So Grounded
Hey max you awake? I said tapping on max's shoulder, he turned to me covered in dirt still only wearing his boxers I'll take you home come on let's go max said getting up with his back aching. I followed behind him as we put the rest of are clothes back on and walked are way down the sidewalk.
I'm going to be in so much trouble I thought to myself. I got home around 9am everyone was still asleep so I ran upstairs and headed to the bathroom when I was stopped by a yell WHAT THE HELL ! Where have you been brin ? My dad scolded, my mom walked out of her room and looked me up and down you are so grounded! You didn't even ask if you could go out last night and you show up the next morning covered in dirt wearing a dirty skirt and a lacey top and you smell like you've been in a lake my mom scowled I couldn't help but giggle about the lake part.
Your grounded for a month brin no leaving the house dad said looking me up and down.
They walked back to bed and I continued to get in the shower.
After a nice clean shower I ran to my room and checked my facebook, I noticed max messaged me heres my number text me so I wrote down his number and texted him.
Me: hey
Max: hey want to hang out ?
Me: I can't I'm grounded :(
Max: that's a bummer. What if I came over that wouldn't count as you leaving the house ;)
Me: idk that's not a good idea I'm pretty sure they would ground me for longer.
Max: I have a idea ;]
Me: well what is this so called idea?
Max: pack a bag with clothes,food,water,flashlight and what ever you can't live without.
Me: why?
Max: you will See just do as I say.
Me: ok ok chill
I grabbed my black backpack and shoved clothes in it then I snuck downstairs and made 4 pb and j sandwiches. Then I grabbed crackers,cheetos and chocolate with a bag of pretzels. I ran upstairs and shoved the food in my bag with a flashlight my phone,speaker and my favorite book. I grabbed all my money I've been saving since Christmas $200 and shoved it in my wallet then I grabbed a blanket and gloves then put my black boots on with my dark red and gray jacket.
Me: ok I did everything you said now what ? :)
Max: now you wait til 8:00pm
Me: uh ok
Max: see you soon !
Me: wait what! See me ?
He didn't answer back so I waited then I went downstairs and ate dinner, after dinner I took a small nap then I watched tv in my room then I seen a laser shine through my window so I looked out my window. It was max standing outside holding a bag, I opened my window I can't hangout max I'll get in more trouble I whisper yelled.
Trust me just come out the window but keep the light on in your room and keep the tv on too he whispered so I left the light on and tv on then I threw my bag out the window and max caught it then I locked the door and crawled out the window onto the roof. I jumped off the roof and landed on the ground. Max handed me my bag so I put it on.
Come on follow me max requested, I started walking behind max through the night.
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