"Hey, Binnie~!" You say as you and him met up. He said he wanted to tell you something. You smiled as you stood in front of him. He smiled down at you as he gave you a hug.
"Good Afternoon, Did you eat?" He says. You then smile sheepishly as you shake your head hugging back. He then ruffled your hair slightly.
"Come on, Lets go eat. I didnt either." He says as he chuckles grabbing your hand. Thw two of you then walked talking about the past few days. He did seem to have something on mind but he didnt say anything about it though.
"So what do you want? Ill get anything." He says. You then smile as you think about it, honestly you wanted a lot at the moment.
"How about~~ (Your favorite foods)!" He says. (And yes.. FOODS as in multiple, go nuts) He then showed you a picnic blanket on the ground of the park. You smiled slightly as you looked at him and blushed. He then pulled you over as he sat you down and sat next to you.
"When did you do this?" You say as you smiled. He then smiled as he looked at you.
"I did it before texting you to come. It was hard getting all this so there was a little help." He says sheepishly. You then hug him and give him a kiss on the cheek with your smile om your face. He then chuckled as he looked at the food. He then started to open everything.
"Here, say 'ah~'" He says with a smile. You then look at him a bit curiously but smile as you ooen your mouth. He then kept feeding you and you fed him a bit but he wanted to make sure you were eating.
"Yah~~~ Im full~~~ If you keep feeding me I'll become fat~~~." You say as you whined a bit at the amount of food he was feeding you. He practically gave you at least half of everything. He then smiled sheepishly as he put it down and then pinched your cheek.
"No matter how you look, I'll still be yours~!" He says. You then pout a bit as you look at him with a slight smile.
"Well, of course. Your gonna be the one to make me fat." You say as he chuckled and smiled. You then grabbed some of the food as you blew on it a bit.
"Your turn, come on. If I become fat you have to become fat with me." You say. He then opened his mouth. He began to eat as you fed him and he fed himself. Honestly, you were starting to get tired. You knew he could eat as much as he wanted and not get fat, or ful with just one meal. You then put everything down as you stretched and laid down slightly putting your head on his lap. He sighed as he held your hand rubbing it a bit as he looked at the sky then you.
"So what is it thag you wanted to tell me?" You say. He kinda became nervous a bit as he looked away a bit and sighed again.
"Well... Its a secret, Ill tell you when, the day is over." He says as he laid down. You then sat up and looked at him.
"Yah! Come on~ Im more curious than before now!" You say. He then smiled as he grabbed your arm and pulled you down to lay on his chest. He then rubbed your head.
"Well, then your curiousity will have to wait." He says. You then pouted a bit. He then tipped your head upwards to look at him.
"Aish.. You so cute." He says. You then look away aa you blush and smiled. He then ruffled your hair as he chuckled.
-The end of the day-
"So what is it?!" You say as the two of you walked. He looked at you confused. You looked at him blankly.
"You forgot already?! You said you had something to tell me!!" You say. He then nods slowly, he seemed to be not looking forward to it.
"Yeah, that. I want to get inside your apartment first. Then I promise to tell you." He says. You them stop as you look at him bluntly. He smiled slightly as he lept walking.
"Pali-Pail, you must not want to know so bad."He says as he lookee at you as he kept walking. You then exhaled. Then you started running. You grabbed his hand and practically dragged him to your apartment as quick as you could.
"Were... here..." You said as you panted and unlocked your door tiredly. He then went in closing it and locking it as he sat down. You then made your way and sat down next to him. He smiled as he hugged you lightly. You looked at him slightly confused as you hugged back.
"(Y/n).. You know, I love you right." He says. You then nodded slowly as you slightly look up at him.
"(Y/n).. I am going to leave.. For a while.. Its for our debut as Astro.. So I wont be here.." Moonbin says. Your eyes then widened as you looked at him but he pulls your closer only making whatever was behind him and his back area visible to you.
"When.. Now? Tomorrow?" You say. He then went silent slightly as be frowned a bit. You didnt like his silence in times like this.
"I am leaving first thing in the morning tomorrow." He says. You then try pushing him away but you grips onto you tighter.
"And you tell me now?! What am I supposed to do? You leave tomorrow... If you told me before we could've spent more time together.." You say as you sniff and hugged him digging your face into his shoulder. He then put his chin on your shoulder.
"Im sorry.. We found out yesterday, please dont be mad. Dont cry, I'll be back soon." He says you then bit your lip as you held it in. He then slowly pulled away and picked your head up.
"I want to know.. Is it okay, if I stay here tonight." He says. You then stare at him for a while and then nodded slowly. He then smiles as leaned down and gave you a kiss.
"Come on, I am tired." He says as he stood up, he grabbed your hand and pulled you up. He then smiled as he went down and picked your up bridal style with a smile.
"Yah~~ Put my down~!" You say as you smiled slightly. He then shakes his head as he carried you to your room. He then threw you on the bed and then went over getting on top of you. You smiled as you looked up at him.
"Aigoo, my jagiya is so perfect." He says as he chuckles. You then giggle and lightly smile as you wrapped your arms around him and pulled him down as he wrapped his arms around you.
"You wont leave me right.." He says as he closed his eyes. You smile lightly as you messed with his hair.
"Of course not. I love you." You say. He then smiles as he gave you a kiss and then rolled next to you.
"I love you too." He says as he snuggles into you closing his eyes, making you slightly blush as you wrapped your arms around his neck and closed your eyes.
~~The next day~~
You woke up to nothing next to you. You felt around the bed still not ready to open your eyes, but he wasnt there. You frowned as you grabbed a pillow and hugged it.
"Jagiya.. Wake up." You hear. You thought it was just in your mind as you snuggled into the pillow. Then a warm kiss was planted onto you. Your eyes shot open as looked up. He then smiled at you. You slowly sat up as you stared at him.
"I thought you left.." You say. He then hugs you and smiles patting your back.
"Its 4 am.." He says. You then looked at him then looked outside seeing as the sun has barely went up.
"I wanted to be sure to make you breakfast.. But I burnt it.." He says. You look at him bluntly but then giggle slightly.
"Maybe you not being here and burning food was why I woke up this early." You say. He then smiles sheepishly and ruffles your hair. You then stand up and stretch. He then walks with you as you exit the room.
"With all this smoke, people with think my apartment is on fire." You say as you laughed. He then sheepishpy chuckles as he smiled. You then went into the kitchen, seeing how he had served his half burned food.
"I tried making it as special as possible.. I should work on cooking when I come back.. Sorry for not making you a good meal this morning." He says as he looked down a bit. You then looked at him.
"Omo~! Your sooo cute!! Ill eat it all!!" You say as you grabbed your plate and then began to eat it as you struggled a little. He blushed slightly.
"Ani!! I dont want you to get a stomache!" He says. You then looked at him and then frowned as you shook your head and still ate.
"You've never cooked me something, and you leave in 2 hours.. I am gonna eat this, its special to me." You say. He then smiled brightly as he grabbed his plate and the two of you struggled together eating it and talking about random stuff.
~~Time Skip~~
You and Moonbin were at the building inside as the boys were getting ready.
"Ill miss you. Remember to call me and text even if it is just a simple Hi. I want to make sure you dont forgot about me." You say. He then nods and smiles as he hugged you.
"Alright, enough of this lovey dovey stuff. We're leaving." JinJin says with a soft smile. You then nodded as you let go of Moonbin and give him a light kiss before watching them get into the car and leave.
You got home and sighed as you threw your shoes off and then laid down on the couch as you frowned. You then got a notification as you groaned not in the mood right now until, you saw who it was from.
'Ill be back as soon as I can. I promise.'
He texted you then slightly smiled as you started to text back.
'Arraseo, dont break your promise. I mean it.'
You texted. You then put it down as you turned the TV on.
"Aish... He just had to leave on my break from work too..." You mumble as you frowned and then watched TV. You flipped channels over and over again, until you saw their faces on TVs.
"We have astro who has just arrived~! And the fans are going crazy!!" The woman on TV says. You then got glued to the TV as you stared at it watching.
"They got there so fast... I didnt think so much time had passed...." You say as you looked at the time om your phone.
"Dang it... I lost half the day.. Why does the company have to be so far away.." You say. Then you hear a bunch of fans and questions along with Moonbins name.
"Moonbin~ssi, would you be open to answer some of the fans questions?" The lady says. He then nods happily. You then go to the ground and sit down in front of the tv.
"Oppa~! Neo yeoja chingu-iss-eo?!" One yelled out. Moonbin smiled as he blushed. ((A/n: I am putting the questions in korean, because like.. Ive never seen Astro live so I dont know what kinda questions fans ask. If I were to ask a questions Id look weird Asf XDD))
"Neh, She should be watching from home right now. I hope she is at least." He says as he smiles. The girls whined but said their awes and clapped. You then grabbed your phone and smiled.
'Neh, I am watching ^^ ♡'
You sent. He then jumped a bit as he felt his phone vibrated but, he smiled as he looked at the camera and waved. You smiled as you put your phone down.
"Oppa! dangsin-eun geunyeowa hamkke salgo issseubnikka?" Another one says. He then blushed as he shakes his head.
"Ani. I dont live with her. It was her decision. She said for the sake of her life for me not to live with her yet. But you fans are sweet! You guys wouldnt do anything to hurt her right?!" He asks. They apl scream out yes's and alrights as they cheered still. You still felt uneasy as the camera went towards the fans and some looked pretty upset.
"Oppa~ neo gyeolhon halgeoya?" He blushed madly as he looked at the camera.
"I am not sure yet. But lets move on.. You guys habe questions for Rocky right." He says. You were blushing as well as you stared at the tv. You then turned it off and sat there shook at that question. You then went and go wash up.
"Aish.. They had to ask him that... Thats so weird.. He has a girlfriend whats there more to know...." You say as you blushed and sat in the tub.
You were in bed now. You hugged your pillow as you sighed. Then your phone started to ring. You got up and ran to the livingroom ans ended up stumbling to the floor as you grabbed your phone. It was a video call. You smiled as you answered it. Moonbin sheepishpy smiles as he waves.
"You watched it.. I hope you didn't get too uncomfortable.." He says as you slightly blushed.
"Don't worry about it. Fans are always curious about that kinda stuff..." You say. He then nods as he softly smiled at you.
"So... About movi--"
"Nope! Thats still not acceptable. Those fans weren't having it." You interrupted him. He then sighed as he shrugged.
"I tried.." He says as you giggle slightly.
"Have you eaten?" He asks. You then think about it. Then you open your mouth but your stomachs loud growl explained everything to him.
"No. Then go get something. Lets eat together!" He says as he stood up and walked towards something then he showed you food. You then smiled as you went to the fridge grabbing some left overs from the picnic and warmed them up. Then you sat down and looked at him. He smiled brightly.
"This is nice isn't it. I can't wait to get back. We'll eat together all the time when I get back." He says as he smiles. You then smile and nod in agreement.
"Next time I call you to eat together. I want you to have eaten. You know what time it is for you to be eating now?!" He says. You then sigh and lightly giggle as you nodded. He then smiled.
"Even though its only been a few hours.. I miss you a lot." He says as he frowned slightly. You then sighed as you began to eat.
"Everything will be alright. We have this time to be tog--."
"(Y/n)!! Hhhiii!! Guys!! (Y/n) is here!!" MJ yelled out as he waved and smiled at you. You then waved a bit unsure as the rest of the guys came interrupting yours and moonbins time. You all sat there talking to each other.
"Well we have to go. See you tomorrow." JinJin says as everyone started to leave. You then nodded and then looked at Moonbin.
"Ill text you later. Love you." He says. You then smile.
"Love you too." You say. He then hangs up. You sigh as you looked down at your food noticing you didnt eat anything. You sighed as you put the late in the microwave for tomorrow. You then slumpt onto your bed as you looked at your phone.
~~Time Skip~~
In the morning you woke up to a bunch of vibrating. You looked at your phone seeing Moonbin calling you. You picked up.
"Yoboseyo.." You say as you yawned. He then sighed in relief then breathed in deeply.
"YOU ALMOST GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK!! I CALLED YOU LIKE 9 TIMES AND YOU HAVENT ANSWERED MY TEXTS!!" He yells worriedly as you sprang up feeling awake now. You then looks at the time and see its alresdy the afternoon.
"Aish.. I over slept.. Sorry, I was pretty tired." You say as you laid back down on your bed closing your eyes.
"Alright, well make sure to get the right amount of sleep, I dont want you to be tired when I get back." He says. You hum in reply.
"Yah! Moonbin! Its time to go!" MJ yelled out in the background. Moonbin sighed.
"I gotta go. Ill talk to you later." He says then hangs up.
"I lo... Love you.." You sighed as you threw your phone to the side and opened your eyes looking at the ceiling.
~~Time Skip~~
-1 Weeks later-
You sat on the couch as you hugged your knees watching TV. Moonbin looked pretty happy on TV as you watched him. You honestlt didn't listen to it, you had your headphones on listening to there songs as you only watched them unknown to what they were saying.
"We have finished everything early! We wish we could spend more time here, but some of us have someone important to see." JinJin says as they all glanced at Moonbin who was happy as could be not realizing everyone starring at him.
"Moonbin-ssi, you seem happy." The MC says. Moonbin jumped and then looked at him with a smile as he nodded.
"Neh! I hope she isn't watching right now. I do wanna try and suprise her if I can." He says. The fans there then awe and cheer. Moonbin smiles and blushes as he chuckled.
Moonbin and the guys were backstage and he called you.
"Yoboseyo!" He says happily.
"Hey, whats up." You say. He felt a biy unsure about your voice.
"Did you watch us on TV?" He asks.
"No, not really.. I wasn't feeling it." You say. He then hums in reply. He felt an awkward tensions at the moment.
"Uhm.. Are you ok--
"Yeah, I am just tried... I was about to take a nap. I'll text you later.." You say as you hang up.
"Alright, Love you!" He said but was too late. He then looked at the phone and frowned slightly unsure.
"Moonbin, cone on. We gotta pack so we can leave." JinJin says. Moonbin then turns and looks at him then nods as he smiled and the two left.
~~~Meanwhile back to you~~~
You laid on your bed slumped.
"Geez... Its only been a weak and I feel I cant talk.." You say as you sighed and closed your eyes but then opened them. You then grabbed your phone and went to messages.
'Love you.'
You texted because you knew how it felt to be left before love you. You then instantly got a message.
'Woah! I didnt think you heard me! Love you too jagiya! Ill see you soon!!"
You slightly smiled at his message and then sighed. You didnt know it but that text was the highlight of his day and even if you didnt feel it you smiling abnormally gave away that this was your highlight too. You then closed your eyes again and smiled going to sleep.
~~Time Skip~~
"Yah~! Moonbin get up we're here." JinJin says. Moonbin slowly got up and then looked around.
"Where.." He says.
"We're at (Y/n)'s apartment." Eunwoo say. Moonbin looks at him then sprang up fully looking outside seeing the apartment.
"Go on, we'll meet you at the dorms later." MJ says. Moonbin then smiled as he grabbed his bags and went out as he waved to the guys as he watched them leave. He then grinned happily as he grabbed your spare key from his bag and ran up and all the way to your apartment.
"Finally.." He says panting. He then heard the elevator.
"I probably shouldve taken that..." He says tiredly. He then slowly and quietly unlocked the door. While he wss walking in he glanced at the time knowing you wouldnt be up at 4. He then slipped his shoes off and put his bag next to the door as he began to quietly walk to your room, you were sleeping as you hugged a pillow. He smiled as he took a small picture before he climbed onto your bed and slowly slipped the pillow out before he replaced it with himself. He smiled hugging you, he then blushed feeling you snuggle into him and hold onto him tightly.
"Im home jagiya." He whispered as he closed his eyes and fell asleep with you.
Your eyes slowly opened to a familiar scent as you smiled snuggling more into it. You then heard a small giggle. Your eyes flung open and you moved back falling off the bed.
"YAH! WHO IS IT?! IS THERE A GHOST HERE?!" You yelled as you stood up holding a pillow in fromt of you with your eyes shut tightly. You then felt something come closer and slowly pull the pillow as you slightly shivered. Then you felt a pair of lips onto yours. You open your eyes as you stared at Moonbin. He smiled into the kiss as he wrapped his arms around you pulling you back down. Your eyes widened. You then slowly grabbed onto his arm and then...
"Ow! What was that for?!" He said as he pulled away and rubbed his arm. You then stared at him.
"Oh my gosh.. This is real! Your here?? I thought you were gonna be gone for a month!" You say. He pouted a bit as he rubbed his arm and the spot you pinched him in.
"Well, I am glad you didnt watch the show last night, it said we were leaving because we finished early. I wanted to surprise you.. But I got pinched." He says. You then went and hugged him as you smiled. He then smiled as well and hugged back.
"Sorry, I just had to make sure I wasnt dreaming again." You say lightly. He then pulled away and put both of his hands on your cheeks. You smile but then the moment ended when he started pinching your cheeks.
"Aigoo, your so cute. I could do this all day~~!!" He says. But then he suddenly stopped as he slowly pulled your cheeks.
"Yah! Have you lost weight?! Its only been a week and you've been starving yourself?!" He says. You then felt a bit taken back as you pouted.
"Yah~! When you say something like that it makes me feel I was fat!!" You whined. He then let go of your cheeks as he got off the bed. He then went over to you and then threw you over his shoulder.
"Yaaahhhh~~~ Moonbin put me down~~~!!" You say. He then stops in front of the bathroom.
"Wash up and go get dressed, we're going out today. I lost your adorable cheeks now its time to get them back." He says. You then laugh slightly as you playfully roll your eyes.
"Alright weirdo. Whatever." You say going into the bathroom.
The two of you walked as you held hands. He pulled you closer and wrapped his arm around you.
"I missed walking with you." He says as he happily sighs. You then smile as you felt better.
"Neh, even though it was only a week... It felt like a month." You say. He then nods in agreement. The two of you continue to walk until he stopped.
"What is it?" You say. He then lets go of you and runs towards a big, tall tree. He sits down and acts like hes reading.
"Guess who I am!" He yells out as he looked up at you then back at the book. He then looked to the left and scooted over. Then repeated. When he was back to the original spot her stood up.
"Yah! What are you doing?! Are you some soft of stalker??" He yelled. You then looked at him confused but then it hit you as you sheepishly laughed.
You sat under the biggest and tallest tree as you read in peace. Until someone stood in front of you. You looked up.
"Hello!" The guy says. You looked at him bluntly and nod your head slightly in response. He then sits down next to you.
"Im Moonbin! Nice to meet you~ What are you doing here alone?" He asks. You looked to the left looking at him then scooted over ignoring him. He then chuckles as he just got closer with every move. You then stood up.
"Yah! What are you doing?! Are you some sort of stalker?!" You yelled out. He then looked up at you and then stood up. He went closer and stood in front of you.
"Mh, no. Its just bad for a pretty girl like you to be here alone. You cant trust a lot of people these days." He says. You look at him unsure.
"Well how can I trust you?" You say. He then pulls you closer as he looks at you.
"Because I am your guardian Angel." He says with a jokingly smile. You blush slightly but then you ended up hitting him in his 'spot' and ran.
"You pervert!" You yelled out. He then slowly fell to the ground in pain. When you were far enough you were blushing hard.
"D-Damn it... I forgot my book.." You say.
~~End Of Flashback~~
"I remember it like it was yesterday. That pain hadn't ended until 2 days after." He says. You then sheepishly smile.
"At least you weren't as bad as when I gave the book back." He says thinking about it.
You sat there with a new book but on tbe opposite side so you wouldn't be seen.
"Excuse me..." You jumped and looked to the sighed seeing the same person he seemed ib pain still. You were getting read to leave but then he held the book out to you.
"Okay, yesterday I was joking.. Hitting me was pretty mean. Everytime me and my friends come here or walk passed her.. Your alone so I wanted to be your friend you know. Im sorry for giving you the wrong impression. I havent talked to girls in a while." He says. You stayed there as you slightly nodded.
"Okay.. Thank you for bringing my book back, and sorry for hitting you.. I guess with a little time we could be friends.." You say blushing slightly. He then smiles and ruffles your hair as he sat there.
"Alright! Lets do it." He says. You slightly giggle as you nodded.
"Im (Y/n) by the way. Its nice to meet you Moonbin." You say feeling better about this friendship thing. He then smiles and nods. You two spend the whole rest of the time getting to know each other.
~~End Of Flashback~~
"I remember how our first date was a week after that. We were so weird then." You say. He then nods as he smiles. The two of you then walked for a bit then stopped again at a huge lake.
"We sat right over there." He says. You glanced over and nodded, there was a huge willow tree there. Then you both ran over there. You guys stopped in front of the trees trunk.
"Look~ Its still there!" He says. You smiled observing the trunk.
"The things we wished never happen again." You say as you slightly giggle.
'Awkward dates.'
"We are a weird couple.. We dont even erite our names inside of a heart like everyone else." He says as he laughed lightly. You then slight bumped him.
"Everyone else is boring, we have the best relation ship ever. Matter a fact.. I have something to write right now." You say as you grabbed a small piece of bark that was on the ground and started to write.
'Being Apart.'
((A/n: Welcome to flashback city, happy to have you ^^))
You walked blushing hard thinking about what to do when you actually see Moonbin. But it was too late to think, you were there. Moonbin sat on the side of the bridge with his pants rolled up and his feet in the water as he mumbled things to himself. Then you walked over and sat down next to Moonbin.
"Hi.." You say. He looks at you and blushes slightly.
"H-Hi..." He says. The two of you talked awkwardly as you sat there, then after a while went to the Willow tree, for some reason the date got better under the tree.
"I felt this date was really awkward at first." You say. He then smiles and nodded. He looked around and then grabbed a piece of bark and started writing.
"Awkward.. Dates." You read. He then nodded. You looked at him curiously.
"Well, when we came under here the date got better. So this is our.. Things we wish never to happen tree. The name is a workinh progress." He says as he chuckled and you giggled as you nodded.
~~End Of Flashback~~
"Its been a while since we've come here. Im glad we ended up here. Now come on. Lets go eat." He says as he wraps his arm around you. You smiled as you nodded and the two of you walked happily with each other.
"I'll have (Whatever food you want)." You say. He asked for the same thing. The server nodded as she went back and got everything ready.
"So, since I didnt get to watch everything for the performances and shows. How was it?" You asked. He then looks at you and shakes his head.
"Listen, we're here together. We arent going to talk about that." He says. You then smiled as you and him held hands. Then your food came.
"Enjoy." The lady said before leaving. Moonbin then watched as she left then slide his food to your side.
"Eat it.. Eat it all." He says. You then got taken back as you looked at him. He picked up some food and held it up.
"Come on, Im serious." He says. You then sigh as you open your mouth and he fed you your whole plate.
"Y-Yah~ Im full.." You say. He then sighs seeing as you couldnt eat anything else. You then grabbed his food and started feeting him.
"If you did it, Ill do it. So eat it all." You say. He then chuckles as he eats everything with no problem what so ever.
"That was good." He says happily. You then roll your eyes and sigh giving up. He then leaves the money that was neccesarry with a tip. The two of you walked out with your tummy hurting from eating too much.
"Yah~~ Moonbinn my stomach hurts.. And its your fault." You say pouting. He then smiles as he stops and gets down in front of you. You are now looking at his back. You smile as you climbed on. He happily boosted you up a little and then started walking.
"This is nice." He says. You smiled as you rested your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes.
"It is." You say. He glances at you seeing your eyes closed. He then did his best giving you a small kiss. You blushed and smiled as he looked the other way. You then give him a kiss on the cheek and sigh happily. He then clears his throat.
"So about moving in again." He says. You then sigh as you started to get off his back and walked away.
"Yyyaaahh!! I was just playing!!!" He says as he followed you. You then smiled as you looked back at him and stuck your tounge out as you ran and he chased after you as the two of you laughed.
~~The end~~
(5391 WORDS!!)
quinnrose_ Hope you liked it~ Thanks for the request^^ I loved it~♡
This took me weeks tbh. But I finally did it! I feel so happy~!!!
Hope you guys enjoyed this LONG story~♡
Thanks for reading!! Baii!!
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