You sat in your room on your computer with a smile on your face. You immediatly went to message your best friend.
Y/N: Hey!! Guess what!!
MJ: What?!
Y/N: Im going back to Korea in 2 days!
MJ: Really?! We can finally see each other!!
Y/N: Yeah~ Its been a while since Ive seen you ;-; Im happy were going back tomorrow.
MJ: Well yeah. Its been 9 years and we still talk so were like BESTIEST friends.
Y/N: Yah~~ Just thinking about the 9 years makes me sad. But it feels like only yesterday I left. Have you changed at all?
MJ: Ani, Im always the same MJ that you knew since grade school all the way up to your last year at HS.
Y/N: Well I can garuntee Ive changed. I feel Ive shrunken into a dwarf.. Im the height of my little brother. Hes in Middle school..
MJ: Haha~ I can believe that. Well Ive gotta go. Its night time here remember. Im tired.
Y/N: Arraseo, see you soon
You put your computer down and smiled thinking about it. MJ was your best friend even before you knew how to walk. Being away from him didn't really float your boat but you were going to college in America, then you stayed for a year because your family. Now that you've got the money and all your problems are at peace, you can go.
"I wanna goo!!!!!!" You looked to your door seeing your little sister. You looked at her confused.
"No, your an American child, you deserve to be home. When I leave to Korea I wont comeback." You say. She then went over and sat down and crossed her arms.
"Please~ I promise I wont be bad~ Even if I was born here Ive always wanted to go to Korea~~~~~~!!!!" She says as she looked up at you grabbing onto your shirt giving you a cute face. You then looked away as you shook your head. She then sniffed you looked at her bluntly.
~~2 Days Later~~
"Yay!! But why do we have to leave as soon as my show came on?" You sister asked. You sighed as you looked around.
"By the time it turns 7 here, itll be 8 in the morning over there. So we have to go early." You say. At the moment it was 5.
"But by the time we get there, itll be 10 at night. So you can go to sleep as soon as we get there and during the plane ride. Since its morning and I am still pretty used to korean time. I want you to stay up all night and then go to sleep later." You say. She then nods as she and you walk to get on the plane.
~~14hr and 20min later~~
You walked around with your sister on your back. You looked around.
"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! (Y/n)!" Was what you were hearing with some loud clanking. You face palmed knowing what was happening.
"Yah!! Shut up!! We promised not to do that anymore!!" You yelled out going closer. Then you were greeted with someone you hadnt recognized.
"Omo!! You have become smaller! Ha!" He says. You then blink a few times.
"MJ?" You say. He then smiles as he looks at you.
"What? Is there something on my face? Are you about to have a heart attack because of my good looks?" He says as he gives a smile. You then felt your sister junp off your back and go over to MJ.
"Woah... Whos this... You didnt tell me you had a... Daughter.." MJ says looking down at her and then bent down observing her. She then looks at you and then at MJ.
"As if, this ugly lady. Its bad enough shes my sister... I cant believe mom had such a thing." She says. MJ stares at her in confusion. She has never learned Korean because in America, you were forced to learn English and talked like that a lot, so your sister only knows a little bit of Korean.
"S-Sister.. mom.. Ugly.." MJ stared at her figuring out the words. You then giggled.
"Shes my little sister. She doesnt know a lot of korean." You say. He then looks up at you and then back at her and then smiles.
"Im.. Oppa." He says with a big smile. She then stares at him and then looks at you.
"He wants you to call him Oppa. It means big brother. This is my bestfriend Kim Myungjun. But here since hes older he wants to be called Oppa." You say. She then nods and smiles as she looked back at MJ.
"Oppa!" She says as she hugged him. He then smiles as he ruffles her hair and then stood up.
"So why were you so surprised earlier?" He says. You then blush as you look at him.
"Well you said you h-hadn't changed at all.. But like.. Wow, you've gotten good at lying.." You say. He then smiles as he ruffles your hair.
"Your so cute you know." He says as he went down and picked up your sister putting her on his back and then grabbed onto your bag and her bag.
"You must be tired. If I had room on my back, Id fit you there but unfortuntly, your sister has already fallen asleep." He says as he smiles and you giggle and the 3 of you get out of there.
"So you guys will be living with my mum! Since theres not a lot of available places here right away and because I think its best for you guys to be close to us since you just got here." He says as he set your bags down. You then took your jacket off and hung it up as you lookee around his house. You then looked at him and grabbed your sister.
"Where are we sleeping?" You say. He then smiles waiting for that part.
"Well, theres the guest room, in which my mum went crazy with turning it into your room. But since you have a little one. She can sleep in there. And then theres my room. Since I am not here all the time to sleep here, its really empty right now. So you can sleep in there." He says with as he went upstairs with you following. You blush at the thought sleeping in his room. He shower you the room his mum set for you, which basically looked like it could be the inside of a strawberry.. Pink everywhere! You laid your sister down on the small bed in which held one person. He then lead you to his room, there an awkward silence on the way. He hadn't known what to say because he felt you were acting strangely, as if it were your first time sleeping in his room.
"Plllleeeaaaaassseeee!!!!!" You and MJ both said to your mums who sat down talking.
"Fine, now go. Were talking." Your mum said. You smiled bright as did MJ. He then grabbed your hand leading you to the guest room.
"You will sleep here! Its not as colorful but you know. Its for guest!" He says. You then nodded. At the time you were in Elementary, he was too but he was finishing.
"Okay!" You say happily. He then ruffles your hair.
~~Time Skip~~
"Now, when you get scared. You can come to me. Alright, Ill always protect you." He says to you. You then smile and nod. He gives you a kiss on the forehead and ruffles your hair leaving after he had tucked you in. You laid there by yourself, this was very different from your house. You heard some noise from outside making you slightly scared.
"Its alright... If anything happens.. MJ will always come." You say to yourself turning away from the window. You then stared at a shadow making your eyes widened. You jumped up and then ran to MJs room.
"MJ..." You say lightly as you went inside his door. He was there reading a book until he looked at you, becoming worried.
"Yah. Why are you crying?" He says. You then went over and climbed onto his bed as you sat in front of him with a frown.
"There was this shadow.. And it looked like someone was in the room.. I got scared.. C-Can I sleep here.." You say looking down. He then smiles as he put the book down and then picked up the covers for you to lay next to him. You smiled as you went over and laid down next to him.
"You know, you could've just went to my Mum too. Shes right across from the room." He says as he looked down at you. You hugged him and shook your head.
"I feel safer with you." You say. He then smiles as he hugged you back and the two of you fell asleep.
~~End Of Flashback~~
"Wow, your room hasnt really changed. Except for the fact your bed got slightly bigger." You say as you smiled blushing at him as he stood in the door way looking at you happily.
"Yeah, I didnt want to change it that much. I added some pictures thought." He says. You then looked at his dresser seeing a picture of the two of you. You smiled as you looked at it, then you saw another one.
"Who are these guys?" You say seeing MJ with 5 other guys. He then went over and sat down.
"Well, I have become a kpop idol. This is the group. We are Astro." He says. You then nod as you looked at him.
"Wow~ Im so proud of you! Thats cool. Sing something for me." You say as you smile. He then smiles as he nods thinking of a song to do.
(Not the whole song, but not just MJs parts but most of the singing you know)
He finished just a little part of it before you had fallen asleep on his shoulder. He then smiled as he wrapped his arm around you and gently put you on his pillow as he took of your shoes. He then sighed as he laid next to your starring as your sleeping face.
"Aish.. You say you haven't changed either.. You look even more prettier than before.. Its making me weird." He says as he wrapped his arms around you and closed his eyes falling asleep with you.
~~Time Skip~~
The next morning you woke up. You were alone. You looked around and then saw a note.
'I had to leave early. You fall asleep fast as always so we can talk and catch up some other time. I'll be busy today, mum made breakfast so go and eat when you wake up if its not to cold. See you~♡'
You put the note down and then stretched as you got up and walked down. It wasnt until your sister looked at you weird to notice you were in your clothes.
"Are those Oppas clothes?" She says. You then look down seeing you in his clothes. His mum then smiles as she went over.
"Dont worry, he didnt dress you, I saw you two laying down and you kept moving, then I noticed you still had your regular clothes on. So I kicked MJ out and I didn't find any sleep wear in your bags so I just borrowed some of MJs old clothes he doesnt wear anymore." She says. You then nodded seeing as everything you were wearing at the moment was still too big but fit slightly comfortably.
"Do you like him?" You sister asks. You then blush slight as you put your finger to your lips signaling her to be quiet as you nod. She then smiles happily.
"I think he likes you too!" She says making you blush more. You then ate breakfast and thought for a while as you ate. You then finished going over to the livingroom.
"Oh! (Y/n) MJ is coming over with the guys, he wanted me to tell you that so you could meet them." His mum says as she had just put her phone down. You nodded as you smiled.
~~Time Skip~~
"Guys I'd like you to meet, (Y/n), my bestfriend." MJ says. You stood slightly behind him. He then moved out of the way and everyone looked at you. You were still in his clothes so you looked down and blushed as you bowed your head slightm MJ blushed. He then went in front of you.
"Why are you in my clothes still.." He whispers to you.
"Because I didnt have enough time to get ready, you guys came too fast.." You say. He then sighs and shrugs.
"Just be you, its fine. Dont worry about it.." He whispers as he ruffles your hair and smiles. You nod and smile.
"Hi, Im (Y/n), nice to meet you~." You say feeling better as you smiled at them. They all looked at you and then smiled as they nodded.
"MJ talks about you... A lot. After every prmerformance be always goes over to chat with you." The tallest one says. You blush and nod as you giggle.
"Im Yoon Sanha." He says with a cute smile. You then shake hands and smile.
"Park Jinwoo, or just JinJin." You nodded shaking his hand. Then the rest introduced their names and you shook their hands and stuff.
"Its very nice to meet you. I hope we can all be friends and now we have to go." JinJin says as he checked the time. You then looked at MJ. He smiled as he ruffled your hair.
"I'll be back later. Now go put your own clothes on." He says as he chuckled. You then nodded and smiled as you grabbed your bag and went upstairs. The guys all watched you run upstairs.
"Shes pretty nice." Sanha says. Everyone nods in agreement. MJ looks at them and then back at the stairs.
"Yah, she is nice. Shes mine as well. So stop starring at my stairs. Lets go." MJ says. They all then look at him and then sigh as they leave.
"Oh~ More good looking dudes!" Your sister says. The guys stop and look at her. She smiles as she looked at all of them.
"Go.. to you.. sister." MJ says struggling. Eunwoo then looked down at her seeing as she was in front of him.
"Woah.. Your definatly good look.." She says. Eunwoo then went down as he smiled.
"Hello, I am Cha Eunwoo." He says. She then smiles as she nodded. But there conversation was interrupted by a car horn. The guys then waved at the girl and left.
--In The Car--
"Who was she?" JinJin says to MJ. MJ then looked at them. They all stared at him.
"Shes (Y/n)'s sister." He says. They all nod but then Rocky and Sanha sit there confused. MJ looks at the two.
"Mwo?" He says. They then looks at him.
"Well.. She looks too young to be a sister.. What if its her daughter? They strangely look too alike." Sanha says. Rocky then nods.
"Neh! And they sound the same except the little ones voice is a bit high pitched.. Who knows.." Rocky says. The guys looked at the two younger boys and then at MJ who sat there questioning.
"(Y/n), would never lie to me. Ive known her since I was in Elementary... She wouldn't." MJ says. The guys then looked at Rocky and Sanha.
"Neh, but.. Still... Im curious." Rocky says. They all then look at MJ whos gone silent. The whole thing turns into awkward silence from this point on.
--Back at MJs House--
You layed on MJs bed comfortably. You blushed a bit as you hugged his pillow and smiled. Then you heard the door open. You immediatly sat up still holding the pillow.
"Whatcha doin'-- Was I interrupting something?" You sister says as she climbed onto MJs bed. You sighed and blushed as you hit her lightly with the pillow. She smiled and sat next to you.
"Are you gonna tell oppa you like him?" She says. You sigh and then think for a bit as you set the pillow down and then grabbed her settings her down on your lap.
"Dont worry about it.. He'll find out sooner or later." You say. MJ on the other hand stood outside of his door back from his trip.
"He'll.... f-find out.." He says putting it together. The conclusion he had was the one Rocky and Sanha had their curious thoughts about. He then looked down and then walked downstairs.
"Aigoo, why does my son look so unhappy, I want to see that smile." His mum says as she smiled. He then sighed as he hugged her. She chuckled as she pat his back hugging him back.
"Eomma... I think (Y/n) is with someone else.... And her sister.. Is her daughter.." He says. His mum then went silent. He looked at her and then saw her starring at something else. He turned seeing you.
"(Y/n)..." He says. You then look down and bow your head a bit as you went upstairs.
"Sorry..." You mumbled as you ran to your sisters room. MJs eyes widened as he let go and then ran upstairs. You locked the door so that he wouldn't get in. He sighed as he stood outside.
"Yah, (Y/n) open the door.." He says. You sat by the door and frowned.
"So you dont trust me anymore..." You say. He then sighs and sat on the other side.
"Its not my fault.. Rocky and Sanha were the ones that got things in my head.." He says as he looked down. You sighed and sat there silently.
"Oppa.." Your little sister says. He looks at her and slightly smiles. She then grabs his hand and takes his hand. He followed her until they were outside. She then got her phone and then started typing. When she did she was writing in Korean, which was the only thing she could do instead of speak it.
'She really likes you.. I am her sister.. I'm sorry if I made you think otherwise.. But.. Your really dumb right now..'
MJ read. He then looked at her. She looks at him seriously and disappointed.
((A/n: I bet your wondering how she knows whats going on. She used her phone to record what they were saying on a translation app. Simple as that.))
'I like you too.. But this pretty messed up Oppa.. You made ber sad.. Last time this happen she told me you hadn't talked to her in 2 weeks..'
He read and blushed a bit at how you react to the little things.
'You know how annoying it was for her to tell me a story over and over again.... Now go lets go.'
He read she stood up and then he followed behind her. She then went upstairs to her room. She grabbed a key that she found inside and then unlocked the door. You sprang up being faced with MJ and your sister. She then pushed him in and closed the door.
"Uhm.. Shes pretty smart huh.." He says awkwardly as he sheepishly smiles. You sat on the bed and hugged your knees. He then went over and sat down next to you.
"Listen, Im sorry.. Since I haven't seen you in a while.. I guess it bothers me a lot.. When you came I thought you'd be alone... And me and you could do stuff together.. But with your little sister I cant really do much anymore, especially with the guys." He says as he reahed over and grabbed your hand. He held it tightly as he rubbed it a little. You looked at yours and his hand and bit your lip.
"Come on.. Say something. Its weird in all the dramas Ive seen the girl always confesses before or after the guy.." He says as he blushes. You then blush as you look at him. He looked down at the two of your hands with hope. After a minute of waiting he sighed and his grip started to lighten up seeing as it was you then quickly gripped onto his hand.
"Your.. Being weird.." You got out as you blushed. He then looked at you and a smile started to form on his face as he held your hands as well.
"I know. But when am I not. Especially with you here." He says as he chuckles and then let go of your hand and then sat on the bed fully as he opened his arms and legs. You then smiled as you went over and hugged him tightly as you sat in between his legs. The two of you were there for a while, since you or him didn't want to let go.
-Thw Next Morning after you and MJ had slept together-(As kids of course)
"Yah, (Y/n) wake up." MJ says as he smiles. You slowly open your eyes and slightly smile tiredly.
"Mj.." You say as you sat up slowly with his help. He sat on the bed as he smiled in front of you as you rubbed your eyes.
"Come on, eomma has breakfast ready. You dont want it to be cold." He says. You then frown a bit as you look at him.
"But Im tired.." You say. He then smiles softly and then opens his arms and legs. You look at him curiously.
"Come on." He says. You then went over to him and then smiled as you hugged him and closed your eyes. He smiled as he played with your hair a little bit as you fell asleep safley in his arms.
~~End Of Flashback~~
You and MJ then looked at each other and then kissed lightly. He smiled as he sighed happily.
"This is a lot to take in right now.. But I gotta say it." He says. You look at him curiously. He then gives you a kiss on the forehead.
"I love you." He says. You then blush madly as you look down and become shy. He then chuckles as he lays down hugging you tightly.
"What about you. Do you love me." He says. You then stayed silent as you closed your eyes and acted as if you had fallen asleep. He then looks at you from the side seeing you were 'sleeping'. He frowned and then sighed as he held onto you and then slowly got off the bed carrying you.
"Your such a pain." He says as he walked to his room and then laid you on his bed. He then tucked you in and laid next to you as he laid his head on your chest making you blush. You then slowly wrapped your armd around his head and then smiled a bit.
"I love you too.." You say lightly before really falling asleep. He smiled widely before going to sleep as well.
(3862 words)
I feel like this is really crappy
But oh well, it has a happy ending right.
No mattee how crappy it was.. I still did work hard XD
Anyways!! Baii!!
Guess what~ We're almost at 7k. I already started on the 7k special even the pic of me is ready there O.o
But anyways!! JinJin chapter should be after this one soon unless we get to 7k really fastly but yeah. Thats all offically Baii!!
F.Y.I: Im sick right now so.. It will probably be a while on the chapters >.< Sorry, But i will try~♡
Also!! You should check out my video~
Alright thats all!!
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