3-E GroupChat AGAIN
[Tuesday 6:36 am]
ManaMochi: Buenos días Hijos de puta, es hora de la escuela niños.
Devilman: Beautiful
Brickhead: the fuck does that mean
Gakubaby: It's Spanish and it means 'Good morning motherfuckers, it's time for school kids.'
ManaMochi: Here you are ruining my fun.
Devilman: First Italian and now Spanish? What other languages do you know?
Gakubaby: Korean, French, Dutch, Danish. She even speaks fluent English.
IkeMegu: If you know fluent English then why don't you use it when we're having lessons with Bitch-Sensei?
ManaMochi: I don't want her to kiss me :/
Baseball: Me and you both, Okuda-San.
Gakubaby: What kind of teachers do you have??
LoseThe3rdD: A bitch, a brick and an octopus.
PuddingLover: Lmao I thought Terasaka was the brick
Brickhead: fuck off you flat-chested bitch
PuddingLover: Would you like to die?
Devilman: I love this class.
Not a girl: This class is weird.
Gakubaby: Wait, what do you mean you have an octopus as a teacher?
IkeMegu: Takebayashi you little shit.
ManaMochi: Sister snapped
Memeura: Guys class starts in 4 minutes where the fuck is everyone
PuddingLover: Yah yeet me and Mana-Bitch are speeding up the mountain.
Devilman: hhwnclwcnm Mana-Bitch eye-
Devilman: I'll be late.
Gakubaby: Like always.
Devilman: Bruh htf did you know?
Baseball: I mean it's kinda obvious. Don't @ me I'll stab stab.
PuddingLover: I can't breathe
IkeMegu: Okajima sit the fuck down and stop clapping.
Pornography: Well unlike some people I'm trying to be supportive.
Memeura: We're supporting them in silence.
BlondeBitch: watch and learn, stupid shmuck
Not a girl: Phones down! Koro-Sensei is coming!
[Tuesday 8:10 am]
ManaMochi: I think Yada-San is a lesbiab.
LoseThe3rdD: Lesbian*
Gakubaby: No she meant lesbiab. You just aren't knowledgeable in the language of Mananese.
MeguIsHot: Mananese?
PuddingLover: Manami language.
IkeMegu: Yada-San we need to talk about your username.
MeguIsHot: Shut up.
Devilman: Yes Kataoka-San. Shut up I wanna know more about this Mananese ψ(`∇')ψ
ManaMochi: So far only me, Gakubaby and Kaede know how to speak Mananese. It's totes not red bean bread.
Gakubaby: Translation: It's most definitely not cool
PuddingLover: Tbh, this whole chat is a Cambrian Palace.
Gakubaby: I don't want to translate that.
ManaMochi: Is Hachiman Park a sub-arena?
Gakubaby: ...
Devilman: Translate it p u s s y
BlondeBitch: um, I enjoy that pussy thank you very much.
Gakubaby: We aren't even dating so please stop Nakamura.
MeguIsHot: Asano-Kun, do you speak Mananese as well?
Devilman: Is that even a good question?
MeguIsHot: No- I mean, do you use Mananese in your speech? It seems a bit informal.
Gakubaby: Indeedlydo. It sounds a bit weedly but I enjoy using it when I talk to my thert. It's the one language he doesn't understand and I can swear at him and he wouldn't know.
Brickhead: wtaf is a thert
PuddingLover: It means dad. Weedly means strange. Indeedlydo means indeed I do.
BlondeBitch: The more you know.
Gakubaby: Wait why are you guys on your phones? Isn't it class time?
IkeMegu: We should be asking you that.
Gakubaby: I'm in the Student Council room. We're allowed phones. Now, what about you?
LoseThe3rdD: We have a free period.
Gakubaby: Ah.
Brickhead: I can't believe we wasted our free period texting you
Devilman: You're right for once, Terasaka.
ManaMochi: Is there something you don't understand about the title 'You Shits Better Get Along'?
Gakubaby: Clearly not.
HotPlayboy: lmao Ass-ano just admitted to not understanding something
PlayboyHater: Quit acting as you understand it too.
Ikeman: I mean, we are kind of getting closer to Asano-Kun...I think.
IkeMegu: Isogai is right! Okuda-San, this group chat was a great idea!
ManaMochi: Guys! No one answered my question D:
Devilman: What question?
ManaMochi: Is Hachiman Park a sub-arena??
PuddingLover: @Gakubaby GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE
Gakubaby: The answer is clearly kingalong rain. How dumb can you be?
ManaMochi: Biggest dumb dumb I have.
Devilman: Don't say that about yourself. Terasaka is obviously the one with the biggest dumb dumb ψ(`∇')ψ
[Tuesday 11:07 am]
BlondeBitch: lol I'm bored
BlondeBitch: Asano
BlondeBitch: Asano
Devilman: You think that stuck up hoe is going to answer you in the middle of class?
Gakubaby: Hi, what do you want?
BlondeBitch: lol get rekt you living tampon
Devilman: You fucking carrot you did that on purpose
Gakubaby: Okay. But Nakamura-San what do you want?
BlondeBitch: hey, GakuBob. I love you 030
BlondeBitch: baby* lmao
[Gakubaby has changed their name to GakuBob]
GakuBob: There's no turning back.
GakuBob: The Bob has consumed me. My name is Bob.
Itbrona: Someone explain to me why Nakamura is laughing so hard she's crying.
TheVoid: Oh.
GakuBob: My name is Bob. Address me that way you little shits.
ManaMochi: We've influenced him and not in a good way.
GakuBob: No
Devilman: Feel the power of class E
BlondeBitch: join the dark side. We have cookies
ManaMochi: He likes fortune cookies
Itbrona: I don't think we have those
GakuBob: Then fuck your E class
GayMotorcycle: we're doing Home ECS
GayMotorcycle: we can make them now
GakuBob: Make sure they have the fortunes in them.
Devilman: If we didn't then they aren't even fortune cookies
TheVoid: Yall shut up Koro-Sensei will smack us.
ManaMochi: You know he won't.
[Tuesday 1:34 pm]
ManaMochi: BLEACH
Sniper#1: I want to gouge out my eyes with a melon baller.
PuddingLover: What happened?
ManaMochi: Hayami-San and I have seen things no 14-Year-Old should.
Sniper#1: I don't say things like this often, but what I saw makes me want to throw myself onto a busy highway.
Sniper#1: Okuda-San do you have acid?
Devilman: Wtf happened and why are you texting in class?
PuddingLover: Did something happen on your trip to the teacher's office?
GakuBob: Why would Manami have acid?
GakuBob: O H.
BlondeBitch: okay but wtf did you two see and why is Bob texting in class AGAIN
GakuBob: Goodbye I'm leaving yah yeet.
Sniper#1: How about we add Bitch-Sensei and Karasuma-Sensei to share what happened earlier?
ManaMochi: Yes let's do that.
[ManaMochi has added Irina_Jelavic and Karasuma to the chat 'You Shits Better Get Along']
Karasuma: What is this?
BlondeBitch: A group chat.
Karasuma: I don't have time for any of your nonsense.
Karasuma: I have many important things to do.
ManaMochi: Like suck Bitch-Sensei's face off? Yeah, Karasuma-Sensei you aren't fooling anyone.
Irina_Jelavic: You saw that?
Karasuma: Irina!
Irina_Jelavic: WAIT- NO! SHIT
Sniper#1: Me and Okuda-San went to the teacher's office to drop off some documents from Koro-Sensei.
ManaMochi: Then we were scarred for life.
LoseThe3rdD: @Sniper#1 Okuda-San and I*
Sniper#1: Bitch, fuck you.
Devilman: Lol KaraIri just got revealed.
Irina_Jelavic: Shut up! Also, aren't you brats supposed to be learning science?
BlondeBitch: sHiT
PuddingLover: We have been exposed. Abort mission!
[Tuesday 7:47 pm]
Ritsu: I'm slightly concerned at the lack of communication in this chat...it's been 5 hours, 58 minutes and 37.93 seconds since a message has been last sent...
Lanky Paint Brush: Oh wow.
ManaMochi: Ritsu! Did you change the Chairman's username?
Ritsu: Yes! I don't think he's noticed yet, however.
GakuBob: Good.
[ManaMochi has added Gakuhoe to the chat 'You Shits Better Get Along']
ManaMochi: Everyone online currently please @ Gakuhoe.
Gakuhoe: What is this? What happened to my name?
Devilman: @Gakuhoe
BlondeBitch: @Gakuhoe
3-EMama: @Gakuhoe
Sniper#1: @Gakuhoe
Sniper#2: @Gakuhoe
MeguIsHot: @Gakuhoe
Brickhead: @Gakuhoe
Ikeman: @Gakuhoe
HotPlayboy: @Gakuhoe
Itbrona: @Gakuhoe
Baseball: @Gakuhoe don't @ me
Not a girl: @Gakuhoe
Pornography: @Gakuhoe
Memeura: @Gakuhoe
IkeMegu: @Gakuhoe
PuddingLover: @Gakuhoe
GayMotorcycle: @Gakuhoe
Lanky Paint Brush: @Gakuhoe
Ritsu: @Gakuhoe did I do it right?
Animal Whisperer: @Gakuhoe yes you did you adorable anime girl
LoseThe3rdD: @Gakuhoe what a nice bonding experience
RamenNoob: @Gakuhoe
TheVoid: @Gakuhoe I couldn't agree less
PlayboyHater: @Gakuhoe
愛人: @Gakuhoe is this the first thing I have to say?
Fastasfuckboi: @Gakuhoe you and me both Kanzaki-San
Mnangagwa: @Gakuhoe why didn't I find this chat sooner
ManaMochi: @Gakuhoe also Fuwa-San wtf is your username
GakuBob: I'm going to die but...@Gakuhoe
Gakuhoe: Okuda-Chan, Asano-Kun 😊
GakuBob: Fuck
ManaMochi: sHiT he used an emoji we're all going to hell
Devilman: It's beautiful how everyone logged on just to do this.
Fastasfuckboi: I just realised that Bitch-Sensei and Karasuma are still in this chat.
[Animal Whisperer changed their name to Anima]
[Pornography changed their name to Hentaiisart]
[PlayboyHater changed their name to SmallTsunTsun]
HotPlayboy: wtf?
SmallTsunTsun: Shut up!
Anima: I just felt like changing my name.
Mnangagwa: Nah, Author-nim just wanted to change your names because they were hard to write.
BlondeBitch: nim is a Korean honorific why are you using it? you're Japanese you shmuck
Mnangagwa: Author-nim wanted me to.
Irina_Jelavic: For the last time Fuwa-San we aren't in a book oml.
PuddingLover: Ritsu, do you think you can change the teacher's usernames too?
Ritsu: Sure! What do you wanna change them to?
Irina_Jelavic: Oh no-no-no.
Devilman: Oh yes-yes-yes.
BlondeBitch: Irina_Jelavic --> Bitch-Sensei
Memeura: Lmao change Karasuma-Sensei's username to DenseBrick
Bitch-Sensei: You brats love that nickname SO much that you even have to change my username into it, don't you?
Bitch-Sensei: Nevermind that. I can always change it.
Gakuhoe: I can't change it...
3-EMama: Eye-
DenseBrick: Irina! No swearing!
GakuBob: We have made it out alive.
Devilman: Congrats, want a reward?
GakuBob: The only reward I need is my dad getting kicked out of this chat.
[ManaMochi has kicked Gakuhoe from the chat]
[ManaMochi has added Koro-Sensei to the chat 'You Shits Better Get Along']
BlondeBitch: Ritsu, you know the drill.
Koro-Sensei: Nurufufufufu what's this?
Ritsu: See a boring username then change it? Yes, I know the drill.
GayMotorcycle: this guy just typed out his laugh...
Itbrona: Ritsu I beg of you, change his username into something bad that will ruin his reputation as a teacher.
TentaclePorn: Nuru?
TentaclePorn: Nyu-ah! What happened to my username?!
TentaclePorn: AND WHY CAN'T I CHANGE IT????
TheVoid: I'm laughing.
Brickhead: no youre cackling
RamenNoob: like a witch
GayMotorcycle: its fucking terrifying
TheVoid: May the overlords make you suffer in the afterlife.
Anima: That's-
Hentaiisart: -Scary as fuck
愛人: I'm confused? It's not like Ritsu at all to change someone's username into something like that without us telling her exactly what to change it into.
Ritsu: I'm sorry! Itona-Kun told me to change it into something terrible so I did...Please don't let this change your impressions of me '(*>﹏<*)′
ManaMochi: ✪ ω ✪ do I sense a new ship? Itona x Ritsu?
Not a girl: How is that even supposed to work? Ritsu isn't a human. No offence Ritsu.
Ritsu: None taken!
ManaMochi: I made this meme especially for you, @Not a girl
(A/N I made this myself, applaud me for making JK's face a meme.)
Devilman: The power of shipping will never be stopped.
Not a girl: ...
MeguIsHot: He just went offline lmao-
[愛人 has changed their name to Mistress]
Baseball: What's up with people and changing their username today?
GakuBob: It's Username Tuesday
Ikeman: That doesn't exist.
GakuBob: Stfu I do what I wanna.
Fastasfuckboi: Wish I could say the same thing, but I can't.
ManaMochi: Kinda sucks ngl
HotPlayboy: Guys.
Ikeman: ???
HotPlayboy: Hinata and I have something to confess.
Memeura: He's using capitalization and punctuation. It must be important.
[HotPlayboy changed their name to OnlyHinata's]
OnlyHinata's: 😉
TheVoid: There's too much drama...I'm going to sleep...
ManaMochi: BuT iT's OnLy 8 pM
TheVoid: I need to wake up at 3 am to summon demons. Have a terrible night.
Baseball: Summon demons? Wtaf??
BlondeBitch: Notice how Terasaka logged off exactly after Hazama did.
GakuBob: OwO?
Devilman: We influenced him so badly that he even participates in shipping ψ(`∇')ψ
RamenNoob: that's literally amazing omg
Itbrona: Terasaka told you guys to fuck off.
Sniper#2: Moving away from Terazama, let's talk about NagiKae.
BlondeBitch: FUCK YES
Mistress: Kayano just went offline right after you sent that?
GakuBob: Suspicious.
Mnangagwa: Indeed.
ManaMochi: Awww she's blushing.
Devilman: How cute.
3-EMama: Come on everyone! We can't tease each other over our love interests ;)
IkeMegu: They would be adorable together! Why wouldn't we be invested?
LoseThe3rdD: I think they're secretly dating.
SmallTsunTsun: Don't be ridiculous. Nagisa is almost as dense as Karasuma-Sensei.
Ikeman: Okay but so was Maehara. You two are together, aren't you?
OnlyHinata's: hey! I take offence to that!
Devilman: If they are dating, I'm smacking those small children for not telling me sooner.
BlondeBitch: lmao, small children
[Tuesday 11:30 pm]
Not a girl: Kaede-Chan...
Not a girl: <.<
Not a girl: >.>
Not a girl: I love you.
PuddingLover: I love you too omg ~❤
GakuBob: Cute.
Devilman: Oya?
ManaMochi: OyaOya?
BlondeBitch: OyaOyaOya?
Not a girl: Stop your Oya-ing.
Devilman: I can't believe you guys are dating and didn't even tell me.
Devilman: Friendship no longer exists.
GakuBob: Friendship has never existed. It is simply a word created by man that has no true meaning or filter. Friendship is simply an illusion, a mask that covers the truth.
BlondeBitch: you okay?
ManaMochi: Guess I'll just die then...
Devilman: nO
GakuBob: nO
GakuBob: I hate how we sent that at the exact same time.
Devilman: Same.
Bitch-Sensei: Since you brats are still awake, I'll just remind you of the English essay that's due tomorrow. Hope you did it ;)
PuddingLover: sHiT
ManaMochi: Bitch
GakuBob: Lol, I'm not even in your class.
BlondeBitch: does it have to be in English or what?
Devilman: That's actually such a stupid question.
Bitch-Sensei: Of course it does. Wtf is wrong with your head? ALL of it has to be in English.
BlondeBitch: I can do that. I think.
ManaMochi: Aight, fuck you then.
Not a girl: You're fluent in English why are YOU complaining?
ManaMochi: Do YoU tHiNk I kNoW hOw To wRiTe EsSaYs iN eNgLiSh?
GakuBob: She knows how to speak English fluently but she doesn't know shit when it comes to writing it.
Devilman: I can tutor you ψ(`∇')ψ
GakuBob: uM I tHiNk ThE fUcK nOt
BlondeBitch: ill tutor her
GakuBob: Go ahead.
Devilman: Why not me
Yay. Another 3-E groupchat because my thumb is better. I also drew Karmanami's cHiLdReN. I'm actually bopping out to Go Go by BTS rn so this is epic. NagiKae, KaraIri, GakuRio, Ritona, Terazama, MaeHina, TokaMeg and a bit of Karmanami in here.
I'm crying I'm too invested with Lizkook I can't escape. I actually hate reading smut so much (it's cringe asf) but now I'm reading a Lizkook smut book I wasn't even this invested with Karmanami- reading Karmanami fanfics aren't helping either REEEEEEEEEEEE
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