Astro☆August 16, 2017☆
Already, I've got 3k.
Also! I made that Video *wink wink*
So yeah, I'll be doing the entire group on odd numbers. So yeah!!
Here we go!
Basically. The 1st time where they met and stuff, you know. This is like a second part to that so Yeah~
Of course, there's no end. That's why you imagine what happens after the parts, I'll be putting something that says~
~Imagination moment~
Meaning, that the end of what happens before you go while with thing, it all depends who your Bias is so yeah.
After the Imagination moment, I skip to the next day with a different member. But if your imagination went a bit you know the whole candy coated rejection thing..
Then you can proceed until you find you Bias~!
Then the whole thing will chang next time.
You would always go to the D.Store, its like essential for you the go there everyday. Sometimes you'd be asked by individuals because they were a bit bored in breaks, but you always ended up getting attention from everyone, and staying for much longer than intended since you had nothing better too do. Today, was a specific request by MJ.
"MJ I'm he--." You were cut off when he covered your mouth. He then held his finger up to his lips and pulled you outside, and a bit away from the store. He then uncovered your mouth and smiled.
"What was that all about?" You asked. He then wrapped his arm around you making you jump.
"I just want to be alone with you today.." He says. You then slightly blush as you look at him smiling at you.
"W-Wae.." You say. He then sighed a bit happily.
"Because every time I ask for you to come, everyone comes to you, so I can't do anything really." He says. You then slightly nod nervously.
"So what are we doing today?" You asked him. He then smiled as he grabbed your hand and then dragged you to where he wanted to go with you.
In the end the two of you ended up walking around a lot joking and talking about random things. Which led the both of You to a Cafe. He took you inside and smiled as he went to go get the drinks, knowing what you liked. You sat there bored as you looked out the window as you waited, not knowing 5 other guys watching you from their hiding spots outside. Then MJ came back and smiled.
"So, I guess this is the end of our outing since its dark." You say as you looked at him. He then sighed in a bit of disappointment.
"Yeah.. Apparently.. And I guess... I'd considered this a date." He says as he blushed lightly smiling at you. You then kinda chocked on your drink as you looked at him.
"I-Its what I see it as! Don't die just for something like that! It wasn't that bad to say... I-I like you... A lot..." He says as he frowns a bit nervously and blushing. You then sighed a bit as you looked at him blushing slightly holding back how nervous you were. You got up and sat beside him.
~Imagination Moment~
-The next day-
After yesterday you had felt a bit nervous about going to the D.Store, but Today. JinJin called you to come. So you decided to go. When you did, the store was closed, which confused you. Then you got tapped on the shoulder. You turned around as you smiled.
"Hey, yeah, the stores closed for today, there were some difficulties with a couple of things. Anyways, let's go." He says as he Looks at you with a smile. You then nod as you and him began walking, it was the way to the library. He then stopped at the pond from last time.
"I wanted to show you something." He says as he grabs your hand and pulls you over to The side where you and him were when you and him went with the duckling. When the two of you were there he smiled as he pointed at to somewhere. You looked and then smiled as you observed the ducks.
"See the one to the left, thats ours." He says as he gripped your hand. You blushed and smiled as you Observed the duck ah had grown just barely since the last time.
"How do you know for sure though?" You say. He then looks at you and smiled as he put this hand in the water.
"Hello there, nice to see you again." He whisper shouts. The duck then looked there way and sat there for a bit before slowly going over there.
"After that day, I always came here so, she got used to seeing me. She knows me more now." He says as he rubbed the head of the duck and then sat down as he took his shoes off along with his socks and rolled up his pants as he sat down near the edge and put his legs in there to make it more comfortable.
"Yah~ JinJin, I dont think we can do that." You say. He then looked at you and shrugged. You then sighed as you looked around seeing really no one and then did as he did sitting down. He then took it out of the water and then held it. You then smiled as you went over and rubbed its head. It rejected you want times but you were determined to win it's love.
"Come in. I raised you for about 15-20 minutes~." You whined a bit as you kept going. Then JinJin smiled as he put his hand on top of yours and then led you to rubbing the ducky. Then the duck calmed down as it sat there with no reaction allowing it. He then let go of your hand and smiled at how Happy you were.
"You just need to be relaxed.. Your her mum and I'm her dad.. Parents have to be calm and patiedooror there kids to fully be grown." He says as he put the duck down and grabbed your hand slightly. You blush as you look at him.
"(Y/n)... I think... One day.... I'd actually.. Like us to be... Together.. I r-really like you.." He says as he smiled and blushed trying to make it seem he wasn't nervous at all. You then slightly stared at him wide eyed as you really felt overwhelmed since, somewhat of the same thing happen yesterday with MJ. You blushed and stared as you opened your mouth to talk as you started thinking of what you wanted to say.
~Imagination Moment~
-Next Day-
You didnt feel like going out today. You called Moonbin to come over since you always felt... Wait.. Kinda felt comfortable when he was around more than the others a least, especially when you had problems and needed to talk. Then the door bell rang. You popped up from your bed and then ran to the door. You opened it seeing Moonbin with a smile.
"Hey (Y/n). So what's wrong?" He says coming in. You then closes the door and then sighed as you went to your couch and sat down as you pulled your hood over your head and squeezed the laces shut, for some reason it always relieved your stress because you felt like a new person when you would put your arms inside and then put them to your head and pop out like a present.
(A/n No, I dont do it a lot.. But the sensation of feeling new always goes through me when I get stuck XD
Little sis: Well congrats you just came out as an idiot! Feel new yet -.- )
"What are you doing?" He says. You then looked at him as you stopped your actions and then sighed as you felt nervous talking to him about since the two were his friends.
"Well... Its not my problem.." You say trying not to make it seem. He obviously saw through it as he shrugged and nodded sitting down.
"My friend... She.. Was confessed to by TWO guys... And.. They're both her friends... But she rejected both of them nicely of course... And I... I MEAN SHE is too afraid to face them..." You say. Moonbin then nods listening and processing.
"Well.. A rejection is a rejection.. They're bond to be hurt." He says. You then look at him and frown. He then chuckles lightly as he pulled you into a hug slightly.
"I was kidding.. They're your friends.. They'll understand so dont avoid them.. Your heart is still choosing who you want.. You need time.." He says. You then look at him and nod. Then realize he was saying you the whole time.
"Yeah I'll tell HER that.." You say even though you've failed. He then laughs lightly as he smiled at you a bit.
"Well come on. You want to see them right." He says. You then nod and then put your shoes on. The two of you then walked out of your house as you walk towards the D.Store. When you got there it was closed but the lights were on. Then the two of you went inside as you saw the guys fixing some stuff. Then they looked at the door.
"(Y/n)!" Everyone but, Moonbin, MJ, and JinJin call out. You then smile as you wave. Then you sat down and they did as well. The 7 of you then began talking as you saw that MJ and JinJin didnt really say much.
"Can I ask everyone something..." You say. Everyone looks at you and then nods. You then clear your throat feeling nervous.
"N-No matter what..." You started. You then looked over at MJ and JinJin as they looked at you.
"W-We'll still be best friends right.." You say. They then look at you for a bit and nod. MJ and JinJin smile slightly as they nod along with everyone. You then smile brightly as you pulled them into a small hug. As all of you continue Talking Moonbin slightly taps your shoulder.
"Can I talk to you right now. Outside real quick." He whispers slightly. You then nod smiling as the two of you went outside.
"Before.. Its too late.. I want you to know.." He says as he shyly looked down. You then look at him tilting your head a bit to see some of his face, it was all red.
"I like you!" He says slightly yelling as he looked at you with a nervous red face. You then stare at him as you blush. You felt like being there kinda slowly broke all of your friendships since 3 of them so far liked you. You then gulp as you stare at him not knowing what to say.
~Imagination Moment~
-2 Days Later-
Since you felt too much on you, you went to your mums house for a couple of days so you could regain the peace and carefree mind you once had. But to your luck all three of their confessions stuck in your head. You opened your door and took in the smell of dust.
"Geez... I was gone for 2 days and already this... Well I barely cleaned before so.. Eh.." You say talking to yourself. You then shut the door and then go to your room as you slam on the bed and go to sleep slightly.
You wake up to a bunch of knocking at your door. You then looked outside seeing it was still day time as you got up and then went to the door. When you opened it you saw a back, who ever it was, was about to leave but you opened the door. He then turned back around and smiles.
"(Y/n)! I knew I saw you! At first I thought someone broke in so I got worried." Eunwoo says as he smiled at you. You then slightly get taken back as you put your arm up blocking the light that shined in your face.
"Is it just me.. Or is this too bright of a day.." You say. He then laughed a bit as you opened the door all the way letting him in. He then smiles as he went in. You then shut the door as you went in with him. The two of you sat on the couch as you sighed laying your head on the arm rest and curled up. He then looked at you as you turned the TV on and watched it.
"So, where did you go?" He says. You then look at him and then put the remote down and sat up.
"I went to my Eommas house. Wae?" You say. He then slightly nods as he looks at the TV.
"Well Moonbin seemed a bit sad that you left, do you know what's wrong with him?" He says. You then look at him and then gulp a bit as you shake your head.
"You sure.." He Says as he got a bit closer to you. You then tensed up as you stared into his eyes.
"ALRIGHT! I KNOW!" You yelled. He then nods as he smiled at you a bit.
"You know... One of the reason why I like you is because you can't lie.. And you look adorable trying to hold it all in." He says. You then nervously chuckle and then stop as you blush and look at him realizing what he said. He seemed calm about it as he smiled slightly blushing as he watched the TV. The two of you sat in silence, an awkward silence. You wanted him to leave so you could casually scream your head off, but you were too nervous to even use the bathroom.
Then then the sun was down, you were so happy. He got up and then stretched. You then slightly got up as you and him walked to the door. When the two of you got to the door be looked at you.
"I still haven't heard anything from you.. What I said is what I meant to say.. And seeing how uncomfortable you are.. I'd say this a rejection.. Unless your too shy." He says as he sheepishly smiles a bit, with a slight sadness as he looked at you seeing what you would reply to him.
[A/N: At this moment.. My arm started to hurt.. Hopefully nothing bad happens. I'm also sick so if something does happen.. I hope all of these 👼 will bless me with a gift of FEELING BETTER]
~Imagination Moment~
-Next Day-
The next day you kinda sighed in relief. Seeing as Eunwoo was pretty fine with what happened which made you less worried and one less member to worry about facing.
'I bet he was okay because he's good-looking and has done some more things than just working at a small store..... They always catch someone's heart like that..'
You thouvht as You went for a walked stretching and yawning you then felt something on your head. You slightly look up seeing a hat. Then you turn to the side being face to face with Sanha who smiled. You jumped and then smiled as you stopped looking up at him.
"Good morning (Y/n)!" He says sweetly. You then smile as you giggled slightly.
"Good morning to you too!" You say. He then walked beside you as you took the hat off your head.
"What's this for?" You say. He then smiles slightly as he blushed and looked at you.
"Its a new hat, this one doesn't fly away." He says as he grabbed it and then put it back on you. You smiled as you chuckle.
"Hey, you gotta admit. If it were for the fly hat, we wouldn't be best friends before I found out you guys all worked together." You say. He then nods and smiled happily. The two of you went on and talked about what happened the past few days, but you didnt mention anything about the 2/3 of the group confessing to you.
"Hey.. (Y/n) I noticed your a bit out of it.. And you don't come to the D.Store like normal... Your not leaving are you.." He says. You then look at him and felt bad making him feel bad.
"Ani! I wouldn't leave at all! I just been having some difficulties in life.." You say he then slightly nods as he sighs in a bit if relief.
"I dont want you to go.. I like having you around.." He says blushing you then blush as you smile and then stand in your tippy toes as you ruffled his Hair.
"Thanks, thats nice to hear. Anyways, I should get going. I have a drama that I dont want to miss in a couple of minutes. I'll see you tomorrow!" You say as you waved and left. He smiled as he waved back and watched as you left.
When you for hone you had been ready, before you left you decide to get snacks out and make sure to have a blanket and some tissues near you. You then took your hat that Sanha gave you off and then went to set it down, but then you saw something that caught your eyes. It was written in black, you blushed as you stared at what it said.
'사랑해 - Sanha♥'
As you read it, there was a light knock at your door. You jumped and gulped as you slowly walked over and opened the door. There Sanha stood blushing as he looked down.
"You read it... Right..." He says as he Slightly looked at you. You then nodded slightly and blushed.
~Imagination Moment~
-About an hour after Sanha confessed to You-
You had stayed in your house watching your show, but you were really focused on that. You were focused on the fact that 5/6 guys like you now. You thought about all there faces on how you said a rejection to Each of them.
"Aish! Why me!" You yelled out as you grabbed a couch pillow and then screamed into it. You then turned the TV off as you laid down on the couch with a frown. Then you hear music outside.
"Aish... Kids these days have no respect... But what good music.. Sounds familiar.." You say. Then you get up and look out the window. Then you see Rocky dancing right outside your house with other people watching him. You then slightly smiled as you rolled your eyes playfully and then went outside.
"Yah, Rocky what are you doing?" You say. He then looked at you and then grabbed your hand as he began to dance with you.
"Hello there Ms. (L/n)." He says jokingly. You then danced with him slightly as you smile.
"So where have you been the past days, you haven't come to see me, I feel hurt." He says being dramatic still with his joking tone. You then giggle a bit as the song ends. He then faced you as he held on to you still. He then stood in front of you as he put your hand up and then kissed it as he winked. You then blush as you slightly smiled looking at him. Everyone clapped and then Rocky look outward and then bowed along with you. Then everyone went on there way.
You and Rocky walked as you sighed and put your head down. He looked at you as he was a bit curious.
"What's wrong?" He says. You then looked at him feeling you could tell him.
"Well... Sanha... JinJin.. MJ.. Moonbin.. And Eunwoo.. They all sorta have a thing for me.. And I feel bad for rejecting them.. Well expect Eunwoo.. He seemed like he knew it was coming?" You say thinking about them and then feeling a bit clueless about Eunwoo thinking about what you thought earlier.
"Well... He's good looking.. So maybe thats why..." Rocky says. You then look at him and smiled giggling lightly.
"Thats what I thought." You say. He then chuckles as he smiled at you.
"So they all fessed up.." He mumbles only knowing about MJs confession since they were there to watch it. You look at him wondering what he had said. He then looked at you blushing.
"So who recently confessed to you.." He asked. You then blushed as you sighed.
"It was Sanha.... It was about an hour or so ago.." You say. He then looks at you a bit shocked in a way.
'Maybe.... I should wait a while..'
He thought as he nodded. You and him then kept walking as it was just pretty awkward for him, you didnt understand why it was awkward but it just happened. The two of you walked back to your house, he dropped you off then left thinking.
-About 1 Week later-
You were walking to the D.Store when you got stopped by an arm. You looked and smiled seeing Rocky.
"Hello there my favorite D.Store supporter." He says. You then chuckled lightly as you observed what he looked like. Exactly how the two of you first met.
"Oh wow, what were you doing? Your hair is stuck to your forehead." You say as you giggled. He then smiled as he stood out a bit.
"I was dancing of course. Would you like to see!" He says. You then nod as you sat down. He handed you a speaker and then put a thumbs up. You pressed the play button and music started as he began dancing.
"Woah! Amazing!" You say as you clap. He then smiled sitting next to you. You then give him his towel and water bottle.
"So what was all this for?" You say. He then blushes as he smiles.
"This is my way of showing you..." He looks at you as he gulped a bit.
"That I.... I really like you as well.." He says. You then look at him and stare at his blushing face. But he seemed relieved to get it out, meaning he was holding it in for sometime which made you feel a bit bad.
~Imagination Moment~
-The End-
[3716 words]
Mind commenting your imagination story with your bias~~
This is the longest one I've ever done so yeah!
Enjoy this~~
Thank you for reading and supporting this book~
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