Sanha ■Amino Original■
(Also~ That Media is wallpaper and if you want you are able to use that~)
I still love you guys though ^~^
You sat there with Astro, in shock. You were frozen. You didnt know how to react to this situation right now.
"Okay, so. Whos it gonna be?" They all said. You then snapped out of it and looked at them.
"Huh?" You say. They then chuckle a little as they smile.
"You were the first one out of the 6 people to hang out with us.. You have to pick one of us." JinJin says as he smiled. You then looked at all of them and couldnt really choose.
"I dont know which one I want.." You say shyly. They then nodded and then looked at each other. Then in the end they ended up playing rock, paper, and scissors.
You were sitting in room as you were scrolling through twitter. Then you landed on a post that you havent seen.
'Hello, Calling Arohas~☆ We are holding a special day for 6 lucky Arohas to hang out with Astro for 1 day! You get one member to hang with. Click the link to enter and possibly get selected! Good luck~☆♡'
Your eyes widened seeing that the post was from 2 days ago. You then went to the website and saw that there was a time limit. You then immediatly applied and then sent it. You sighed in relief seeing you werent too late but then frowned a bit since a lot of people had already applied.
-3 days later-
You were sitting on the train as you sighed. Then you got a call. You looked down seeing a number you had seen before. You then picked it up.
"Yoboseyo?" You say. You then hear a bunch of mumbling and then some giggles.
"Hello! Is this.. (F/L/N)?" You heard a pretty familiar voice say.
"Neh?" You say. Then you hear more mumbling and giggling louder feeling very confused.
"Yah, Eunwoo, dont be so loud.." You hear a very audiable whisper. Your eyes then widened.
"Eunwoo?! Wait?! Who is this?!" You say. You then hear some more disappointing mumbles.
"Anyways! Hi! This is Astro! And you have been first chosen to have a special day with one of us! Congrats~!" You hear them all yell. You then stare at your reflection in the window across from you silent.
"Yoboseyo... Are you still there?"
"I think shes in shock.."
"We shouldve got the manager to do it..."
"Ani~! Im fine!!" You say snapping out of it and smiled widely. They all then chuckle.
"Alright! See you tomorrow~!!" You hear them say before they hung up. You then jumped up and squealed happily. People looked at you like you were crazy. You then sat back down with a huge smile and some tears in your eyes.
~~End Of Flashback~~
"(Y/n)? You still there?" Sanha says. You jump and look at him then look around seeing the two of you alone. You nod a bit confused.
"Today is your day with me!" He says with a cute smile. You then blush as you smiled at him. He then wrapped his arm around you and then sighed.
"Dont worry, we'll have a better time than anyone else." He says as he gives you another cute smile. You then nod happily. He then lets go and grabs your hand making you blush as he pulled you out of the room.
"So maybe we could go fet something to eat first.. I didnt eat because it was the plan to eat with whoever wanted me." He says as he rubbed his stomach a little. You then nodded in agreement.
"I havent eaten anything either.. I was too excited, and when I did decide to get something.. I had to hurry over here." You say as you sheepishly smile and rub the back of your neck.
"Yah~ You should eat no matter what, we'll always be here waiting. But its okay, now we can eat together!" He says. You then giggle as you looked up at him.
"Neh, that'll be fun." You say. The two of you then continued walking out after both of you had put on your jackets.
"Here we are! This place has good food." He says as he held on to your hand even tighter and pulled you over. It was one of those out in the open vendors.
"Wow, it looks so good." You say as stared at it all. He smiled as he nodded. Then the two of you asked for what you wanted and ate it there.
"Its good isnt it!" He says happily. You the nod, your stomach was satisfied as well as this day so far, even if it had just started.
"Here try this." He says as he held some of what he had gotten up to you. You then blushed as you smiled and ate some. He slightly blushed as he smiled.
"Mh~ Its good." You say as you smiled at him blushing slightly. He then sighed as he put it down and stretched. He then paid for it before you and him left.
"So where too next?" You say. The two of you stillheld hands, you got used to it after a while, especially since he didnt let go no matter what. He looked around and then pointed somewhere. You looked and then looked back at him.
"Lets go to the movies." He says. You then nod as you and him changed directions and went over.
The two of you sat down as he held the popcorn in his lap.
'Why is it so cold..'
You thought as you slightly shivered and looked around. He looked at you a bit confused. You then looked at him and smiled sheepishly. He then noticed you slightly shivering.
"Aish, if you were cold, I would've made sure to grab another jacket, or a small blanket." He says as he wrapped his arm around you blushing a bit and making sure you were pretty close to him, even through the arm rests that came between you two. You blushed as you smiled slightly.
"If you get sick it'll be my fault.. I dont want you to get sick, especially since its winter, you should stay healthy and warm alright." He says softly. You then smiled as you put your head on his arm getting comfortable.
"Neh.. Ill be careful." You say. He then smiles happily getting comfortable and blushing. You and him enjoy the movie.
~~Time Skip~~
The movie was over. He smiled and sighed he then looked at you. You were sleeping. He then chuckled a little.
"How can you fall asleep on this special day... But I got to admit.. This is pretty cute..." He says blushing. You then slowly open your eyes. Yeah, you were sleeping but then you woke up when the lights in the theater went on.
"What... did you say?" You say in between yawns as you stretched. He then blushed more as he looked away.
"Nothing..." He says. You then stood up and looked at him. He then stood up as he smiled still blushing.
"Alright~ Come on!" You say as you began walking. He then nodded as he walked beside you. He looked down at your hand and then slightly went closer as he slowly grabbed it and looked away. You looked at him and blushed but smiled as you held his hand back. The two of you then walked out of the theater. You and him stood there seeing it started snowing.
"Its so pretty." You say as you smile and look up. He then looks at you and nods as he then averted his eyes to the sky.
"Come on, lets hurry. We shouldnt stay here for long, it'll get harder at some points." He says as he looks at you. You then nod as he let go of your hand. He then smiled as he turned around and bent down pretty low, because you were pretty short.
"Get on." He says. You blushed as you looked at him. You then slowly get on his back. He smiled as he stood up and adjusted you, making you blush even more.
"Your warm." You say as you wrapped your arms around him and laid your chin on his shoulder, putting your head slightly on his. He smiled and blushed as he began walking.
"Today was great you know.. To bad that movie was long.. I bet we would've had more fun." He says as he frowned a bit. You then nod as you frowned a bit.
"Today, I can really say was the best day of my life." You say, you then shyly and quickly kiss his cheek and then look away as you blushed. He blushed and smiled widely. The two of you then ended up in front of the building. He put you down and then turned around as he grabbed your hands.
"No matter, how far apart we are. You'll always be my favorite Aroha." He says as he bent down and then kisses your forehead. You smile as you look at him.
"I'll make sure you come to all our events, I want to see you more." He says. You then nod as you smile and hug him. He hugs back and then the two of you let go. He then gets you a taxi and opens the door for you.
"Get home safely, eat well, and dress warmly. Dont get sick." He says as he closed the door once you got in and had the window down. You nod.
"Neh." You say. He then gets closer and then gives you a small kiss on the lips and blushes.
"Bye Bye, see you soon~!" He says as he stood up. You were shook as you stared at him. The taxi driver then started. You then snapped out of it and waved to him blushing hard. He waved too as well as he was blushing. Then the two of you went to you original lives, but you were shook just thinking about it 24/7.
~~The End~~
There is Amino first story that had been published for them first!
Hope you like it! Its pretty long and for those Sanha Arohas, I hope you enjoy it, you just spent a day with your Bias in your imagination... From a book..
Even though I dont have a Bias yet~
I know I'd very happy to spend this day with Sanha XD
But anyways, Sorry for the slow update. I havw homework on my first year at a new school, and my 1st week at this school, so its hard to be here a lot. But I do come here when I am at Lunch, and at breakfast, and when I am on my way and when I am home. I am on here soooooo long, I dont get my homework done until like 8 something(I start my HW at about 7) and I get home at like 3. XDD
But anyways~ Ill try. I have a story in the making, a request from a lovely reader, you know who you are ;) , I am like half way done that one, and then after that, I will need some time to think! Because I have 0 after that one so yeah!
Hope you enjoyed this update after a while! Even if your Bias isnt Sanha, Hope you enjoyed the day with Sanha anyways!
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