❄️Cold Hands🤝
Inspired by me having cold hands and imagining someone warming them up for me-
Then hit realization no one loves me oof
Forever alone fam hckwndkw
Short n' sweet💕
Just something to you know.. Say I am alive again, school is alot and I hate it oof, live sucks and I hate it oOF, EVERYTHING SUCKS AND I HATE IT OOF..
Okay Ill leave, enjoy.
*Imagine Whatever Member for this one, I didnt use any name*
You sighed as you stood waiting for the bus. You were bunched up, but.. you forgot your gloves. Worst of all, it was snowing so you could barely see anything. As you warmed up your hands lightly you heard footsteps but didnt know where they were coming from. You slightly stepped back and then bumped into someone.
"Oh I-Im sorry." You say in a slightly shaky voice. You heard a bit of a mumbled "its okay." Before you continue to warm up your hands. Then you got tapped. You slightly turned only to have to squint more since that was the way of the snow was going against. You could see anything but a blob. Then it grabbed your hands and then put gloves on your hands.
"T-Thank you... B-But you d-do-dont have too.." You say as you tried looking at the persons face but they already looked away and then began to walk away. And then you heard your bus as you turned and saw the lights. You smiled as you got on and then went back to sit on the cold, cold leather seats.
(Dont you just hate the leather seats on the yellow bus like theyre the worst, glad I get dropped off at school lol)
You sat at your desk and put your bag down and began to unbundle. Everyone seemed to be unbundling now even the teacher. Why have school if the first hour is just getting settled and warmed up? School is weird.
"Hey (Y/n) nice gloves." Your friend says. You look at your gloves and saw the baby blue with clouds design on it and then stitched in initials. They were your initials. You shrugged convinced that whoever gave it to you probably had the same initials. You then took them off gentle and delicately as if they were to break easily, they didnt belong to you, so you werent sure what to do really.
You were in your last class of the day. This teacher... Had her AC on.. She must be crazy.. Especially since, you were right under it. Your hands immediately became cold as you warmed them up. This teacher was not going to turn it off since she moves around a lot in her class she gets hot. Right now she didnt care what was going on it class so everyone was moving around and they were hot. But you did your work as you blew on your hands like a good kid. You felt as if someone was staring at you though. You could see it out of the corner of your eyes. A few seats away a boy watched you. You gulped feel nervous as you tried not to let it bother you as you put in your music and then continued working. When you were done you sat there and forgot all about that boy.. But he wasnt in his seat. Suddenly he was sitting in front of you and held the gloves you received. You took out your earbuds and opened your mouth but then he grabbed your hands and then lightly blew on them for a while before he held them. He slightly rubbed your hands and you blushed as your hands started to get warmer. He then put your gloves on.
"I.. I made you these for a reason.." He says. Your eyes widened as you blushed and the two of you made eye contact. He chuckled sheepishly with a blush.
"Everytime I walked past you when its cold outside.. You never have gloves but try to make your hands warmer.. So I made you these.. Even though you dont really know me.. I think.. Its best you wear them.. (Y/n).." He says. You were surprised. You didnt know him, yet he sees you every day and you never noticed.
"Do you want to switch seats with me.. Mines is away from the AC." He says. You then blinked and shook your head.
"H-How about we sit together.. And become friends.." You say. He then smiles and nodded as the two of you stood up and went to his best with your thing and chatted happily. And ever since then, he made sure that you were never cold or alone. Which made you happy.
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