Risky Life
I followed max and got on the train. Inside the train cart was a lantern and 2 hay bails. We unpacked are bags and set up camp in the train cart.
We have a long way to go max said reaching in his bag for a snack so where are we going I asked petting the puppies soft head. Where ever you wanna go and where ever this train leads us he replied with excitement and a mouth full of crackers. We sat in the train using a hay bail as are table for a game of slap jack.
We played all the games we could think of patty cake, slap jack, 20 questions and we even had time to per-fect a secret handshake. We had pb and j sandwiches, the dog ate the same thing and was still struggling to eat the peanut butter off the roof of his mouth. We laughed at the dog licking and smacking his lips.
When it got late we sat on the side opening of the train with are legs hanging out. The train was moving fast past houses and towns. We talked about hobbes and the different places we would like to visit,max pulled out a map and marker and marked the different stops we were going to.
We closed the sliding door to the train cart and went to bed. I woke up to a loud screech of the train stopping on the tracks. I looked at my phone,it flashed the time 5:00am then I tapped on max. Hey max come on get up its are stop I said hitting him with a pillow,ow ok he said with attitude yawning and packing up.
I packed my bag and rolled up the sleeping bags. I felt a jerk of the train starting up again, I fell on the hay throwing my bag at the wall. Are you ok? come on we have to hurry max yelled in a panick yanking me up to my feet.
I ran and grabbed the dog running to the edge. I looked at max we have to jump max said looking at the fast moving ground. One.....two.....three max said, we jumped! I hit the gravel rolling into the weeds with the puppy in my arms. I heard the woot of the train as it sped by chugging down the tracks, I got up uneasy and in pain, the dog whimpered and looked at me covered in dirt.
I ran over to max who was lying in the dirt trying to get up, I reached my hand out helping max to his feet but he just fell back into the dirt. Dam my leg is broken max yelled looking at his left leg.
I set the dog down and put max's arm behind me lifting him up, I grabbed the dog and helped max. I walked down the tracks with max by my side and a dog on the other, we walked for a hour til I noticed a sign. When we got closer it read: helper town where the happy people live. Great does that mean Ronald mc Donald lives here I groaned with disgust. Max laughed then we walked to a road, the town looked like zombies have taken over, everything was old and dead looking.
We made are way to a little motel known as castle kingdom or so it lies, the motel smelled of dead animal carcass and weed like people have been lighting up in their rooms. A grumpy old man stood at the counter with a smug look on his face you here for a room he mumbled
What was that I asked are! You here for a room he snapped at me.
Oh yes I said handing him $20 in cash room 320 he mumbled handing me the key. I walked max and the dog to the room when we got in I about died. The walls were greasy and torn and the tv glitched, the door to the bathroom had bullet holes and the sheets smelled like fresh dog crap on a sunny day. Well this is great we shouldn't have jumped off that train I said sarcastically.
I sat max on a chair and wrapped his leg with a bandana the best I could. I headed to the bathroom to take a shower but changed my mind after finding some passed out drunk guy laying in the tub. Max uh theirs some guy passed out in the tub...well I think he's passed...I hope he's just passed out cause he's not uh moving I said unsure.
Max laughed this place sucks but don't worry I promise after this things can only get better I'm gonna go see if the pay phone outside works he said getting up slowly and heading out the door.
I went to the lobby to get snacks when I noticed a tall man standing behind me. I got a snack then walked outside heading to my room then the man started following me! I started running only to find him chasing me. My heart pounded as I ran to the room closest to me number 316. I opened the door running in and shutting the door behind me. I locked the door and the man kept pounding on the door and swearing.
Open the f-ing door let me in girl he yelled. The room was empty so I looked around for a sharp object. The best thing I found was a light bulb so I broke the light bulb and grabbed the sharpest piece I could find then the man bust the door open, I ran into the bathroom locking the door behind me. I sat on the floor of the bathroom and started crying.
I'm so scared I don't know what to do I knew I never should have left my house gosh that was the stupidest thing I've ever done. I looked up and noticed a tiny window above the toilet. I opened the window but it was to small to fit. I screamed and yelled out the window hoping that max would hear me....but no one answered back.
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