Chapter 6.
Carefully avoiding the bullies; I made my way to the cafeteria
But I couldn't shake off this feeling that someone was watching me.
I turned to see who it was but saw no one; so I turned back around.
Big mistake.
"Hey there Sun" Derek.
Great, bully number one.
Can't wait to get my bo-staff!
He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and stuffed me in my locker.
I'm claustrophobic!
I prefer the trash can at this point!" I yelled, banging on the door for him to let me out.
I heard him laugh as he locked it.
"Hey Derek! Pick on someone you're age!" I heard someone say.
What? Someone was actually standing up for me?
I would have fangirled, but I couldn't even breathe at the moment.
My head started spinning, I felt the walls closing in on me.
Then my locker opened and I toppled out, only to be caught by strong arms.
"You ok?"
My knight in shining armor looked confused.
"I-I mean, yes. Ne means yes in Korean"
He helped me stand up and I finally got a good look at him.
Black hair and dark brown eyes. Why does he look so familiar? Oh yeah; that kid Dick Grayson from the senior year I bumped into before.
"Dick Grayson." He extended his hand.
But what was he doing on the junior side of the school?
,"Uhm... And you are...?" He asked
"Oh!" I snapped away from my thoughts "S-sun...-Hi... Sun-Hi Hwang" I shook his hand.
He smiled at me and then left as the bell rang; leaving me with some of the girls in my year glaring at me.
What did I do?
Boring, boring, boring....
Oh! A text from Ian.
Ian: Fabio will pick you up in front of the park neer you're school at 6:00pm tomorrow evening.
Sun-Hi: ok, thanks boss! :)
Bo-staff, here I come!!!
Where do I sit?
I'm basically always absent and bullied, so I don't have any friends.
The bullies are all over there, so... I go over here!
And I sat near the exit in a corner.
I was just about to dig in till I heard screams coming from outside and then the wall next to me crashed in and I ended up crushed under the ruins.
I felt something rip and then a burst of pain as I felt something warm and wet trickle down my leg.
I tried my best to move but the ruins of the wall were to heavy and I was blocked under them, unable to move.
"Hello, students!" I heard a voice boom as the weight on me grew with each step this person took.
I managed to spot a purple jacket and green hair from the corner of my eye.
"Ah, brings me back to when I was in school... I hated it!"
Dick's POV.
"Ah, brings me back to when I was in school... I hated it!" Joker.
I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth.
"I used to have this dear friend... Stacey Rogers, or Acey Etienne Le Beau... I asked her to join me... But she refused... Hahaha, well she got what she deserved."
He then carelessly lifted his gun and shot in random directions as he made his way through the cafeteria, laughing hysterically at the panicking and screaming students running in all directions.
I quickly rushed out.
I had to do something.
I could either call Bat Man or take all the glory and save the day by myself.
Sun-Hi' s POV.
I managed to grab a pipe and lift one of the rocks off of me and then use my hands to take off the rest.
It hurt to stand and I kept losing blood, so I crawled to the kitchen.
I needed a weapon.
The kitchen was reigned with complete havoc and broken kitchen material.
I searched desperately for a knife; but they were all gone.
I winced as another pang of pain ran up my leg.
I panted heavily.
I could do this.
I could make it out alive.
I grabbed a frier pan and crawled back out, trying to avoid the shards of glass.
I could hear the Joker laughing and someone yelling followed by loud whacks.
I peeped behind the corner and saw Robin using his bo-staff against the Joker.
He looked like he was winning.
But then something changed and the bo-staff was sent rolling down the empty school corridors.
Robin was pinned to the wall and the Joker pressed a knife to his mouth.
"You wanna know how I got these scars?" He asked, slightly tracing the knife on Robin's cheek, but still not cutting it.
I gathered up all of my strength and snuck up behind him.
"And now... I ask you the same thing. Why. So. Serious?" Just as he planned on ruining Robin's perfect face, I banged his head hard with my pan.
Joker dropped the knife and Robin, leaving him to cough and gasp for air on the floor, spitting out blood.
Joker turned to me.
"Ha! Finally someone who knows how to have some FUN!" And he started laughing as he reached for another gun.
I hit him with the pan again and used my good leg to kick him where the sun don't shine.
He only laughed hysterically while shouting"Again!" I quickly grabbed the gun with my other hand and tossed it to Robin who had just managed to stand up.
The Joker just lay there on the floor laughing as we were surrounded by officers along with the commissioner Gordon that took him away.
"Aren't you that same kid from the store?" an officer asked me.
"Uhm... Yeah, that's me."
"What's you're name kid?" Commissioner Gordon asked as he ended a call.
"S..." I trailed off as I grimaced from the pain in my leg.
I felt a hand on my shoulder "Sun-Hi, her names Sun-Hi" Robin.
"stalker much" I muttered underneath my breath.
Gordon looked between us suspiciously before handing me something "Here's my card. Next time something goes wrong call me instead of getting yourself hurt." He said indicating my blood drenched leg.
I took the card, unamused.
I save Robin's life and all I get is-
"Robin" a deep voice scolded.
I felt Robin tense up behind me.
I slowly turned around, Bat Man.
Inner fangirl: level 100%
"We need to talk" Bat Man said to Robin.
"Fine" Robin said and stormed out, followed by a very angry Bat Man.
"Let's get you some help kid"
And they took me away.
But before we left the school, I spotted all of the knives from the cafeteria embedded into the walls, furniture, floor and some the officers removed from within the Joker's suit.
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