Astro Imagines~♡Oct 31st 2017♡
"(Y/n)~!" You turned around seeing your bestfriend. Shes been bugging you about going to a haunted house at an amusement park with her.
"No." You say. She then whines and follows you around and you walk to the classroom.
"Wae~~!?" She say. You sigh and then walk into the class and the two of you took your seats next to each other.
"You know I dont get scared easily. I also believe you wont be scared because its your dads haunted house and amusement park. Amusement parks aren't even that fun." You say. She then frowns and then thinks for a bit, then an Idea came to her mind as she put a smile on her face.
"Wweeelll~~ If you went with me to the haunted house~~ Then.. I'll buy you.. ten kpop albums and if you stay with me the whole time I'll get you a special ticket to kc--."
"Deal." You say interrupting her. She smiles as the two of you linked pinkys and stamped it. You sighed and glared at her.
"Damn my weaknesses...." You say. She then ruffles your hair and then class began.
~~Time Skip~~
You and her were walking into the place.
"Did I forget to tell you I actually have a job to do?" She says as she linked arms with you. You looked at her confused. She then smiles and you notice the amusement park is empty. She then pulls you closer to the haunted house and you noticed people there, with many cameras. She went over and she greeted them as she pulled you to greet them as well.
"Yah, whos she? You were the only one that was supposed to come." A man says. She then smiled and pulled you closer.
"Shes helping me. I can't do anything without her. If she left I'd feel very bad because I am the only girl here." She says. He then sighed and looked away from her. Then a car pulled up. You looked at it as your friend smiled. Then before you knew it, 6 very familiar guys were standing in front of you. You looked at your friend shook. She smiled and then innocently look away. You were too shocked to move.
"Wanna be your star! We are Astro!" They say. That intro always killed you but you held it in as you nodded. They looked at you and then smiled. You were taken back as you gulped. You then slowly moved away.
"T-This way.." You say. They then nodded and went over to the man from earlier. You then turned to your friend.
"Y-Yah! What is this?! You didn't tell me they were coming~." You whisper shouted slightly. She smiled and giggled.
"If I told you you wouldn't have believed me. But anyways, this was a birthday gift, since I didn't get you anything on your actual birthday I planned a day with them for you.. Luckily my dad was the first amusement park they went to instead of somewhere else. But you can't screw up alright. Me and you are here to act as guides for them so dont be so useless and break down." She says. You then nod and sigh and then she handed you a jacket. You put it on it was to show you were a staff of the amusement park. She had one too as she put it on. Then everything began. You and 3 guy-JinJin, Sanha, and Rocky-went into the haunted house with 2 cameras. You didn't know the haunted house well. But since you came on last years christmas and this was a maze you knew everything in here.
"So, to get out. You have to follow the clues. I am here to help you guys but you guys have to do a lot on your own, but remember as you go there are prize tickets and check points. Here." You gave them a tablet after you set it up. You then went behind the camera man to stay out of it. You then were tapped on the shoulder. You turned to see tbe other 3 guys-Moonbin, Eunwoo, and MJ- they jeld the tablet.
"She told us to come to you to fix it." MJ says. You grabbed the tablet as you breathed in then out staying calm. You set it up.
"You guys know what your doing right?" You say. They look at each other and shake their head. You then went next to them with your back faced to the camera. They were tall which made you look down a bit.
"So, your follow all the hints and it'll lead you to the end, but as you go you should make sure to check for check points and prize tickets. Arraseo?" You say. They then smile as you slightly glance at them and they nod. You gave Moonbin the tablet and he slightly touched your hand making you blush as you slowly pulled your hand away and looked down. Moonbin slightly smiled as he held onto the tablet. You then went back to find the others.
"Wow, shes pretty cute." Moonbin says. MJ then lightly hit Moonbin on the shoulder.
"Yah, your on camera." He says lightly. Moonbin then nodded and they contined. But Eunwoo, and MJ both knew Moonbin wasn't wrong.
You were walking behind JinJin, Sanha, and Rocky as you held a flashlight and one of them did. Then something jumped out making Sanha jump back stumbling into you.
"Oh! Joesonghabnida!" He says as he stood up. He helped you up as he grabbed your hand making you and him blush. The guys watched as they stared at you blushing slightly.
All three guys thought seeing you blush and look down. Sanha let go slowly and cleared his throat.
"Joesonghabnida.. I didn't mean to stumble and fall on you.. How would I repay you?"
"A-Ani, its alright. Everyone gets a little scared." You say. The three guys smile lightly at your sweetness.
"Shall we continue." You say. They then nod and the 6 of you continue.
"(Y/n), the other guys need you."
The radio scared the 3 guys you were with as they jumped. You grabbed it and then lowered it.
"Joesonghabnida, I have to go. I'll be back." She says. They then watched her leave as they felt kinda sad.
"I like her." Sanha says. The other guys lightly elbowed Sanha. He then pouted a bit before they continued.
"Aish.. They're so far away.." You say. You were looking around confused you were in the right place it says their tablet was there. Then it began moving towards you. You then were grabbed on the shoulders as if someone was trying to scare you.
"Boo~!" You turned around not scared thinking it was your friend until you were very close to MJ you ended up slightly jumping back but the closeness stayed as he smiled.
"I got you!" He says. You let him believe he got you as you blushed. He then let go of you and grabbed the tablet. He went next to you very closely.
"I got lost, since I took the tablet from Moonbin.. I ended up losing track of where I was going and can't find them.." He says. You looked at the map on the tablet. You sighed.
"Uhm~~ Do you know where you were before you found me?" You say. He then shakes his head. You sigh and then look around.
"Hold on." You say. You then grabbed your radio.
"Yah, MyungJun-ssi is lost. And he has tbe tablet so I cant find the other guys. Can you check the cameras." You say into it. You then hear a long sigh and slightly smile.
"Thank you~." You say. You then wait and MJs is over your shoulder watching you waiting.
"They're at camera 3." She says. You then look at the camera.
"Arraseo. Thank you." You say looking at the number camera you were at.
"We're at camera num--." You turned to MJ only to have your nose touching slightly. You blushed and then looked away. He smiled slightly and then chuckled.
"Camera number 7.." You finished. He then nods and the two of you walk back to the others, you stayed silent as you kept no eye contact with MJ as you looked away from him.
"I got lost." MJ says to the guys when the two of you got there. Eunwoo and Moonbin seemed they just had the fright of their life. They fixed themselves seeing you.
"Arraseo. I've gotta go now." You say as you began walking. But then you were grabbed by the hand. You looked seeing Eunwoo.
"Ani. We're off track now, we need help." He says not wanting you to go. He pulled you over to him and let go when you guys were close. You moved back slightly.
"Arraseo... Just for a bit, I do have to take care of the others guys.." You say as you looked up at him as you blushed. He slightly blushed and smiled lightly.
~~Time Skip~~
It had slipped your mind a bit that they were one of your favorite kpop idol groups and you could talk and interact with them. But it came back when you'd get shy. But then your walkie went off again.
"Yah~ The others are almost out. You have to be there." She says. You then stopped and then looked at the guys. They waved to you and you left with a smile and blush.
"Oh, (Y/n)-ssi when did you come back? Where did you go?" Rocky says. You look at him blushing as he was talking to you using your name and everything.
"Oh, Myungjun-ssi got lost." You say. They nodded. He grabbed your hand pulling you over to him. He held you closely.
"Help us read this." He says. You look at it. You had never seen this hint at all, you knew there were hints but didn't know what they said, this one didn't make sense.
"Oh! Read it downward." You say. They then began to read it downward. Rocky smiled and gave a small hug to you. You blushed and slightly smiled. He then let go and you stepped back stepping on someones foot.
"Oh! Im sorry!" You say as you turned around. You stared at JinJin who was leaning on the wall now. You paniced. But the other guys started moving. You then went over and grabbed his arm as you put it around your shoulder. You blushed as did he and you helped him walk with the rest of the guy. The two of you were slower. When the two of you were out after the other guys had gone. You sat him down.
"Joesonghabnida. I didn't mean to step on your foot." You say. He then smiles lightly and shakes his head.
"Its okay, it'll get better. Dont worry, arraseo." He says. You smiled lightly and nodded. He then ruffled your hair as you blushed and chuckled.
"Yah! (Y/n) your mum is here!" Your friend says. You then nodded and waved to the guys as you left. Your friend went over to all the guys who were standing except for JinJin.
"Is she single.." They all say quietly. She then looks at them in surprise and starts to laugh.
"What kinda question is that? Ever since shes found you guys shes been the lonliest person I've meet." ((Okay, so Im not say this is any of you.. But this is me thats pretty much what my friends say to people at least my old friends~)) She says. The guys then nod and smile at having a chance.
~~The end~~
Another chapter!! Finally it has come~
I was busy.. Really busy and like I was so sucked into the Eunwoo Imagines..
Hes not mah bias but you know its a pretty good and interesting idea I got XD
But anyways!!
Thats all!! Bai~ Love chu~
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