Kade it's different here, it's like a dream come true I mean big dinners, nice clothes, big beds, max. I like it here and their my new family now I said looking into kades dark brown eyes. So what you don't need me or mom or dad or all your old friends anymore, your just going to leave us behind like a old toy. Did you grow up and decide you didn't need us anymore! He yelled with tears running down his face. It's not like that, you don't understand, I'm helping them and their great people I wish you could just see ! I yelled at kade ya cause being rich, stripping and sleeping with guys is better than family right ! He yelled running to the front door kade wait! I yelled running out the door, everything happened so fast kade ran out the door then I seen bad guys shoot, bullets flew and people yelled, kade tripped on the step falling, I reached out trying to grab his jacket but missed. I screamed looking at kade then a bullet came full speed hitting him, ripping through his clothes and flesh I cried when he hit the ground feet first then his head hitting the cement last. He lied at the bottom of the steps on the cement with blood coming from his side and leg, I ran over bawling and crying sitting on my knees, I held kade in my arms with my face buried in his chest.
The bad guys ran off when max and Giovanni walked out the door. Kade's eyes were shut and his jacket was bloody, he layed limp and lifeless, I lifted my head and looked around slowly then I turned to max and Giovanni who stood behind me on the steps in shock well are we going to get him to the hospital or what ! I yelled crying, they ran down the steps helping me pick kade up and put him in the only car, Giovanni hopped in the driver's seat and max in passenger, I hopped in back sitting by kade. We drove to a hospital and ran kade inside, the doctors grabbed him putting his little body on a wheely bed and rushed him down the hall, I ran down the hall trying to keep up til a officer stopped me and told me to go in the waiting room. I screamed and cried trying to push past but it was no use. Max grabbed my arm softly and walked me over to a couch sitting me down. I fell asleep on the couch minutes later waking up, I seen max talking on a payphone in the corner.
He came back over to me with a bottle of water and a bag of chips, he sat down next to me max? Are you still mad about what I did I asked calmly brin now is not the time to talk about that he said quietly. I sat in the waiting room watching Giovanni pace left and right past a window from across the room. Suddenly the doors burst open and my parents ran in, I gasped in shock my parents!?!? How'd they know about this! Giovanni walked up to them trying to keep them calm, my mom was yelled and trying to get passed Giovanni, dad yelled at Giovanni furiously.
Settle down guys, come over here and sit down I'll go get you some water Giovanni said calming my mom and dad walking them my way, I got up trying to sneak off BRIN! Where in the hell have you been and who are these hott Italian guys my mom yelled making me stop and turn to her mom I made a big mistake well a few I fought, I was a slut, I was wrong and selfish and none of you deserved this I wish I was the one who got shot instead of kade, running away I learned a lot I cried hugging my parents. I ran down the hall til I found kade lying on a bed in a room, I stopped and looked through the window, I turned to see a doctor standing next to me hi you must be kades sister I'm doctor hoffman the doctor said shaking my hand i don't know how to tell you this but you see your brother lost to much blood and suffered traumatic bullet wounds making it impossible to work with....it's to late he didn't make it....I'm very sorry for your loss the doctor said sadly. I fell to the floor, I started hitting the floor with my fists crying and bawling, he was to young he was only 10 why did this have to happen why did it have to be him why why why !
This pain is just to real, memories flashed through my head, his smile and laugh, his little pranks he always did to me, the funny faces we pulled in pictures, he held all my secrets and kept them, why did I ever fight with him, I wish it could've ended differently with maybe a laugh or a smile, a hug or a kiss a prank or a joke, why did it have to end with a argument and a tear, a bullet flying through the air and into his chest with a sudden fall and a end of death. I walked down the hall and seen my parents crying and bawling angry and sad at the same time.
We all left together with out a word or sound. When we went to the funeral it was quiet and sad a violin played softly, I stood with my head down, everyone started walking back to their cars when the burying was over, I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned and noticed kade standing their smiling, off in the distance stood Rosa smiling bright, standing next to other Italian guys, one was max's dad. Kade smiled then turned his back walking to Rosa and the other angels, she grabbed his hand then they slowly faded away. I turned around seeing max standing right in front of me yes brin I forgive you he smiled walking me to the car, I was stopped by my parents well aren't you coming home ? They asked no mom, dad max needs me, they need me I said walking away.
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