((This story came to me while making my wish at 11:11 :> Yes I do believe in that stuff, its nice to feel like something could happen and remember some wishes of yours twice a day at a certain time. Helps my Mental Health, which is what I am learning about in Health :,) Update on life, I am a highschooler and it sucks and This is just week 2... Hopefully I post this on week two if not then week 3 ))
"Hey what are you doing?" You asked as you looked at Sanha. He then parted his hands and then checked the time.
"11:12." He says lightly. You were confused as you tilted your head. He then looked at you and widely smiled.
"My grandmother always told me to make a wish at 11:11! She said if I did one day my wish will come true!" He says. You then smiled mesmerized by the information.
"Thats so cool! Okay! Then lets make a wish together next time!" You say. He then nodded happily as the two of you sat on the bed watching the sky.
~~19 Years Later~~
"Come on (Y/n), 23 years old and still making wishes at this time. They wont come true!" Your bestfriend says. You then chuckled as you closer your eyes and made a wish.
'I wish.. We could've had a day to make one last wish..'
You then wished hard as you then heard the ding signaling it was 11:12. You then went over to your friend.
"23 years old and I still have a childish way of doing things that I'd like to keep instead of become a boring adult like you." You say as you ruffled her hair. She then rolled her eyes as she fixed her hair and opened a book.
"I am glad that we got an apartment together and decided to actually go through with out dreams when we were in the 6th grade but could you at least grow up just a bit. You'll embarrass me here." She says as she sighed. You then stared at her blankly and then went to the front door and opened the door.
"I am leaving bye." She says. You then laughed as you held her back with a smile.
"Come on! Its not like anyone is actually listening! The owner says that only us and two other people live on his floor so its not like it matters to them." You say. She then sighed as she nodded and then put her things down.
"Now come on, we should go to bed. Now." She says as she grabbed her things again and brought them to her room closing her door behind her. You then sighed before you went to your messy room. You then began to clean up.
"Wow, looks like someone likes making wishes like you do." The neighbor says. Sanha then looked at his bestfriend and then smiled a bit.
"I guess. But still don't try anything, I don't want to date any girl, not while I am waiting for the right one." He says as he was sat on the ledge of the window. His bestfriend then chuckled softly and nodded.
"Well dude, I am gonna hit the hay, maybe tomorrow we can go and great the dreamer fanfic." He says before he went to his room. Sanha nodded a bit as he watched him leave and then got up himself as he went to his room and then out to his little balcony. He sighed and then looked to the side at the balcony for next door. He heard some music and then some paining noises making him chuckle before he went back in closing it and then going to bed.
"I am gonna go get groceries!" You say as you grabbed your friends money and then quickly left. She was in the bathroom and didnt hear you. You then left without a care.
"Hey (Y/n), help me bl—." She looked around the room and then the house. She then sighed and then heard a knock at the door. She then went to the door.
"Yah! I am not letting you in! Leaving without telling me!" She yelled before walking to her room and continuing what she was doing.
"Well.. I guess two girls live here, lucky us.. Well me." Sanhas friend says as the two were outside. Sanha then shrugged as he began to walk back. His friend stayed and waited.
When you got back you smiled and then stopped seeing a guy outside of your door.
"YAH! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU! SHE DOESNT LI—.. Oh wrong person." You say as you looked at the guy up close. He then chuckled as he looked you up and down.
"Yeah, well I am your neighbor! Well one of them, the other guy he is shy so he wont be joining me to greet!" He says. You then nodded and then unlocked the door as you opened it.
"Yah, where ha—.... Wow.. You leave for about 30 minutes and you've already got a guy." She says as she looked at you and then waved. You then smiled as you went over and sat down laying down on her lap.
"He is the neighbor. Well 1 out of 2 neighbors. He lives with his friend like us." You say with a smile. She then pushes you making you fall to the ground as she stood up and smiled going over to the neighbor.
"Welcome, I am Lua, and this is (Y/n)." She says happily. You then stood up and then walked to the bathroom.
"Well I am Myungjun, and my roomie is Sanha." He says. Just then there were some footsteps and then Sanha was visible, well his head as he looked int the room.
"Oh there he is! Thats Sanha!" He says as he went over and wrapped his arm around him and brought him in. Then his phone began to ring. Myungjun let go and then Sanha left as you came out of the bathroom. The two looked at you as you were looking down.
"Whats wrong?" Lua asked as she went over to to you. You then sniffed as you hugged her.
"My dad.. Got into an accident and.. He didn't make it.. My aunt just called.." You say as you cried. She then hugged you and rubbed your back as she gestured for the neighbor to leave. He then nodded and then closed the door as he left. When he went to his apartment he saw Sanha standing frozen.
"Whats wrong?" He asks. Sanha then looked at him and then away. He let out a sigh.
"Something bad happened.. Its kinda personal though so dont worry about it.." He says as he walked to his room. Myungjun blinked and the shrugged. Sanha then closed and locked his door. He then sighed as he sat on the bed.
"Hm.. First her mother.. Then her father.. I dont think this is the right time to see her though.. I shouldn't be so glad we have a reason to actually see each other.." He says sighing in slight guilt. Then he looked at the time.
"Time to make a wish." He says as he stood up and went towards his balcony. He then stopped when he heard a faint voice that was a slight whisper and listened.
"E-Eleven eleven.. I know a wish doesnt work when it is said outloud but d-dad will hear it if I do r-right.. Well I hope you are doing good in heaven.. I wish I could've seen you ine last time before you left.. I-I dont even know what happened.. B-But I wish.. Maybe.. Just maybe something.. Anything will go good from me l-leaving.. Maybe I am being childish like Lua says.. M-Maybe wishing at this time is a waste.. C-Cause nothing ever comes true.. Why.. W-Why am I still making thee stupid wishes anymore.. N-None of then would bring you back.. I-I am done with it.. I love you.. Dad." You say as you were sat down hugging your knees on the balcony. You sniffed and wiped your face before you stood up. You then heard the balcony right next to you door open quickly as you looked.
"No! If you give up then your wishes will be certain to never come true!" You then jumped as you looked at the neighbor. Your watery eyes were too much for you to see who it was.
"O-Oh.. You heard what I said.. Y-You wouldn't understand.. Ive been making wishes since I was 4! And so far one after another all of my wishes become the opposite in reality.. I am 23 years old.. If I contnued to believe in this stuff I am going to be looked at as a joke.." You say as you looked down. He couldn't see your face clearly since it was dark and your head was down.
"Ive been making wishes since I was 5.. And I vowed to never give up.. Ever since my grandmother died.. Ive always made a wish.. No matter where I am.. I may be 24 but I still have a heart because of all this. So you shouldnt give up.." He says. You then looked up at him squinting your eyes. You then sighed as you rubbed them and walked over. He started to make out what was in front of him. When the two of you were at the ends of the balcony facing each other it was all so clear. Your eyes widened as you stared at Sanha. He then blinked a bit.
"(Y/n).." He says. You then blinked a bit and then looked down and away from him. He was confused as he thought you'd be happy to see him.
"Sanha.. Im sorry.. I never meant for us to see each other again like this.. I think I should head inside.." You say as you turned. He then reached over and grabbed your arm pulling you back.
(A/N: Just in case you are wondering how the heck did he reach over and not get put in some serious danger.
Balconies are pretty close together so yeah! Now that its cleared up back to the story!))
"Come on, lets talk for a bit. Dont bottle it up, just let it out. We were bestfriends since childhood.. Just because its been years since we've seen each other doesnt mean you cant talk and trust me." He says. You then sniffed as you hugged him and slightly began to cry as you chuckled a bit.
"I guess a couple of years means 19 years now." You say. He then sighed as he rested his chin on your head.
"Do you want to come over here or I go over there." He says. You then let go as you climbed over and wiped your face.
"I kinda.. Messed up my room.. So lets go over here." You say. He then nodded and then wrapped his arm around you as the two of you walked into his room. You observed his room as he was picking up some things. You then went over as you pulled his covers off of his bed entirely.
"Yah, what are you doing?!" He says as he looked at you. You then gave him a small smile as you shrugged and continued until you finished your blanket fort. You then went inside and sat down.
"Sannie, Ill be waiting here." You say from inside. He then chuckled as he went over and went inside. You were sitting inside as you hugged your legs with you chin resting on your knee. He sat next to and sighed.
"Well (N/N), what is bothering you?" He says. You then sighed as you rested your head on his shoulder and let go of your legs and putting then straight.
"The bad things won't go away.. Its always me.. Everyone else is so happy and then when I am my happiest.. Its ruined.." You say as you frowned. He then wrapped his arms around you and held you close to his chest.
"In life there are many hardships.. There is always a rainbow after every storm, so just believe that things will get better.. And promise me you wont give up on our wishing time." He says. You then smiled slightly hugged back giving him a real squeeze before you let go and then nodded.
"Okay.. I guess I believe you, and I guess I wont give up.." You say. He then smiled and then hugged you again. You then laid in his embrace and hugged back.
~~A Few Weeks Later~~
You stood silently and gloomy as you watched your dads casket go down and into his grave. Many people were crying. Sanha stood next to you as he held your hand, but you. You felt lifeless. You felt alone. No matter who was there to pay their respects, it all made you feel..
Before you knew it you were sitting alone outside as it started to rain. Your aunt then went over to you.
"Sweetie.. Come on. You'll get sick." She says as she grabbed your hand and out her umbrella over you. You then slowly pulled your hand away.
"Im.. Fine.. Thank you.." You say. She then sighed as she looked at you. She then pulled out a piece of paper.
"This is for you.. It wad for your dad but now it goes to the last family member.." She says. It was an envelope. It was still fresh well besides the new raindrops that landed on it, meaning she hadnt looked inside. You then nodded and grabbed it and held it. She then left. You looked at the envelope and then opened it.
"We are sorry to say.. Blah blah.. You owe 150 million dollars to the bank?!" You stared at the letter with wide eyes. You didnt have that type of money at all.
(A/N: honestly dont feel like converting that into won right now so I dont care its still 150 MILLION DOLLARS!))
You shoot up and then gripped the paper as you made your way to the exit to leave the cemetery. Everyone was under umbrellas talking to one another. None of then really noticed you.
But Sanha did.
He ran over to you and grabbed your arm pulling you under the umbrella he was holding.
"Yah, you are going to get sick!" He says. You then couldn't help it. You cried. Sanha stared at you as he then let go of the umbrella and hugged you. You've never cried like this, he has never seen it before which scared him.
"Y-You're wrong!" You yelled. As you pushed him away. He stared at you as you were sad, and maybe a bit mad.
"Y-Youre.. Wrong! There isn't a rainbow after every storm! There is just more and more bad things!" He stood silent as he let you go off.
"Just bad things! Bad things are everywhere! Maybe not for everyone.. or you! They're there for me! And I am suffering alone!" You say as tears and raindrops streamed down your face.
"Im alone.. I have no one.. I'll never have anyone.. No one loves me.. Everyone is going to le—." You were cut off when Sanha wrapped his arms around you pulling you to him and then kissing you. You stared at him as you started to lighten up as the rain slowly stopped. He then pulled away as he sighed.
"I love you!" He yelled out. You stared at him still and with wide eyes. He then kissed you again. Your eyes soften as you closed them. He then pulled away as he opened his eyes and looked at you. You opened your and sniffed.
"Im sorry.." You say. He then smiled softly as he began to fix your hair a bit.
"Its okay.. Everything will be okay.. We will get through this together." He says as he grabbed your hand. You then nodded as you smiled a bit. Then your aunt came over as she looked worried. She then stopped on something. She looked and then picked up the paper in the letter. She then looked at you.
"Oh dear. Your father doesnt know how to stop these things..." She says as she sighed. You looked at her and sighed. She then smiled.
"Your father has some things, like antiques that could go into stores or a museum. They're a lot so just give them away and all your problems will he fixed, its what he did when he was in this situation when your mom died." She says as she pattd your head. You then smiled and felt relieved as you hugged her. She then chuckled and shivered due to your wetness.
"Okay, now you need to get home and changed your clothes. You'll get sick." She says as she takes off her small jacket and put it on you. You nodded and smiled. You then went to Sanha again.
"I'll take you home." He says. You nodded as you grabbed his hand and then began to leave with him. As you walked to his car the sky had cleared. You looked up and then smiled lightly.
"I guess there is a rainbow after every strom.." You say softly. He then looked at you and then the sky. He smiled and chuckled as he kissed your head and then the two of you continued to get in the car.
~~The end~~
Lesson of the Story:
When things get tough. Just know that life is filled with hardships and even if they are back to back, everything happens for a reason. You might meet someone who make it all worth it in the end. Or you just believed and stayed alive long enough to witness a beautiful ending of how things turn out. So dont give up and remember you are not alone and there are many people who love you :>
Like me I love you all, even if we are the bestest of friends or friends in general, we are all here for a reason and I am glad to have you guys here in my life :)
im sorry I got deep and now I am crying while writing this.
I genuinely like this story I think its my fav 💕
Okay well its good to be back. I love you guys.
Expect another in a few days!!!
((I am going to sleep now hope you enjoy this and give positive feedback or not lol See ya!!))
P.s. Sorry for the late night chapters ^~^ I bet you guys werent expecting it lol
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