Another Party
I picked up the phone hello I heard Jessica say softly, max talked to Franco why I stood In the hall speechless hey Jessica how are you I asked Jessica on the phone I'm good, I heard about what happened brin and I feel so bad I haven't been their for you I feel like such a douche I'm sorry brin and I would like to be friends again and if you want I'll even leave will Jessica said worried and fast, Jessica I don't want will I have max now and he's 1000 times better than that dumb ass I snickered sure, anyways do you want to meet up or what Jessica laughed sure but we can't right now cause I'm busy right now, hey maybe you can come to max's birthday party I said excited alright cool I'll see you later Jessica screamed with excitement then I hung up and shoved my phone back in my pocket, max walked out handing me a stack of money, I stared at my hand holding the money holy shit! I yelled, max laughed end of the month brin gotta love the job max said counting his money with his fingers brushing through the stack, he shoved the money in his hoodie pocket then walked, I followed behind and outside til he stopped me woe woe do you think your going to just come with me he asked strangely, ya your sorta my only way home I laughed who said we're going home, we aren't going home max smiled then where are we going Einstein ? I teased follow me max said running down the sidewalk, I followed behind laughing.
We showed up at a cement patio with blasts of water shooting up from it, max grabbed my hand pulling me into the water making the water get my shorts and t-shirt wet, I laughed as max splashed me with the water come on follow me ! Max yelled running off the water patio, I followed him and we stopped at a arcade place and went inside, their was 2 dance pads with arrows on them and screen to the side, max hopped on a dance pad I challenge you to a bit of hip hop dance max smirked alright alright but I have to warn you I'm a really good dancer I smiled looking for a song on the screen this one .
The song work from home, we both stood on a dance pad and started to dance, max spun around then grabbed the bar flipping over it then moving his feet criss crossing and moving around, I tried my best to do better but he kicked my ass at this dance with his tricks, flips and moves he stole the stage. People walked over cheering and watching us dance, at the end of the song are scores showed up on the screen, max won but I was close. So who what was it you were warning me about max giggled what ever so what you kicked my ass at dancing, bet you can't win me at singing I said crossing my arms and giving a snobby look tomorrow at the club upstairs your on he said shoving me then laughing.
Hey do me a favor and stay here and play the arcade ill be right back max said throwing some money at me then taking off, what the heck is he just gonna leave me here like a little kid well I'm gonna go shopping then. I walked out of the arcade and crossed the street til I ran into a nice store and seen a big box of chocolates and a nice man colone with a giant brown teddy bear holding it, I grabbed it paying up front, it will make a good birthday present I thought.
Soon max showed up come on now let's go home max said walking past the patio of water I had the teddy bear wrapped and held behind my back what did you get brin !?! Max asked excited I'll show you later birthday boy I said running, then max followed, we got in the car and drove home, I was exhausted, I walked in and people yelled happy birthday to max, it was a big party, I ran into Jessica who was happy to see me, she brought will along. We all hangout like friends again and I explained everything to jessica. After the party I walked upstairs and max followed. When I opened the door I smiled a big smile, on the bed layed red rose petals, around the bed was nice little lit candles and on the dresser was a little teddy bear holding a bucket with a bottle of wine in it and two glasses on the side, awe you did this your so sweet! I said hugging max then handing him the present open it I said smiling, he ripped the paper and got a huge smile on his face mmm chocolate and cologne thanks brin I love you he said hugging me tight I love you too I said sitting on the bed it's getting late I said smiling, max shut of the light then walked over to me, I took his shirt off slowly pulling it over his head, then he did the same to me then I grabbed his pants undoing them then sliding them down. Max grabbed my shorts undoing the buttons then pulling them off, he crawled on top of me sliding his hand into mine then looking me in the eyes, his eyes gleamed and shined from the candle light lit around the room, his lips lowered onto mine slowly and soft, we kissed then he slowly let up with a nice little smile then he took his mouth near my ear and whispered I love you and I always will. His words sent chills and shivers down my back. This night was different then the others, it wasn't a rush, it was love nice and peaceful, with candles and roses and words of was was sweet. After making out max lied next to me and cuddled in the bed falling fast asleep, I fell asleep a hour later.
I woke up at 4 am and noticed max woke up lying next to me, he kissed me softly on the head then got up and out of the bed, he got dressed and put on a leather jacket sorry brin but I have to go meet Danny and the others somewhere it's important he said running downstairs and out the door, I followed behind and out the door pulling on max's sleeve I'll be back later ok I promise max said slowly kissing me in the night then running to the car and driving off.
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