JinJin Ft. Eunwoo
"Aww, its just a little game come on." He says. She then shook her head.
"A-Ani... I have to be home soon.." She says. He then went closer. She started trembling as her eyes got watery.
"Yah! Leave her alone!" The two looked to the side seeing Eunwoo. The man chuckled. Eunwoo then went over there and covered her.
"Who do you think you are?!" Eunwoo says. The man then lightly laughs. Ruth then grabs onto Eunwoos shirt and was scared. The man then went on and hurt Eunwoo. Eunwoo screamed in pain as he fell to the ground and held onto his stomach which bleed a lot. He eyes widened as he looked down to her feet seeing his blood go around her feet. The man then looks at her feet then her and smirks.
"See what you've done.. Its your fault your little friend is dying.." The man says. She then stood there as the words played in her mind as she trembled and started to scream.
'Its my fault..'
'Its my fault. Eunwoo got hurt..'
'Its my fault....'
'Eunwoo is gone.. And its my doing..'
'My fault..'
Ruth then shot up from her bed. Her eyes then widened as she looked around her room, red her most hated color. She then started to breath heavily feeling she was sufficating. She then began to scream as she covered her ears.
"Hey! Calm down!" Her mum tries to retrain her as she was freaking out. Then she covered her mouth and held onto her.
"Yah, calm down.. Calm down.. Your alright." She says as she rocks her back and forth. Even as she got older, the trauma she had experience the words she took deeply stuck.
"Eomma.." She cries out lightly. Her mum held tightly as she sighed. She then slowly let her go seeing as she had passed out. She then stood up and tucked her in. Her mum sighed and then sat in a chair besides her and looked down at her as she slowly fell asleep.
Ruth had woken up then next morning. She looked around and landed on her mum. She sat up and shook her mum.
"Eomma.. Lay down." She says helping her mum to her bed. She then streched and sighed as she looks down and then went to her closet taking out her uniform.
"Have a good day.. Please try to be nice.. Make some friends.. For me.." Her mum says. Ruth then looked at her as her mum smiles lightly and then falls asleep. Ruth then looks down again and proceeded with her getting ready. Ruth hasn't been in a public school for years now, so she was scared. She looked out the window seeing the sun slightly up. She then breathed out and shakily open the door and began walking out. She then shakily began walking out.
She made it to the school and looked down as she walked in. She felt like she was being stared at and talked about hearing whispers and people laughing. She then picked up the pace only resulting in her bumping into someone. She then looked in front. The girl she had bumped into turned around. She then looked down.
"Sorry.." She says. The girl then tilted her head and then lowered herself.
"Wow.. Its really you, I haven't seen you since the 3rd grade..." The girl says. Ruth then lifted her head a bit. Her eyes widened as she looked back down. The girl, a classmate of hers, she had the hugest crush on Ruths best friend. Finding out he got stabbed because of something Ruth was in, she hated Ruth but hadn't seen her to show it.
"Its pretty sad, Eunwoo almost died and it was all your fault..." She says before pushing her lightly and then leaving. Ruth looked down frozen she breathed heavily and closed her eyes.
'Dont listen to her.'
A voice says, it sounded like his. Ruth looks up and then looks around seeing no one talking to her
"Excuse me. Are you alright. You've been standing here for a while.." She jumped seeing a guy. He jumped back too a bit surprised.
"You okay?" He says. She then slightly nods. He then nodded and then awkwardly looks away.
"Uhm, are you new here?" He says setting his gaze back onto her. She then looks at him a bit curious on why he's asking these questions.
"Yeah." She says. He then was surprised again and slightly smiles as he chuckles.
"Wow, she talks, I am Park Jinwoo, you can call me JinJin if you want." He says as he puts his hand out. She then looks down at his hand and then back up to him. He then awkwardly smiled and put his hand down.
"Uhm, I guess we could talk some other time. I just you know, didn't see you last year and its rare for new students to come here, so welcome to the school." He says as he waves leaving. She then watches as he left a bit embarrassed. She then turned back around and looked at her schedule.
~~~Time Skip~~~
It was lunch time. She walked into the lunch room and was pushed so much with the huge crowds of people. She then was pushed into someones back which stopped her from being pushed around. She sighed and got off as she bowed her head a little shakily.
"S-Sorry.. I didn't mean to.." She says before leaving. The guy she had bumped into his eyed widened as he watched her make her way to the line. He then frowned a bit as he began walking. She made it to the line but was pushed again, she bowed her head again. But this time before she said anything she was pushed.
"Yah! You just don't know how to stop pushing my limits huh! First you go on almost killing my boyfriend and now your pushing me around!" She says. Ruth then stared at her a bit confused seeing as she called Eunwoo her 'boyfriend' and why she was do dramatic about a push. She then widened her eyes and looked around seeing everyone starring at the two and whispers began, she became paranoid as the whispers went to her head.
"A-Ani... It was an acc--."
"Ani! Dont say it was an accident!" She says as she got ready to smack her but then her hand was grabbed. Ruth and You looked at the one who stopped her hand.
"J-Jinwoo.." Ruth and her say at the same time and then look at each other and back at him.
"Yah, who do you think you are? If your mum were to find out about this you think she wouldn't beat you. Stop being a bully or I'll tell her what you're doing in school." He says. She then bites her lip and growls at him before snatching her hand away and crossing her arms leaving. Jinwoo then went over to Ruth and helped her up.
"Come on, I'll get you something to eat." Jinwoo says. She stared at Jinjin and blushed as he held onto her wrist pulling her.
Eunwoo, he stood there. He frowned a bit as he watched Jinwoo pull her out of the cafeteria. He then went over and followed the two of them.
Jinwoo then let go when they were in front of a vending machine.
"You shouldn't be around people like that trust me, I know." He says as he went to the bottom and grabbed the drinks he wanted.
"Were you hungry? I could get you a snack." He says. She stood there confused at him and to why hes doing this. She then grabbed the drink as he handed it to her and bowed her head a little. Then an awkward silence fell upon them.
"Ill be back." He says as he left for a bit. She then leaned back on the wall and went down hugging her knees.
"Its been a while hasn't it.." She jumped and looked to the side as her eyes widened. Eunwoo smiled as he stood there. She then began to tremble as she stayed quiet. Eunwoo then went down and sat next to her.
"It wasn't your fault.." He says as he hugged her. She then stiffened as she started to shake a little. He then let go and sighed as it fell silent.
"You do know Jinwoo is only being nice because he's being forced right." Eunwoo says out of no where. She then looked at him then down.
"I bet.. No one likes me ever since what happened..." She says. He then nods and wraps his arm around you.
"I still like you..." He says. He then pulled her closer and she looked at him. She then pushed him and stood up.
"N-No.. I dont want to be around you Eunwoo...." She says as she fell to her knees afterward trembling still. He then went over to her and bent down as he put his hand on her head. She then started to lightly sob as she began to scream. Eunwoo went back and looked at her as she screamed and cried.
"Yah! Eunwoo! What did you do?!" Jinwoo yelled out. Eunwoo looked at him and then back at her before running away. Jinwoo went down to her and held onto her.
"Hey, calm down! Why are you screaming?!" He says as he wrapped his arms around her. She then moved a lot as she tried getting out of his grip hitting his arm and everything but he held tightly. She then stopped screaming and breathed heavily as she looked at him then passed out.
"Yah.. Whats going on? Hey, get up... Yah?!" He says before he shook her lightly. He then sighed and panicked as he picked her up and carried her to the nurses office. Her eyes lightly went open as she looked up at him.
"A-Ani.. D-Dont take me there.. I wan't to go outside..." She says as she squirmed a bit in his arms as she was shaking. He then looked down at her and then sighed as he went to the other way outside.
"The next class is starting soon...." She says as she hugged her knees looking at him. He then looked at her and shook his head.
"So what... I dont care about that." He says as he sat there and blushed a little. She then looked down.
"Y-You dont.... Dont have to pretend like you care..." She says. He then looked at her confused. She bit her lip and frowned.
"I know.. You're being forced to do this.... To watch me..." She says. He then sighed as he looked away from her.
"You don't know anything.. I am your guardian angel. Im supposed to be here." He says as he smiled. She then looks at him bluntly. He chuckles and sighs.
"Aish, you've forgotten already. I feel hurt. Remember in the hospital. You thought I was an angel because of my smile and how I was on your bed when you woke up, you also said because I disappear really fast. Remember that." He says. She then sits confused as she looks away from him. He then went in front of her and sat criss-crossed and smiled. She looked at him and stared.
"Hheellloo!!!! Good Morning Sweetheart! Wow! You've been out for 3 weeks! Welcome back to earth~! Call me JinJin!" He says like a little kid. She then stared at him thinking. He then sighed and tried thinking of something else.
"Call me Oppa! I've been here for a long time waiting for you to wake up Sweetheart!! You look so peaceful sleeping its cute!" He says trying not to blush but blushes anyways. She then stares at him until it comes to her.
"Eoommmmaaa!!! Theres a weird boy on my bed!! He keeps calling me sweetheart!" She yelled out. JinJin then chuckled as he went off the bed to the other side. Her mum came.
"What do you mean?" She says. Ruth then looks to the side of her bed and stares in confusion.
"Eomma he was just here." She says. Her mum then sighed and sat on the bed ruffling her hair.
"Calm down. Its probably your imagination." Her mum says. She then pouted a bit.
"Ani! He was here!! I swear I'm not lying!!" She says. Her mum then smiles as she went over and hugged her.
"Its probably just your guardian Angel coming to watch over you. So calm down alright." She says. Ruth then nods as she thought about it.
"His smile was pretty.. It probably was.." She says as she looked around. Her mum then let go and left. She looks to the side of her bed.
"Looking for me sweeheart~!" He says from the other side as he climbed on her bed. She then hugged her knees and sat there observing him.
"Can I pinch you." She says. He then shakes his head and chuckles as he ruffles her hair.
"Well, I gotta go Ill see you some other time." He says as he grabbed her blanket and then threw it over her head and ran. She pulled the blanket off looking around as she was a bit amazed.
~~End Of Flashback~~
She then stared at him and then immediatly pinched him. He jumped and pulled your hand away rubbing it.
"Im real! Geez.." He says. She stays silent as she just stared at him.
--To Be Continued--
The Special is for 8K, no its not a story as I said. But It is special. I am TELLING you it is..
That was a hint but I dont think you'll understand you'll understand when I put it out huehue!!
Ill give you another hint
The second one is the real hint ^^ If you ever seen one of my editing *COUGH*VIDEOS*COUGH* Then that right bottom corner will tell you something huehue..
Also. Check out my new Video that finished uploading while writinv this XDD
So why not. Its not astro so yeah.
Wow I should get that checked. But anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Baii!!
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