What's Going On
I shoved the gun back in the drawer scared it might go off. Do you like your room? I turned and seen max standing behind me ya I love it I smiled. He was still shirtless wearing nothing but boxers I'm gonna hop in the shower get ready brin dinners at 5 their should be some clothes in the closet so ya max said shyly inhaling in his inhaler, he walked out of my room going down the hall to a different room. I looked through the closet til I ran into a nice little red dress all lacy at the top then I set the dress on the bed then headed into the bathroom that was connected to my bedroom, the bath was huge with jets and heaters so pretty much a indoor hot tub. I shut the door and got undressed and cried looking at the scars and burns left on my body. I heard a knock on the door it was Giovanni you ok brin he asked ya I'm fine I mumbled through the door, I heard him walk away then I turned the water on filling up the bath, I got into the nice warm water.
When I was all done I hopped out feeling so clean I haven't taken a shower in a very long time. I got into the dress then curled my hair with the curling iron on the desk by the mirror then I pulled a nice necklace with a black pearl on the end out of my bag and put it on my neck, then I put round diamond earrings on my ears then walked down stairs in flats so I won't trip like the clumsy person I am.
Max was waiting at the bottom of the stairs wearing a suit and tie with his hair brushed nicely, his face turned to wonder when I walked slowly down the stairs trying not to slip and fall, when max got to the bottom he placed his hand in mine walking me over to the long shiny table with so much food on it it reminded me of thanksgiving are we eating all of this I asked and everyone at the table giggled well are you hungry is the question Giovanni said to me with a wink. I sat down and noticed about 20 people sitting at the table all looked Italian but me of course.
Max sat next to me pushing in my chair and handing me a wine glass with dark red colored wine, I lifted the glass examining the wine do you uh actually drink this I asked max in disgust sí he laughed taking a sip of his. I've never had wine before so I slowly brought the edge of the glass to my mouth slowly tipping it til I tasted the wine in my mouth, a strong bitterness tart swished in my mouth. It was like biting into a green apple that wasn't ready to eat yet, I couldn't handle the taste no more making me spit it out of my mouth across the table all over Giovanni, everyone laughed and fell over in their chairs feeling a little sad today Giovanni? cause you keep wine- ing Bartolo laughed making fun of Giovanni, Giovanni glared at Bartolo making him laugh even harder.
I handed Giovanni a napkin then he wiped his face of. We passed the food around the table there was mashed potatoes and steak and a bunch more food, I looked down at all the food on my plate I can't fit anymore food on my plate theirs to much. When I finally finished eating I cleared my plate then me and max walked upstairs, follow me I know a secret place that me and you can go max said with a smirk then grabbing my hand and leading me to a room.
He covered my eyes then removed his hands revealing a room full of sweets, chocolate covered strawberries, candy dots, pretzels, more snacks and a giant chocolate fountain mmm this is what you wanted to show me yummy I said eating a chocolate covered strawberry, max laughed sitting by me on the soft carpet with stacked trays of candy all around us. He grabbed three candies juggling them then letting them land into his mouth.
He threw candy into my mouth making me laugh. Brin sei bellissima max said to me sending chills down my spine, I didn't know what it meant but I didn't want to ruin the moment. Max had his hand on my chin looking at me then he leaned in slow turning his head slightly and shutting his eyes, I shut my eyes leaning in slow feeling the soft touch of his lips on mine with a minty and sweet touch then he slowly pulled away opening his eyes slowly and removing his hand from my chin I love your eyes their beautiful he whispered in my ear. Brin I promise I will never let you get taken again he said quietly, do you know them ? the guys that kidnapped us I asked. Yes I do and their not very fond of us, he wants to kill me but Giovanni won't let that happen max said quietly max why is their a gun in my room I asked randomly why crossing my arms with attitude so you can help me kick their ass like we're bonnie and clyde he smirked with a laugh making me laugh.
dinner and dessert was really good I loved it thanks max I said standing up and walking over to the door your welcome Italians are really good cooks max remarked I turned to him still standing by the door about to exit is that so well then your going to have to try my cooking sometime because I might just be better than you Italian cooks I said in a cocky tone and laughed a little challenge accepted, you better be ready tomorrow then. I turned back around grabbing the door knob brin I stopped turning the door knob yes? i asked brin will you stay here ?
hope you guys liked that chapter and the pic above is the closest thing I could find with people in a room full of candy...sorry it has Justin bieber in the pic bleuh. thanks for reading
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