AssClass as Incorrect Quotes
I was searching up some Blackpink incorrect quotes, so yeah.
Asano: "Knowledge" is knowing that a tomato is a fruit.
Koyama: "Wisdom" is knowing that it doesn't go in a fruit salad.
Ren: "Philosophy" is wondering if that means ketchup is a smoothie.
Araki: "Common sense" is knowing that ketchup isn't a fucking smoothie.
Kayano: I don't cry. I'm so tough lol
Nagisa: You were literally crying 10 minutes ago about snakes.
Kayano: *tearing up* THEY DON'T HAVE ARMS
Isogai: Maehara, what the heck? Why didn't you pay the power bill?!
Maehara: *walking in strumming a guitar* When your lights don't work like they used to-
Isogai: Oh my God, SHUT UP
Bitch-Sensei: Why is the Octoperv carrying around a potted plant?
Karasuma: He asked too many stupid questions today so I'm making him carry that around to make up for all the wasted oxygen.
Chiba, playing the piano:
Hayami: Hey, do you take requests?
Chiba: Sure.
Hayami: Please stop.
Karma: One time I kicked a rock because I thought it was a bowling ball.
Nagisa: Why would you kick a bowling ball?
Karma: I didn't. I kicked a rock.
Kayano: I'm making dinner tonight, you should come over.
Nakamura: Okay, yes, sure.
Kayano: I'm making spaghetti and meatballs.
Nakamura: Swaghetti and memeballs.
Kayano: You are uninvited.
Nakamura: That's fair.
Koro-Sensei: What state do you live in?
Hazama: Constant anxiety
Okuda: Denial
Karma: Perfection
Terasaka: Tokyo
Koro-Sensei: Tokyo is a city
Okuda: That's a pretty rock.
Karma: Terasaka gave it to me.
Terasaka: I threw it at you.
Karma: He's so sweet.
Sugino: *points at NagiKae* Why are those two lying on the floor?
Karma: They fell.
Sugino: They fell? On what?
Nakamura: For each other.
Yoshida: Itona would jump in front of a car for us.
Muramatsu: Itona would jump in front of a car for fun.
Hazama, walking past them: Who wouldn't?
Karma: Okuda.
Okuda: Yes?
Karma: What if soy milk was just normal milk introducing itself in Spanish?
Okuda: It's 3 am go to SLEEP-
Okuda: Bye Kaede! Bye Karma! Bye Kaede!
Karma: You said bye to her twice.
Okuda: Yeah, I like her more.
Maehara: Can I go ride my skateboard outside?
Okano: Whatever, I'm not your mum.
*5 minutes later*
Kanzaki: Why are you ignoring Karasuma-Sensei?
Bitch-Sensei: I'm playing hard to get.
Okuda: Why are you playing hard to get? You're already hard to want.
Koro-Sensei: My lover needs to be graceful, sophisticated and coordinated.
Aguri: Hey Shinigami- *drops her clipboard and falls over trying to pick it up*
Koro-Sensei: That one. I want that one.
Okano: Go to hell.
Maehara: You mean life before I met you?
Karma: Here. A nice, hot cup of coffee.
Asano: It's cold.
Karma: A nice cup of coffee.
Asano: It tastes terrible.
Karma: A cup of coffee.
Asano: This is literally just water.
Karma: A cup.
Asano: Is this a bowl?
Karma: A.
Hara: Is there a word that's a mix between mad and sad?
Megu: Disgruntled, miserable, desolated...
Fuwa: Smad
Takebayashi: So where are you from?
Sugino: Japan.
Takebayashi: Which part?
Sugino: whole body?
Nagisa: Does this outfit make me look short?
Sugino: No.
Karma: WE make you look short.
Nakamura: What's your biggest fear?
Fuwa: Being forgotten.
Nakamura: Wow...okay that's deep.
Nakamura: My one is microwaves but now I feel stupid.
Kanzaki: *holding a cauliflower up to Karma and Sugino* What's this?
Karma: Cauliflower
Sugino: Cauliflower
Kanzaki: *turns to Kayano* What do you think this is?
Kayano: *quietly* gHoSt BrOcCoLi
Karma: When people ask for your height, do they ask how tall you are or how short you are?
Nagisa: ...Shut up.
Megu: All in all, 100% successful trip!
Kurahashi: We lost Okajima.
Megu: All in all, 100% successful trip!
Okuda: I almost got surprised adopted today!
Itona: You what?
Kayano: She nearly got kidnapped.
Itona: Oh okay.
Itona: Wait what-
Kayano: I know it sucks that she didn't actually get kidnapped but don't make it obvious.
Karma: Found the stick.
Okuda: Good boy, bring it back.
Karma: I couldn't find the one you threw, so I got this bigger one instead.
Okuda: Where'd you get that from???
Karma: It was next to an old guy sitting on a bench-
Okuda: PuT iT bAcK
Nakamura: *holds up a grey hoodie to Karma and Nagisa* What colour is this?
Karma and Nagisa: Grey.
Nakamura: *looks at Okuda and Kayano* Tell them what colour you think it is.
Okuda: Light black...
Kayano: Dark white.
Hazama: *sighs dramatically*
Hazama: *sighs louder*
Hazama: *screams*
Terasaka: Holy shit what do you want??
Hazama: Attention.
Hayami: Consider this, do you think that you're happy?
Okuda: I don't think I'm happy. I fall asleep to my own screams.
Hayami: ...Right.
Karma: I bought a horse.
Nagisa: Why?
Karma: His name is Mayo.
Sugino: Wh-
Karma: Mayo neighs.
Takebayashi: I'm not wearing glasses anymore.
Takebayashi: I've seen enough.
Kayano: In my defence, I was left unsupervised.
Kanzaki: But Okuda was with you?
Okuda: In my defence, I was left unsupervised as well.
Kurahashi: *starts crying*
Fuwa: Megu isn't here. Yada it's your turn.
Yada: *sighs* Fine.
Yada: *starts crying with her*
Nakamura: We have something very important to tell you Nagisa.
Karma: You're in love with Kayano.
Nagisa: What
Nakamura: I'm pretty sure she likes you back too.
Nagisa: WHAT
Karma: Hey Okuda, wanna hear a chemistry joke?
Karma: ...Is that a no?
Okuda: Oh, sorry. Were you expecting a reaction?
Karma: *cries tears of joy*
Isogai: If I were a gardener, I'd put our 'two-lips' together.
Megu: *blushes*
Okano: *points at them*
Okano: Why aren't we like that?
Maehara: If I were a gardener, you'd be my hoe.
Okano: So that's why...
*Class 3-E are playing Ouija Board*
Nagisa: *gasp* It's moving!
Kayano: What's it trying to say?
Koro-Sensei, through the Ouija Board: I-T-S-P-A-S-T-Y-O-U-R-B-E-D-T-I-M-E-G-O-T-O-S-L-E-E-P
Sugaya: How do you politely tell someone you want to hit them with a brick?
Karma: One wishes to acquaint your facial features with a fundamental item used in building walls. Repeatedly.
Mimura: Omg that's beautiful.
Karma: Some people are like slinkies.
Okuda: Explain.
Karma: Not really good for much but make you crack a smile when you push it down the stairs.
Okuda: Please don't push Itona down the stairs.
Karma: You can't stop me.
Okuda: *on all fours in the kitchen at 4 am* Where is the appley juice
Kayano: *smacking her with a broom* THE CREATURE IS BACK
Itona: Karma, I really need you to be quiet.
Karma: I'm not even talking
Itona: You are now.
Karasuma: Did you have dinner?
Bitch-Sensei: Of course I did. I had a salad.
Bitch-Sensei: A fruit salad, actually.
Bitch-Sensei: It was mostly grapes.
Bitch-Sensei: Okay, it was all grapes.
Bitch-Sensei: Fermented grapes.
Bitch-Sensei: Wine. I had wine for dinner.
Karma: If Pinocchio said "My nose will grow right now" what would happen?
Nakamura: The word "nun" is just the letter "n" doing a cartwheel.
Kayano: Surgery is just stabbing someone into life instead of death.
Okuda: If you sweat in a sweater, aren't you the sweater?
Sugino: If you wear cowboy clothes, are you ranch dressing?
Nagisa: I hate all of you.
Yoshida: I don't want Hazama to die.
Yoshida: And you don't want Hazama to die.
Yoshida: Now we just gotta make sure Hazama doesn't want Hazama to die.
Terasaka: Fantastic plan but have you met Hazama?
Koro-Sensei: Describe yourself in one word.
Mr Chairman: Indescribable.
Kimura: *sneezes*
Karma: *in the vents* Bless you.
Kimura: God?
Koro-Sensei: Did you miss me?
Maehara: With every knife so far.
Okajima: I bet I could fit fifteen marshmallows in my mouth.
Megu: You're a hazard to society.
Karma: And a coward. Do twenty.
Asano: Love is dead and never existed. All you did was betray me as I lay sick and festering. You are the definition of dread.
Seo: You okay?
Asano: My cat stole my fucking garlic bread.
Maehara: They call me coffee because I grind so fine.
Okano: Oh God.
Isogai: They call me coffee because I keep you up past two am.
Okano: Oh no not you too.
Hazama: They call me coffee because I'm really bitter and most people don't like me without changing some aspect of what I am.
Okano: Oh.
Terasaka: Are you a morning or night person?
Itona: Buddy.
Itona: I'm barely even a person.
Okajima: How would it feel to have a knife up your butt?
Sugaya: One more word and you'll have an answer to that.
Kurahashi: Stop saying "I wish" and start saying "I will"!
Kimura: I will my parents still loved me.
That's done.
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