[Dragon Ship]
In a room on the ship, Liver was sitting together with Nyau, who was playing a strange flute calmly.
Liver: As always, a refined sound. It matches this ship... - The eldest praises, with his arms crossed and eyes closed.
The flute Nyau played was the Scream, a flute-shaped Imperial Arm that can freely control the emotions of those who listen to it.
Liver: The ship passed the urban areas and you can't see us from the coast anymore... - He observes, looking out the window - It must be time.
Nyau: Since they've been listening to the music for a while, everyone on the ship must be out of their minds for a while, even if I stop playing now.
Liver: There might be some troublemakers on the ship who couldn't appreciate your flute... Don't stop now.
The little guy blinks.
Nyau: Right. I'll play a little more, just in case.
[Outside the ship]
While several passengers passed out to the melody of Scream, Tatsumi was on the edge of the ship, staggering while sweating, feeling his strength drain away.
Tatsumi: Damn, what's going on here?! This sound is killing me. I can barely call aniki, and I can hear even with my ears covered. That flute that's playing must be an Imperial Arm!
???: Oops! Looks like there's still someone resisting! - Tatsumi hears a male voice speak.
Looking back, he sees someone step out of the shadows with a sadistic grin. It was Daidara.
Daidara: If you were sleeping, I'd leave you alone.
Tatsumi: Ghñ... You must be one of Night Raid's impostors!
Daidara: Hahahaha! So are you one of the real ones? How wonderful! Take it!! - He throws something at the brunette.
The Night Raid assassin takes the object. It was a sheathed sword.
Tatsumi: What do you want?
Daidara: I want to gain more fighting experience! - The man says bluntly before unsheathing an ax that was on his back - To get stronger! Come get it!!
Daidara enters a combat pose as Tatsumi narrows his eyes before unsheathing the weapon handed to him.
Tatsumi: So you want more experience?
I'll give you experience... - He leaps in the air - ...When I bury you!!!
Daidara: That's right!!! - He exclaims, firming ax in hand - That's the fighting spirit I'm looking for!!! You are definitely worth killing!!!
The villain raises his blade to deliver a powerful aerial slash. Tatsumi swallows hard and backs away, avoiding being split in half by the white-eyed blonde's axe.
Daidara: Even with the music effects, you dodged pretty well, didn't you? - He grins wildly as he splits his ax into two separate blades - How about some of that?!!
He hurls the blades at the Night Fury's friend, who dodges without wasting time. However, Tatsumi is shocked when the axes act like boomerangs and come back at him.
Tatsumi: Sh*t! - Jumping back, Tatsumi barely manages to dodge the spinning blades; one of them cut his shirt and made a big hole in it.
As Tatsumi continued to dodge the flying blades, he remembered what he had read about Belvark in the Imperial Arms book.
Tatsumi: This thing will keep coming after me until it kills me or it stops! Gotta do something fast!
Tatsumi dodges the ax one more time, and then he remembers something. Reaching into his jacket pocket, Tatsumi pulls out some flowers. They were kind of small, with five dark blue petals each and yellow stems.
(Author: If you know this flower, remember where they are and you will realize that Daidara is very chipped!)
Daidara raises an eyebrow as he watches Tatsumi start running to the edge of the ship, while still dodging the flying axes. However, what Daidara doesn't realize is that Tatsumi was carefully letting the small flowers fall into the ocean, using his body to cover the Belvark wielder's view. The young swordsman was also carefully watching the axes' flight patterns and calculating how long it took them to turn around and correct course. Once the brunette had disposed of all the flowers and had a decent understanding of the axe's flight capabilities, he put his plan into action.
Tatsumi: I guess you're leaving me no choice! - Exclaims the teenager as he starts running towards Daidara, with the axes flying behind him - I'm going to direct these things straight at you! You dug your own grave!!
Daidara: He fell into my trap... - The bearded man thinks, with an evil smile - It was fun, boy, but it's time to end this little game!
Bulat, who was close by, was about to step forward and prevent Tatsumi from falling into Daidara's trap. But both Bulat and Daidara are surprised to see Tatsumi stop much further than they expected. Crouching down suddenly, the blades of the ax fly over the brown-haired boy's head and advance towards its user. The big man expected his blades to immediately correct themselves and fly back to Tatsumi, but his eyes widen when the axes don't change direction.
Daidara: Sh*t! He must have figured out how long it takes Belvark to fix its flight path!
Daidara grabs the blades in mid-flight.
Daidara: I must say that you are very smart to find out how long it takes Belvark to change direction. But never mind... - Daidara smiles as he sees Tatsumi pant in exhaustion - All that running and dodging must have worn you out. So it will be easy to kill you now.
Tatsumi: Figuring out your Imperial Arm's flight patterns wasn't the only thing I was doing! - Tatsumi reveals, smirking.
Daidara is confused, but soon something shocks him. Tatsumi, Bulat and Daidara hear a dragon roar that was very close to the ship.
Reaching into his coat pocket, the country boy picks up one last flower he's been hiding and lifts it into the air, causing pollen to fall onto the ship's wooden floor.
In a few seconds, everyone present hears something large come out of the ocean and appear above the edge of the ship. It was a dragon, but not just any dragon.
This dragon is gigantic, growing to a size almost equal to that of many giant cetaceans. It is a huge sea dragon that walks on four stocky, powerful legs. It has intense obesity to heat the water it sucks. Its tail is like that of a fish, helping it to swim. When filled with water, the reptile's stomach bulges out and becomes very round. Its neck is very long and thin, and its head is quite slender, with its lower jaw having a sort of pouch that hangs from its chin.
Its eyes are located near the front of its face, and it has a thin, curved nasal horn. It has pin-like teeth that are ideal for catching fish, very sharp and also poisonous. Two or more whisker-like cords are connected to the animal's upper jaw.
Daidara: A Scauldron?!!
The dragon roars at Daidara, as he was equipped with axes and the sea creature saw that as a threat. It inflates the sac in its jaw and shoots boiling water from its mouth.
The villain dodges well at this time. He readies Belvark to hurl the axes at the water dragon's neck. However, he freezes and spits blood when a sword pierces his head from the left side.
Tatsumi had taken advantage of Daidara's distraction with the Scauldron to hurl the sword handed to him at the villain's head, piercing his brain.
Daidara's legs begin to shake, threatening to drop him. The Scauldron takes a breath and spits a new blast of boiling water at the villain, knocking him down and causing his body to be enveloped in smoke. If the slash to the brain hadn't killed the bearded man, the wave of boiling water had certainly cooked him alive.
You must be wanting explanations, right? Well, I'll explain:
Those flowers are Blue Oleanders, which appear a bit at the base of Night Raid's hideout. When Tatsumi reread the Book of Dragons during the period when he was doing flight tests with Indra, he discovered that the Blue Oleander is like poison for dragons, as its pollen and the ingestion of the flower make them very sick. However, the Scauldron - Tidal class dragon - loves to eat these flowers for some reason.
After learning that the mission would be on a cruise, Tatsumi decided to carry an ace up his sleeve in case the enemy appeared: He collected several Blue Oleanders, hid them in his disguise and planned to throw them into the sea when the enemy appeared to attract the Scauldron and force the enemy fighting the dragon and him at the same time. And as you can see, his crazy plan worked!
With his body trembling, Tatsumi starts walking towards the Scauldron. The Tidal class dragon snarls at him, prepared to counter any violent gesture. However, the brunet just bows to the dragon, as a sign of respect. The gesture leaves the reptile confused.
Tatsumi: I won't hurt you. - He says loud enough for the dragon to hear.
Bulat, who was still watching hidden, widened his eyes when he saw Tatsumi get up and walk to the Scauldron, which landed on the ship, facing the boy. The boy lifts the Blue Oleander he was holding, allowing the dragon to eat from his hand.
Bulat: Tatsumi, stop!!! What are you doing?!!
Tatsumi: No, aniki! You have to see it!
When the Scauldron finishes munching on the flower, Tatsumi slowly extends his hand to the animal's snout, the same way he did with Indra.
Tatsumi: Everything we know about them... is wrong. - He turns his face to show the reptile it can trust him.
The gesture seems to be working, as the swimming dragon no longer showed a hostile behavior and was calm, approaching Tatsumi's hand to touch his snout. The Incursio user is surprised to see that his friend was actually calming a dragon.
Finally, the boy manages to touch the creature's snout, creating a bond with the Scauldron. Bulat widens his eyes.
Bulat: A-Awesome...
???: Impressive... - Says a serious voice.
When the two assassins turn around, they see a tall man with silver hair and the suspicious boy Tatsumi had seen earlier standing in front of the brunette.
Liver: I must say, I'm quite impressed that you were able to not only kill Daidara, but also control a Scauldron so that it would side with you. But now we must avenge our fallen comrade.
Tatsumi: So there were more of you. - He looks at the younger boy - I knew you were trouble the second I saw you!
Nyau: Wow! I love the face you're making! - The short guy celebrates, while pulling out a dagger - I think I'll add your face to my collection!
The Night Raid boy grits his teeth at Nyau's threat. The Scauldron on your side snarls at the Scream's wielder, recognizing it as a threat.
Liver: Don't waste our time, Nyau. Let's kill him quickly so we can hit our target. - The silver haired man scolds as a blade comes out of his sleeve.
Nyau: You're no fun, Liver! - Nyau pouts, as he puffs out his cheeks - Alright, let's get this nuisance over and kill our target. But you owe me one!
Tatsumi: It's no use, I'm too tired! I can't even muster the strength to get on the dragon! - He thinks as Esdeath's two minions walk towards him.
Bulat: I'll take over from here, Tatsumi!!!
Tatsumi sees Bulat start the fight, already with Incursio equipped. Both Liver and Nyau were taken aback by the man's sudden arrival. Taking advantage of the confusion, Bulat attacks both men simultaneously. With a powerful punch to each, the seasoned Night Raid ally sends Nyau flying across the deck into a pile of crates and Liver into a wall.
Bulat: You did well Tatsumi! Glad to see you're okay!
Tatsumi: He sent them both flying in a second! - He looks at Bulat with admiration - I still have a lot to learn, aniki!
Bulat: I still don't know how you got this thing about dealing with dragons, and I'm sure I'll want an explanation later, but I admit... - He smiles from under his armor helmet - ...that's pretty impressive!
A smile spreads across the younger's face as he slowly stands up.
[Insert this soundtrack: The Lovely Assassin - Yuki Hayashi]
Tatsumi: I knew you were strong, but seriously, you're amazing!
Bulat: Of course! - He exclaims in a cheerful tone - When I was a soldier, I was known as 'Bulat: The Assassin Of A Hundred Men', you know?
Liver: One hundred and twenty-eight, to be exact... - Both Tatsumi and Bulat turn to see that Liver was on his feet - You even faced the special forces and managed to do very well. That Imperial Arm... and that incredible strength... it had to be you, Bulat!
Bulat: So you are... general Liver? - He asks, surprised, as he turns to face his former commander.
Tatsumi: Liver? Is that the guy from aniki's story?!
Liver: I'm not a general anymore. - The former general claims, holding the cross around his neck - Since Esdeath-sama saved me... I'm his loyal servant.
[Pause soundtrack at 0:32]
Bulat looked crestfallen, but he soon recovered.
Bulat: *sigh* If you were on our side... we could go drink to celebrate our reunion. But... if you came here as my enemy... then my only option is to kill you! I will fulfill my mission! - Says the rebel, pointing his spear at his former friend.
Liver: Heh, that's my line. - The silver haired man teases, taking off his white gloves, revealing a beast-shaped ring with a blue gem in the center - I will also complete my task... using this Imperial Arm I received from my master.
Liver raises his arm and water explodes from several barrels around him.
Tatsumi: I remember reading about that Imperial Arm... Black Marine; a Arm shaped like a ring. It was created from the organs dangerous aquatic beasts use to manipulate water. Apparently, its user can control any nearby water at once.
[Resume soundtrack from 0:33]
Liver: It's lucky I'm fighting you here, of all places! - Says the man, laughing with pillars of water going to Bulat. However, the member of the revolution easily cuts through the water with his spear.
Bulat: So you use water... Appropriate for someone whose master controls ice! - He says, in an amused tone.
Liver: However, unlike Esdeath-sama, who can create ice out of thin air... - He explains, as his eyes darken slightly - ...I'm totally useless without even any liquid around. The difference between us is inspiring!
Clenching his fists tightly, Liver sends another wave of water attacks at Bulat.
Liver: Water Dam!!!
Bulat: Don't be hasty!!! - He exclaims, spinning his spear like a propeller to deflect the water.
Meanwhile, Nyau was crawling out of the crates that had fallen on top of him.
Nyau: Damn, that hurts... - He thinks, wincing in pain. The boy gets to his feet - Blimey, that guy is almost as strong as Esdeath-sama. But on this massive channel, Liver can definitely beat it...
Nyau reaches down and picks up his Imperial Arm, bringing it to his lips.
Nyau: ...And I will provide support.
Tatsumi: Stand there, you bastard!!!
Nyau sees Tatsumi jump at him with sword in hand. The blonde blocks the attack with his flute.
Tatsumi: You'll have to go through me if you want to touch aniki!!
Nyau: This guy... What a nuisance.
[Continue soundtrack from 1:13]
The brunette backs away from the Scream wielder's blow, happy to see that he can move normally again.
Tatsumi plants his feet on the deck and dashes towards Nyau. Flute and sword once again clash in a flurry of exchanged blows. Tatsumi quickly notices that Nyau was often trying to get behind him and attack him from behind. But Tatsumi uses the skills he learned from training with Akame (And training flying with Indra) to stay one step ahead of his opponent.
Tatsumi/Nyau: Jesus, he's fast! - Both think, while running around each other and exchanging attacks.
The two once again slam their weapons into each other.
Tatsumi: You're fast... But Akame and my best friend are faster than that!!!
Nyau: Hah!! Don't compare me with any killers!!!
Nyau dodges a sword swing from the Night Raid member with back flips.
Nyau: Gñh... That attack from before should have affected this guy... Even so, he still manages to move pretty well...!
Tatsumi: The strength of the Three Beasts... definitely puts guys like Ogre to shame...!
Both Tatsumi and Nyau stop fighting when they hear a loud commotion next to them. Both assassins widen their eyes when they spot Liver standing on a huge snake made of water.
Tatsumi: What the f*ck?!
Nyau: Haha!!! There's plenty of water here, so there's no way Liver can lose! - The villain boasted, while looking at Tatsumi.
However, he backs off when something roars at him.
Looking behind him, Tatsumi sees that the Scauldron from before was behind him and was glaring at the flute player. It even looked like he wanted to... protect Tatsumi?
Tatsumi: Are you... helping me?
The Tidal class dragon looks at Tatsumi, softening his gaze and smiling. He trusted the assassin.
Nyau: Hahaha!! A dragon protecting a human?! How ridiculous! - He scoffs, preparing to strike again.
However, when he advances, Tatsumi goes to the side of the dragon, which sprays a blast of boiling water in Nyau's direction, causing the short one to be forced to dodge.
Tatsumi, with that, climbs onto the animal's back, which proves to be a bit difficult given the size of the Blue Oleander-eating reptile. But in the end, he manages to ride the Scauldron.
Tatsumi: You wanna get nuts? Let's get nuts!
[End of soundtrack]
[Insert: Monster Smash - Michael Giacchino]
Liver: I'll crush you with pure water pressure, Bulat! - The giant water snake flies towards Bulat - Serpent of the Abyss!!!
Bulat: Very easy! - He yells, slashing at the water serpent with his spear.
Liver: I knew you'd slash instead of dodge... - He leaps into the air - ...But, being on deck is one thing... Now that you're in the sky there's no getting away from this!
Several pillars of water erupt from the side of the ship and head towards Bulat. Because of where the water was coming from, Bulat is forced to jump in the air to dodge it.
Liver: Shadowspear!!!
Streams of water immediately flow to Bulat and sharpen into spears. Bulat grunts in pain as the water hits his chest.
Bulat: A little water... - He speaks, through clenched teeth - ...It's not enough to extinguish the flames in my heart!!
Liver: Yeah, it's not enough to defeat you, but I already knew that!
Liver lands back on the ship's deck.
Liver: That's why... - The sapphire on Liver's ring begins to glow brightly - ...That I'll show you my biggest and strongest attack!
Several dragon-like water serpents surround Liver before flying towards the Incursio wielder.
Liver: The Water Dragon's Divine Conquest!!!
Bulat ends up getting hit by the attack, and in the rushing water, it looks like he's been swept away. Slightly lowering his guard, Liver lets out a shaky breath.
[End of soundtrack]
Liver: He died?
???: Isn't it time to speak those words!!!
The Black Marine wielder's eyes widen as he looks up to see Bulat falling towards him; his spear drawn.
Bulat: You usually say it when you defeat your enemy!!!
Liver: He made it out alive?! - Exclaims the former general, while taking a step back in fear.
However, Bulat had to stop his attack as he realizes that Nyau was about to attack him. Bulat was about to hit the blonde, but someone stopped him first.
Tatsumi: I said stay out of their fight!!! - He shouts, riding the Scauldron, which flies towards the pied piper.
The long-necked dragon smacks Nyau with its tail. The villain groans in pain as he is sent skidding backwards by Tatsumi and the sea flyer's attack.
Tatsumi: I'm your opponent, you trash! - Tatsumi was panting; blood and sweat covering his body. The dragon also had cuts across its body, though they were superficial and not nearly as serious as the wounds on its "rider".
Nyau: Heh, I just needed to take away his opportunity to kill Liver. - Mocks, spitting blood.
Tatsumi: Sorry, aniki... - He tells his friend, lowering his head in shame as the Scauldron lands - I couldn't help you.
Bulat: Don't worry about it. - Says the man with a smile.
Incursio disappears from his body. The black haired man was covered in injuries and soaked. His signature hairstyle was undone.
Bulat: You've done an amazing job surviving without an Imperial Arm and earning the respect of a dragon.
Tatsumi: Aniki... He was badly injured under his armor.
Liver: Hmm, it seems that Incursio releases itself after you take a certain amount of damage... It seems to be the end.
Bulat: Stop playing tough, Liver. - The killer says, putting his hands on his hips - There's blood coming out of your ear.
Liver is startled to see a trickle of blood running down his face.
Bulat: Unleashing all those powerful attacks in a row like that... Of course, your body was going to reach the limit. You are in no condition to use your Imperial Arm, either.
Liver: You got me... - He chuckles lightly - I was hoping to try and take it easy, so let me ask you something. Bulat... would you like to join Esdeath-sama's forces? If that's you, you can even become second-in-command.
Bulat: No thanks... - The Hundred Man Assassin replies, without even hesitating - I can see why you did that after everything you've been through. Your current position sounds attractive... But...
Bulat reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small comb. With swift and somewhat absurd ease, the wielder of Incursio combs his hair into his usual heart-shaped topknot.
Bulat: ...I am an ally of the people, right? Esdeath's army supports the Prime Minister... And with that, I want nothing.
Liver: Tch, "an ally of the people". I never thought I'd hear a murderer say those words.
Bulat: I always told you to be a little more humble. - He replies, smiling.
Nyau: I have to prepare for my trump card... - He thinks, picking up his flute - With that, we'll win!
Tatsumi: Aniki... - He sighs, with a smile on his face - There's no losing with you on our side!
Bulat and Liver face each other fiercely, each on one side.
Bulat: If none of us can use our Imperial Arms... we'll finish this off with our swords.
Liver, surprising his former friend, takes a syringe with a strange substance and injects it into his arm, grunting in pain.
Liver: Hope you don't mind if I do a little high.
The silver haired man clenches his right fist, feeling new strength flow through his blood vessels.
Liver: After all, you are my opponent...!
Tatsumi: I'm not enjoying this... - He thinks, looking at Liver and then at Nyau.
Bulat: I am more than prepared to face a formidable enemy...
The man presses a small button on his normal armor. With a loud noise, the back of his armor opens and a sword comes out. There was a small symbol of a black cross in a gem on the hilt of the sword.
Bulat: Let's do it!!! - Exclaims the ally of the revolution, drawing his sword.
Both men clash the blades of their swords and begin unleashing a series of attacks. However, despite the drug's empowerment, Liver begins to be pushed back by Bulat's precise and powerful attacks. Finally, the former ally of the Empire catches the opponent off guard and lands a blow to his stomach. Liver spits blood from the impact. But his shock is replaced by a wicked smile.
Liver: Secret Technique... - Bulat and Tatsumi are shocked as they notice the blood around Liver rising into the air - ...Blood Blades!!!
The blood in the air starts shooting towards Bulat at high speed like bullets.
Bulat: So he really had an ace up his sleeve!!
The assassin quickly swings his sword, deflecting the bloody bullets. However, everyone has limits, and the assassin of a hundred men can't help but get cut by some of the blood blades.
He drops to his knees.
Tatsumi: Aniki!! Are you well?!!
Bulat: The wounds are not fatal; don't worry.
Liver: That attack consumed the last of my strength. - He collapses to the floor - I'm not surprised you managed to resist against my best technique.
Bulat: When I saw the blood spray... I remembered that it was also a liquid. - He explains as Tatsumi helps him to his feet.
Tatsumi: I wasn't much help during this fight, but... - He descends from the Scauldron, walking towards Bulat - We're both going home alive after fighting such formidable enemies.
Liver: The reason why I'm part of Esdeath-sama's army... - Explains the Black Marine wielder, looking at the sky above.
The former general recounts how Esdeath sought him out in his cell and offered him a chance to join her.
Liver: I... idolized her... just for that reason! - Holding the cross around his neck, Liver sits up and points at Bulat - So...
Tatsumi didn't like the demented smile on Liver's face at all.
Liver: By the sheer will of one who serves Esdeath-sama... I will give her your life!!!
Tatsumi gasps in shock as Bulat suddenly vomits blood.
Tatsumi: Aniki!!!
Liver: That injection earlier... It wasn't some random drug. In fact, it was a deadly poison that I pumped directly into my blood... and through it into yours! You haven't developed any tolerance, so you'll die in no time! - Giving one last laugh, Liver faints once more - Now... I can rest in peace...
Bulat: Heh, like, expected from my old boss... - He coughs up more blood - Looks like it's a draw.
Tatsumi: We need to get you to a doctor!!! - He yells, starting to walk towards the edge of the ship.
Bulat: T-Tatsumi...
He points forward.
Bulat: ...Your fight is not over yet...
Tatsumi: Huh?
It is then that Tatsumi hears the sound of music filling the air. He looks forward to see Nyau advancing towards them; already playing Scream.
Nyau: Secret Skill: Call of the Fierce God. - The blonde murmurs, as his body begins to morph and change.
Eventually, Nyau grew into a man as big and strong as Bulat.
Nyau: By Esdeath-sama...I will do my duty no matter what!
Tatsumi: Not good!
The brunette puts Bulat down gently on the deck and draws his sword.
Tatsumi: I could barely keep up with you before! What am I going to do now?!
Bulat: Tatsumi... - Bulat's voice makes the youngest turn around.
The young assassin's eyes show astonishment when he realizes that Bulat was holding his sword.
Bulat: I am entrusting this to you.
The teen gasps in shock.
Tatsumi: That's...
Bulat: It's the key to Incursio. - He concludes, smiling - The armor will protect whoever owns it.
Nyau: Haha! This is impossible! Completely impossible! - The villain laughs, with a victorious smile on his face - The Incursio is so exhausting that if some country bumpkin puts it on, he'll die in a second! Did not you know? Forget it! You will die before the battle even starts!
Tatsumi: I've heard enough of your fibs! I've been training my ass off to get stronger so I can get back to those who care about me! Then your little mind games won't work! Not with me!!!
He turns to his friend, his eyes filled with unbeatable determination.
Tatsumi: Aniki... I'll do it. I know I can wield Incursio!
Bulat: That's the spirit!! - He exclaims, handing Incursio to the young boy - You can do it! Now go, Tatsumi!
Tatsumi: If I don't meet aniki's expectations...
He takes the Incursio. Immediately the boy could feel the power of the Imperial Arm coursing through his body.
Tatsumi: ...I won't be a man who can light up the Empire's future!!
Nyau: Really? Are you really going to do this? - An evil smile suddenly spread across the sadist's face - In that case... I'll give you one last blow before you die!
Bulat: Shout out, Tatsumi!!! Deep from your heart!!! - He directs, before Tatsumi is enveloped in a blinding red light.
[Insert this soundtrack: Akame ga Kill! - Incursio (21)]
The entire ship shakes as a huge copy of Bulat's armor appears behind Tatsumi. The Imperial Arm wraps around the young assassin, adapting to his body.
Nyau: What?! What the hell is with that armor?! Don't tell me... the core of that Imperial Arm is alive?!!
Bulat: Incursio is an Imperial Arm that was created from Tyrant, an extremely powerful colossal dragon that had an unparalleled life force. This dragon always roamed the country in search of its prey. Any living thing he hunted was utterly devoured. It was such a powerful creature that some theorize it was an Alpha dragon. It could adapt its body to anywhere, from the coldest environments to the hottest deserts. Even after it has been slain and turned into an Imperial Arm... the dragon's instincts are still "alive"... and continue to evolve to defeat its enemies. Tatsumi... your feelings are making Incursio evolve!
Tatsumi shakes his armor cape, giving his enemy a bloodthirsty glare from beneath his helmet.
Tatsumi: Esdeath's allies used the name of Night Raid to murder innocent people... it's time for you to be punished!!!
Nyau takes a step back. He was a little intimidated, but he wasn't going to run away.
Nyau: All of a sudden, you're full of yourself, don't you think...?
Tatsumi: Yeah. This armor... forcibly increases my strength... - He says, looking at his hands - ...So I know... - He points to the villain... - ...That I will defeat you!
Nyau growls angrily. He advances towards the brunette, pulling his fist back.
Tatsumi steps forward to attack as well, pulling his hand back. However, when he gets close enough, he ducks, avoiding a punch from Nyau and, with the new strength granted by Incursio, he hits a powerful punch that sends the blonde to the deck wall, leaving a crater where he hit.
Nyau's body spits blood as his eyes lose their life. The villain was fully murdered. The Three Beasts were eliminated.
As Tatsumi takes a deep breath to recover, Bulat takes advantage of his last breaths to chuckle.
Bulat: Hahaha... Impressive! If he has that much power now... he will definitely surpass me in no time. Go ahead and overtake me... - He says, seeing Incursio disappear from Tatsumi's body as the man's eyes slowly close - ...I'll always be watching you... Tatsumi...
[End of soundtrack]
Those were the last words of Bulat, the Assassin Of A Hundred Man, before he lost his life, with a smile on his face, knowing that his friend was capable of standing up to the corruption of that rotten Empire.
Tatsumi then immediately turns around and runs to Bulat's side, but it was too late. His friend was obviously dead, but at least he died happy.
Tatsumi: Aniki...
The rain starts to fall as Tatsumi drops to his knees beside Bulat. The Scauldron from before appears next to the boy. Somehow, it also looked sad seeing Tatsumi lose someone who seemed so important to him. That boy had fought until the end to protect his friend. The dragon could see that he was a good guy, so it was sad for it to see him in this state.
Tatsumi: Thanks to you I won... because of you training and believing in me I was able to overcome myself... I'm sorry... that I couldn't save you. But I will become strong... and learn to use Incursio as well as you.
Suddenly, Tatsumi starts shaking violently as tears flow from his eyes.
Tatsumi: So... so... it's okay to cry a little bit now... isn't it, aniki?
Tatsumi lets out a cry of anguish while crying into Bulat's chest. Next to Tatsumi was Incursio's key and the Scauldron, who, seeing that the boy needed to be alone for now, decides to return to the ocean, which was its natural habitat.
[About that; in Tensui village]
After a massive slaughter by the Empire's allies, a girl hummed innocently over a pile of corpses.
She has short, black hair in pigtails and black eyes. She wears a black sailor uniform and wears a red belt that has a red side skirt cape like Akame's, with black tights and long shoes. Her shirt is a little too short as it doesn't cover her navel. She also wears red gauntlets like Akame. She keeps a katana with her at all times.
[Insert this soundtrack: Thus Begins an Indo-Rapture - Michael Giacchino]
???: Phew! - The girl says - Human bodies can be so much fun!
"Hehehe! Kurome, it's almost time for us to dispose of the bodies!" - An Empire soldier speaks to the girl, revealing her name.
Kurome: Ah, that's okay, I was getting tired of them anyway.
"Kurome!" - Another soldier speaks - "A request has arrived for you to return to the Capital!"
Kurome: Huh? Just me? - She asks, eating a candy she took out of a bag that said "Candies of Kurome".
"Yes, that's what it looks like! It looks like you're one of six people selected for a mission or something!"
The black-haired girl looks up at the sky, seeming to reflect.
Kurome: ... The Capital, huh?
She stands, looking up at the sky.
Kurome: Maybe I can see you there... one-san.
[End of soundtrack]
To be continued...
SURPRISE!!! I brought Scauldron into the fight. I like to bring the dragons from the series into this story because they are so interesting. Did you like his role?
Dragons introduced so far: Night Fury, Whispering Death, Smothering Smokebreath, Monstrous Nightmare, Deadly Nadder, Hideous Zippleback, Gronckle, Triple Stryke, Razorwhip, Ghost Reaper, Terrible Terror, Scauldron.
What did you think of the fight and the chapter? If you have any questions, opinions, compliments, criticisms, write them in the comments! 👍
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