CS - #2 Christmas
You were walking to school silently rubbing your hands together since it was cold. You then suddeny got pushed to the ground.
"Your slow." You heard some girls say as they walked passed. You sighed snd then stood up and then continued as you dusted yourself off.
"(Y/n)!!" You stopped talking to those girls to see MJ. Your face lit up as you smiled and went over to him. His face slowly turned concern.
"What?" You say. He then points down at your legs. You look down to see your tights are ripped and there is small exposed skin that are red just slightly.
"Don't worry about it. I am perfectly fine. I just tripped over my shoelace on the way here." You say. He then nods unsure as he glanced back seeing the girls laughing.
"Ppali Ppali! You're so slow~ The bell will ring soon." You say happily. He then went along with you as he smiles.
"Someones happy to be in school this month~." He says. You then blush a bit and smile as you look back at him.
"Because now we are friends and I can count on you to be a good friend because you know I trust you." You say as you stop. He then watches as you shuffle into the classroom.
"Hurry to class~ See you!!" You say. He then smiles and waves as he left. You then watched him leave. Your smile slowly dropped as you entered the class. You sat down and sighed as you got your stuff out onto your desk. You went down to get your pencil and then everything dropped. You sighed and began to pick.
'What a son of a--.'
"Good morning class!!" The teacher says. Your thoughts were interrupted when she shut the door. She looked around and then went a bit concerned.
"(Y/n)? What happened to your stuff?" She says. You put it on your desk and lightly smiled at her.
"I accidentally dropped it. It was heavier than usual." You say. She then nods unsure and began to think.
-A couple weeks back-
"Oh (Y/n). Here. I made you this." The teacher says. It was a folder. You looked at it.
"Whats it for?" You say. She then smiles lightly.
"Your stuff is always too heavy so if you want. You can put things in this folder and leave it here. Make sure its not homework though alright." She says as she ruffles your hair. You nod and lightly smiled as you went to your desk to put stuff in there.
~~End Of Flashback~~
"Alright then... Lets start." She says as she sighed and turned. You then knew what she was thinking after her long pause. You sighed and fixed your things.
"Hey (Y/n). Lets talk." At the end if class your teacher called you over when everyone left.
"Mh.. What is it?" You say. She then sighed and then began to think if what she'll say.
"So... Your folder looks pretty full.. So I know you don't have much.. And your a pretty strong girl.. So.. Did someone else drop your books? In other words.. Are you being bullied?" She says. You stared at her and gulped. She just stared waiting for an answer.
"Ani~ You really think I am strong. Pfft! I am a weak one. Look at my arms." You say while lighty giggling. She stared unsure but nodded.
"Well.. I am just making sure.. If anything is ever wrong.. You can talk to me alright." She says. You nod and then smiled lightly. She then ruffled your hair.
"Go ahead and eat something." She says. You nod and then left. Your teacher then watches you leave. Then she saw another figure who looked like he was hiding leave. She shrugged and continued.
'Where is MJ..'
You thought. You then felt hands get placed onto your shoulders. You jumped and looked behind yourself. Seeing MJ made you feel better as you smiled.
"Lets eat outside today~!" You say happily. He then nods with a light smile.
"Arraseo, I will get our food go ahead and wait outside." He says. You nod and then made your way out of the Cafeteria. MJ sighed as he got the food thinking about you. You have recently been getting hurt by 'accident' all the time.
"Hey Oppa~!" MJ turned seeing one of the girls from this morning.
"Uhm... Hi? Whats up?" He says not knowing her personally. She put on a concerned face.
"I see you've been hanging out with (Y/n) a lot... Now I came to thank you~." She says. He looks at her confused. She smiled mischievously.
"You lead her into my trap~!" She whisper shouts as she giggles. His eyes widened as he then ran towards the way you went searching for you.
"Yah!! Let me go!!" He heard. He then followed until he was in front of the bathroom. He listened for the girls bathroom. But the sound came from the other bathroom. He then went over and slowly walked in.
"(Y/n) are y--."
"ANI! DONT LOOK!" You yelled. He then stopped. He slowly went closer seeing your bare feet. Then he went a little more seeing your bare legs. He stopped and then stepped back. He blushed as he then took off his button up shirt. He then closed his eyes and stepped in. You blushed and looked at him as he slowly walked.
"MJ turn right but slowly.." You say. He then nods and does as he was told. You then grabbed his leg with your hands making him stop. He then felt the wall and began to touch it with his hands slowly moving down until he felt the top of your hair.
"Here.." He says putting the shirt on your head. You blushed and then grabbed it as you put it over you.
"Open your eyes..." You say. He opens them and you are looking down.
"(Y/n)..." He says. You sniff and look at him. He then went and hugged you.
"Ow.." You say. He let's go and you then lift up your hands. You were tied. He sighed and then untied it. You then lift up your legs weakly as he went and untied those too. You gestured him to turn around. He nodded and then turned. You then put his shirt on.
"You can turn.." You say. He turns and blushed seeing your legs. He then puts his hand out to you. You slowly got up and held onto him tightly.
"MJ.. The bell will ring and everyone's going to come.. My legs hurt.." You say looking at the clock. He then looks and then looked at you. He blended down. You blushed and got on his back.
"First I'll take you to the guys locker room to get my extra clothes." He says. You nod slowly. He then ran and you held on tightly.
The bell rang and the two of you made it just in time. He went in and then sat you down. He then went to his locker and opened it.
"Here. They may not fit because they're mines but at least this is enough to take you home with." He says as threw the clothes over he then sat back facing you so that you could change. You then grabbed the clothes and put them on. You threw back the shirt that he had on. He grabbed it and put it on.
"You smell nice.." He says aloud. You blush and act as if you didn't hear that. He blushed and kept his mouth shut.
"I finished.." You say. He then nodded and went over to you. You went onto his back and then he left.
"So.. Are you gonna tell me about it.." He says. You dug your face into his shoulder as you stayed quiet. He stopped.
"I thought you trusted me.." He says. You then gulp. He sighed and then continued.
"They..." You say. He stops and looked back at you slightly.
"They have been bullying me ever since the beginning of the school year.. I don't know why... Then you became my friend.. I didn't know why.. I wasn't sure if I could fully trust you to actually care... Today.. They told me you were apart of this... So--."
"Yah.. You really think I'd do that.." He says. You then went silent. He stopped at the bus stop. He sat you down and sat next to you. He then hugged you. You slowly hugged him.
"Pabo." He says. You put your head down. He then pulled away and lifted your head as he smiles.
"Sorry.. Im not us--." Your sentence was cut off when he kissed you. Your eyes widened. He then pulled away. You looked at him and then he looked to the side.
"Look~ Its snowing." He says. You then looked seeing it was snowing. Then you saw the bus and stood up quickly holding the pain in your legs.
"T-The bus is here.." You say. He then smiles and held your hand as the bus pulled up he pulled you on after he paid.
You were silent the entire time looking out the window. You saw his reflection he was smiling the whole time. The two of you were walking to your house. He didn't let go of your hand.
"So about that kiss." He says. You look up at him. He then looks at you and you look away. He chuckles.
"After that first day of being friends. You were in my head a lot. So I began to like you. Also, it was a way to stop you from looking like you were gonna cry and go on about how sorry you were.." He says. You then looked at him. He then puts his hands on your cheeks.
"Your cold. Lets hurry." He says as he then held your hands tightly. The snow got heavier so you and him went to whoevers place was closer.
"Make yourself at home. I'll go get you a blanket." MJ says. You nod as you sat there. He then left. You looked around. MJ lived in his apartment by himself. You looked to the side seeing a couple pictures there. You observed them.
'Are these his friends..'
You thought as you grabbed a picture.
"Those are my best friends." You jumped and looked back seeing MJ. He sat next to you and then put the blanket on you. You put the picture back and then sat silently. He then looked at you.
"Are you gonna say something?" He says. You look at him and then breath in.
"Uhm.. TV?" You say unsurely. He then nods and then turns it on.
~~Time Skip~~
You were watching a movie and it ended. You looked at MJ. He was sleeping. Your eyes wandered off to his lips. Then you picture his kiss at the bus stop. You blushed and then looked down. He was holding your hand.
"After that first day of being friends. You were in my head a lot. So I began to like you..."
Played in your mind. You looked at him and then went closer until you kissed him. You blushed pulling away and then laid your head on his shoulder.
"Maybe I like you too..." You say lightly. He then lifts his head up.
"That was nice." He says. You blush and then shoot up blushing. He then hugged you and laughed lightly. You lightly smiled and the two of you watched a movie until you both fell asleep.
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