Max looked at me I'm coming he said walking out of the building behind me, we did it we killed are enemies their gone and were all going to be ok. We drove all the car's back to the mansion then walked in, Zach walked up and hugged me Zach where have you been I asked I left and stayed at the club and cleaned it up, I'm like the handy man of the club Zach snickered. Bartolo, Giovanni and scout passed out on the couch, Franco drank some shots to celebrate. I seen max walking up the stairs slowly with his head down so I followed behind, he walked into his room and climbed out his window, I followed him out his window, he sat on the roof watching the sun set, I got up on the roof and sat next to him my family is really messed up max said looking off into the distance all I want is to open my eyes and feel the sun max said peaceful and quietly max I don't care about your past this is your family now we are your family and that's all that matters, maybe we aren't all Italian or maybe we don't look alike but we were born to be real not to be perfect I said looking at max, tears slid down max's face I'm sorry I got you into this and got your brother killed I never wanted you to get hurt max cried max it wasn't your fault, I chose this life, I chose to run away with you, you guys are my family now and if I would've just stayed home none of this great stuff would've happened I said with tears starting to build max I never told you this but you know when we were at kade's funeral, I seen kade and he was smiling at me and farther away I seen Rosa standing their with her hand open waiting for kade I said softly crying, max looked at me with tears rolling down his face, he wiped my tears and smiled I'm glad you told me that brin max smiled.
Sometimes I like to come out here and watch the sunset it's beautiful, the 2nd prettiest thing I've ever seen max said looking at the pink and yellow, purple sunset. What's the first I asked curious, you max said kissing my cheek, I blushed and smiled thanks your sweet I said smiling and looking at the view. Brin what about your family they probably miss you shouldn't you go live with them max asked max this is my family, their fine without me, they know that if I'm with you I'm safe I said with a light smile, max put his arm around me, we sat and stared at the sunset for hours til Giovanni stuck his head out the window holding a tray food and wine? He asked with a smile uh no we're good Giovanni max said, Giovanni crawled out the window and came onto the roof come on we're celebrating Giovanni said walking over with the tray unsteady, the food and glasses fell off the tray sliding down the roof and hitting the ground Giovanni you should get off the roof and go inside I think you might have had too many drinks max said looking at some pieces of broken glass that lied on the edge of the roof here Giovanni said throwing the bottle of wine at us, max lunged forward catching the bottle before it fell thanks Giovanni max yelled as Giovanni went back inside no- no problem brotha Giovanni said drunk and tipsy, we laughed listening to Giovanni sing random stuff as he walked inside. Sorry Giovanni's a bit weird if you haven't noticed max laughed oh I noticed right off the bat he always seemed a bit off, did he used to have a crush on me I asked eh he's like that with every girl he's really a flirty max said with the edge of his mouth on the inhaler.
Hey can I see that I asked pointing to the inhaler this max said dangling the inhaler in his finger, I snatched the inhaler from his hands and inspected its blue color max do you think this brought us together ? Max laughed the inhaler hahaha. Ya the inhaler I laughed maybe max said, where did you get it anyways walmart I laughed nah I got it the first day of school when I first moved into your town max said smiling I know this is weird but your inhaler brings memories back, like the time I met you and you lost your inhaler or the time we fought over it I laughed and smiled ya or the time on the date when we drove off and went swimming max laughed ya that was a lot of fun, what about that one night when we made out but you needed your inhaler so I got it for you I said still looking at the inhaler ya that was a good time except for my asthma attack, sometimes I wish I didn't have asthma but I think if I never had asthma me and you wouldn't have ever met max smiled looking at the inhaler I held in my hand.
Max scooted closer to me with his arm around me max what was your life like before you got asthma ?
The End hope you guys liked the book thx for the votes please check out the page about the characters and comment your favorite character and check out all about me! Thx guys means a lot! :P
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