CS - #5 Aroha
So I know I told you guys the order. But I decided to do Sanhas Before Rockys so yeah.
So yeah. Hope you enjoyed!!
Also!! My problem is sloved now. But since school starts on Thursday itll talk a while to put the last two out.
Enjoy!!! Baii!!
You walked into the school. It was crowded people were all around trying to get the freshmen to join their clubs. People went up to you handing you a bunch of papers. You ended up leaving a trail of papers as you walked. You then ended up in an empty hallway. You saw there was a sign for a club. You didn't take much interest until you heard a song being played and some singing. You then dropped the paper and went towards the door and slowly opened it.
"Yoboseyo.." You say. There was s boy there he was played as he sang happily. You went in and closed the door silently. You then stood there taking out your phone recording it and watched him sing and play.
[So in the story Binnie and MJ aren't there so basically just imagine Sanha is singing the whole thing also yes. I know Sanha did a cover of the whole thing. But I just wanted a small part of it]
He stopped when he felt someone there. You put your phone down. He then turned and you jumped as he stared at you.
"Oh.. Are you here to join the club?" He says. You then stared at him and then remembered the sign outside.
"Guitar Club.. I didn't know that singing was involved." You say as you shyly smile and look down. He then took the guitar off and stood up.
"Ani! There's no singing involved that was just.. Me warming up its better when I sing so I know.. You know.. But anyways! I'd be happy to have you join. I'd really appreciate it to.. Not a lot of first Years join the club.... Do you know how to play?" He says. You then shake your head and he nods in understanding.
"I'll teach you! Well.. If you want to join." He says. You then think and nod. He smiles happily.
"Im glad. Anyways. Just fill out this form and you're officially in the club." He says. You nod and then he handed you a form. You sat and then he handed you a pencil. You filled the form out and then stood up handing it to him. He smiled as he took it. You never realized how tall he was until you looked up at him. He looked at you noticing you were staring. You looked down.
"Uhm, I will go now. So when am I supposed to come?" You say. He then took his phone out. He put it in front of you.
"Ill text you, cause sometimes we have some problems. Dont worry, we have a group chat for club." He says. You nodded and grabbed his phone as you put your number in and then handed it to him. Your phone them vibrated.
"I sended you a text." He says with a smile. You then nod and took your phone out as you checked it. You saved his contact.
"Ill add you to the chat later class will start you should go." He says. You then nodded as you bowed your head and left. He smiled as he looked at your phone number. He put his phone away grabbing his bag and going to class after putting his guitar up.
~~Time Skip~~
You sat down as you listened to music with your lunch silently. You remembered the video you took. You went to your videos and pressed on it. You listened to it and smiled slightly. You then were tapped on the shoulder. You looked and saw the guy from the guitar club. You put your phone down turning it off.
"Sunbaenim..." You say. He sat down and smiled lightly.
"Dont be so fomal. We are friends now." He says. You slightly nodded and them looked at your food as you slowly started eating.
"You seem tense. Am I making your uncomfortable?" He says as he looked at you. You then shake your head.
"No. Its no--...... Well.. Maybe a little.. Sorry, I am not used to being with people.." You say. He then laughs lightly making you confused.
"Why are you sorry? Its a new school. There is no reason to be sorry. Alright." He says. You nod and then go back to eating. He talked a bit while eating ans glancing at you. Talking about the club, and some friend's.
"Sanha!" You and Sanha looked up to see 2 other guys sit down in front of you. They look at you and you put your head down.
"Whos this?" One says as they look at you for a while until looking at Sanha.
"Is she your girlfriend?" One says. Sanha shakes his head as you blush.
"Shes the new club member. I want to make sure to treat all the first years especially in the club nicely. Honestly we cant afford to lose anyone this year. Especially with all the new clubs this. Year." He says as he ate. You then stayed quite. The two nodded. One lowered their head and made eye contact with you.
"Hi, Im Rocky. Whats yours?" He says. You lifted your head and looked at the two boys.
"Im (Y/n). Its nice to meet you Sunbaenim." You say as you slightly bowed your head.
"Shes very formal. Hey, dont worry about any of that. Im MJ." The other one says. You slightly nodded and then bowed your head slightly again.
"Its natural for her I guess. Where did you go to middle school?" Rocky says as they all observed you curiously.
"I went to a school in Ilsan." You say. They nodded and smiled.
"Well welcome to Seoul High School. You'll do fine here. Trust me. Need anything. Ask MJ. Hes in his last year here." Rocky says. You nod and then smiled slightly. Sanha observed you as he smiled. The others then went on randomly.
"Oh, (Y/n) I forgot to tell you. We are having a club meeting at the end of the day. Its to welcome you and show the basics." He says. You nodded as you looked at him. He softly smiled and then went back to eating. You slightly blushed and smiled as you look back at the others two who were talking to you.
~~~Time Skip~~~
"See you tomorrow (Y/n). Nice meeting you today." Rocky says as him and MJ walk off and you bow your head slightly. You then turn back to the school and go to the club room.
"Oh... Sunbaenim.. Are we the only ones here?" You say. He then turns to you as he held a guitar.
"Ani. The other went to go get something to eat before coming. In the meantime I'll show you the basics." He says as he stood up taking of his guitar and putting it on you. You blush as he was close.
"Come on sit." He says as he put his arm around you. You stiffened a bit and jumped as you blushed more and gulped. He felt you tense up and jump as he removed his arm. He then showed you the basics and you didn't do as bad as you expected when you played a bit.
~~10 Minutes Later~~
"Your not bad. You could be a natural." He says. You then smiled lightly. He sat there and it got quiet you then thought and took off the guitar and held it to him.
"Sunbaenim.. Could you play the song from this morning." You say. He then looked at you and then nodded as he grabbed the guitar.
((And this part is why I wanted to save it~))
You smiled as you watched him. When he finished he looked at you and lightly smiled.
"Sunbaenim. You think you could teach that song to me." You say. He nodded happily and then began to teach you bits of it. Then a couple minutes later the rest of the club came and you guys all got to know each other.
~~Time Skip~~
--The Next Day--
You walked to school the next day with your headset. Yesterday you secretly voice recorded the song Sanha sung to try and memorize it. You hummed as you went to your class. You sat there studying slightly. You then were felt a bunch of stares. You looked up and saw every student staring at you. It took you a while before realizing they were starring behind you. You turned and jumped seeing Sanha. He smiled.
"Sunbaenim.. What is it?" You say. He sat next to you.
"Well, I wanted to say that, the whole club likes you. So your an official member. And today at the meaning, if you don't have a guitar to practice at home I can lend you one from club room." He says. You then smiled and nod. He stood up and you waved as he waved leaving.
~~Time Skip~~
--2 Years Later--
"Sunbaenim. Isn't it your last year here." You say as you sat down at lunch with Sanha. He then sighed and nodded. You frowned a bit. He then thought and smiled.
"And because it is. I wamt you to call me Sanha. Arraseo." He says. You then nodded and smiled. He wrapped his arm around you and side hugged you as he laughed lightly. You blushed lightly as you smiled.
"Since this is my last year as the club President after all these years. We will be performing a song." He says. You nodded and happily smiled.
"As in, me and you one the stage together. Performing the song when we first met." He says. You then thought about it and then nodded.
"Alright. I'd do that. When are we doing that?" You say. He then thought about it and then agreed with himself.
"The day before we leave for break." He says. You then nodded agreeing. He then put his hand up. You then put your hand up confused. He put his hand against yours and then held onto your hand.
"I cant wait." He says. You blushed and then smiled lightly as you nodded and held onto his hand.
~~Time Skip~~
--Day Before the last day--
You warmed up the guitar as you practice slightly.
"Yah! (Y/n) wheres Sanha??!!" You looked comfused as you shrugged. You felt a bit nervous since he wasn't here yet but you kept thinking he was coming. You thought that until, it was time to perform. Everyone looked confused when it was only you. You bowed your head and sat down nervously. You got the guitar ready and began to play as you sang the song as well.
~~Time Skip~~
You bowed your head as you went backstage. The teachers clapped and you slightly smiled as you bowed your head to them.
"(Y/n). Apparently. Sanha and some other kids that graduated the school were being interviewed since they are going to be singers in a group." You nodded as you thought about it. You smiled slightly happy for him. You then packed up and left without anyone noticing. You got complimented on your way out by other students as you walked out of the school. When you got home you held onto the guitar that Sanha gave you. He said that you could sign it out, but in the end he had given you his guitar to keep with you and that was the one you played with all the time.
~~Time Skip~~
--A Couple Years Later--
You were on the small flat surface where people usually went to take picture or just sit as you had a microphone and your guitar with a chair there. You got ready as you looked at the back of the guitar.
'윤산하{Yoon Sanha}'
You smiled lightly and then fixed the microphone testing it. You caught some peoples attention as they stopped to watch. You then began to play as you sang a warm up song. Some people clapped as they sat and watched. You looked around and then thought of a song to play. Then you thought about Sanha and then got ready to do that song.
"안녕, 오늘도 같은 자리 버스 창가에기대 앉은 네게 인사를 해, Hi."
"Sanha. Are you sure you want to walk?" Rocky says. Sanha nods as he smiled lightly.
"Yeah. I dont know what is it. I just have a feeling something is going to happen. So I'll walk." He says. Rocky chuckled and nodded. Sanha then waved as he put his mask on with a hat and began to walk. He began to hear the song of the guitar. Very familiar voice as he went closer.
"If You Like Me Or Love Me, Just Say Yes Yes Yes. And Then I’m Your Girlfriend and You’re My Boyfriend
어서 내게 좋다고 말해줘"
He recognized the song and smiled thinking about you. When he got to where it was being performed his eyed slightly widened as he recognized you very quickly. You sang happily as you observed the people.
"If You Like Me Or Love Me, Just Say Yes Yes Yes. And Then I’m Your Boyfriend and You’re My Girlfriend
어서 내게 좋다고 말해줘 Oh~." You stopped singing and just played the guitar as you looked to the left to see Sanha standing there as he sang. Your eyes widened as he went over to you. It was almost the end of the song.
"If You Like Me, If You Love Me Yeah~
And Then I’m Your Girlfriend and You’re My Boyfriend 어서 내게 좋다고 말해줘." You sang when he stopped. You stopped as he continued the last part.
"If You Like Me Or Love Me, Just Say Yes Yes Yes. And Then I’m Your Boyfriend and You’re My girlfriend 어서 내게 좋다고 말해줘." He sang and then the song ended. Everyone clapped there was a whole crowd now.
"Sanha.." You say. He then smiled.
"You finally dropped the formal talk." He says as he chuckled. You nodded and frowned slightly.
"Whats wrong?" He says. You then gulped and looked at him.
"Yah.. You've been gone for Years and you left without saying a word to me. I have a lot to ask you... Like where have you been, why did you leave that day especially... Why did you show up here and how... Aish this is making me cr--." Your words were cut off when he kissed you. The crowd clapped as they did some "ohhh."s'. Sanha pulled away.
"Come on. We'll talk about it while we walk. We have a lot to catch up on." He says as he smiled. You were speechless. You turned to the crowd and bowed as you began to pack your stuff. Then you left with Sanha still unsure of what to say.
"Ive missed you." He says. You look at him and blush as you look down.
"Mh.. Ive missed you too." You say. He then grabbed your and walked as the two of you talked.
So I decided instead of Romanized I used Hangul because if some of you are learning Korean.
Hangul in english form isn't good if you haven't learned that yet because you know like
G/K are basically the same thing you just cant like bring one letter out. So yeah.
If youre learning korean I dont want my book to ruin it. So from now on I may use Hangul because yeah.
I want to educate you guys while you guys read this book.
Thats all!!
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