Cha Eunwoo
~~FlashBack Highschool~~
You hung out with Eunwoo a lot and loved being around him. You stuck to him like glue when he was around. He didn't really notice how much he liked being around you and how much you liked him. Until you decided to step up.
"EunWoo... I would like to go on a date!" You say as you stood firmly. He stopped what he was doing and turned around slowly facing you.
"(Y/n)...." He said. You looked at him as if you were being casual but really you wanted to run and hide away. Then a girl runs into where the two of you were with a smile on her face. She then stopped as she looked at the two of you. You looked at her as did he.
"Uhm... Hi?" She said confused. He smiled and waved nervously. You looked at him then at her.
"EunWoo! Come on we're gonna be late!" She said as she ran to him and hugs him. He smiles and nods. You stand there and watch them talk for a bit being lovey dovey. He then looks at you and gulps.
"(Y/n)... I dont think I can help you with your... Homework... I've got a... Date.." He says. Your heart crumbles into pieces. You nod silently. She waves and smiles at you.
"Nice meet you!" She said. You watched as the two left. You stood there and then looked down. You then sniffed as tears fell down your face.
"Aish... Your so stupid.. You were always with him... Maybe he couldn't take it.." You say as you wipe your face. You then began walking as you sniffed. When you walked out the door you bumped into someone.
"Ah. (Y/n) sorry." Rocky said as he smiled. You looked at him and then away and began walking again. He was a little worried and watched as you walked away and outside.
After that weekend you had left the school. You couldn't bear it anymore. You always acted as if you were never home when they all went to see you. You moved schools and temporarily moved in with your aunt. You lived your life and did what you wanted. You learned more and more. You had soon forgotten about the whole highschool times.
That all changed when you had decided to moved back into your own house. When you got there it was still the same. You felt good until you opened the door. There you saw all of them in there. Your eyes widened as you stare at them. They notice you and stare back.
~~Present Time~~
"What are you guys doing in my house..." You said. Mj smiled as he went over and hugged you. When he did you stiffened. You were not used to hugs anymore. After him came the rest of them.
"Wah!! (Y/n) why did you leave?!" Sanha said. You stood stiff as you looked at the living room. There EunWoo stood as he stared at you. You stared at him and then did a small head nod as a greeting. He gulped as he looked away.
"I can't breath.." You said as you tried moving but they didn't release until a couple moments later.
"Come on. I'll make some food." You said as you ruffled Sanhas hair and did a small smile. They all smiled as they followed you into the kitchen. You started to cook as they watched and help. But they noticed the atmosphere with you and EunWoo was different from when you were in highschool. Every time he'd do something for you, you would just nod and take it. With the rest you smiled and said thanks. When the food was done you stretched.
"Enjoy. I'm going to my room real quick. You guys didn't touch my clothes I left right.." You said. They nod and smiled. You nod and then went to your room. You look around and see everything clean, except for your bed. You raise and eyebrow and then flop onto your bed.
"Someone's definitely slept in my bed.." You said. Then you hear the door open. You turned and see EunWoo.
"(Y/n)... Sorry.. I forgot to clean it up.." He said. You stare at him then sit up and nod.
"Wait... You slept in my bed?" You said coming to a small realization. He shakes his head, although he did he didn't want you to know that.
"All the guys sleep in here.. They really missed you.." He said. You nod and then get up and start fixing it.
"(Y/n)... Is it true you left because of me.." He said. You stopped and looked at him. He looked at you with a small frown. You look at him for a bit then look away.
"Why I left is none if your concern why are you worrying about me so much.. You didn't really care a long time ago.." You mumbled the last part as you continued. He sighed as he went over and grabbed your hand. You looked at him with your eyes slightly watery.
"What.." You said. He held on and then pulled you into a hug. He hugged you tightly as he closed his eyes. You stiffened but not as much as all the other times. You felt this was better.
"Please... Dont be mad at me.." He said. You looked down as he still hugged you. After a while you then popped your head up and then started pushing him away.
"Stop!" You said. He stood in front of you. You looked at him and then with out realization tears rolled down your cheek as you looked at him. He stared at you. Before you did anything he pulled you to him and kisses you. Your eyes widened as you stared at him. He had his eyes closed and held onto you. You then push him away from you. You sniff as you look at him. You wiped you eyes. You stood up firmly and confidentially.
"Your too late.." You said as you stared at him. His eyes then water as he looks down. He then opens the door. All the boys fall in the room and stare. They sheepishly smile and then EunWoo goes over them and leaves. You then fall on your bed and then sob lightly.
{1052 words}
[Just playing]
The boys then stand up and bow saying sorry. Then they go and comfort you. Then their phones all get a message. They look at their phones and then stand up. They smile and look at you.
"We'll be back (Y/n)!" MJ says as they all wave and smile as they leave. You didn't do anything and then get up. You dress in your warm PJs. You sighed as you started cleaning up the mess they had made. While cleaning you find a couple picture.
"Hm?" You say. You pick them up and then look at them. You then stare at a picture of you and EunWoo on the back you see a message.
'Ah.. (Y/n).. This may never get to you... But I guess this is like a diary.. We've been here for a few days... I miss you a lot... The girlfriend you saw.. I broke up with her.. She tried changing me too much... Wish you were here... Maybe when you come back I'd feel more sure you didn't run because of me...
~Cha EunWoo♡'
You frown as you sniff and tear drops start to call onto the picture. You then go to the bathroom and wash your face. You sigh as you then go back out. Then your phone rings. You look at it and its JinJin.
"Hm?" You said into the phone.
"(Y/N) COME QUICK WE NEED YOUR HELP WERE AT THE PARK! COME NOW! HURRY!" He tells you as he yells if his life depended on it. You jump and then hang up. You go into your room and change your shirt and put your jacket on. You struggled with your shoes so you put boots. You sighed as you opened the door to snow falling. You panic and then close the door running.
When you were at the park you panted and then looked around. You saw a group of people. Then you saw lights go on. You see all the guys on a small stage. You sigh and pant as you walk closer. EunWoo looks at you and then closes his eyes. Then they start singing.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
When the song finished you were standing at the front of the crowd. You had tears going down your cheek as you looked at EunWoo who walked over to you.
"Please... I need you..." He says as he hugs you. Everyone 'aws'. You then began to cry in his should and hug back.
"Pabo.... Pabo...." You said over and over again as cried more. He held on to you tightly. You looked at him as you pulled away. He frowned as he looked down. You then grabbed his jacket.
"Promise me.. You won't do it again.." You said. He looked at you and then began to feel happy.
"(Y/f/l/n) I promise that I will never leave you... I love you.." He says. You then smiled and still cried as you hugged him then kissed him. Everyone clapped and cheered. You were happy and back to the way you felt in high school. You and EunWoo stayed by each others side every minute of the day.
{1586 words}
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