Rocky (FT. Moonbin) PART 2
The next day you got there early so you could get ready in their studio. You walked into their studio and then got hit with the door when you got there.
"Oh! Im so sorry!" You heard someone say. You then rubbed your head as you looked down hissing a bit at the pain since the door hit pretty hard. Your head was then lifted as your hand was moved. You slightly looked at who it was then blushed a bit.
"(Y/n)?" Moonbin says. You stared at him for a bit as you gulped. He then stared at you for a bit in the eyes before he remembered that he hit you.
"A-Are you okay?!" He says. You then nod slightly but hiss again at the pain. He then shakes his head a bit as he pulls you into the room. He sat you down and then inspected your head. He grabbed the first aid kit and then pulled out a pill bottle of pain killers.
"Here, take these!" He says worriedly. He then grabs his water bottle and gave it to you. You then looked at the pills and then put them in your mouth and drank some water, of course because you didnt want to be a dark blushing mess you did a waterfall instead.
"Feel better??" He says. You then nod slightly. You felt pain still. The pain wasnt over yet since you had just taken them. He then rubs your head a bit softly as he smiled. You blushed lightly sitting in silence.
"So why are you here so early?" He says. You then look at him and see he was alone in the room.
"Well I should ask you the same thing.. I'm here because I wanted some extra practice to work with you guys." You say. He then nods and smiled a bit.
"I was here to get some extra practice too." He says. You then nodded as you smiled slightly. The two of you then sat in silence. You didnt know what to say to him actually.
After about 1 and 1/2 hours, the guys came. You then stood up and looked at all of them.
"Well, what are you standing there for? To work! JinJin! Thanks for volunteering! Review what we did yesterday!" You say. JinJin didnt make any eye contact with you or anything, and you didnt really care about yesterday anymore but you just wanted to pick on him for a bit.
"Wae? I didn't say anything?" He says. You then glared at him. He jumped a bit as he nodded. You smiled proud of yourself.
~~Last Night~~
"Your too soft (Y/n)!" You say to yourself in the mirror. You then started to glare at yourself working on your glare.
"Come on! A BIT MEANER!" You yelled a bit. Then you stared for countless hours until.
"OML! WHO ARE YOU?!" You were so tired. You jumped at your own self in the mirror feeling you improved, or you were just too tired to tell. You then laid down and fell asleep still glaring at the wall.
~~End of flashback~~
"Good Job JinJun. You tried!" You say. The guys kinda laughed a bit. You made JinJin do it about 10 times and he was tired for thw last one he was really too lazy to do it so he kinda gave up.
"Now lets take a brake for JinJin sake." You say patting JinJin on the head.
"Consider that your apology to me." You whisper to him before sitting down. You felt pretty tired yourself. You didnt know why actually, you got a good rest, and you havent danced. You closed your eyes a bit as you leaned on the wall a bit.
"Yah, (Y/n).. You alright?" Rocky says. You opened your eyes slightly and nod as you smiled at him and stood up a bit wobbly.
"Lets go." You say as you signaled for them to go back to dancing. You stood in front and faced the mirror. You observed them and saw Jinjin.
"Huehue. Still up for me? You can sit if you want." You say chuckling a bit. He then sighed in relief as he sat down. Then you breathed out as you rubbed your eyes feeling really tired. You then got into the position as you blinked a few time, subbing your eyes. The guys looked at you questionably as you were taking some time. Moonbin knew exactly what was going on, but he didnt do anything.
"Lets get started..." You say as Jinjin started the music. You then started along with the guys. You got tired feeling heavier every time you moved.
When the song was over you fell to the ground as you felt dizzy. Moonbin stared at you as if nothing was happening. Rocky looked at Moonbin and then at You. He them went over and held onto you.
"Yah! Whats wrong?!" He says. You looked at him and then shook your head signaling nothing was wrong. He knew it was a lie due to your position.
"I just... Need to sit.." You say. He then picked you up and sat you down so that your back was against the wall. He then sat in front of you as he held onto you making sure you stayed up.
"Rocky.. get me water.." You said lazily. He then nodded grabbing his water bottle. He then held it up to you as he held it up for you to drink. He blushed because you were actually drinking it and not a waterfall. He then put it down as he looked at you. You then leaned your back off the wall a bit as you looked around. Moonbin stood there emotionless. Your vision them blacked out as you fell forward into Rocky.
~~Time skip~~
You woke up slowly as you yawned a bit feeling refreshed. Everything that happened then came back as your head hurt like crazy.
"Aish..." You say. You then looked around. You were in a room. As you looked around you saw Rocky laying down next to you, but on the other side. He was hugging your legs.
"Rocky..." You say blushing. He slowly opened his eyes as he looked slightly at you. He then smiled feeling it was a dream. That was until you pushed your foot on his cheek making him jump up.
"Yah!" He says. You then smiled slightly giggling. He then stared at you for a bit as he blushed.
"Your awake! Finally! You had me so worried!" He says as he hugged you sending you back down on the pillow. You blushed as you stiffened a bit. You then remembered something, Moonbins face before you passed out. You then slowly brought your arms up and hugged Rocky. He blushed as he smiled. You put your head into his shoulder as you frowned.
"Yah... You scared me... You know that right.. Dont do that again." Rocky says. You then listen to his voice as you blushed a bit. He then pulled away as he smiled, his smile went down a bit as he looked at you.
"Yah.. Why are you crying? Did I say something?" He says as he wiped your cheeks. You then stared at him and then sniffed as you pushed his hands away. He was a bit taken back as he looked at you. You then put your hands softly on his cheeks and pull him towards you giving him a kiss. He blushed as he widened his eyes. After a minute he got used to it as he kissed back and smiled into it with his eyes slowly closing.
Moonbin stood outside the door of Rockys room as he smiled and sighed.
-The night of yours and JinJins argument-
"Isnt it obvious that (Y/n) likes Rocky?" Eunwoo says as he sat on his bed looking at Moonbin who sat on the ground. Moonbin nodded as he thought about it.
"She just doesnt realize it.. She likes you." Eunwoo adds. Moonbin looks at Eunwoo as he blushed a bit. Eunwoo thought about it more.
"This is like a drama, one of those dramas where you have two brothers and one girl in the middle! So basically, shes convinced shes in love with you, but your not in love with her, but then in her heart shes in love with Rocky! And Rockys in love with her!" Eunwoo says as he smiled widely. Moonbin thought a bit and then looked at Eunwoo.
"Maybe I can make her realize her feelings towards Rocky." He says. Eunwoo looks at him curiously. But he went and climbed onto his bed and then laid down wanting to wake up early.
The next day he woke up early. He left to go to the studio. When he got there he came just a couple minutes before you did. When he was at the studio door he saw you come into the place. He then ran in and then grabbed the first aid kit as he switched the bottles for pain killers with sleeping pain killers. He then went to his water bottle and drank some before he kinda rubbed two pills together making the dust fall into his water bottle. He then heard your foot steps. He threw the pills and then ran over as he opened the door.
"Im sorry (Y/n)..." He whispered to himself before opening the door knowing you were there and immediatly his whole attitude as he acted the whole time with you making his plan of making you really tired durring practice play out.
~~End of Flashback~~
"What are you looking at?" Eunwoo says as he looked as well. Eunwoo then smiled widely as he chuckled a little.
"I knew it~♡." He says as he clapped lightly so that you and Rocky wouldnt hear him. Moonbin then smiled as be got up.
"My plan worked, Come on, lets leave them." Moonbin says as he patted his stomach signaling he was hungry and the two left you and Rocky alone.
-The End-
"Yah! (Y/n) come on!!" One of your friends called out. You were in highschool at this point. You and your friends were rushing to leave the highschool because there was a concert that day.
"Im coming!!" You yelled. Then you were pulled back falling on the ground.
"Oh! Are you okay?!" You heard a guys voice say. You looked up and saw a boy with brown hair as he looked down at you worriedly. You then looked at both of your bags. They were linked together by the charm on your bag.
"Neh. Our bags are linked." You say to him as you took your bag off before standing up. He still looked down at you as you took his bag off for him not caring because you were in a rush. You tried countless times to get it off but failed.
"Here let me try." He says as he put his hand over yours. You blushed as did he as you removed your hands and looked away from him. After a while, he got it off.
"There!" He says. You then smile as you bowed your head a little before running off.
"Wait! You forg--.. And shes gone.. Geez shes fast.." He says as he opened his hand revealing your charm. He sighed as he slightly smiled and put it in his pocket.
"Yah! Rocky hurry up! We're heading to the practice room!" Moonbin called out. Rocky turned around and then nodded as he went over with a smile.
"Yah.. (Y/n).. You know I've known you for a while.." He says. This was a month after you and him kisses with you realizing your feelings towards him. You looked at him.
"Who doesnt know me? I am a choreographer." You say bluntly. He then chuckled as be ruffled your hair and smiled.
"I meant.. This." He says pulling out your charm. You then looked at it and then grabbed it.
"Yah! Where did you get this? I used to have one in highschool but I lost it! I love these dudes!" You say. He then smiled and as he chuckled.
"Well.. I got it on that day our bags got attached together in highschool." He says. You then look at him and then think.
"Aww~~ How come I remember but you dont?!" He says. You sat silently as you thought. You then looked at him in a sudden realization as you blushed.
"Oh!! That was you!! Now that I think about it! You did look familiar in a way!" You say. He then smiles as he hugged you and gave you a kiss on the head.
"Yep, Thats how we met!" He says. You then snuggled into him as you smiled blushing and held onto the charm.
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