha." You say and he smiles. ((Plot twist 🤠)) He picks up he scarf and coat and puts it over his arm.
"You've been sleeping here for a while, I found you like 2 hours ago, I didnt even see you come in... Thats why this corner seat is the best for naps, its hidden." He says as you nod as you dont remember sitting here. You think back to last night, all you remember is the name tag and the taste of chocolate that still lingers in your mouth, but the cup you held was gone from the table.
"Do you want anything to drink?" He asks and you look to him. Youre still a bit out of it as you dig in your pocket and take out a bit of money.
"I'll take a water please." You say and he nods as he walks away without taking the money snd you were confused as you sat there and set the money down and he came back.
"Water is free." He says and you nod as you put your money away and drink as he watches you. You dont know what it is, but you cant seem to find that face in your memories, but it was his name. When you're done he tells you that if you needed anything just say so, then you'd have to pay. You didnt know why you were still in the care the whole day staring out the window waiting. Sanha came around often chatting with you, refilling your cup of water, even bringing some snacks and saying he'd pay for it, but he wanted you to eat something.
"My shift is almost over, my hyung is gonna come soon, you wanna maybe hangout outside the cafe." He asks and you look as this felt familiar, you nodded your head before he smiles brightly.
The time came when he came out in front of you wearing the blue scarf and coat looking between the two of you he was obviously warmer. But before you guys exited he put his scarf on you and the two of you walked out but before going anywhere he stops.
"Ah Hyung! Good evening! I hope you slept well." He says and you look over to his Hyung. He's short, well shorter than Sanha maybe a bit taller than you. He's short but he looks handsome and calm as he smiled.
"Mh I did, ready to be up all night." He says before he turns and walks into the shop. Then you and Sanha continue this feels wrong.
You and Sanha are close friends now. For some reason it still confuses you, your memories are small fragments of the night, but nothing seems related to Sanha beside the name, if Sanha is lonely on a night shift she'll come and he'll give her free coffee no hot chocolate, apparently he didnt know how to make hot chocolate, what life is he living? You always wonder Hot chocolate is easy. But you never complain.
But now here you are walking to the cafe again, not because Sanha called, but because you couldnt sleep and there was the only place, it'll probably be his Hyung, Jinwoo there if anything.
When you get there all the lights are off and the doors are locked and you blinked. Any normal person woukd turn away and go home. But you feel the need to sit so you do. You sit down next to the door, legs to your chest and chin on your knees. You close your eyes as you sit there. Uou hear footsteps getting close but you dont mind it. Its stupid falling asleep and sitting here anything could happen. But your mind isn't processing that possibility.
"Well sleeping beauty returns." You open your eyes and your vision takes a bit before you look to a familiar face. He's gently smiling at you. You stare at him.
"Im sorry about last time... I... I was tired by the time I finish my shift, and I completely forgot and went home and when I woke up I realized I had left you there and I didnt expect you to wait... But I still went to check and you weren't there.." He says as he chuckled a bit looking down. You stare at him still in silence. You have to dig through your memories for a while. His voice, his face, its very familiar. He sees you're just staring and he moves next to you as he sits down.
"Im wearing the right uniform today." He says as he pulls the shirt and shows you his name. "Moonbin." He says and you blink. There it was. You remember, you called him Sanha cause he was wearing that uniform, but his name was Moonbin. Sanha wasn't the one you met that night.
"Are we gonna go inside?" You ask and he looks at you silently for a minute. Maybe because you finally speak up after just staring at him. But soon he smiled sheepishly.
"Well... I actually came by earlier since my shift started earlier... But something came home so I left and one of my coworkers covered and I told them that they could leave at 11 since no one really comes then and they did and I came here like 30 minutes ago and realized I left my key inside and I have a spare at home... But that key is in the cafe... I dont have a spare for my apartment... So I went to the landlord and... They didnt answer... I called my coworkers on the way here, but they aren't answering either... So Im here... Stuck." He says as he let out a dry chuckle. You blink before you nodded. It got silent between the two of you.
"Hey..." You say as you look to him and he looks to you.
"If I remember correctly... You said we'd adventure in the city... I cant sleep, so lets do that." You say and he blinks before he smiles and nods his head and stands up.
"Then lets go! I... I dont have a car, but walking will keep you up." He says and you nod as you dont mind walking. You stand and then the two of you start walking with small talk.
The next morning you wake up. You feel exhausted. You're in your livingroom. Its blurry at first as your adjust to the light coming from the windows and once you've come to you see a phone vibrating. You blink as you slowly reach but then theres a hand grabbing yours and your eyes widened as you look to the side and its Moonbin. You completely forgot he was here.
"Dont answer it... Its probably work... I dont wanna hear it." He says as his face scrunches a bit. You nod as you move back. You feel the position. Hes on his side thats against the back of the couch facing you with one hand slightly holding your waist and then the other is the one holding your wrist still. He looks at you with tired but soft eyes. He's close, which is strange, but you dont say anything as you just stare at him.
"You wanna go out tonight?" He asks and you blink as you slightly look away.
"I mean... Its not like I'll be asleep tonight..." You say. He then chuckled as he nodded his head. You feel a thumb lightly rub your waist as you blush a bit.
"Good, lets be together all night then." He says. You nod your head as you glance to him and he is smiling. He's weird. You think as you sit there.
"If you want to be together all night then you have to go, it'll spoil the night if you're with me all day." You say as you huff a bit. He then laughs a bit as he pulls his hands away and you look to him.
"Okay, then I'll go, probably get fired, and then sit at the cafe once I get ready and wait for you." He says and you nod your head and you stare at each other. Then he brings his hand up and to the top of your head as he pat your head before standing up.
"See ya." He says and you watch as he leaves. When the door closes you sit there for a few minutes before laying on the couch completely and closing your eyes as your face went red.
All night with you... Lord help me.
You say as you hug onto one of the pillows and go to sleep.
Its not until sundown that you are waking up. You feel weak, and light headed. The apartment is dark. You sit up and look around before you stand up. You remember that you and Moonbin are going out tonight again. So you need to get ready, but you move slowly despite the small voice in your head freaking out wondering if he was still there, if maybe you shouldve woken up early, but you stayed slow and calm.
When you take your shower and wash up is when you start thinking more and more. Maybe you were taking too long. Putting too much effort its just the same night out you had yesterday. By the time your finish the sun is gone and you feel nervous. You did your hair a bit different from usual, would he notice and compliment it? You have ripped jeans on today, and then a shirt you favor with a jacket over top of it cause it gets cold. By the time you're outside you feel dumb. Its cold why the ripped jeans? Ripped jeans. Stupid choice. You stop as you look to your complex before shaking your head. You're already outside lets go.
When you get there the place is almost empty, so its getting late. You walk in as the bell goes off making who was working there look.
"(Y/n)!" Its Sanha as he smiles and waves, you wave back with a small smile he works tonight.
"You look different, did you get all pretty to spend the night with me." He says as he batted his eyes playfully and you shake your head.
"Actually I came to spend the night with someone else... Is Moonbin here..." You say a bit shyly and Sanha blinks before theres an arm wrapping around you.
"Right here!" He says and you blush as you look to him and he smiled gently. Sanha watches, he looks hurt but youre focused on Moonbin.
"I told you I'd be here." He says, he looks casual. Not in his work attired cause he did indeed get fired. His hair in front of his forehead, hes wearing a button up that was tucked into his black jeans and then a long tan coat on top. He looks warm.
"Mh..." You say and he holds his hand out as you take it. He pulls you up and holds your hand.
"Bye Sanha, see you some other time..." You trail off as he pulls you along. Sanha stands there watching with a small frown but he waves and soon getting back to work when you and Moonbin had disappeared from the windows.
You were indeed wide awake for this night. Maybe thats why you let yourself sleep because the city at night looks so much better when your eyes aren't blurring them every few seconds, when you have someone hold your hand and your body doesnt go completely numb, actually maybe not that one, cause you feel numb, you feel warm in this cold. Its very abnormal.
This night isn't like other nights cause looking up and seeing a bright smile on Moonbins face slightly catches you off guard but you smile back and think its okay to feel numb right now, cause if not you'd probably freak out from holding his hand, you'd probably be to distracted with how cold it was to pay attention to him, but you aren't.
These feelings, I hope they last all night and many to come.
I finally posted a storryy
Its not that good and there will probably be a second part if I get around to it,,
but for now enjoy this and I hope you're all doing well during quarantine if you are on quarantine.
I think its getting old... I miss my friends, and school.
But despite the bad guess who is getting sent a Chromebook!! Me!
Although I already have one I signed up on my schools thing to get one so yeah 🥺🥺
Its for school things but a free chromebook is a free chromebook.
But Im also trying to write more I have a lot of drafts I think about... 19... 20?
One of those so hopefully Ill get it done before school
If not Im sorry I procrastinate and dont feel like doing anything a lot these days cause of being inside too much so yeah.
But thank you for still reading and waiting on my slow self
Life update! Im done with my not boyfriend people really be acting different different sometime so yeah, unless you know y'all are gonna be together eventually, then okay cool, but dont stick around someone who doesnt care and is a lowkey liar and wont be honest with you about anytbing what so ever for the most part but you trust them with a lot of your secrets you know cause you guys were good friends but oh well.
Moral of the story: fuck guys.
But not all guys cause one day you'll find someone who really cares about you man or woman if you think they're good for you and they show it then it might but dont be too quick.
You know what.
Scratch guys. Fuck relationships, get a cat or a dog, theyre cuter.
I love you all 💕
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