Jealousy baby Jealousy, Jealousy baby jealousy- I love Monsta X lol
Thank you @Osakades (For some reason it wont like actually tag right, i dont even know) I tried my best, its probably crappy though.. But its an update!
Hope you guys like it.
Its very long over 2 thousand words it took a while to write.
I am really putting effort into these now. With my new mindsets my writing style has gotten kind descriptive and it was hard to put dialogue kind of.
But yeee~
Anyways!! Expect another in- you know what.. If you know me well enough Ill say a few days and end up taking weeks so yeahhh.
Enjoy readingggg💕💕
P.S: I love Seojeong dont think I have something against her in this hfkshd I love WekiMeki-Did yall see their recent looks, I am so gay hdkshdls- but anyways, she was only used because she was in their MV and I thought.. Why not :>
Okay really byeee
You rushed into the class late. It was the last 15 minutes of class. You bowed and got scolded by the teacher before you sat down.
"So what is going on?" You asked your seat mate. He looked at you and then the teacher, she wasnt doing anything.
"Well for the project, we have to blah blah blah." The two of you sat there as he explained the project that the teacher decided to give you guys so suddenly. You were very confused so it took a while. The two of you sat there even when the kids already went fo lunch. Eunwoo stood at the door way waiting as he tapped his foot. You didnt notice him as you listened to your male friend. When he was done you smiled at him and bowed. Eunwoo rolled his eyes before he decided to leave. Thats when you noticed him. You followed after him.
"Eunwoo!! The teacher decided to give us a project.. I dont like him.." You say with a pout. Eunwoo didnt say anything as he didnt even glance at you. You tried numerous times to get his attention. You then went in front of him and he stopped.
"Yah, whats going on?" You ask. He looks down at you before he pushes pass you and slightly pushed you to the side as if you were nothing. You felt hurt as you watched him leave you alone in the hallway.
"He must be in a bad mood.." You say. You then went after him. He wouldnt give you any attention at all. He was ignoring you and acting as if you were invisible. You didnt understand why but as time went on, you started to get upset and angry.
What have I done wrong?
Was the only thing going through your mind. You were sitting in class as you had your cheek resting in your hand as your arm rested on the desk. All you could think about was Eunwoo. You didn't like this. You hated how he ignored you. And you especially hated not knowing, for what reason was he ignoring you.
Whenever you tried to talk to him he'd ignore or physically push you to the side. You got mad. At the end of one of your classes. You immediately decided to not give up or be pushed aside.
Well your anger decided that.
You went to Eunwoos class and when you were at the door. Your eyes went wide as your mouth slightly opened.
Lee Seojeong and Eunwoo
Smiling and talking. Seojeong stood closely to Eunwoo. And she would lightly hit him before they laughed together or even slightly touch him. He seemed to be enjoying himself. Your blood began to boil as you clenched your fist. He wouldn't talk to you. But he would talk to her.
"Yah! Eunwoo!" You yelled. Eunwoo and Seojeong looked at you. Eunwoo expression dropped as he looked at Seojeong and began to talk again. You marched in and then stood in front of him.
"What are you doing?" You asked. He looked at you and said nothing.
"You can talk to her but you can talk to me?! How could you do that! I hate her so much and you know that!" You yelled. Everyone looked over as you just stared at Eunwoo. Seojeong then grabbed onto Eunwoos arm resting her head on it.
"Aw (Y/n), you are so mean. Eunwoo just likes talking to me more than you is all. Deal with it." She says with a smile on her face. You looked at her as your face began to go read.
"Shut up! No one told you to say anything! Get away from my boyfriend!" You say as you raised your hand. As you did Eunwoo grabbed your arm stopping you.
"Dont touch her." He says. Your expression drops as immediately your eyes are coated with tears. He then lets go and slightly forceful pushes your hand to your side.
"I hate you." You say as you looked down at the necklace he had brought you a while back ripping it off and throwing it at him before leaving the classroom. He looked down at the necklace that was on the floor as whispers went around the classroom.
"Its okay Eunwoo, you still have me." Seojeong says as she smiled at him. Eunwoo looked at Seojeong and then pulled his arm away from her as he picked up the necklace and then went to his seat.
"Eunwoo~ Come on! Dont be so slow!" You say as you grabbed his hand and pulled him along. He smiled softly as he held onto your hand and followed behind. The two of you were on a date at the mall. There were a lot of people that day so you didnt want to lose him. You were at the food court. You sat him down.
"Okay, dont to anywhere. I'll be right back!" You say as you went to go get food. You wanted to get his favorites but the line was long so you had to wait.
When you got back you noticed that the table had two other people on it. You blinked and looked around. Eunwoo was no where in sight. You then pulled out your phone.
"The person you have called is not avai-"
You hung up and then began to look around.
You had been searching all day. You couldnt find him. You were outside on the curb as you were worried and small sniffles.
"Where are you..." You say as you were texting him. Then a familiar pair of shoes were in front of you. You looked up and then immediately stood up and hugged Eunwoo. He hugged back and chuckled.
"Yah! Where did you go?!" You asked as you pulled away and lightly smacked his chest with a frown. He then went into his pocket. He pulled out a box. He then held it out to you. You blinked and then looked at it as you opened it. It was a butterfly. Your favorite color too. Well the jewels were the, outline and chain were silver.
"This is why you left?" He say as you took it out of the box. He smiled and nodded as he grabbed it from your hand and then went behind you putting it on. When he put it on he went in front of you as you just looked at it. You smiled softly looking at him.
"Thank you. I really have no words.. All I got you was your favorite food." You say with a giggle as you hugged him. He hugged back and kissed the top of your head making you blush.
"Alright now lets go." He says as he pulled away and then grabbed your hand. You smiled as you held his hand back and followed him.
~End Of Flashback~
You were inside of your room under your blanket in the dark. You didnt say a word to anyone after what happened. You felt hurt. You were angry. Sad. Any negative feeling there is..
You were probably feeling it.
"Hey (Y/n) sweetie, is everything okay?" Your mom says from the other side of the door. You bite your lip.
"Yes.. Just studying h-hard.." You say. Your voice had cracked making you feel like she would come in. She went silent.
"Okay.. I hope that you take care of yourself.. Everything will be okay.." She says. She knew you were cry. You knew she knew and were glad she understood.
Eventually you got bored of being in bed under the covers. You were in your room on your laptop. You had your phone off because, well you know. So you decided to make the best of your time and go on the laptop you barely used and 4 tubs of ice cream.
"Nothing like ice cream and drama." You say as you pressed play. YouTube Dramas were fun to watch in your opinion. Especially when it was sent in and it was a real story.
(A/n: Lately Ive been watching these things from Dingo on YT and they're good in my opinion so yeah :> I besides all the request I am also making one based on a love story I watched! Its very wow so yeah Ill try my best :> )
"(Y/n), Eunwoo is here!" You heard your mom call out. You stood up and went to the door of your room and simply locked it. You then went back to your seat and put your headsets in and continued to watch and enjoy ice cream.
"She is probably just fixing herself, she always does that whenever I tell her you're here." Your mom says as she was in the kitchen. He stood in the livingroom and nervously chuckled and nodded. She then went over to Eunwoo.
"Would you happen to know whats wrong with her?" Your mom says. Eunwoo looked at her before he looked away from her. Your mom raised an eyebrow.
"Did you get into an argument again?" She says. Eunwoo then sighed and shrugged a bit. Your mom then sighed as she sat down.
"Eunwoo, I would hate to have something against you if you keep messing with my daughter." She says. Eunwoo stayed silent as she observed him.
"She only came out twice today, one to go to school, and one to but 4 tubs of her favorite ice cream.." She says. Eunwoo then sat down on the smaller couch away from your mom who sat on the long couch.
"If you feel so guilty I assume that you were the one that started this." She says. Eunwoo then nodded a bit. Unlike all the other times, he could never admit he was in the wrong. All the other times, the two of you just kinda, made up without words, as if it was just the world that was wrong. At least thats how Eunwoo felt.
"Wow, you're growing." She says as she got up and ruffled his hair. He then let out a small grin which quickly went away since he couldnt even bare smiling in this situation.
"She'll be down. I know she will." She says before going to the kitchen. Eunwoo nodded and as if on que.
"Mom! Is he gone!" You yelled out from upstairs. Eunwoo stood up feeling nervous.
"Yes!" Your mom called out. Then the wooden floor of the hallway creaked as you walked towards the stairs. Then you went downstairs and then stopped.
"You liar! How could you take his side!" You say as you looked at Eunwoo before rushing back upstairs. Eunwoo quickly followed and just as you were about to close the door. His foot got caught in between. He hissed in pain but surpressed it as he grabbed on to the door and opening it. He let himself in your room and then looked at you. You looked at him then away as you crossed your arms.
"What do you want." You say coldly. He sighed as he went over to you only for you to move away from him.
"Look! Im sorry!" He says as he rubbed his eyes a bit in frustration. You gave him no expression. The both of you knew that sorry wasn't going to cut it. You were just making it show that you wouldnt forgive him just because he said "sorry".
"Are you apologizing because you pity me for getting mad over what you and Seojeong do. Its already over school. Oh Eunwoo broke up with (Y/n) in front of everyone! Oh Eunwoo and Seojeong are a thing now! Oh (Y/n) is pathetic for actually thinking she could have such a handsome guy! I listened to all that the rest of the day! So if sorry is all you have to say then get out of my face! And my entire life!" You yell. He then looked away. He didnt know anything about all that but it was true. He then looked up at you hearing sniffles.
"What the hell.. What did I do? You suddenly ignore me and act like Im invisible.. Why!" You say. He then sighed as he went over wrapping his arms around you. You immediately push him away. He sighed again in more frustration.
"Because! You talking to some guy and acting all cute! And for what?! You have a boyfriend! Me! You dont need to be giggling and smiling at someone else right in front of me as if I was invisible!" He says. You blinked a bit before you clenched your fist.
"Yah! You really think I am like that?! You dont trust me?!" You say as you scoffed with tears in your eyes. He then realized that what he said did sound even more wrong.
"I-Im sorry.. I do trust you.. I ju—."
"You just don't trust me enough.." You say as you looked down. He then immediately went over wrapping his arms around you holding the tightest grip he could so you were struggling to push him away.
"I trust you! Im just afraid of losing you!" He yelled out. You calmed down a bit as you felt small drops hit your head.
"I.. I dont want you to leave me... I may be good in terms of looks and such as people say.. But I am not so great.. Everytime we have an argument.. Its my fault.. Everything bad that happens is my fault.. And I know.. But I dont change.. And through all this.. You were still with me.. At least up until now.." He says. He then dug his face into your hair as he breathed in and out before resting his chin on your head.
"I am not saying to take me back.. I know how much you hate her and I did have intention so make you jealous.. But I never meant to make it seem like I took her side.. When you said you hate me and threw that necklace at me.. It felt like my life lost its color.." He says. You felt his sincerity, you also felt how it wasn't entirely his fault. You then hugged him.
"Im sorry too.." You say. He was a but confused as he looked at you.
"Maybe I shouldn't have just snapped.. But I hate it when you ignore me.. And then Seojeong.. Really those were the worst things you could've done all in one day.." You say as you sighed. He then nodded a bit and opened his mouth to apologize again.
"But I cant hate you.. I know I said harsh words.. But I was just angry.. So angry.." You say as you tightened your grip. He then frowned a bit as he nodded and soothingly rubbed your back.
"I know and you have every right to be.. Im sorry.. I truly mean it with all my heart.. Even if you dont want to be with my anymore.. Then Ill accept that.. But lets not fight anymore." He says pulling away and looking down at you. You looked up and then smiled softly at him. You reached your hand up and wiped his tears away.
"You are stupid, but I would never want to end our relationship because of your jealousy and some annoying girl." You say. He smiled at you and grabbed your hand leaning into your touch.
"But okay.. Lets not fight anymore." You say as you reached up and then gave him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled at you happily.
"Okay now can we sit.. My foot hurts." He says. You then remember he stopped the door from slamming shut. You nodded with a sheepish smile as the two of you sat and you grabbed your laptop and the two of you enjoyed YT dramas together with the 2 tubs of ice cream you hadnt eaten.
You guys like the new cover :> I think it looks pretty!
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