💔Cuts and Kisses💋
I love my baby😭💕
"Come on! Keep it moving! We have 6 tables waiting for their food!" The head of the kitchen, Minhyuk, says as he was everywhere around the kitchen. Then he came to you. You hated the way he always hovered around you just to yell at you for a wrong move. You continued to chop the vegetables as fast as possible, until you ended up cutting something else. You winced in pain before going to the sink and washing it. You then continued to cut it until you realized he had left. You breathed out as you continued to shop them.
"(Y/n)! Come here!" He called out. You sighed as you stopped and washed your hands. You then made your way to the office. He stood there with his arms crossed.
"Sit down." He says. You then nodded and sat a bit tensed up. He then pulled up a small stool and put it right in front of you. He then put his hand out. You sighed and frowned as you took your cooking hat off and places it in his hand. He then looked at you confused as he tossed it to the side.
"I meant your hand." He says. You then look at him as you raised an eyebrow. He then sighed as he grabbed your hand. He then went to the finger that you had cut and squeezed it making you wince and frown trying to take your had back.
"Calm down." He says. You then gulped as he let go and then grabbed some ointment and a bandaid. He then grabbed your hand again and put some ointment on the cut. He then put the bandaid. You then stared at it. It had little characters on it.
"Cute." You say as you smiled. He then let go of your hand as he blushed a bit and stood up. You smiled as you chuckled, you've never seen this side of him. It was ni—
"Okay get back to work!"
And there it was.
You sighed as you nodded and then went out. He then grabbed your arm and then pulled you over. You tensed at the closeness as you blushed. He then placed your hat on your head and then put a piece of your haid behind your ear.
"Dont get hurt again. Or your fired." He says bluntly. You then gave him a blank expression as you watched him leave. You then stood there and sighed. You then looked in the small mirror as you smiled a bit and then at the bandage before you went back out to continue working.
~~~~Time Skip~~~~
"Bye, see you tomorrow." You say to your friends as they waved and left. You were put on cleaning duty. Usually its the waiters job but you lost a bet and have to clean for a month just to get the storyline going.
"(Y/n), what are you still doing here?" You looked over seeing Minhyuk and nervously smiled and chuckled.
"I lost a bet, and this is what the loser does.. Cleans." You say. He then nodded as he went into the kitchen. You sighed and then continued to clean.
After a bit you decided to take a break. Especially sincw you smelled something nice jn the kitchen. You walked over and opened the door. Minhyuk cooking.
He looked pretty hot.
You walked in and then watched quietly. When he finished he sighed and then wiped his face as he turned around and then jumped seeing you. Resulting in him getting burnt. He held his elbow in pain as he bit his lip.
Im in for it now.
"Yah! You should never scare a cook when there is hot substances near!" He yelled. You looked down as you frowned feeling bad. He then sighed as he went to the office. You then sighed as you looked at his food. He cooked a lot.
Looked like a meal.
For two
You then heard the door shut. He then came over with his elbow still bent as he kept it that way and let it get air after putting something on it. He then went to the cabinet and brought a plate. He then put all of it together in that one plate. You watched as you hid your disappointment of not being given a plate. You then turned and then headed out of the kitchen, slowly just in case.
"Would you stop acting like you dont want any and say something." He says. You then turned on your heels and smiled.
"May I have some?" You say. He then laughed a bit and then gestured for you to get a plate yourself. You did just that and then he put some on your plate. The two of you then stood together and ate. Occasionally the two of you would glance at each other and then away quickly, either that or you just started laughing for no reason making him laugh.
Honestly, this was the most fun you've ever had with Minhyuk. He has never been this nice to you. Well not ever since he became the head of the kitchen.
"This is like when you used to be nice to me." You say without thinking. He stopped and looked at you. Your eyes then widened as you looked at him.
"I-I didnt mean.. Uh.." You stopped as you looked away unsure of what to say. His eyes seemed to soften as he looked at you.
"Its not that I am not nice to you.. I just, dont want someone of higher power to come and make me fire you. If I am being honest, you used to be very bad a lot of things, even when I was nice, I could hear them talk about how they should fire you. But of course I took charge and told them not to and thats when they started looking at me as the head of the kitchen, so I want to make sure no one could take you away from... My kitchen..." He says as he drank some water out of nervousness. You blushed as you smiled and let out a soft giggle.
"Now you sound like the bestfriend I once had." You say. He then gave a small smile and chuckled lightly.
"Are you telling me I am not your bestfriend anymore?" He says. You then thought and then nodded as you smiled. He looked at you bluntly.
"What do you expect, you are always mean to me and dont talk to me, you may just be looking out for me but at the same time I would like something to show that we are still as close as ever." You say. He then thought about something and then smiled as he faced you and then grabbed your hand. You were confused as you raised an eyebrow. He then brought your hand up and kissed your bandaid. You blushed as you started to have this weird feeling in your stomach. He then pulled away and smiled. You then pulled your hand away and started to stuff your face.
"Don expec a kish on te ebow." You say with all the food in your mouth. He then chuckled and pinched your cheek. You then slowly chewy your food silently. Then it was silent between you two as you chewed and swallowed. You then let out a sigh signaling you were full.
"Did you like it?" He says. You then nod as you smiled. He then smiled and then continued to eat his food.
"Well I am glad we could reconnect, I thought I had lost you." You say. He then nodded as he put his jacket on.
"Well I am also glad we cleared things up so dont be such a whining baby when I nag you about things." He says. You then rolled your eyes as you smiled and shrugged.
"Whatever, anyways, I am gonna go now, Im tired. Thank you for the meal, and make sure not to change too much overnight, I would like a bit more of your kindness." You say. He then nodded and shrugged. You just chuckled and then began to walk backwards as you waved.
"See ya ol' buddy." You say in a weird accent as you smiled and then turned around and continued to walk. He watched with a smile and then began to walk the opposite way.
Then he got a call.
You walked happily to your job happy about yesterday. You came into the restaurant and everyone was standing in the dinning area in a straight line. You were confused as you went over to one of your friends.
"Whats going on?" You say. She looked at you and then looked around.
"Hurry and go get dressed now. Minhyuk said he has something to say and wants everyone to be here and ready in 5 minutes." She says. Then Minhyuk came out of the kitchen. You looked at him and then her.
"He kinda said that 5 minutes ago.." She says. Your eyes widened. You calmed down. Minhyuk and you were bestfriends. He wouldn't be so mad at you right? Yeah he wo—
"(Y/n)! Why weren't you here earlier?! You should know to come early! You know we open in 10 minutes!" He yelled. You jumped as did everyone else. You went in front as you sheepishly smiled.
"Sorry.. I usually come at this ti—."
"Your done bye." He says. You froze and then looked at him. He had a cold and stern look on his face. You then gulped as you nodded.
"Fine.. Fine! You know what! I dont even care anymore! I wish I never took this job in the first place! Worst choice in my life! I probably would've quit anyways!" You say as you started to storm out swearing under your breath as you walked home.
"Hi! I'm (Y/n)! I hope to help out in many ways as possible!" You say as you bowed introducing yourself. The head of the kitchen, Moonbin at the time smiled and then shook your hand. Then it was the next person.
"Hello, Im Minhyuk, I hope to learn a lot and help a lot around here." He says. You looked at him with a smile. He glanced at you and smiled back before him and Moonbin shook hands. Then it went on as everyone introduced themselves, in the mean time you and Minhyuk began to whisper to each other and instantly becoming friends.
"Okay! Now that introductions are out of the way, time for jobs! (Y/n) and Minhyuk, dishes." He says as he gestured for the two to start and then began to give everyone else their roles.
"Wow, a job with my new friend, nice." You say as you grinned and chuckled going to the sink with Minhyuk. Minhyuk nodded as the two of you instantly got closer as if you two have know each other for years.
"Well today was fun, but tomorrow will probably be actual hell." You say. He then nodded in agreement but shrugged.
"But its worth it. I dont regret this job now that Ive already gotten comfortable." He says. You then smiled as the two of you stood at the front.
"I agree, best choice Ive ever made in my life." You say. He then chuckled at your over exaggeration. The two of you then parted ways and went on your happy way home.
~End Flashback~
You laid in your bed as you yawned. You just woke up. Its been hours since you stormed out of the storm. It felt nice getting more sleep. You shut your phone off and made sure to stay quiet to make people think you werent at home since you weren't in the mood for people and knew what time most of your friends would get out of work. You then got up to go make something for yourself since you were hungry. As you were walking silently to the kitchen you saw a note at your door. You went over and picked it up as you began to read it.
Im sorry for what happened.
Would you be up to come to the roof. Ill be waiting.
Come out when you feel comfortable.
You sighed as you crumbled it up and then threw it. You then continued to go to the kitchen. You then looked at the kitchen. Suddenly you had no appetite or desire to be in a kitchen. You then went back to lay down
You fell asleep and woke up again. This time it was darker. The sun was gone. You stretched as you yawned and then stood up. You then walked to the bathroom and washed your face a bit. You then went to the livingroom. You saw the crumbled up note. You grabbed it and read it again. You then sighed and thought for a bit.
"He wouldn't wait that long.." You say. You then think for a bit more before getting up and slipping your shoes on. Honestly you could care less about your pjs right now. You felt back thinking with his determined personality he would still be there. You used the stairewell until the top. You opened the door and it was raining.
"Well dang.. I must be deaf or something, I didnt hear this.. Now my pjs are probably gonna get wet.." You say as your frown and looked down. Such a tragedy. You then looked around. You didn't see any sign of anyone. You shrugged not really wanting to go outside. You closed the door and then turned to go downstairs. Then you saw Minhyuk on the stair looking at you. He came back and his hand an umbrella and a raincoat on.
"Were you really going to stay out there?!" You says. He then nodded as if it was nothing. You then shook your head.
"Anyways, what do you want?" You sag going blunt. He then sighed as he sat down.
"Listen, I didn't mean to yell at you.. Or fire you.. I just yesterday I got a call and it got me very mad and I let it out on you and the others.." He says. You then laughed as you crossed your arms.
"I dont want to hear it. I was going to quit anyways. And I dont care what kind of call you had, everyone else was there but because I came at my usual time I was fired and yelled out. So no matter how you look out it was all you for picking on me so dont try to apologize now." You say as you began to go downstairs. He stood up and then went down as he stood in front of you and blocked your way.
"Im sorry, I really am.. Please come back." He says. You then shook your head having no intention of coming back. You then pushed pass him and continued to go to your apartment. He followed and even into your apartment.
"You hungry? I can make you something!" He says. You then glare at him and he just let himself in he kitchen and then searched through all your things figuring out what to make. You sat in the livingroom as you turned the TV on not bothering with him.
That is until you heard something fall to the ground and him hiss in pain. You stood up and then went to the kitchen. He was at the sink washing himself off. You went over and saw he had a bit cut slightly below his knuckles. You then went off to the first aid kit in the cabinet and pulled him over. You took the ointment out and then put it over his cuts. He hissed again. You then pulled out 4 bandages. You slowly put them on each of his fingers on the cuts. You then let go and looked at him. He then looked you in the eyes. You looked at his hand and then him as you raised an eyebrow. He then blushed a bit. You then sighed as you grabbed his hand and then kissed each bandage. He then smiled a bit. You blushed as you let go.
"Better?" You ask as you turned and was going to go to the livingroom. He then grabbed your arm and pulled you over.
"No." He says. You looked up at him with no expression. He then brought his hand up and then put a piece of your hair behind your ear as he placed his hand on your cheek. You slowly changed your expressionless look into a soft vulnerable look. He then went down and pressed his forehead against yours.
"Listen.. Just really listen to me.. I never meant to yell at you.. I never mean to always seem like a bad person to you of all people.. I just I care about you being there with.. Me." He says. You observed his face as he had his eyes closed and a frown.
"I always want to protect you from all the things that could let the higher up take you away from me. This job is important most of all because this is where I met you and I dont want to have it go away so easily and then you go away either. You are the best thing thats ever happened to me." He says as he softly rubbed your cheek. You listened as you frowned a bit.
"Instead of being so mean and insensitive without letting you know the reason behind my change.. I should've told you.. How much I love you." He says as he opens your eyes and looked into yours. You stared at him in shock with watery eyes.
"I love you so much, you wouldn't understand.. And I get if you dont want to love me back or just aren't in love with me the way I am for you.. I will still continue to love you no matter what happens.. I just want to make sure you know that.." He says. You then sniffed as you wiped your face. He hugged you and you hugged back as you sniffed.
"You've always been an idiot you know.." You say a bit muffled. He then chuckled as he rubbed your back softly.
"I thought you had become a demon from hell to make my job the living version of your place you know." You say. He then began to laugh a bit.
"Ouch. I tell you how much I care and open up and all I get are insults." He says. You then chuckled a bit as you smiled and shrugged.
"You were being honest so I should to. Even through all that.. I still thought you had turned into a full fledged jerk." You say. He then let go of you and stared at you bluntly. You smiled.
"Okay we are done here." You say as you began to walk towards the exit of the kitchen. He then frowned a bit and crossed his arms. You then stopped and looked at him and smiled.
"Im just playing. But even through all that, I can see that you actually care about me. So I am very thankful to have you with me." You say. He then nodded and was waiting for something else. You walked fully to the exit as he watched with a frown.
"And I love you too!" You say before fully going to the livingroom. He smiled and then did a little celebratory dance only to hit his elbow on the counter.
"Ugh! Could you not destroy yourself!" You yelled. He then sheepishly laughed as he decided not to cook and went over to the livingroom with you. You smiled as he hugged you while the two of you laid on the couch together happily.
"Hey so after th—."
"No I am not going to work there anymore." You say. He then pouted as you just shrugged and smile.
Then the two of you laid happily on the couch.
~~The end~~
This story I feel is a bit meh.
And its kinda confusing of Minhyuks actions and stuff.
So not my best really.
But I hope you enjoyed!
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