🎵Guess whos back. Back again🎵
Requested by: Wings_Begin I am not good with these kind if things but I tried and put a lot of effort into it. But prepare yourself for a long chapter my lovely readers💜
"A long time ago, we were all once friends.. BUT THERE IS ALWAYS THAT DUDE! Long story short, we hate each other and its all because of the Vampires." You stared at your older brother as you sighed.
"Everytime you tell me this you alwayd shorten it. I want to know why and who ruined it specifically." You say as you sighed and pout.
"It was obviously one of those so-called "High and mighty" alphas." He says. You then nodded a bit still unsure, youve heard these stories over and over again but you dont understand why they are so hated by each other.
"Have you ever met one?" You say. He then shakes his head in disgust.
"I wouldnt want to! Theyre animals! Literally!" He says. You then pouted a bit as you thought it would be cool to meet one.
"Yah, Jinwoo, (Y/n) come downstairs!" Your mum called out. You went downstairs behind Jinwoo and when you did you were greeted with people you hadnt known.
"Sit down you two." Your dad says. Jinwoo went over sitting first as you had a bad feeling sitting down closely holding onto Jinwoo a bit scared.
"This is Eunwoo, (Y/n) this is the man you will be marrying." Your eyes widened at the boy who sat there. You weren't even in your early 20s yet and getting married as a teen wasn't something you wanted.
"Why? I am only 14!" You say. Eunwoo tugged at his moms shirt.
"See what I mean! Its ridiculous!" He says agreeing with you. Your dad slammed a cup on the table making you and Eunwoo flinch.
"Under the law that your mother created.. You two are to get married for reason in which I cant explain when it comes to different section laws." He says of course as the dad he didnt like this either but he had to pull through with it. You sighed and remember.
"There are 4 sections to the vampire territory." The teacher says as he opened a map on the board. It was colorful
"See this big red piece, thats us, here is where everything takes place and its safe from anyone and anything, hense why we have the honor of having the daughter of the Vampire king here." He says as they all looked at you. You rolled your eyes.
"Does everything have to go to me, I would rather learn than recieve all the attention I mean I am not the teacher." You says annoyed. The teacher than clears his throat and continued.
"The 2nd biggest one is the blue part. If you didnt know we have a couple of problems with them. Those people are the ones who are sometimes attacked by wolves and everytime it happens we do our best but they want to use their own things to fight back and thrn afterwards they blame us." He says a bit annoyed seeming he didnt like the people there.
"Unlike this one, since the blue is dangerous the prince there is homeschooled." He says and then continued.
"Yellow, never go to yellow unless you are taken there but if you are you are pretty bad." He says. Everyone was curious as to why.
"Yellow is where all the vampires that either rebel or it has wolves who have been caught. Which is why its small because people are scared to rebel and only wolves are in there for now." He says as the class nodded understanding now.
"Now the greem part, which is the place where food is given to each and every part. We may be capturing wolves and locking them up.. But we arent heartless! So they get food as well while theyre in captivity. But this wraps up todayd lesson you are all dismissed." He says as he closed map and smiled. You then went up when everyone was gone.
"Sir, what is the black part." You say. He looked at you and opened the map.
"Why do you ask?" He says as he looked at it. You then pointed to the edge of the red part that was closest to black part.
"This is where my house is located.. On the edge but all the windows to the back are closed and I cant really see over the wall because its big and I am vertically challenged as you can see." You says. He then chuckled and then pointed to the black part.
"Wolf territory, they close off any contact to that side to not interfere with them but even if you looked its only a bunch of trees, when we were together, I had ventured over there with my mom and its all woods for a long time before you hit their homes." He says. You then nodded and then bowed your head before you went to the door.
"Thank you." You say before leaving.
You sat outside as you looked down and sighed. Jinwoo went over to you and sat down.
"Hey, don't worry too much... Its not as bad as it seems.." He says. You then looked at him and then down.
"I know this happened to you too but I am different! I am girl and I can't be forced the like someone.. And I won't let myself force like someone." You say. He then wrapped his arm around you and hugged you.
"Hey.. At least you get to see the one you are married to.." He says as he sighed. You then hugged him and patted his back.
"She was pretty cool.. Sad to see her get killed...." You say. He then sighed and let go standing up.
"Well remember you are doing this for peace. You will learn to love somehow." He says before going inside. You then sighed and glanced at the wall. You then went inside to your mum.
"Mum say.. When I get married to that dude.. I become queen of here right?" You say. She then nodded as she drank her tea.
"Okay.. Say I wanted go to the wolf territory and bring pe--."
"Definitely not!" She says, you jumped and looked at her.
"You are never to go over there. Those people are animals and I will not let you put yourself at risk." She says as she put her tea down now in a bad mood as she stood.
"You are never to ask about this again. I am sure your brother has told you the stories many times, so dont make the same mistakes as others." She says leaving. You sat there and looked down. You then stood up and went to your room, you looked at your boarded up window in which you wete never strong enough to move. You breathed out and then grabbed the tool kit and began to open it.
It took you about am hour to open it but you did, your teacher was right, it was all forest and in the distant houses were visible. You smiled and climbed out of your room sitting on the roof and looking out. You heard your mom call out for you from inside you gulped and went over to the edge of the roof. The wall was not that far away so you slightly climbed down and onto the wall and sat down getting a closer look at the place it was pretty.
"Yah! (Y/n) get back here!" Your mom says, you jumped making you fall into Wold territory. You heard your mum start to call out your name in worry. You had fallen in some mud you stood up doing your best to get it off then tried climbing back up the wall but failed. You then heard some noises and turned.
"Hello.." You says feeling the presence of someone, then you smelled the air you couldnt tell if it was you or not but a certain smell clogged up your nose making you scrunch your face and pintch your nose.
"Hey you! What are you doing in here you disgusting vampire!" A voice called out. You jumped and tried climbing up the wall again only to scratch your knee making it bleed.
"Ow.." You say. You then see a boy about your age come out of the woods and over to you as he went down.
"Are you okay? Did I scare you too much? Im sorry.." He says as he looked at the wound. You stared at him surprised, you didnt think he would be this nice after saying you were disgusting.
"No its fine..." You say as you looked at it. He then sat in front of you and the two of you stared at each other.
"So.." He says unsure of what to do. You then gulped a bit.
"Hi, Im (Y/n), the disgusting vampire." You say. He then sheepishly smiled as he chuckled.
"Im sorry for that.. Ive never meet one and you looked like a monster with all that mud. I am Sanha, son of thr alpha pack!" He says proudly. You then thought about your brothers storys.
"You dont look like someone who is "high and mighty".. Your much nicer than the stories say." You say. He then nodded as he smiled. You then gave him a small dmile.
"I am the youngest of everyone, but I dont believe that we should all be mean to each other though.." He says. You then smiled finding someone like you.
"Exactly its very dumb." You say. He then nodded in agreement.
"Do you want to talk a walk with me." He says. You then nodded and stood up hissing in paid on the scratched knee.
"That must be deep.." He says. He then picked up some mud snd put it on the cut only making it hurt more as you let out a wince in pain.
"I think this was meant for poison.." He sayd as he thought about it. You nodded knowing what he was talking about.
"Dont worry about it.. Lets just go.." You say. He then bent down. You looked at him and the picture of your dad giving you a piggy back ride came to mind ad you looked at him and shrugged as you got on. He smiled and fixed you a bit before he began to run making this piggy back ride very jumpy as you held on tightly with a smile. He ran as fast he could stopping at a lake. He then slowly walked into the pond until the two of you were fully in and you held on tightly as you were slightly shaking.
"I cant swim.." You say as you didnt want to let go even if he did. He turned towards you and you clinged onto him.
"If you worry you'll drown." He says you shok your head not caring about what he said as you still held on. He then chuckled abd then started to sink down into the water with you still around him. You panicked and held your breath as you closed your eyes tightly. He looked at you and tapped you to open your eyes. You slowly looked at him. He then opened his mouth a little bit to let air bubbles out which is what he was telling you to do. You opened your mouth slightly only to have water flood your system as you panicked. He then held onto you a swam to the top. You gasped for air and coughed a bit as you held tightly onto him.
"I want to get out.." You say in between coughs. He then carried you bridal style out of the lake. When you were out you sat there coldly. He then looked at you.
"Now you're all clean!" He says with a sheepish smile. You then pinched him making him jump.
"I almost died and I am cold." You say as you hugged your knees. He then nodded as he rubbed the pinch. He then went over and hugged you tightly. You blushed as you looked at him, he was already dried up.
"We dry pretty fastly even if we don't have hair all over our bodies we give a lot of heat." He says as he smiled. You then lightened up and held onto his arms that were around you.
"We will probably be here for a while.." You say knowing it might take you a while before you got warm especislly with the wet clothes on. Sanha nodded in understanding ad he got comfortable. He then observed you from the back at least, he looked st the back of your neck and started to thinking for a bit.
"When marking a mate ones hormones go off with that person making them instinctively go for a mark. Where is the place of thr mark you may ask." The teacher says as he turned thr dummy that he had around and pointed to the back of the neck.
"Right there." He says. Thr class chatted a bit before he caught their attention again.
"Lets say, you aren't driven by hormones and are driven by force. Well then that means your mate will only temporarily have your scent for about a week or so and them its gone." He says. The class chatted again but he turned the dummy around which made a screeching noise.
"We will discuss more later class dismissed." He says as he dismissed the class.
~~End of Flashback~~
Sanha went closed to the back of your neck and made a mark. You jumped and rubbed the back of your neck afterward.
"Ow.. That hurt.. What did you do?" You says as you look at him only for you to pass out. Sanha panicked as he looked at you as you laid on him.
"(Y/n)! Wake up!" He says as he started to shake you and sit you up. Your eyes parshly open and you looked at him and then smiled as you hugged him and fell asleep he was confused as he held onto you.
A couple hours had passed and you finally woke up unknown to the fact it was morning. You were laying in a bed and you were in different clothing. When you wanted to get up there was a heavy weight pulling you down. When you looked over you saw Sanha holding onto you as he looked at you.
"Stay." He says. You then stared into his eyes before you laid down facing him.
"Where are we?" You asked he wrapped his arms around you and snuggled into you making you blush.
"My house." He says. Your eyes widened as you looked around.
"But I am not one of your guys, aren't thet going to take me away?" You say a bit worriedly. He then shakes his head as he blushed slightly.
"No.. My scent has washed away your sent.. Meaning they know you're my mate and that wont change." He says. You then blushed and looked at him confused.
"Mate what is that?" You say. He then looked at you and got closer until your noses were touching.
"You belong to me.. And nobody can change that.." He says before he went in giving you a kiss. You blushed but closed your eyes as you bite his lip. He pulls away and covered his mouth.
"Ow. What was that for?" He says confused. You then blushed and turned around.
"Its how we.. Mark whats ours." You say. He then stared at you and then smiled.
"You wont need to worry about my scent that doesnt happen unless you are one of us." You say. He then nodded and hugged you.
"Funny we just met yesterday and here we are.." He says. You then nodded and then have a look of confusion.
"Yesterday? Is it already the next day?!" You say as you shot up. He then looked at you confused.
"If I am gone for a long time then they'll think I was killed! I have to go back now." You say standing up. You blushed as you looked at your attire.
"Did you change me?" You say. He then nodded with a smile.
"You perv.." You say as you looked for yiur own clothes. He laid down and watched
"What do you mean, when we were all wet I could see through your whitr clothes anyways. Plus I mean we are practically married now." He says as he smiled. You then stopped and looked at him.
"Thats it!" You say as went over jumping on him.
"Marry me!" You say. He then blushed and stared at you as you just smiled happily.
"If we get married wouldn't everything be better? They cant hurt each other anymore if they see that we are mates and we.. Love each other.." You say as you slightly looked away while saying the last part as yiu blushed.
"Thats not a bad idea. But lets not get married because of that, lets get married because we love each other." He says as he put his hand on your cheek making you look at him.
"Cause even in this short time.. I know I love you." He says. You then gave him a kiss and then hugged him as you nodded.
"So we are doing it." You say. He then nodded. You then got off of him. He gets up and then opens his drew taking out clothes.
"Oh, in the closet there is a box labeled Elementary School. There should be some clothes there, since I was pretty big for a elementary schooler they should be big enough for you." He says. You then nodded going into the cloest as you found the box opening it. You found a picture.
"Wow, you are so cute!" You say as you giggled a bit. He smiled and shook his head as he changed while you were in the closet. You then proceeded and found clothing for you. It was shorts but they were decorated with little designs and a button up shirt to match the pants. You decided to change in there when you were done you came out. He looked at you and smiled.
"You look way more cute than I would've been in that." He says. You then went over to him and smiled as you observed him.
"You look very handsome now. So lets go." You say. He then held your hand as he led you out of his room. He went to a door all the way down the hall the house wad bigger than expected since his room looked like an average room. When you two had gotten to a certain door Sanha knocked. Not long after it opened revealing another guy he hsd a big smile on his face as he looked up at Sanha.
"Whats up." He says. He then saw you and smiled.
"Why hello there. Im Myungjun retiring Alpha leader kind of a big deal." He says as he laughed lightly. You giggled and slightly bowed your head.
"This (Y/n) and I want to marry her." He says. Myungjuns eyes widened as he looked at Sanha and then you then Sanha.
"Are you serious?" He says. He then went over and smelled you and turned you around pulling your hair up.
"Now thats a mark of an alpha. Alright, go ahead. But, keep in mind its pretty dangerous... Marrying the vampire queens daughter and all." He says as he looked at Sanha and then you. Sanhas eyes widened.
"How did you know?" He says. Myungjun stretched as he smiled.
"Well everyone knows about her disappearance by now and they're blaming it on us." He says as he reached for a news paper and opened to the page.
Vampire Princess Disappears Over The Wall. Dead or alive?
The princess has been missing for a day and her mother has been looking for any sign but nothing, we have assumed that the wolves have her captive.
You frowned a bit as you looked.
"Im sorry.. I just wanted to see.." You say. Sanha wrapped his arm around you and Myungjun looked at you.
"If you get married it cant be here. It has to be in Vamp territory." He says. You looked at him a bit confused on why knowing they would never.
"They think we took you, meaning if you got married they probably think its by force. But if you went back over there with Sanha then they would think you're crazy and mean it." He says. You then nodded understanding.
"But I need to apologize to everyone here.. They're being blamed for my curiosity." You says. Myungjun then nodded and then gestured for the two to follow him. They followed until they were at a balcony that faced the two.
"Good morning!" Myungjun yelled out. Everyone looked up and more people came to listen to what he had to say. Myungjun then gestured for you. You breathed and then went up as you looked at everyone.
"Hi, I am (Y/n)." You say. They all started to whisper things to each other before Myungjun caught their attention again.
"Yes I am princess soon to be queen. I am truly sorry for this misunderstanding.. I never meant to have all of you accused for my mistakes... I know you cant trust kr fully because of what I am... But I will fix that I promise..." You say. It was still silent and then Sanha came up and grabbed your hand as he held it high.
"I Sanha soon to be Alpha leader have decided that I love (Y/n) and we will get married!" He says. The crowd began to talke loudly having a lot of things to say.
"If you oppose then you are guilty of taking the princess cause if you cant accept peace you dont deserve freedom." Myungjun says. The crowd then got quiet again. Then they started clapping until everyone was cheering for freedom and peace. You then smile and looked at Sanha. Sanha smiled and then picked you up bridal style before he jumped off the balcony making you grab onto him tightly. He landed on his feet and put you down. You then looked at everyone and bowed your head slightly as the two of began to go to the door that allowed people to pass to thr vampire territory as all the people of the wolved followed chanting for peace and freedom. When you had gotten to the door there were peoppe there pointing weapons at them you looked up.
"Yah! Put those down!" You yelled out they looked at you and their eyes widened.
"Princess!" They called out as they began to pass it down that you were there to the family. When they had got the news it took them a while but they made it and the doors opened. Your parents and brother stared at the people and then looked at you. You looked at Sanha and grabbed his hand walking towards your parents.
"Yah! (Y/n)! Let go of that thing!" Your mom called out. You stopped in front of your family and held firmly onto Sanhas hand.
"I have made a decision as queen, I will Marry him. The top Alpha." You say. He then smiled and looked at you then your parents and brother.
"Sweetie, they have brainwashed you. Come home and you will feel better, and marry Eunwoo." Your mom says. You then shake your head as Sanha stood confused on who Eunwoo was.
"I've marked him, and he has marked me. So, you either accept it or lose me forever." You say as you looked at your family one by one. Jinwoo then walked over and smiled as he grabbed onto your hand standing with you.
"You lose me as well." He says. Your dad then went over and grabbed onto Sanhas hand and nodded.
"I cant lose my kids." He says. Your mother then sighed and looked away and then at them.
"Fine.. I will accept it.. You two are free to get married.. And all the wolves that have been captive will be free." She says. Jinwoo seemed happy as he smiled at you. You smiled back and then looked at Sanha happily.
~~~A Couple Years Later~~~
You and Sanha are married happily, the wall that once stood between the two territories is now broken down and the yellow section had been transfered to the green to replace the jail with more land for food. You had found out that your brothers wife was actually in the yellow section for talking to a wolf and being caught you had always thought she had died but she had not. You and her got closer and became bestfriends. The two species lived in peace and everyone was happy.
~~The End~~
[4164 words]
Hai!! So I bet this was terrible I apologize I dont write stories like this often I am just not that kind of person..
So yeah.
What better way to start writing again than with a story over 4k words :)))))))))
Anyways, please send in requests because like, yeah, I need more ideas possibly ones that I haven't done.
Thanks for reading I did my best~
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