The Prince and Princess
"Myungjun-ah, you cant go outside right now. Maybe next time." Myungjuns mom said as she looked at 6 year old Myingjun as he sat on his bed sick, looking out at the rain. He loved the rain.
"Eomma.. Please. Im not sick anymore." Myungjun says only to let out a little sneeze. She ruffled his hair and laid him down.
"I'll get you some ice cream if you stay here like I say." She says with a small smile. Myungjun sighed and stared at the ceiling as she left. Myungjun sat up and looked outside only to see someone being pushed by someone on a bike and that person left. As the other was now in a puddle in the street. Myungjun saw it was a girl about his age and got up seeing that the traffic lights were going to change. He ran downstairs, and then opened the door. His mum yelled for him to come back but he didnt listen. When he got out there the light turned green and the cars began to come. He then ran over and picked you up pulling you to the sidewalk before a car drive by splashing more water on the two kids.
"Are you okay?!?" He says drenched. Your eyes were barely open as you looked at him. You nodded before you passed out.
You slowly woke up. You werent drenched as you were earlier, and it wasnt cold anymore.
"Excuse me, are you okay?" You looked over seeing Myungjun. You moved away a bit out of fear of strangers.
"Where am I.. Why am I here... Where is my mom.." You say as you looked around. Myungjun stared and went over. You closed your eyes and he put his hand on your hair.
"Its alright.. I wont hurt you, I am just a kid. You passed out a couple hours ago after someone pushed you into a puddle and a car was coming, but I saved you!" He says as he sat down and let go of your head. You sat down and hugged your knees as you listened to him.
"And then my mom, came and took us inside, she lent you some of the clothes that dont fit me, but its okay, they're pink and girlish so you should feel comfortable." He says. You nodded a bit unsure. He then sat there with a smile on his face staring at you.
"So, where did you come from?" He says. You put your knees down a bit.
"Well.. Dad says that when two people love each other they do something so that their love is pushed to the limits and then thats how I came to be.. Has your mommy had that talk yet?" You say. He then blinked a bit and was in confusion.
"I meant like.. Location wise." He says as he chuckled a bit.
"Uhm.. Seoul.." You say. He then stared and then sighed and nodded as he smiled before sneezing. You jumped and looked at him.
"Sorry, Im a bit sick." He says with a sheepish smile. You then nodded as you observed him more.
"You said you saved me.. Did you get wet?! Im sorry!" You say worriedly. He then smiles and then hugs you making you surprised.
"Its fine! As long as you are safe everything is good! Its like a fairy tale! The brave prince saves the princess! And then we get married!" He says. The door then opened revealing his mother as she lightly laughed.
"You two are too young to get married." She says as she sat down ruffling yours and MJs hair. MJ then smiled and looked at her.
"Now but watch! Ill marry the princess that I so bravely saved!" He says as he smiled brightly. You looked at him and his mom.
"What makes you think this princess wants to marry you?" You say. He then looks at you and then pouts. His mom then laughed.
"Thats right now come on. Lets go and end something. You must be hungry..." She stopped not knowing your name. You then bowed your head slightly.
"I am (Y/n).. Nice to meet you." You say. MJ smiled as did his mom.
"I am Myungjun or just MJ! And this is mom!" He says. You then nodded as you smiled at then slightly.
"You can call me.. mom i guess or Mrs. Kim. Either one is fine." She says. You then nodded and smiled looking at her and then Myungjun.
"Now lets go and eat." She says as she stood up. You and Myungjun then followed her.
"So like.. Did you ever find your parents or god home?" You looked at Jinwoo and shook your head.
"No, no one ever came looking either. So I stayed with MJ and his mom." You say. MJ nodded and smiled as he looked at you.
"How about that marriage proposal? Are you two gonna get married??" Sanha says. You then laughed and MJ pouted.
"The princess hasnt given an answer." He says. You then ruffled his hair and slightly glared.
"Dont call me a princess. We talked about this." You say. He then rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out.
"Sometimes I forget whos older.." Eunwoo says as he began to eat his lunch. You then looked at the guys as you finished off your lunch.
"But thats why we are always together. He is like a big brother.. Who wants to marry me.." You say. He then felt hurt by being called a brother. The other guys laughed at the fact MJ was put in the brother zone.
"Anyways the bell will ring. Lets go to class now." You say standing. Everyone stood up except MJ as they went to go throw their things away and go to class. You looked at MJ and then rolled your eyes with a smile as you went down.
"MJ come on. Lets go to class together." You say as you grabbed his hand and began to pulled him along. He gripped onto your hand and went along as he smiled.
You and MJ were walking home from school. MJ held a tight grip on your hand and you didnt mind since he always wanted to hold your hand when you walked to and from school. The two of you joked around as you walked and then MJ stopped when the two of you were at the house.
"Hey! Let me go! I dont understand what I did wrong!" You looked over and widened your eyes seeing MJs mom being held by the police. You and MJ ran over.
"Whats going on?!" MJ says. The officer looks at MJ and then you. The officer gave MJs mom to another officer who held her and the officer went to you. MJ got in front of you.
"What are you doing??" MJ says. They then pushed him to the ground.
"Hey! Thats too much!" You say as you were going to go down but the officer put his hands on your shoulder.
"Are you okay? She didnt do anything to you right?" He says. You were confused as you looked at MJ and then his mom and then back to the officer.
"What are you talking about? Thats my mom!" You say as you went down and helped MJ up.
"No, she brainwashed you. This isnt your real family. I got a message earlier today about a missing child and we have been looking and asking, and the only thing people said was there was a single lady who somehow gained a daughter so suddenly years ago.. Your mother is looking for you, so you need to come with me." He says. You listened and then looked at MJ as you held his hand.
"Youre wrong. This is my family.. If they were my family then they wouldve came for me the day I went missing.. Not now. Now let my mom go. She didnt do anything wrong." You say. A car then pulled up and everyone looked at it. The door then opened. A tall man came out. The man then ran to the other side and opened the back door. Out came a lady. Short hair, same color as yours, shades on, a casual but expensive and fancy looking outfit with heels, as she had lipstick on and a hat and, in her hand a fan. She then removed her shades, she looks pretty young. She looked at you then your hand and then MJ lastly to his mother.
"So this is where you were.. In these commoners house.. Lets go home. Choi (Y/n)." She says. Your eyes widened as you stared and then gulped.
"My name is Kim (Y/n)..." You say. She then went over to you and circled around you until the hands that connected you and MJ. She put her hands on your and his pulling them apart as she continued to circle around occasionally touching your hair lifting it up to see your neck or your shirt and observing your skin. You blushed as MJ and the police officers looked away.
"Beauty and birth marks all in the places I remember. Sweetheart, you are a Kim.. Which I assume is this family. You belong to me. I gave birth to you." She says. You then gulped as you looked at her and then MJ. You then smiled slightly.
"My name is Kim (Y/n), future wife of Kim Myungjun. I am a Kim not a Choi." You say as you grabbed onto MJs hand pulling him over as you grabbed his tie and pulled him down giving him a kiss. His eyes widened as did everyone there except your "mother". When you pulled away you looked at MJ you smiled a bit. He then fell to his knees. Everyone looked at hin confused.
"THE PRINCESS HAS ACCEPTED MY PROPOSAL!" He says. It was silent as he was on the verge of tears. You then began to laugh as you helped him up.
"Yah, stop calling me a princess." You say. He then hugged you and you smiled.
"Very well. Let the woman go. As for you Kim.. (Y/n).. Either way, you have to come home. May not be permanently but for a bit." She says. The officers let MJs mom go and she went over to the two hugging them. You then looked at your mother and then nodded. She then turned around and began to walk to the car.
"A car will pick you and your.. Future husband up tomorrow. If you both are going to be coming into my family then might as well introduce you.." She says before getting into the car. The guy then closed it and ran to the other side as he got into the driver seat. You, MJ, and his mom then went inside as you saw her and the officers leave.
~~In the car of your mothers~~
"Are you okay?" The man in the front says. Your mother then sighed as she looked at you and them walk into the house.
"Im surprised she didnt recognize the car.. We drive by here everyday since we found out she was here years ago.. Does it seem like I did too much though?! I didnt really ask those officers to do that much.. She wont understand that I didnt take her away because she was happy here.. More happy then she was with her siblings.. I didn't think she was gonna go on and have a future husband here though!" She says. The guy in the front nodded as drove and listened.
"Did I go to far with the way I acted?? I just wanted to like.. Sound like those rich moms from the dramas who isnt that bad when you meet them! You know?" She says. The guy in the front nods yet again as he did a chuckle.
'She is too immature for these children..'
He though as he shook his head and continued to listen to her complaining.
~~Years Later~~
You and MJ were in bed. After you got married you two were given a house together from your mom who you had gotten close to after a while. MJ mom now gets along after your mother had begged for forgiveness and his mom realized how immature your mother was so it was all good between the families. MJ was holding onto you as he was getting ready to go to bed. You had your hand in the staring at your ring.
"Princess, are you regretting it.." MJ says. You looked at him and then smiled as you went down and looked at him snuggling into him.
"Of course not. Even if I always said you were like a brother or I didnt say I was going to marry you. It didnt mean I didnt love you.. My brave prince." You say. He then smiled happily and kissed you and then held you tightly. You smiled and then snuggled into him again as you closed your eyes and the two of you fell asleep. Living Happily Ever After~♡
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