The Dog
I was sitting on the road bawling I just want him to get up or move or even flinch. Nothing happened he just layed their as the sky got dark, I wanted to go tell my parents but I didn't want to leave bo's side so I held him as it started to rain. I wanted to take him inside out of the rain but I was afraid to move him. His shiny golden yellow eyes looked at me. His heart was still beating slowly.
It's-it's all my fault I thought in my head he's gonna die because I was to busy playing on my stupid ass phone. If I hurt him then I must save him, so I slid my arms under him and slowly lifted him. I held him like a little baby as I headed to the door soaking wet with a hurt dog in my arms. I pushed open the door and my mom about bumped into me about to go out the door with her keys in her hand. When she seen what had happened she dropped her keys and yelled for dad he came from the kitchen stopped and stared. I stood their crying and holding bo. My dad carefully took him from my arms and ran out the door and my mom followed behind. Stay here with your brother brin we'll be back later and make dinner k love you she said then hugged me and ran out the door. I watched out the window as they left. Kade came runing down the stairs,where's mom and dad? He asked. Kade I don't know how I'm going to tell you but...they took bo to the vet. W-what for he stuttered. He got a car when he went to cross the road kade I'm so sorry I didn't get to him in time I should've watched him more carefully I cried. I stood their hoping that a 9 year old would understand. He stood their looking at me with his eyes all shiny and sad with his eyebrows almost touching, a tear slowly ran down the right side of his face. It stayed quiet for along time, we decided we weren't very hungry and just went to are rooms. It was 7 and my parents were still gone which made me even more nervous that maybe something didn't go right. I layed in my bed praying that he'd be ok. But on the inside I had a feeling he wouldn't make it. Later that night I heard my the car pull in the driveway and seen the headlights flash past my window so I got up and ran down stairs. My parents walked in quietly but bo wasn't with them. They turned and seen me standing at the bottom of the stairs. Brin it's ok it's not your fault he was getting old and it was him time I'm so sorry but theirs nothing we could have done he didn't he didn't make it my dad said sadly. I'm gonna go to bed I said hugging my dad and mom goodnight then I ran upstairs and got in bed. I layed their thinking about bo and how much I'm going to miss him and I cried myself to sleep that night.
The next morning I walked to school tired and sad. The day went by slow and Jessica was still mad about what happened at the party so she just glared at me. On my way to 6th period max whispered in my ear follow me after school then he kept walking. After 6th period I got out of school and spotted max runing so I ran behind him. We ended up running through a field then jumping a fence and crossing the train tracks till we got to a little forest then he led me to a place with a tree house and a swing next to it. I stood their with a surprised look on my face well are u coming ! Max said excited then he ran and climbed the ladder to the tree house so I followed. When I got in the tree house i sat in the corner. Did you build this by yourself I asked. Yup the whole thing it's pretty awesome right he replied. Oh this is for you he said setting a box in front of me. I lifted the top off and a puppy sat in it looking at me smiling. It licked my face then barked. Well what do you think he asked. I don't want another dog I have a I yelled.I don't need your stupid dog here have him I said shoving the dog at him then I climbed out of the tree house and started crying. Max ran behind me trying to keep up as I ran home. When I got passed the train tracks he stopped chasing me and I got home and ran to my room.
I found a picture of bo licking my face when he was just a puppy and I was a kid at the time. My eyes watered and I buried my face in my pillow and sobbed. I picked at my food at dinner and stared down at my fork. Is their something wrong brin? My mom asked concerned, I just really miss bo I replied. I know we all miss I interrupted mom! I'm not really hungry I'm gonna go to my room. I layed in my bed then heard my phone going off it was Jessica! I pressed decline then put my headphones on and listened to my music as I layed in my bed.
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