"Yah! Get up!" You yelled. You jumped on the bed JinJin had been laying on. He then immediately sat up as he stared at you laying on his legs.
"Yah?!" He said. You smiles and laughed. You and JinJin were always like siblings. Even though you weren't related in anyway you still were like family to each other. But, what you didnt know is that JinJin thinks of you as more than Family but he doesn't know the right time to say something, so he waits for the day to come.
"I woke you up." She says as she gets up. He then stretches and gets up as well. JinJin usually likes to sleep over your house. Hense why your parents made a room especially for him because they considered him family too. The two of you walked downstairs where food was being made.
"Smells good!" You said as you sat down at your plate. JinJin sat next to you and nodded. Then the two of you at while talking a bit. In the morning it wasn't much in the house. The parents left as soon as they finished breakfast. You and JinJin usually sat there watching KDrama and being couch potatoes if he's not busy.
"Yah! (Y/n) we should do something today!" He says. You then look at him curiously but then smile and nod. You've gotta admit, you did have a thing for JinJin you just never thought about it much.
"We should go to the movies! Then the arcade! Then the carnival! And then-."
"Woah! Hold on!" You say stopping him from saying anything else. He sheepishly smiled. You chuckle a bit.
"Let's just let the rest decide itself." You said. He nodded and then the both of you ran upstairs to get ready.
The day made you a bit uncomfortable as you and JinJin were really close together most of the time.
JinJin had choose a really mushy and sweet movie for the two of you to watch. During the movie he had been close enough that the two of your faces had been inches apart making you a bit scared to turn your head.
He played a lot of games himself getting as many prizes as he could for you. You did play a little bit but not as much as intended.
The two of you got on a bunch of couple rides in which he would hug you or hold you close to him very close. Then you two went to eat and that was the time you didn't feel uncomfortable as the two of you fed each other because you used to feed each other as kids. Thats when people started to watch a bit with awe. Thats what made you a bit uncomfortable but he still focused on you as if nothing else matter. Then you got a call from your parents.
"I'll be back.." You say getting up. He nods and watches you go outside.
"Neh, Eommeoni." You say.
"Come home. Its important." She says before hanging up quickly. You stared a bit confused.
"Yoboseyo?" You say. You then put your phone down and then loom back inside. JinJin looked at you as you waved for him to leave. He nodded and paid as he went out.
"What is it?" He says. You then shrug.
"They said its important." You say. He nods and then the two of you quickly make your way home.
"Jinwoo.. Can you go up real quickly.." Your dad says. JinJin nods and goes up stairs but sits on the steps listening.
"Listen... Its not an automatic thing... But we need you to think dont give a quick answer.." Your mum says. You become a bit scared and nod. They look at each other and then breath in and out.
"We need help with the company.. And were willing to join companies.. But.. The one we requested is really big! And they would accept... If.." Thats when they stopped. You and JinJin were at the edge listening and waiting for the rest.
"If you'd marry their son!" You mum slightly yelled out feeling to pressured and glad she got it out. JinJins heart felt it had been broken. You stared at your smiling and relieved parents. You felt kinda hurt at the fact they want their daughter to get married instantly.
"Yah! Why are you smiling?! You want me to do this?! Wae?! You think I'd fall for someone like that?!" You yelled. They stopped as they looked away from you.
"Please think about it...." Your mum says as she and your dad walk to there room. JinJin quickly ran to his room to not get caught. He laid in his bed starring into space. Then a knock came at his door.
"Who is it.." He said, is voice cracking a bit. He cleared his thought and sat up as you entered his room. You sat at the bottom edge of his bed.
"Mwo?" He says. You look at him and sigh.
"You heard.." You say. He sighs as he lays back down.
"JinJin.. Can you do a favor.." You say. He hums a bit in response.
"Tell me not to.." You say. He stares a bit at the wall and then at you. You looked at him while your eyes kinda sparkled as a coat of tears went over. You waited for his answer as he stood silent. Your heart felt as if it had broke into a millions of pieces when he answered.
"Do as you wish... Its not My choice.." He says as he looks away. You then feel tears roll down your cheek. You then Stood up and then walked out of his room. He closed his eyes and breathed in and out. He didnt realize it, but tears went down his cheek too.
~~~2 Weeks Later~~~
After that day JinJin didnt come over. You accepted because you didnt know what to do. The one your supposed to be marrying, you didnt like him at all but there was those moments he reminded you of JinJin. As he tried getting close you would always leave unless you were forced to be there. Then the day came where the parents decided to marry you guys immediately because of business.
"Yah! JinJin! Come on! Today is (Y/n) thing!" Mj yelled out to JinJin who was in his room at their house. The guys were all ready except for JinJin.
"I dont want to go!" He yelled out. MJ then sighed. Eunwoo then made his way to JinJin. The other guys left and Eunwoo stayed with JinJin.
"Yah.. If you dont go you'll regret it.. " He says. JinJin sighs as he still laid there.
"She told me.." JinJin says. Eunwoo looks confused.
"She told me to tell her.. Not to do it.." He says. Eunwoo looks at him more confused and curious.
"I told her.. It wasn't up to me.. And she left.." He says his voice cracking a bit.
You were like an emotionless doll. You sat in the changing room as your eyes glistened.
"(Y/n)! The guys are here!" Your mum yelled out. You sniffed and wiped your eyes as the door slowly opened. They all smiled at You. But you noticed JinJin and Eunwoo weren't There as you looked slightly over everyone else. Moon bin noticed and went over to you.
"JinJin.. Didnt want to come.. Eunwoo is trying his best to get him over here.." He says. You slowly nod as you look down. He then wipes your face. You didnt realize your were crying. Everyone went over and comforted you best they could.
[JinJin and Eunwoo]
"I bet she still wants you to stop it.." Eunwoo says. JinJin looks at Eunwoo and sniffs. Eunwoo pats his head.
"Come on. you ready to crash a wedding?" Eunwoo says. JinJin smiles a bit as he stood up. Realizing they didnt have a car to go in and there were no cabs near by they ran.
You stood there as your possible soon to be husband stood next to you. You looked glum and everyone felt that tension in the room.
"If there are any objections speak now.. Or forever hold your peace." You looked around. Your gaze immediately went on the guys. They smiled as they stood up.
"We object." Moon bin says. You smile at them. Then the door swing open.
"I OBJECT!" JinJin yelled out. You turn your gaze to him and your eyes were coated with tears. Your parents were a bit shocked as they watched you walk away from the companies son and make your way to JinJin. When your in front of him he hugs you. You hug back.
"I missed you.." You say. He hugs tighter. You smile as you cried a bit Happy he's here. He then pulled away and kisses you. You smile kissing back.
"(Y/n) I love you.. I'm sorry.." He says. You smile as you cry more with tears flowing.
"I love you too.." You say hugging him again. The guys then form a circle around the two of you and jump around cheering. You and JinJin laughs as everyone else that were here for the wedding were in shock. You then looks st your parents and sighed as you left with JinJin. They were in shock as well. You and JinJin were happy along with the other guys as you all walked out together not worrying about them. JinJin stopped you and then picked your up bridal style. You blushed as you look at him.
"Your my one and only bride." He says. You smile still blushing and kiss him as you had yourself wrapped around him as well. He kissed back as he kinda swing lightly back and forth.
"Yah!! Get a room!!" Sanha yelled out as he covered his eyes.
"Eeeewwwww!!!" The rest of them said as they ran away. You and JinJin smile and blush as he starts running after then still holding you with a smiles on both of your faces.
I feel this one is the most crappiest one I've made so far..
Like I dont know why..
But every time I came here to write this specific chapter..
I'd always be too tired but write it..
So if its really crappy .
Just know I've written it when I was half asleep..
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